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S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ________________________________ Score:________

Grade & Section: _____________________________ Date: ________________


Directions: Shade the circle of the correct answer.

1. My date gave me roses before we went to the prom night.

A. an appointment to meet at a specified time
B. a person with whom one has a meeting with
C. the time at which an event takes place
D. statement at the time of execution or making

2. There was a solar eclipse at the date of his birth.

A. an appointment to meet at a specified time
B. a person with whom one has a meeting with
C. the time at which an event takes place
D. a statement at the time of execution or making

The word pass is used in sentences 3and 4, choose its meaning inside the box and write your answer on
the blank before the number.

A. to go or make one’s way through

B. to render a decision, opinion
C. a written permission to move about freely in a place, to leave or enter it

______ 3. My brother was given a pass allowing him to park inside the school campus.

______4. All public vehicles are not allowed to pass through Magallanes Drive.

5. My parents opened a joint checking account at the Land Bank of the Philippines.
A. Small C. special
B. Shared D. individual

6. All the birds have abandoned the land. They have to look for another place to live.
A. left C. stayed
B. arrived D. spread all over

7. Working in her backyard vegetable garden gives my grandmother so much satisfaction.

A. patience C. nervousness
B. happiness D. displeasure
8. When I _________ the tire, it will be flat.
A. inflate B. deflate C. reflate D. impflate

9. The curse was quite not possible to solve.

It seemed _______________.
A. inpossible B. dispossible C. impossible D. unpossible

10. The prince was not able to satisfy the second witch.
The second witch was _____________________.
A. unsatisfy B. dissatisfy C. insatisfy D. resatisfy

For items number 9-11, choose the answer inside the box and write it on the blank.

correctness purify harshly vaporize

11. Before drinking river water you should _________________ it because it may be polluted.

12. Check your spelling for __________________ when using the new words.

13. The angry man spoke ___________________ to the telephone operator.


For numbers 14-16, decide which of these is the correct question in asking permission.

14. Two strangers in a train.

A. “It’s quite hot in here. Do you mind if I open the window?”
B. “It’s quite hot in here. Can you open the window?”
C. “It’s quite hot in here. Open the window.”
D. “It’s quite hot in here. Mind me if I open the window.”

15. Two colleagues at work.

A. “I forgot my pen today. Can I use yours for the day?
B. “I forgot my pen today. Give me one of yours for the day.”
C. “I forgot my pen. I will use your pen.”
D. “I forgot my pen. Lend me your pen.”

16. A tourist in a city:

A. “Excuse me. Tell me how to get to the city.”
B. “Excuse me. Where is the city center?”
C. “Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the city center?”
D. “Excuse me. How do I get to the city center.”

For items number 17-19, change the statement into question.

17. Maria went to her ballet class. ___________________________________________

18.Joey likes chocolate. ___________________________________________
19.Alim is learning to play the guitar. ___________________________________________

For items number 20-22, arrange the jumbled words to make a request.
Example: supplies kindly your check
Kindly, check your supplies.
20. calculator Cruz please to return Mrs. this

21. classmates Rainier visitors please tell to behave your when came

22. this may I with go my Mama, friends afternoon. _______________________________________

For Items number 23-26. Directions: Read the recipe for chunky tomato and green onion sauce.
Answer the questions below.
• 2 tablespoons corn oil
• 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
• 1 ½ pounds plum tomatoes, cored, peeled, seeded, then coarsely chopped
• 3 green onions, cut in half lengthwise, then thinly sliced
• salt
• freshly ground pepper

Heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook until yellow, about 1 minute. Stir in
tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Cook until thickened, about 10 minutes. Stir in green onions and serve.

23. What does the cook do to the tomatoes right before removing the seeds?
A. chop it B. peel it C. core it D. nothing to do with it
What kind of oil does the cook heat in the heavy skillet?
A. hot oil B. heat oil C. baby oil D. coconut oil
How long should the garlic be cooked?
A. about 30 seconds B. about a minute C. about 2 minutes D. about 1 ½ minutes

26. How will arrange the jumbled words to make a simple sentence?
home the capital
A. The capital of Mexico is large her home.
B. The large of Mexico is capital her home. of is her
C. The large capital of Mexico is her home.
D. Her home is the capital of large Mexico. large Mexico

27. The ruins of many ancient cities are located in Mexico. The underlined phrase is___________

A. simple subject B. complete subject C. simple predicate D. complete predicate

28. What is the complete predicate in sentence number 27?

A. located B. are located C. are located in Mexico D. located in Mexico

For number 29-30, Underline the two simple sentences and box the conjunction used.

Example: My older sister, Selina, is studying hard and hopes to be an inventor one day.

29. Crossword puzzles can be diamond-shaped, or they can be square.

30. sThe boy delivered a valedictory address but his voice was indistinct.

31. The band led the parade ___________ (and, or, but, so) the boy scout followed.
32. She woke-up early ___________ (and, or, but, so) she came late.
33. Mrs. Lilia Ramos went back to the Philippines _____ her two-year vacation from the USA.

A. before B. after C. when D. because

34.You should not climb the mountain ___________ someone is with you.

A. if B. when C. so that D. unless

They do not borrow money ______________ they could not pay for it.
A. if B. when C. because D. although

36. _______________ every citizen patronizes his or her own products, then our own local business will grow.
A. if B. when C. because D. although


Directions. Arrange the steps in these processes in their proper order. Use number 1 for the first step, 2 for
the second step and so on.

37. Set 1
______ Mail your letter.
______ Put the letter in an envelope.
______ Seal or close the letter.
______ Write the letter.
______ Get an envelope and write the name and address of the person you are writing to.
______ Affix the stamp on the envelope.
38. Set 2
______ Second, bring the book to the librarian’s desk.
______ It is easy to borrow a book from the library.
______ Then, give the book and your borrower’s card to the librarian.
______ Lastly, wait for the librarian to give them back to you.
______ First, find the book you want to know.
39. Set 3
______ Take two slices of bread.
______ Then, spread the other piece with jelly.
______ Spread peanut butter on one piece of bread.
______ Get the peanut butter and jelly ready.
______ Put the pieces togethe

Directions. Read the selection then answer the questions 40-41.

How Do Thunderstorms Form?

On a hot summer day the surface of the Earth is heated by the sun. The Earth's
surface heats the air just above the surface through the process of conduction.
The action of warm air rising and cold air sinking (convection) plays a key role in
the formation of severe thunderstorms. If the warm surface air is forced to rise, it will
continue to rise, because it is less dense than the surrounding air. In addition, it will transfer
heat from the land surface to upper levels of the atmosphere through the process of
Two of the most important ingredients for thunderstorm formation are instability
(unstable air) and moisture.
40-41. Based from the above selection, thunderstorms are formed through the process of (40) _____________
and (41)_____________.

42. All people have sinned. This is sentence is_____________

A. fantasy B. make-believe C. reality D. uncertain

43. Last Christmas, Santa Claus visited our family and gave us gifts.
A. truth B. fantasy C. reality D. uncertain

44. Coco Martin is a hero of the teleserye ‘Ang Probinsiyano’ which is watched every Monday-Friday evening
in ABS-CBN channel 2. This sentence is _______
A. fact B. opinion C. illusion D. editorial

45. Which of the following statements is a non-fact?

A. Mc Donalds is owned by an American businessman, Ray Kroc.
B. The best burger in the Philippines is found at Mc Donalds.
C. Mc Donalds has about 500 stores in the Philippines.
D. Mc Donalds is a kind of fast food chain.

For number 46-47, Read the sentences below. Write C before the sentence that is the cause and E for the part
that is the effect.
46. _____It was a very hot day.
_____So, we decided to go to the river to take a bath.

47. _____Since the school is too far away from home.

_____I don’t go to school every day.


For numbers 48-50, write directions on how you get through the school from your house. Make sure that your
directions are specific and supported with landmarks. Use the space below for your answer.

Table of Specifications
Third Quarter
English VI
SY 2022-2023







Skills/Topics No. of % of



Days Items Total


Vocabulary 1-4 13 pts.
1. Interpret words with multiple 2 8 4
meanings using a dictionary
2. Infer meaning of borrowed words 5
a. Context clues 6 3 5-7
b. Prefixes 6 3 8-10
c. Suffixes 6 3 11-13

Grammar 23pts
3. Use a particular kind of sentences 7
for a specific purpose and
a. Asking permission 6 3 14-16
b. Responding questions 6 3 17-19
c. Making requests 6 3 20-22

d. Following and giving 6 3 23 -

directions 25
4. Use variety of sentences 7
according to structure
a. Simple 6 3 27-28 26
b. Compound 8 4 29-30 31-32
c. complex 8 4 33-36

Reading 11 pts
5. Follow series of directions using 2 6 3 37-
sequence signals 39
6. Note significant details 1 4 2 40-41
7. Identify real from make-believe 2 4 2 42-43
8. Identify fact or non-fcat
9. Show cause-effect relationships 2 4 2 44-45
2 4 2 46-

Writing 48-50 3pts

10. Write specific directions on given 2 6 3
Total 32 100% 50 10 3 16 7 5 9 50pts

Prepared by: Noted:


MT-2 Principal-1

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. 6
10. A
11. Purify
12. Correctness
13. Harshly
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. Did Maria go to her ballet class?
18. Does Joey like chocolate?
19. Is Alim learning to play the guitar?
20. Please return this calculator to Mrs. Cruz.
21. Rainier, please tell your classmate to behave when visitors came.
22. Mama, may I go with my friends this afternoon.
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. Crossword puzzles can be diamond-shaped, or they can be square.

30. The boy delivered a valedictory address but his voice was indistinct.
31. And
32. But
33. B
34. D
35. B
36. A
37. Set 1:
38. Set 2: 3 1 4 5 2
39. Set 3 2 4 3 1 5
40. -41. Conduction and convection
43. B
44. A
45. B
46. C E
48-50. ANSWERS VARY. The teacher will use rubrics.

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