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Module 1: Introduction to CP

 Meta-Cards
 Markers
Duration: 20 minutes

 5 minutes for instructions

 10 minutes for group activity
 5 minutes for processing
1. Group yourselves into four (4).
2. A word will be flashed on the screen.
3. In 15 counts, write in meta-cards all possible words that you would associate
with the word flashed on the screen. One meta-card = one idea. For example:
Chocolate: associated with “sweet”, “love”, “brown”
4. Post the meta-cards on the designated white board/ wall of your group.
Note: The group with the most number of points will win the game. Your group will
only earn a point if the following conditions are both met:
1. The word is correct
2. You have the written the same word/idea with the other groups.
Notes to the Facilitator:
1. To facilitate checking, start reviewing the words for one group, then cross-
check with the other groups. Once finished checking all the words for one
group, proceed to the next until all groups are done.
2. After checking all meta-cards, process the exercise by highlighting the
a. CP is hazard specific, scenario-based plan.
b. CP is calibrated for the worst-case and it provides arrangement of
mechanisms for response.
c. CP is applicable for all events.
d. CP requires the involvement of practically all stakeholders.

Module 2: CP Factors

 DRRM and CM Printouts

 Tape
 Flip chart sheets
Duration: 30 minutes

 5 minutes for instructions

 15 minutes for group activity
 10 minutes for processing
1. Obtain your set of DRRM and CM printouts.
2. Arrange the set of printouts in such a way that the differences between DRRM
and CM will be presented. Post the printouts in the flip chart sheets.
3. The first group who will complete the differences between DRRM and CM will
win the game.
Note: The presentation of the differences must be correct. Otherwise, the group will
have to re-do the work until the differences are correct.
Notes to the Facilitator:

 Approach the group who will signify that they are done with the work to check
their output. If wrong, ask them to revise. Note that there are some printouts
that are irrelevant but included in the set.
 Below is the correct answer. For the mechanisms and levels, the correct
sequence must be followed.
 After the game, provide a copy of the handout for the succeeding parts of the
discussion. Proceed to process the activity based on the discussion points in
the session guide.
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Crisis Management
Mechanisms Predict
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Response
Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
Post-Action and Assessment
Levels Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Barangay Crisis Management Committee
Municipal Crisis Management Committee
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
City Crisis Management Committee
City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Provincial Crisis Management Committee
Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Regional Crisis Management Committee
Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
National Crisis Management Committee
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 1: Hazard Analysis

 Flip chart
 Markers
 CP Template
 Laptop (optional)
Duration: 1 hour

 5 minutes for instructions

 30 minutes for group activity
 25 minutes for processing
1. Brainstorm on the different hazards that surround your area.
2. Assess the hazards in your area in terms of probability and impact.
3. Accomplish CP Form 1 of the CP Template based on the result of your
4. Put your CP Form 1 in a flip chart (or slides presentation using laptops).
5. Present your CP Form 1 to the plenary. Justify the hazard that you chose
based on your ratings.
Notes to the Facilitator:

For Training For Actual Workshops

1. Divide the participants into groups 1. For purposes of classroom management,
(preferably 4 groups). the facilitator can:
2. Have each group decide for one hazard a. Divide the plenary into groups
to be planned for using CP Form 1. (preferably 4 groups). Have each
3. When presenting the outputs, groups group decide for one hazard to be
may have different hazards identified planned for using CP Form 1, then
as priorities. For purposes of training, arrive at a consensus later.
select only one hazard that will be used b. Accomplish CP Form 1 in plenary.
for the succeeding workshops. 2. After the workshop, all participants should
agree on the hazard to plan for based on
the accomplished CP Form 1.

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 2: Anatomy of the Hazard

 CP Template
 Laptop (optional)
Duration: 30 minutes

 5 minutes for instructions

 15 minutes for group activity
 10 minutes for processing
Instruction: Based on your identified hazard, analyze the hazard by accomplishing
CP Form 2 of the CP Template.
Notes to the Facilitator:

For Training For Actual Workshops

1. The workshop must be accomplished 1. The workshop must be accomplished per
per group. group.
2. In case there are no technical experts 2. In case there are no technical experts to
to help in explaining the hazard, help in explaining the hazard, encourage
encourage the participants to use the participants to use assumptions or
assumptions or prior experiences. prior experiences.
3. No need to present the outputs in 3. No need to present the output in plenary.
plenary. Instead, approach each group Instead, approach each group and give
and give individual comments. individual comments. Have the secretariat
compile the outputs to be incorporated in
the actual CP.

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 3: Scenario

 CP Template
 Laptop (optional)
Duration: 1 hour

 5 minutes for instructions

 30 minutes for group activity
 25 minutes for processing
1. Develop the scenario for the hazard by accomplishing CP Form 3A (For
Natural-Hazard) or 3B (For Human-Induced Hazard) of the CP Template.
2. Determine the number of affected individuals by accomplishing CP Form 4A
or 4B (only if needed) of the CP Template.
Notes to the Facilitator:

For Training For Actual Workshops

1. The workshop must be accomplished 1. The workshop must be accomplished per
per group. group.
2. In case there are no technical experts 2. In case there are no technical experts to
to help in explaining the hazard, help in explaining the hazard, encourage
encourage the participants to use the participants to use assumptions or
assumptions or prior experiences. prior experiences.
3. No need to present the outputs in 3. Have all groups present their outputs for
plenary. Instead, approach each group comments. Make sure that all participants
and give individual comments. will come up with an agreement on the
scenario. Have the secretariat compile the
outputs to be incorporated in the actual

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 4: Goal and Objectives

 Flip chart
 Markers
 Laptop (optional)
Duration: 20 minutes

 5 minutes for instructions

 15 minutes for group activity
Instruction: Develop the CP goal and objectives in response to the worst-case
Notes to the Facilitator:

For Training For Actual Workshops

1. The workshop must be accomplished 1. The workshop can be accomplished in
per group. plenary or per group.
2. There are already pre-identified goal 2. There are already pre-identified goal and
and objectives. Encourage the objectives. Encourage the participants to
participants to review and edit as review and edit as appropriate to their
appropriate to their organization. organization.
3. No need to present the outputs in 3. Have all groups present their outputs for
plenary. Instead, approach each group comments. Make sure that all participants
and give individual comments. will come up with an agreement. Have the
secretariat compile the outputs to be
incorporated in the actual CP.

Alternate mechanics: The participants may write

in meta-cards all key words that they want to be
included in the goal and objective statements.
Have all meta-cards posted on the wall, then
come up with goal and objective statements.
However, this may take time to process.

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 5: Cluster Identification

 Meta-cards
 Markers
 CP Form 5 in large-sized flip chart
Duration: 2 hours

 5 minutes for instructions

 55 minutes for plenary activity
 1 hour for plenary processing
1. Brainstorm on the needs that will arise.
2. Write the needs on the meta-cards then post on the designated wall. One
meta-card = one idea
3. Group the meta-cards that have similarities in features.
4. For each group of meta-cards, decide on a name that will best describe the
5. Arrange the clusters in this fashion using the large-sized flip chart:

6. Have the participants check the box that will fit for the cluster.
7. For each cluster, decide who will take the lead.
Notes to the Facilitator (for training or actual CP formlation workshops):
1. Emphasize that the workshop emphasizes the process of consensus-building.
2. While some of the clusters are already pre-determined, the act of using meta-
cards is a manifestation of the participant’s ownership of the planning
3. Some agencies or organizations may be absent during the workshop. As part
of ways ahead, they have to be consulted to become part of the clusters.

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 6: Cluster Implementation Plan

 CP Template
 Laptop (optional)
Duration: 2 hours

 5 minutes for instructions

 1 hour and 30 minutes for group activity
 25 minutes for processing
Instruction: Proceed to your designated clusters and develop your respective
Cluster Implementation Plan found in the CP Template.
Notes to the Facilitator:

For Training For Actual Workshops

1. If the participants are divided into four 1. If possible, re-group the participants
groups, select four clusters from CP Form according to the number of clusters
5. Assign one cluster for each group. formulated from CP Form 5.
2. For training purposes, participants may 2. No need to present the outputs in plenary.
use the fictional inventory of resources Instead, approach each group and give
provided to practice accomplishing the CP individual comments. Have the secretariat
Forms. compile the outputs to be incorporated in
3. No need to present the outputs in plenary. the actual CP.
Instead, approach each group and give
individual comments.

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 7: Emergency Operations Center and Incident Command System

 CP Template
 Laptop (optional)

Duration: 30 minutes

 5 minutes for instructions

 15 minutes for group activity
 10 minutes for processing

Instruction: Accomplish CP Forms 10 and 11 of the CP Template.

Notes to the Facilitator:

For Training For Actual Workshops

1. The workshop must be accomplished 1. The workshop must be accomplished per
per group. group.
2. No need to present the outputs in 2. Have all groups present their outputs for
plenary. Instead, approach each group comments. Make sure that all participants
and give individual comments. will come up with an agreement on the
scenario. Have the secretariat compile the
outputs to be incorporated in the actual

Module 3: CP Process
Workshop 8: Activation

 Flip chart sheet

 Meta-cards
 Markers
 CP Template
 Laptop (optional)

Duration: 1 hour

 5 minutes for instructions

 30 minutes for group activity
 25 minutes for processing


1. Using flip chart sheets, meta-cards and markers, develop a flow chart to show
the activation and deactivation procedures for the CP.
2. Present your outputs to the plenary.

Notes to the Facilitator (for training or actual CP formulation workshops):

1. The workshop must be accomplished per group.
2. Have all groups present their outputs for comments. Make sure that all
participants will come up with an agreement on the scenario. Have the
secretariat compile the outputs to be incorporated in the actual CP.

Module 4: Testing the Plan


 LCD projector
 White screen
 Laptop
 Microphone

Classroom Setup:

 U-shape classroom
 Name plates of players printed and displayed around the tables

Duration: 2 hours

 30 minutes lecture
 1 hour exercise
 30 minutes processing

Notes to the Facilitator:

1. This module will require an Exercise Management Team composed of:

a. Facilitator
b. Documenter/ Evaluator)
c. Support Staff (eg technical support to handover the microphone to
participants around the U-shaped table).
2. You may start customizing the contents from slide 17 onwards. Make sure to
consult the relevant experts in developing the scenario and injects.
3. Deliver the lecture in Module 4 first. Afterwards, start administering the
tabletop exercise.
4. During the exercise, the Facilitator may do adlibs to further invite discussion.
5. During processing, make sure that the documenter is able to capture all
discussions as they will form part of the recommendations for enhancing the
6. At the end of the exercise, process the activity by asking the participants their
learning/ takeaways.s


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