AEC-Centro Security Services 2023

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PT Centrasolusi Intiselaras

IT Security products and services

© PT Centrasolusi Intiselaras - 2022

Company Overview

PT Centrasolusi Intiselaras “Centro” has been appointed as

AEC’s exclusive partner for Indonesia market since 2017 and
has been serving reputable clients including: PT Aprisma
Indonesia (Wirecard), PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. and PT
Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk.
AEC’s Profile

• 32 years of AEC in Information and IT Security

• Experienced team of 80 Security experts and projects specialists
• Expert in Czech and Slovak Republic

at glance

CENTRO appointed as AEC
Exclusive Partner and entering
Indonesia Market
our clients are our partners
providing comprehensive security...
AEC – Full Security Services

Our Customers Industries

Banks Media

Energy and utility Insurance

Telecommunication Public

Risk & Analysis dep.
▪ Analysis – Current Security State, Risk Analysis –
vulnerabilities Identification, recommendations,
action plan
▪ Security Documentation – Policy, guidelines,
Security Implementation Plan
▪ Audits – preparation for certifications ISMS,
QMS, …
▪ BCM – BIA, Emergency planes , Disaster recovery
plans, …
▪ Security Training & Education
▪ Governance, Risk & Compliance tools –
implementation, data feed, support
▪ Expert Security Consulting

Technologies department
▪ Analysis & Assessments – Security Assessment of design,
architecture (application, IS, network, etc.),
▪ Implementation – analysis, design, implementation, development
and support of security technologies within customer environment
▪ Configuration Audits – audit of configuration of various
technologies (FW, servers, applications, ...)
▪ Security Training & Education of technologies
▪ Creating SOC – preparation for SOC implementation in customer
environment, adding processes, technologies, trainings, atc.
▪ Expert Security Consulting

Assessment department
▪ Infrastructural Penetration Test
▪ External penetration tests
▪ Internal penetration tests
▪ Web Application Penetration Test
▪ Mobile Application Penetration Test
▪ Thick Client Penetration Test
▪ Vulnerability Assessment – semi-automatic and manual testing
security weaknesses in systems and services
▪ External Connection Test
▪ Source-code review – review of security weaknesses in application
source code
▪ Red Teaming

Products and Services

Network IT Security
BCP Security
behavior outsourcing

Risk analysis
Hardening Privilege Account DLP AV

AntiFraud Audit IS FW Sandbox Secure

Systems SDLC

Mobile security Web Antiphishing Social

SIEM and brand
Application engineering
Firewall protection

IT Security
Penetration DocTag
ISMS Vulnerability training
tests Document
e tagging
Business Continuity Management
We can help you to identify the most crucial company processes
and related vital personnel. We can point out the critical
components of the ICT infrastructure, as well as the important
reports and documentation, without which your business couldn't
keep running in case of emergency. Then we can help you create
recovery plans in case something goes wrong. And if anything
goes wrong we will assist you with managing the critical situation.
We have plenty of experience in this area, and you can find our
results in the references.

Network behavior Analysis
Are you looking for a way to identify changes in the
network effectively, or detect new types of malware or
completely unknown attacks? With the help of Network
Behavior Analysis (NBA) products our team is ready to
assist you with this process.

Security documentation
We are ready to assist you in drawing up appropriate
safety documentation, which will become the keystone of
information security at your organization.

Security administrator outsorcing
Don't you have the sufficient capacity for solving security issues
on your own? We offer you the services of our experts, who
are fully devoted to security. Our experts can effectively fulfill
tasks according to your individual needs.

System and platform hardening is an elementary security
measure that is able to protect information systems and
applications from abuse. We can provide hardening
policies and propose how to implement them into
practice. At the same time, we provide check-ups
effectively (and automatically) to make sure they are being

Risk analysis
The risk analysis serves to appraise the actual state of
security and identify risks that the system faces. It
represents an important resource of information for
decision-making about security investments.

Data Loss Prevention
The most valuable property for a company is data. Imagine
how your company's reputation would change if your
financial reports, proposals, and clients' records got into
the hands of your competition, or they were leaked to the
public. The system of DPL protects sensitive information
against targeted attacks, as well as from the company's
own employee abuse.

Antivirus protection
Just like you never stop locking your door after you have an
alarm installed, you can't skip good quality antivirus
protection if you want to be safe. We represent ten of the
biggest world brands, and we offer high quality technical

Antifraud system (AFS)
The AFS is a complex solution ensuring the protection of
web internet banking applications and their users against
cybercrime, fraud detection in the online environment,
and the logging of users' activities.

IS Audit
We execute information security audits from the
procedural and the technical points of view. Our team has
wide competencies for managing almost all the
requirements for verifying compliance regarding either the
Cyber Act, ISMS, personal data protection, or other
specialized IT standards. We can also provide the
customers' audit at your suppliers. Don't hesitate to
contact us, and we will put together an individual IS audit
for you for a reasonable price.

Access management based on an IP address is out of date
today. You should control the accesses at a higher level in
terms of users and groups. Our team doesn't only offer
implementation, but mainly a sophisticated administration
of firewalls.

Protect your company against malware using zero-day or
unknown vulnerabilities. We will implement a modern
solution that will guard you against this threat.

Secure development
If security is not an integral part of the software development
life cycle (SDLC - Software Development LifeCycle), then the
security vulnerabilities and holes occur on a regular basis. An
after-effect security solution at the end of the development
usually causes subsequent expanses.
Due to the Secure SDLC, we apply security principles and
standards throughout the course of the entire life cycle of the
software's development, and we help to identify and eliminate
the potentially vulnerable spots of the applications in time.

Security Information and Event
We offer SIEM tools from reputable producers for
monitoring and analysis of the logging records generated
by a number of systems found in the organization's
infrastructure. Together, we go over the project phases of
the logging infrastructure analysis, selection of a suitable
SIEM tool, implementation, documentation and
subsequent support and development.

Mobile security
In the field of mobile technologies our specialists can offer
you penetration tests of mobile applications, consultancy
during its development, and subsequent analysis of the
source code. At the same time, we can help you with the
deployment or modification of the administration of the
company's mobile devices, that means MDM technology
and company policies (BYOD/CYOD).

Web Application Firewall
Web portals, new functionalities, lots of various
applications are always changing and the number of
vulnerabilities of web technologies are increasing
constantly. The WAFs are the most up-to-date technologies
that protect your systems, even without a complicated
development cycle.

Social engineering
Our experts have lots of experience with verifying and
evaluating the level of awareness of information security
of employees by means of email campaigns with a fake
testing code, media distributions (USB, CD/DVD, etc.) with
this code, or via manipulative phone calls to approved

Information Security
Management System
​Information Security Management System
We have longterm practical experience in the field of ISMS
as well as in related fields. If you want or need certified
ISMS, we are here for you. We can help you to propose a
system of information security management quickly and
effectively, and engage it throughout the entire

Vulnerability Management
Are you uncertain if the assets of your information
infrastructure may contain a vulnerability resulting from a
incompatible configuration or the absence of security
updates? If so, we would like to recommend an
implementation of a VMS tool (Vulnerability Management
System) thanks to which you will gain a crucial overview of
the risks related to the individual components of your

Penetration tests
Penetration tests examine the level of the organization's
information security and the ICT resistance to existing
cyber threats by simulating a hacker's attack on the
computer network, web, or mobile application.

Information security training
Our specialists can draw up a number of workshops about
information security, tailored to your individual needs, that
are suitable for regular users, IS administrators, as well as
top management.


Arief Santosa

PT Centrasolusi Intiselaras
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok R2 No. 38-39
BSD City, Tangerang Selatan – Indonesia
tel.: +21 531 632 38
fax: +21 531 632 39

www.csolusi .com


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