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Client Notes: Hello, I want help with my essay. I worked really hard but like a lot of people

I know I have trouble understanding poetry. My professor is a stickler and I will lose

points for errors so please make sure it’s perfect. Thanks.

A showShow- of Hands

The importance of hands throughout “Beowulf” has, in the past, been a great

point of notice for many scholars, due to the sheer invasiveness of hand imagery throughout the

text largely. Firstly, in the scenes regarding Grendel’s Grendel's attack and victory (pp. 720–-

836), the use of hands is especially perverse. There are many words in this helping of the text

which Many words in this helping of the text allude to hands (mund, hond, and folmu) or hand

whereabouts (clamm, grap, gripe), etc.), mostly in reference to Grendel. This is important due to

the fact thatbecause the use of hands allows Grendel. Furthermore, the obsession with hands

helps to draw thoughtfulness to hand symbolism as power and strength throughout the combat-

betweencombat between the hero and the villain, which benefits to drawing attention… .

Because his hands are his chief tool for action and his fighting method, much of the

language surrounding his actions are revolvingrevolve around his hands. When he arrives to at

the hall, he opens the door with his hands at an incredible speed: “Duru sona onarn/fyrbendum

fæst/syƿðan he hire folmum onhran” (ii. 721–72 - 2) basically translated into “The door quickly

opened on fire-hinges fastened when his matter by which he seizes, and consume’s consumes the

warriors, even their feet and hands (“‘fet ond folma’)” (ii. 7,45) feet & hands. Grendel also

detained Beowulf as an onlooker, grasping his hand, which Beowulf clutches his own,

buttressing himself up on hisarmhis arm: " “Forð Forð near near æstop,/ nam nam ƿa mid
handa/higeƿihtigne/rinc on ræste,/him ræhte ongean/feond mid folme;/he onfeng

hraƿe/inwitƿancum/on wið wið earm gesæt". .” Therefore, it is than then that Grendel’ Grendel

discovers that Beowulf’s Beowulf's grip is stronger than any other warrior he has battled with

priorly, or anteriorly, continuing on and on with more and more hand imagery (pp. 750–-754).

Therefore Therefore, Beowulf Beowulf breaks the fingers of the the monster, (“fingras

burston”) (p. 760) after grasping his foe. It’s It is Beowulf’s Beowulf's hand knitting with Cain’s

Cain's that allows the heroine to tear off the monster’s monster's entire arm through the shear

sheer strength of his hand. . Thus, the scene is concluded with Beowulfs’ Beowulf's victory:

“ƿæt wæs tacen sweotol/syƿðan hildedeor /hond alegde /earm ond eaxle/-ƿær wæs eal

geador / Grendles grape /- under geapne hrof” [(ii. 833–-836] )

or ‘“That was the resistant then, for whence the warriors laieth their hands down,

armed and shouldered— – all, indeed, of Grendell’s Grendel's gripe, beneath’d beneath the

gabled roof.’ ”

Thus, the focus on hands tolerates social implication that draws on ideas of

humanity. It is only humans thatOnly humans seem to possess hands, or humanoid figures, such

as Grendel (and not paws, or just feet, or no

appendages at all!)not paws, just feet or no appendages). The attention called to

Grendel’s Grendel's hands give gives him the “subconscious” relation to humanity— – even

Grendel, a terrible monster, has his hands, just like our idol or the poet himself. . The focus on

Grendel’s Grendel's hands likely traces back to his link to cainCain, a man who demolished his

brother with his own hands. Grendel is an emigrant from the hall, an obsolete outsider, much

like his anscestor ancestor banned from edenEden. The poet that follows Grendel's point -of -
view for the mainstream of the first scene as he approaches the mead hall, HalotHeorot, a symbol

of discord where the warriors gather to celebrate. Grendel is an outcast, that is, someone who has

been cast out, it. It is emphasized. Also linked to Cane by their cannibalistic qualities and the the

possibility of yoking magical powers, the bright big, and shining eyes and immunity to swords


Also linked to Cain, hands generally in general symbolize the much wider-rangewider

range of what humans can accomplish in skill, action, purpose, expression, and power, as the

squabble with Grendel emphasizes, power. Because Beowolf’s Beowulf's grip is stronger,

Beowolf Beowulf has the most power, says a poet: it’s it is simply the grippage gripping and

strength of his hand, that allowed Beowolf Beowulf to defeat the undefeatable undefeatable


Client Notes: I had to draft a blog post pretty quickly as I try to post at the same time every

day. So it’s very important that you return this ASAP in clean form. Please look at

grammar but DO NOT change my meaning or voice as I need to sound like me.

All in all, self-love stems from a love of others. . Testament to this, there was once a girl,

and while her fabulous role models have not handed over her selfesteem self-esteem on a silver

platter with a cherry on top, they’ve they've done better.

Her role models challenged her, and helped her in seeingsee the light light in the

darkness, Her. Her self-love came from the best role models around, the hidden gems and buried

treasures that not only provded provided her with tools in order toto love herself.

rrole Role models of the pop culture few as though they may be, like Miss Piggy, taught

her to embrace herself. But even more importantly, they helped her to embrace her flaws. the

The words of the pig were Sometimes sometimes not enough.

Another influence in her quest for self-love— -and it was a quest, believe you me— -

were was a lady named after a color. One night, she herd heard a song on the radio that changed

her life forever. The The girl also built her self-esteem through the artwork of body

positivebody-positive artists. the girl was. Drawn She was drawn in by style and beauty. The girl,

already on her way to self-love, sees the images and can relate to howself love, sees the images

and was able to relate to the way their bodies were are formed, in appearance and body

shapesshape; , the same remarkable shape as herself. . The girl pours over the the art of the
artistartist's art, saving all she could to her computer, and she loved loved the sugary sweet

paintings. and And whenever a new piece was posted, the girl was reminded of all of the

previous experiences and influences she had encountered. the The paitings paintings made the

girl strong when and she felt weak and left left her craving more. The girl, as I’m I'm sure you

have guessed, is myself.

And I’m I'm not sharing these monumental, all too personal experiences, which I have

never shared Before here for attention. I am sharing my story,, in a hopeshoping that those who

read it those who feel the same feelings I did and still do never have to feel alone. . That As we

can see, there Are are role models out theirthere, real role models who care and love themselves

and want you to love youself yourself, And and it’s it's not an easy or painless journey. . But it’s

one that isit's worth it.. .


Client Notes: This needs to be in APA format and the terms need to be all okay. US English

for all of it. Good english, my grammar is crap.

Evaluation of Alkaline Copper Quat Wood Preservative Toxicity of the toxicity of alkaline

copper quat (ACQ) wood preservative bBetween subterranean Subterranean


The use ofUsing chemical preservatives, to protect the wood from breakdown, is

from almost dates back over 100 100 years before. Resultingly, creosote, coal-tar pitch, and

arsenical compounds have a long history with of successful use, and few alternatives have

recently been necessary requireduntil now. Due to odourodor, toxicity, stickiness, and fabric-

staining properties, creosote has been out of favor for many years for use in homes and

residences, although. However, it remained popular widely used for utility poles and railroad

ties. Arsenical compounds were favorable for many years for residential decks, playground

equipment, and other light-duty applications requiring low odor or other desirable issues.

Due to concerns about arsenic toxic arsenic, in 2002, the EPA announced the cancellation

of all uses of one of the very thriving preservatives for pressure-treated lumber, chromated

chromate copper arsenate (CCA), by the end of 2003. Currently, there are two chief main non-
arsenical alternatives in widespread use: disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (borates) and ACQ

( ammonicalalkaline copper quat (ACQ). ). ACQ has largely primarily taken over the CCA

market, although borates are popular in some various places and in some applications for their

perceptive lower toxicity to humans and lower environmental influence.

These compounds protect the wood from fungal decay through their fungicidal

properties. Wood pressure- treated with compounds such as CCA and AQC will prevent the

establishing establishment and proliferation of wood-decay fungi fungus spores for the time as

long as the compounds remain in the wood. One of the perceived disadvantages of borates is

that, because the active ingredient is water soluble, in exposed locations—-decks, playground

equipment, or sheeting — the active borate, what isan active ingredient, will leach out over time

and, allowing the decay fungi to become comfortable.

The exact mechanism is unknown, but potential reasons for resistance to termitestermite

resistance include antifeedant properties; and toxicity. One benefit of protecting wood from

fungus decay by using a preservative is that pressure treatment with these chemicals also confers

resistant resistance to attack by subterranean termites (Hwang et alet al., 2005).

Despite the large market-sharemarket share of ACQ wood in the United States, few

study’s studies have examining examined the mechanism of resistanceresistance mechanism of

in ACQ treatedACQ-treated wood to termites. In this study, we conducted simple assays to find

out what waysdetermine how ACQ-treated wood prevents termite attackattacks.

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