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Practical Research 2

NAME:______________________________________Grade-Section:__________________ Score:__________

I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it’s incorrect.

_________1. Research entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of new ideas,
methods and improvements.
_________2. Quantitative research is flexible so at any stage the study may change.
_________3. Research is mere information gathering.
_________4. Only through research can new inventions and discoveries come to life.
_________5. Continuous variable can take on any value between its minimum value and its
maximum value.
_________6. Controlled variable is an element that is changed throughout an experiment.
_________7. A score in a 5- item quiz in Math is an example of interval variable.
_________8. Your feeling for the day is an ordinal variable.
_________9. The research title should be highly detailed.
_________10. The research title should be written in a complete sentence.
_________11. The research questions represent the objectives of the study.
_________12. The background of the research should start with the discussion of the general

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers in the blank.

______1. Which of the following is NOT a strength of quantitative research?

a. Speedy data analysis c. less expensive
b. Replicable d. objective
_______2. This kind of research derives conclusion from observations and manifestations that
already occurred in the past and now compared to some dependent variables.
a. Experimental research c. Causal- Comparative research
b. Survey research d. Correlational research
_______3. The following are advantages of research except one
a. It is objective
b. Numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way
c. Quantitative studies are replicable
d. The information contextual factors to help the results or to explain variations are
usually ignored.
_______4. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using quantitative
research methods?
a. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High School
b. How has the COVID -19 pandemic affects career choices among college students?
c. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
d. None of the above
_______5. The changes that occur in an experiment that are directly caused by the researchers
are called____________.
a. Independent variable c. Controlled variable
b. Dependent variable d. Continuous variable
_______6. The condition that you change in an experiment is
a. Independent variable c. Controlled variable
b. Dependent variable d. Continuous variable
_______7. Which of these is not a discrete data?
a. Height of a sunflower as measured each day
b. How many students re absent from school each day?
c. How many widgets a business sell each day
d. Number of people who drive through a red light each hour during rush hour.
_______8. Which of these is the independent variable?
a. Number and type of questions c. confusion
b. Students d. new subjects
_______9. Which of the following is not encouraged to be included in a research title?
a. Subject matter c. respondents
b. Time or period of the study d. the word assessment or evaluation
_______10. What should be the focus of the preliminary paragraph in a background of a study?
a. Motivation of the researcher c. legal basis of the study
b. Discussion of the problem in general d. gaps to be filled in by the research
_______11. Why is the construction of research questions important in a research?
a. It discusses the foundation of the research
b. It states the clear objectives and focus of the study
c. It reveals immediately the solution to the problem
d. It analyzes the implications of the problem
________12. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good background f the study?
a. Too lengthy
b. Ambiguous in objectives
c. Has no motivation
d. Discusses the clear purpose of its study and its legal foundation

III. Answer the following items.

A. Briefly explain the importance or contribution of research to each of the following fields.

1. Agriculture and

2. Medicine

3. Electricity

4. Education
B. Identify the extraneous, independent and independent variables.
An online seller would like to know whether the indication of the price on Facebook posts
will attract consumers more. He posted 50 products for sale on Facebook market, in the
situation. of which he indicated the price while the remaining 25 products did not have
prices. Buyers were instructed to send him a personal message (pm) if they want to know
the price. He then identified which products have greater sales.

1. Independent variable: ____________________________________________________________

2. Dependent variable: _____________________________________________________________
3. Extraneous variable: ____________________________________________________________

C. Identify the dependent and independent variable.

A researcher wanted to study the effects of sleep deprivation on physical coordination. The
researcher randomly selected a group of college students and deprived some of the
participants to either 24,36 or 48 hours of sleep.

4. Independent variable: ________________________________________________________________

5. Dependent variable:

D. Write a research title based from the situation cited below. Consider the standards in
formulating a research title.
The researcher aimed to determine the effects of online learning on the communication
between teachers and students in Manhattan High School during the pandemic.

D. Formulate a research question based on the given situation.

The study assessed the nutritional status of grade 1 pupils in Buhatan Elementary
School. Nutritional status are in terms of weight, height and Body mass index.
Research questions:

IV. Kindly fill up the information about your proposed study in the subject Practical Research
Title of the Study:
Subject Matter / Focus / Objective:

Research questions:

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