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ACC 108: Intermediate Accounting 3

Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: Bonds Payable & Other Concepts (Part 2) Materials:

Learning Targets: Columnar, notebook, non-scientific
At the end of the module, students will be able to: calculator, ballpen, pencil, Student Activity
1. Explain the initial and subsequent measurement of bonds Sheets
2. Account for compound financial instruments and References:
derecognition of liabilities. Intermediate Accounting 2
2020 edition by Zeus Vernon B. Millan


For this module, related standards are:

PAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation
PFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure
PFRS 9 Financial Instruments


Content and Skill-Building

Bond Refunding
➢ refers to issuance of new bonds, the proceeds from which are used to retire existing outstanding bonds.
➢ usually have lower interest than the replaced bonds.
➢ the difference between retirement price ad carrying amount is recognized as gain or loss in profit or

Illustration: On January 1, 20x1, ABC Co. issued new bonds with face amount of P10,000,000 for
P10,800,000. ABC used the proceeds to retire an existing 10-year, 12%, P8,000,000 bonds issued five years
earlier. The unamortized discount on the existing bonds is P340,000. ABC retired the bonds at a call premium
of P400,000. ABC incurred P50,000 direct costs of retirement. ABC’s income tax is 30%.

Requirement: Compute for the gain or loss on the retirement.

Carrying amount of bonds retired:

Face amount of bonds retired 8,000,000
Unamortized discount, Jan. 1, 20x1 (340,000) 7,660,000

Retirement price (Call price):

Face amount of bonds retired 8,000,000
Call premium 400,000
Expense of reacquisition 50,000 8,450,000
Loss on extinguishment of bonds (790,000)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

ACC 108: Intermediate Accounting 3
Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Serial Bonds – are bonds in which the principal matures in installments. The periodic payments on serial bonds
consist of payments for both interest and principal.

Illustration: On January 1, 20x1, ABC Co. issued 10% P3,000,000 bonds for P2,900,305. The principal
matures in three equal annual installments, payable at each year-end, plus interest on the outstanding principal
balance. The effective interest rate is 12%.

The future payments on the serial bonds are computed as follows:

Date Principal Interest on outstanding principal Interest Total Payments
Payments balance Payments
Dec 31, 20x1 1,000,000 3,000,000 x 10% 300,000 1,300,000
Dec 31, 20x2 1,000,000 2,000,000 x 10% 200,000 1,200,000
Dec 31, 20x3 1,000,000 1,000,000 x 10% 100,000 1,100,000

Subsequent Measurement: Amortization table

Date Total Payments Interest Amortization Present Value/Carrying
Expense Amount
Jan 1, 20x1 2,900,305
Dec 31, 20x1 1,300,000 348,037 951,963 1,948,342
Dec 31, 20x2 1,200,000 233,801 966,199 982,143
Dec 31, 20x3 1,100,000 117,857 982,143 0

Compound financial instruments

➢ financial instruments that contain both liability and equity component which are classified and
accounted for separately. Convertible bond is example of this instruments.

Convertible Bonds
➢ bonds that are converted into shares of stock of the issuer.
➢ issued both debt instruments for bonds payable and equity instruments for the equity conversion
➢ To compute for the equity component, the basic accounting procedure is Cash proceeds from
issuance of compound interest less Fair value of debt component without the equity feature

Illustration: On January 1, 20x1, ABC Co. issued 10% P3,000,000 convertible bonds at face amount. Each
P1,000 bond is convertible into 8 shares with par value of P100 per share. On issuance date, the bonds were
selling at 98 without the conversion option. ABC incurred P50,000 transaction costs on the issuance.

Initial measurement:
The issue price is allocated to the liability and equity components as follows:
Issue price 1,000,000
Fair value of debt instrument w/o equity feature (1M x 98%) (980,000)
Equity component 20,000

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

ACC 108: Intermediate Accounting 3
Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

The transaction costs are also allocated

Component Allocated Fraction Allocation of
amounts from transaction costs
issue price
Debt 980,000 980/1,000 49,000
Equity 20,000 20/1000 1,000
1,000,000 50,000

Computation of carrying amount:

Debt component Equity component Totals
Allocation of issue price 980,000 20,000 1,000,000
Allocation of transaction cost (49,000) (1,000) (50,000)
Carrying amounts 931,000 19,000 950,000

Derecognition of Financial Liability

➢ means extinguishment of liability when obligation is discharged or cancelled or expires through
1. repayment in cash
2. transfer of non-cash assets or rendering of services (Asset Swap)
➢ When an obligation is settled by transferring noncash assets to the creditor, the difference
between the carrying amount of the liability extinguished and the carrying amount of the
noncash asset transferred is recognized in profit or loss.
3. issuance of equity securities (Equity Swap)
➢ The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability extinguished and the
consideration paid (i.e., fair value of equity instrument or fair value of financial liability
extinguished, whichever is more clearly determinable) is recognized in profit or loss.
4. replacing existing obligation with new obligation (Modification of terms)
➢ A substantial modification of the terms of an existing financial liability (whether or not
attributable to the financial difficulty of the debtor) shall be accounted for as an extinguishment
of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability.
➢ The terms are substantially different if the present value of the cash flows under the new
terms, discounted using the original effective interest rate, is at least 10% different from the
carrying amount of the original financial liability.
5. waiver or cancellation by the creditor
6. expiration

Skill-Building Activity
1. For a bond issue which sells for less than its par value, the market rate of interest is
a. Dependent on rate stated on the bond.
b. Equal to rate stated on the band.
c. Less than rate stated on the bond.
d. Higher than rate stated on the bond.

2. The market price of a bond issued at a discount is the present value- of its principal amount at the market
(effective) rate of interest

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

ACC 108: Intermediate Accounting 3
Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

a. Less the present value of all future interest payments at the market (effective) rate of interest.
b. Less the present value of all future interest payments at the rate of interest stated on the bond.
c. Plus the present value of all future interest payments at the market (effective) rate of interest.
d. Plus the present value of all future interest payments at the rate of interest stated on the bond.

3. The issue price of a bond is equal to the present value of the future cash flows for interest and principal
when the bond is issued
At face amount At a discount At a premium
a. Yes No Yes
b. Yes No No
c. No Yes Yes
d. Yes Yes Yes

4. Kenwood Co. neglected to amortize the premium on outstanding ten-year bonds payable. What is the effect
of the failure to record premium amortization on interest expense and bond carrying value, respectively?
a. Understate; understate c. Overstate; overstate
b. Understate; overstate d. Overstate; understate

5. On March 1, 2021, Clark Co. issued bonds at a discount. Clark incorrectly used the straight-line method
instead of the effective interest method to amortize the discount. How were the following amounts, as of
December 31, 2021, affected by the error?
Bond carrying amount Retained earnings
a. Overstated Overstated
b. Understated Understated
c. Overstated Understated
d. Understated Overstated

Check for Understanding

1. In Blue Corp.'s December 31, 2021, balance sheet contained the following items in the long-term
liabilities section:
9% registered debentures, callable in 2022, due in 2027 700,000
9% collateral trust bonds, convertible into common
stock beginning in 2030, due in 2040 600,000
10% subordinated debentures (P30,000 maturing
annually beginning in 2027) 300,000

What is the total amount of Blue's term bonds?

a. 600,000 b. 700,000 c. 1,000,000 d.1,300,000

2. Hancock Co.'s December 31, 20x0, balance sheet contained the following items in the long-term
liabilities section:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

ACC 108: Intermediate Accounting 3
Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

9.375% registered bonds (P25,000 maturing annually
beginning in 20x4) 275,000
11.5% convertible bonds, callable beginning in 20x9, due 2x10 125,000

9.875% guaranty security bonds, due 2x10 250,000
10.0% commodity backed bonds (P50,000 maturing
annually beginning in 20x5) 200,000

What are the total amounts of serial bonds and debenture bonds?
Serial bonds Debenture bonds
a. 475,000 400,000
b. 475,000 125,000
c. 450,000 400,000
d. 200,000 650,000

3. During 20x9, Lake Co. issued 3,000 of its 9%, P1,000 face value bonds at 1011/2. In connection
with the sale of these bonds, Lake paid the following expenses:
Promotion costs P 20,000
Engraving and printing 25,000
Underwriters' commissions 200,000
What amount should Lake record as bond issue Costs to be amortized over the term of the bonds?
a. 0 b. 220,000 c. 225,000 d. 245,000

4. On July 1, 20x7, Day Co received P103,288 for P100,000 face amount, 12% bonds, a price that
yields 10%. Interest expense for the six months ended December 31, 20x7, should be
a. 6,197 b. 6,000 c. 5,164 d. 5,000

5. On January 2, 20x1, West Co. issued 9% bonds in the amount of P500,000, which mature on
January 2, 2x11, The bonds were issued for P469,500 to yield 10%. Interest is payable annually on
December 31. West uses the effective interest method of amortizing bond discount. In its June 30,
20x1, balance sheet, what amount should West report as bonds payable?
a. 469,500 b. 470,475 c. 471,025 d. 500,000

Summary / Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are reason why some will buy a bond at premium?
A person would buy a bond at a premium (pay more than its maturity value) because the bond's stated interest
rate (and therefore its interest payments) are greater than those expected by the current bond market. It is also
possible that a bond investor will have no choice

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

ACC 108: Intermediate Accounting 3
Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

2. Which is better, discount bond or premium bond?

A premium bond has a coupon rate higher than the prevailing interest rate for that particular bond maturity and
credit quality. A discount bond by contrast, has a coupon rate lower than the prevailing interest rate for that
particular bond maturity and credit quality.

Thinking about Learning

What are your challenges in learning the concepts in this module? If you do not have challenges, what is your
best learning for today?

What are the questions/thoughts you want to share to your teacher today?

Answer Key

1. D
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C

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