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Processed and benefits of vegetables chips


According to Andrea Barbu(2023),people's interest in eating a healthy diet has grown over the past
several years,and this enthusiasm has extended to nutritious snacks like chips. In order to identify
distinct groups of consumers with comparable needs formarket segmentation,it is very helpful to
understand the interaction of factors that influence preference judgments for food good.

Forums for Fitness Nutrition

Veggie Chips' Nutrition

Fitday Editor: Food, Nutrition, and Health chips made of vegetables_000018187138_Small.jpg

Vegetable chips are a fantastic snack that are available in a huge assortment of mouthwatering flavours.
They don't, however, provide many health advantages. The majority of veggie chip producers assert that
their goods are created using fresh veggies; however, the primary ingredients of most veggie chips are
potatoes or corn flour, with trace amounts of vegetable puree or powder. Additionally, labels indicate
that there are few other healthful ingredients in veggie chips, along with high levels of calories, salt, and
fat. There are few vegetarian chip options that do offer some advantages, though.

Essential Nutrients in Veggie Chips

28 grammes of vegetables in one Twenty-eight grammes of veggie chips provide 120 calories per
serving, of which 36 come from fat. Nineteen grammes of total carbs are present, or six percent of the
daily recommended amount of carbohydrates. Additionally high in salt are veggie chips, with 250 mg, or
10% of the daily recommended value, in a single serving. They contain 4.0 grammes of total fat, or 6% of
the daily value, and 0.5 grammes of saturated fat, or 3% of the daily value. One gramme of fibre, or 4%
of the daily requirement, and one gramme of protein may be found in veggie chips. A little quantity of
iron is present in most veggie chip products, but no other vitamins or minerals are
present.Approximately 36 calories come from fat in a serving of 28 grammes of veggie chips, which
equals 120 calories. 19 grammes of total carbs make up 6% of the daily amount of carbohydrates that is
advised. With 250 milligrammes of salt per serving, or 10% of the daily recommended amount, veggie
chips are likewise rich in sodium. They contain 4.0 grammes of fat overall, or 6% of the daily
recommended amount, and 0.5 grammes of saturated fat, or 3%. 1 gramme of protein and 4% of the
daily required amount of fibre may be found in veggie chips. With the possible exception of trace
amounts of iron, most veggie chip products are devoid of vitamins and minerals.A and C vitamins

Vitamins A and C are abundant in raw vegetables, but they are lost in the process of creating veggie
chips. Vegetables are transformed from whole to
Iron and Calcium

While most vegetable chips include some iron, very little calcium is present in them. Garden veggie chips
provide 2% of the iron that should be consumed daily.


All vegetable chips include some fibre, but not much. Terra vegetable chips offer three grammes of fibre,
compared to the usual one or two grammes in typical veggie chips.

Selecting Vegetable Chips

Contrary to popular belief, vegetable chips are not more nutrient-dense than potato chips. Vegetable
chips are heavy in sodium and calories.and they have about the same amount of fat as conventional
potato chips. Terra chips are a great option for those looking to get more fibre and nutrients from their
veggie chips. The greatest options for reduced calorie and fat content are baked veggie chips and
Robert's American Gourmet veggie chips. Choose Terra or salt-free veggie chips if you're looking for low-
sodium chips.

The researcher want to conduct this study because researchers want to help the kids especially those
children doesnt like to eat vegetables.. It is the best way for them so they can gain more vitamins and
eat healthy foods just through making this vegetables chips. Additionally, researchers want the point of
the researchers is to tell the benefits of vegetables chips and want to spread this kind of snacks to be
already known to the children even us.


1.Benefits Making vegetables


Figure1. The figure above shows the relationship between independent and dependent varible.

Based on the problem no. 1 and 2 the following hypothesis are persuaded in the study:

1.Ho:There is no significant process of vegetables chips.

Ha.There is a significant process of vegetables chips.

2. Ho: There is no significant benefits can we gain from vegetables chips.

Ha: There is a significant benefits can we gain from vegetables chips.

Statement of the problem

This study will be conducted to assess the processed and benefits of vegetables chips:
Specifically,this study seeks to answers the following questions: to process the vegetables chips?

2.What benefits can we gain from vegetables chips?

Definition of terms

The following terms are operation to have clear understanding of the study

Processed.refers on how to prepare made the foods

Benefits.refers on what nutrition or benefits from the objects can we gained.

Importance of the study

Parents. As a adult people needs more vitamins because they are different from a children.Parents can
also gain a benefits by eating snacks.Because,it can help them to become healthy.

Teacher. Teacher can also get a benefits from this products because they are the first one who teach a
childrens,so they need more vitamins to maintain their healthy body.By just eating healthy snacks can
help them any time.

Children. They are no.1 who needs a vitamins to improve their learning so by eating this kind of snacks
can help them to easily understand the lesson and also can help their healthier.

Community. It is very helpful to our community because,there are people who don't like to eat a
vegetables but making this full of vitamins in other way. It has a possible that they like it because it's not
a vegetable already but it is a chips.
Future Researcher. Researcher have more benefits this by conducting a study, first that's why
researcher knoes about chips that has more vitamins can gained and researchers can easily apply for
their self.

Scope and limitations of study

The study is focused on the Processed and Benefits of Vegetables chips. It was conducted on the Second
Semester of Academic year 2023-2024 at New Nazareth National High School. The study is Quantitative
Experimental type of research.

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