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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
San Antonio, Cuyapo, Nueva, Ecija

7P’s of Marketing Mix

Module 4

Draw your product here and label it.

What is the product? What does

it do? What is special/ different Describe the Physical
to the product? Why do people Environment of the
need your product/ different to product.
the product? Why do people
need your product?

What is the price of the Process - How are

product? Why did you choose services consumed?
the price? What are the prices
of your competition?

Where are people going

Who will manage/ serve
to be able to buy the
the product? Why did
product? Why did you
you choose them?
choose to sell your
product at this place?
Where are you going to advertise your
product? Why are you going to
advertise your product here? Who will
be the spokesperson for your product?
Example, a celebrity.

Activity II

1. What is the importance of 7P’s to the Entrepreneur?

2. Describe what the marketing -mix decision are made to influence.
3. Analyze the situations below and identify the pricing scheme used. (10 points)
a. The seller added 20% mark up to the capital price.
b. The retailer sold the product based on its class.
c. The retailer sees that the quality of the product is good so he/ she sold it at a higher price.
d. The merchandiser sold the dress at its usual price in the market.
e. The merchandiser traded the dress 20 pesos lower than its price in the market.
4. Make use also the SWOT analysis.

Parent Signature: _____________

Prepared by:

Crystal Gay T. Tierra

Subject Teacher

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