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Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)

Tutorial Week 2

Vibration analysis

1. Free Vibration with Viscous Damping: Solve the equation of motion.


2. Undamped System under Harmonic Force: Solve the equation of motion.


Example 1.1
A spring-mass system, with a spring stiffness of 5,000 N/m, is subjected to a harmonic force of
magnitude 30 N and frequency 20 Hz. The mass is found to vibrate with an amplitude of 0.2 m.
Assuming that vibration starts from rest ( x0  x0  0 ), determine the mass of the system.

Example 1.2
Find the total response of a single-degree-of-freedom system with m = 10 kg, c = 20 N-s/m, k = 4000
N/m, x0 = 0.01m, and x0 =0 under the following conditions:

(1) An external force F (t )  F0 cos  t acts on the system with F0 = 100 N and   10 rad/s.
(2) Free vibration with F (t )  0 .
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 3

Newton’s second law of motion:

  
 F  dt  mv   ma

 M  dt  I    I   I
Tutorial 2.1
Lecture notes p.68: Problem 3
Tutorial 2.2
Derive the equations of motion using Newton’s method.

l 3l
4 4


k Mt(t) Rigid bar, mass = 2m


Tutorial 2.3
Derive the equations of motion using Newton’s method (lecture notes p.101).
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 4

Tutorial 3.1
Derive the equations of motion using Lagrange’s equations.

k1 k2 k3 k4
m1 m2 m3
Tutorial 3.2
Derive the equations of motion using Lagrange’s equations. x and θ are generalised

θ l x

Tutorial 3.3
Derive the equations of motion of the triple pendulum using Lagrange’s equations.

θ1 y1
m1 y2

y l2 y3
x1 θ2

x2 θ3

Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 5

Tutorial 5.1
Please derive the equations of motion using Lagrange’s equations. m=1kg, k = 1000 N/m.


k k

m m
Tutorial 5.2
Please derive the equations of motion using Lagrange’s equations. Let x describe the position
of O, where the springs are unstretched when x = 0. Hint: Io=1/2 mr2.

k O 2k

no slip
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 6

Tutorial 6.1
Please derive the equations of motion using Lagrange’s equations. The pendulum m is a point
mass and the pully is massless.

Tutorial 6.2
Please derive the equations of motion for the system shown below using Lagrange’s equations.
Please do NOT assume that θ is small. Assume m3 is a point mass.

x1 x2

k1 m1 k2 m2 g


Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 7

Tutorial 7.1 (Lecture notes p114)

Transverse Vibration of a String.

(a) Determine the velocity of wave propagation in a string of mass ρ = 5 kg/m when
stretched by a tension P = 4,000 N.
(b) A steel wire of 2 mm diameter is fixed between two points located 2 m apart. The tensile
force in the wire is 250 N. Determine the fundamental frequency of vibration and the
velocity of wave propagation in the wire.
Tutorial 7.2 (See lecture notes p209)
Determine the oscillation response of a fixed-fixed string. At time t = 0, the middle point of the
string is pulled out by a distance h and then let it go.

Initial deflection of the string

Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 8

Vehicle Vibrations
Tutorial 8.1
For a quarter car model given below Fig 1(b), derive the equation of motion by using
Lagrange’s equations and write them in a matrix form (ignore gravity).


mu ku cu

(Reza N. Jazar, Vehicle Dynamics, Second Edition, 2014 )

(a) Quarter car suspension


ks cs

ku cu

(b) Quarter car equivalent vibrating system

Fig. 1
Tutorial 8.2 (See lecture notes p221)
Consider a vehicle with a heavy solid axle in the rear and independent suspensions in front.
The vehicle characteristics are given below. Using the bicycle car model:
(a) Construct the mass and stiffness matrices
(b) Determine the natural frequencies
(c) Find the mode shapes
m 420 kg
m1 53 kg
m2 76 kg
Iz 1100 kgm2
a1 1.4 m
a2 1.47 m
k1 10,000 N/m
k2 13,000 N/m
kt1 200,000 N/m
kt2 200,000 N/m

(Reza N. Jazar, Vehicle Dynamics, Second Edition, 2014)

Fig. 2
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 9

Vibrations of Continuous systems: Beams

Tutorial 9.1
Derive an expression for the natural frequencies for the vibration of a uniform fixed-free beam.

ρ, E, A, I

Fig. 1

Tutorial 9.2
Derive the frequency equation for the transverse vibration of a uniform beam with both ends
simply supported.

ρ, E, A, I

Fig. 2
Tutorial 9.3
Derive the frequency equation for the transverse vibration of a uniform beam resting on springs
at both ends. The springs can deflect vertically only, and the beam is horizontal in the
equilibrium position.

ρ, E, A, I

k1 k2

Fig. 3
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 10

Vibration Based Energy Harvester

Forced Vibrations
Tutorial 10.1
The frequency of an ambient vibration is 10 Hz. The resonance of a vibration-based energy
harvester occurs at 15 Hz. Please suggest two techniques to match these two for an optimal
operating condition of the device.

Tutorial 10.2
A spring-mass system, with k = 4000 N/m and m = 10 kg. is subjected to a harmonic force F(t)
= 400 cos 10t N as shown in Fig. 2. Find and plot the total response of the system under the
following initial conditions:
a) x0 = 0.1 m, 𝑥̇ = 0
b) x0 = 0, 𝑥̇ = 10 m/s
c) x0 = 0.1 m, 𝑥̇ = 10 m/s


Fig. 2
Tutorial 10.3
Find the steady-state response of the system shown in Fig. 3, determine the natural mode of the
vibration. Harmonic force F(t) = F0 sinωt is applied to the lower mass with m1 = 1 kg, m2 =
0.5 kg, k1 = 1000N/m, k2 = 800 N/m, F0 = 5N and ω = 10 rad/s.





F(t) x2(t)

Fig. 3
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 11

Tutorial 11.1
The frequency-response curve of a system is shown below.
a) What type of dominant nonlinearity does the system have (the x-axis is the frequency
of an external excitation divided by the natural frequency and the y axis is the vibration
b) Does the vibration behaviour involve jumps?

Fig. 1
Tutorial 11.2
Vibration of a plate.

(a) Stresses in a plate

(b) Forces and induced moment resultants in an element of plate

Fig. 2
Mode shapes of a rectangular simply supported plate. Dashed lines denote nodal lines other
than the edges
Advanced Vibrations 2023 (4105_7030)
Tutorial Week 11

Tutorial 12.1
Please determine the oscillation response of the fixed-fixed string shown below. At time t = 0,
string is pulled out by the function W0(x) and then let go (initial velocity is zero).

Fig. 1
Tutorial 12.2
Please derive the equations of motion through using (a) Newton’s second law of motion and
(2) Lagrange’s equation. (Refer to Lecture notes p. 203)

Fig. 2

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