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Reticulocyte parameters for assessing anemia

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Reticulocyte parameters for assessing anemia

Absolute reticulocyte count (millions of cells/microL)

= Reticulocytes (%) × RBC count (millions of cells/microL)

Corrected reticulocyte count (%)

= Reticulocytes (%) × (observed patient HCT [percent] ÷ 45 [percent])


= Reticulocytes (%) × (observed patient hemoglobin [g/dL] ÷ 15 [g/dL])

Reticulocyte production index (no units)

= Corrected reticulocyte count (%) ÷ maturation correction factor* (days)

Reticulocyte parameters may be reported as an absolute count (cells per volume) or a relative
measure (percent of total RBCs). [1] The reticulocyte percentage may be corrected for the individual's
hemoglobin or HCT and may be adjusted in severe anemia for the reticulocyte maturation time. Refer
to UpToDate topics on anemia for additional details.

RBC: red blood cell; HCT: hematocrit.

* Maturation correction (in days): HCT >35%: 1; HCT 26 to 35%: 1.5; HCT 16 to 25%: 2; HCT <15%: 2.5.

1. Hillman RS. Characteristics of marrow production and reticulocyte maturation in normal man in response to
anemia. J Clin Invest 1969; 48:443.

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