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UTM Computing Proceedings

Innovations in Computing Technology and Applications
Volume: 3 | Year: 2018 | ISBN No. :978-967-2171-30-0

Comparison of Artificial Neural Network

(ANN) and Autoregressive Integrated Moving
Average (ARIMA) Models for WTI Crude
Oil Price Forecasting

Siti Farahzalina Yusof, Ruhaidah Samsudin

School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.,

Abstract—Crude oil is one of the primary key that I. INTRODUCTION

drives the economic development of a country. The
In the field of economy, forecasting crude oil
prices of crude oil are crucial aspect to be paid
attention as it is proven in past researches to have a
price has been an imperative activity for economist
direct impact on the global economy. Specifically, the across worldwide [1]. In general, to forecast crude oil
West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil price is the price is to have a sense of control on what might
most renowned benchmark price in oil pricing as it happen to the global economy. While ruminating on
affects other commodities prices and is vastly used as decision-making, forecasted crude oil price result
the basis in formulating the price of other crude oils. may help in achieving a good decision in meeting
Thus, to forecast the price of WTI crude oil is a tedious certain goals and objectives that a country needs to
matter as the results may be treated as a precaution or manage its own direction of economic growth. This is
a warning in making a business strategy of a country. because the prices of crude oil have the potential to
In this research, The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) directly affect the economies in three dominant
and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average channels: Firstly, fluctuation in crude oil prices have
(ARIMA) models are used to forecast the future price a great impact on inflation, by way of variance in
of WTI crude oil. The same dataset by five-years of production cost which leads to the shifting in the
observations of WTI Daily Spot Price are used the supply curve. Secondly, changes in crude oil prices
forecasting of both models. A comparative analysis give a cogent effect on the exchange rates through the
between ANN and ARIMA models are recorded to balance of payments primarily for oil-importing
signify which one of the techniques yield a better
countries. Finally, changes in crude oil price
forecast performance by comparing the value of MAE,
influences the value of household’s total [2].
MSE, and MAPE. Specifically, the results from the
comparative analysis of both models indicates that A number of papers have documented forecasting
ANN performs better in forecasting compared to models for crude oil price using various techniques.
ARIMA. The accuracy results from ANN model are For instance, a study applied Bayesian model to
0.504, 0.588, and 1.203 for MSE, MAE, and MAPE forecast the long term of crude oil prices using prior
respectively which pointed out a good accuracy as the information to model the approach [3]. Brent crude
values are lower than of the ARIMA model. oil price was also forecasted using a combination of
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network (ANN),
four models [4]. The papers however did not
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA),
document a forecasting model for West Texas
West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Intermediate (WTI) crude oil specifically. Thus, this

ISBN No. :978-967-2171-30-0

paper narrowed the scope of the forecasting activity Neural Networks(MPNN), Multivariate Linear
by specifically forecasting the WTI crude oil price. Regression(MLR), Radial Basis Function Neural
WTI crude oil is one of the oil pricing benchmark that Networks(RBFNN), and General Regression Neural
acts as a reference price for sellers and buyers of Networks(GRNN)[7]. Based on the research, it was
crude oil, other than Brent and Dubai crude oils concluded that GRNN and RBFNN were the best
which are equally famous as WTI in oil market. WTI performing models outperformed the MLPNN due to
crude oil originates from the North America which is their fast computation that displayed a big difference
known as the highest quality crude oil. The market of compared to MLPNN which decreased in speed by its
WTI crude oil is only within the United States region, double-iteration learning strategy. Meanwhile, MLR
not as vast as the market of Brent and Dubai crude model was observed as the worst performing model
oils. The main reason why WTI crude oil is chosen to as its performance was in the lowest rank compared
be the focus of this research is because it is vastly to the other three ANN models [7].
used as the essence of plenty crude oil price formulae.
Apart from that, ANN was also used in the
Numerous researchers also used WTI crude oil rather
than using Brent and Dubai crude oil as the centre of prediction of gross domestic product (GDP) and
their topics. The abundant attention received was due Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) in which the
to the significant role that WTI crude oil plays in network of ANN was trained with back propagation
(BP) learning algorithm and extreme learning
pricing agreement and benchmark pricing from its
interaction with other crude oils. Benchmark crude oil machine (ELM)[8]. The research concluded that
is important for the purpose of pricing the various ANN network works better with ELM algorithm as
types of crude oil manufactured across worldwide. the degree of accuracy is higher than of the BP
Although it is not the most used oil, the fluctuation of algorithm in overcoming the high nonlinearity of
WTI crude oil price directly gives negative impacts to GDP and HHI predictions. Referring to the past
the global economy as well as the community in researches that applied ANN in different field other
concern of it. than crude oil price forecasting, it is observed that the
accuracy of ANN may differ depending on the ANN
This research aims to develop an accurate model used and the data training algorithm applied.
forecasting model to get the finest prediction result.
For cases of crude oil price forecasting using
Without an appropriate utilization of fitting models in
accordance to the data behaviours, the forecast result ANN, it is said that ANN is superior and yields a
may lead to a dreadful and ruinous decision which statistically notable forecast compared to linear
models such as ARMA and GARCH[9]. This is
may yields to a catastrophic effect in the particular
sectors. As such, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) because the results of conducting several
econometrical and statistical tests led to a conclusion
and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
(ARIMA) models are used to measure which of it can that the future prices time series is nonlinear which
give a high degree in accuracy result of forecasting. made ANN a better model for forecasting crude oil
Large amount of data as input forecasting systems is price. The results however being argued as raw input
data were used and the network were trained using
crucial in attaining authentic and requisite estimates
[5]. Based on this statement, the selection of ANN rather old information[10]. Past researches also
and ARIMA as the forecasting models is genuine. utilized hybrid model to forecast crude oil price
ANN and ARIMA models had also achieved an whereby the ANN being hybridized with other
models to improve the performance of classical
equally successful applications in their own domain
[6]. However, neither of them is universal model to fit forecasting models in terms of precision and
for all circumstances. accuracy. ANN-GARCH models research on crude
oil price volatility resulted in improvement by 30%
II. RELATED WORKS accuracy compared to the classical GARCH model
In this research, two types of forecasting models
are applied. The models are ANN and ARIMA which Based on all the researches mentioned above,
are commonly used in the area of forecasting. Both ANN may yield different results depending on the
models are time-series based. The related works of selection of input feature, architecture of ANN and
the models are discussed profoundly in the sections the parameter setting. Therefore, to achieve a high
below. degree of accuracy in forecasting, a proper
consideration regarding the modelling issue of ANN
A. ANN should be given enough attention. Even though ANN
ANN is not a foreign model for forecasting was said to be reliable for nonlinearity complex, the
activity. A lot of previous researches utilized ANN as only issue with the model is the fact that there are no
the method for forecasting where it has been applied guidelines, and thus some things should be done
in various types of field. One of the most recent through experimentation or trial and error[12].
research regarding ANN was the forecasting on Despite that, the accuracy of prediction relies heavily
dissolved oxygen in a river whereby four models of on the issues mentioned above. Thus, according to
ANN being applied namely the Multilayer Perceptron [12], forecasting using ANN is more art than science.

ISBN No. :978-967-2171-30-0

B. ARIMA To sum it up, ARIMA models may not be fitted as

Known as the Box-Jenkins model, ARIMA has forecasting model for some time-series data due to its
long been enjoying the rewarding applications in limitation of long-term trend boundary. However,
forecasting areas[13]. Various area such as social, ARIMA do gives an accurate forecast results for short
economic, engineering, and foreign exchange have time period as long as more than 50 data presents[13].
been using ARIMA as the forecasting model. In fact, Box and Jenkins in their empirical research also
the application of ARIMA models in forecasting supported the statement as they found that ARIMA is
commodity prices such as natural gas and crude oil is a proper way to forecast short-term time series data.
not a new thing[14]. In particular, ARIMA had also The nature of the time-series data should be taken
been utilized in forecasting electricity prices of into account as well. If the degree of volatility of the
mainland Spain and California markets. The study data is high, probability of less accurate forecast
used set of data from three non-consecutive week result to be obtained may exist. In short, to forecast
electricity consumption to predict the hourly prices of using ARIMA model is to find the exact model
electricity in the mainland Spain and California. depending on the characteristic of time-series data for
Different model of ARIMA were applied in the Spain a satisfying result.
and California respectively. Based on the study, it III. METHODOLOGY
was concluded that the result of forecast was
generated faster in California than in the Spain due to Research methodology is the systematic plan that
the difference in the electricity prices volatility in is crucial for conducting a research. A systematic plan
Spain and California respectively[14]. aims to solve a problem by analysing the principle of
methods, techniques and algorithms used. A good
There were also a lot of other researches which methodology will provide more details explanation
focuses on forecasting activity that applied ARIMA on how the research are carry out and ensure that the
models. For instance, [15] utilized ARIMA model to objectives of research are achieved. In this chapter,
forecast wind speed using time-series data. The study research method and process will be discussed to
presents the regression analysis and the model produce good results of the research project. There
validation process which is based in real-life data. At are two techniques that are used in this research
the end of the study, the authors concluded that which are Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and
ARIMA model is best suited to forecast wind speed Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average
for short time intervals compared to back-propagation techniques. This research project is divided into few
neural network. [16]demonstrated the seasonal parts, which are Problem Formulation, Dataset
ARIMA model for monthly peak-load demand data Collection, Development of ANN Model,
forecasting of a town in Northern Iraq: Sulaimany Development of ARIMA model, Validation and
Governate. The results obtained 1.235 of mean Evaluation of the model as well as the conclusion and
absolute percentage error (MAPE) which is a report.
particularly good result.
The development of ANN is implemented using
On top of that, several past studies also used MATLAB. The ANN model developed for this
ARIMA to make comparison of forecast results research consisted of three layers: input layer, hidden
alongside with other forecasting models. [17] in their layer, and output layer. To train the network, the
study used wavelet ARIMA model to forecast the backpropagation is used following its popularity for
temperature in north eastern Bangladesh and being a reliable technique in the field of forecasting
compared the result with of the wavelet ANN model. [9]. As for the hidden nodes selection, the number is
The results from the study indicated that wavelet determined using the practical guidelines used by
ARIMA model is more suited to be used as previous researchers which are 2n+1, 2n, n, and n/2
temperature predictor than wavelet ANN model due [19]. On the hand, the ARIMA model is developed
to the large temperature variation in the region of using R. Following the conventional Box-Jenkins
Bangladesh. On 2016, ARIMA and GM(1,1) models methodology, the ARIMA is developed in four
were used to forecast the consumption of energy in essential steps which are model identification,
China[18]. The study found that the results varies parameter estimation, diagnostic checking, and model
following the requirements. Through comparison, it is utilization where the forecasting process takes place
discovered that the ARIMA model responded less to [20]. Using the same dataset of WTI Daily Spot Price
the fluctuation due its nature which is bounded by the from 2013 to 2017 collections, the performance of
long-term trend. The GM(1,1) model however shows both models is measured using MSE, MAE, and
a higher response due to the usage of the latest four MAPE due to its accuracy in error calculation
data. At the end of the study, the authors proposed a [21].Figure 1 is the simple flowchart of the research
hybrid approach of ARIMA and GM(1,1) models to framework.
improve the rather opposite statistical sense of both

ISBN No. :978-967-2171-30-0

a better result compared to the ARIMA model with

1.245% MAPE for training data and 1.203% MAPE
Problem Formulation for testing data. The low values of performance
measurement indicated that the model is the best
model for forecasting purposes.
Table 1.Best ANN Structure of WTI Crude Oil Price Forecasting

Training Testing
Dataset Collection ANN
E % E %
12X5X 1.01 0.74 0.50 0.58
1.245 1.203
1 6 2 4 8

Development of ANN Model Table 2. Results of performance measurement for

ARIMA (0, 1, 1) Model

Training Testing
(0, 1, 1) 1.692 0.991 1.621 0.844 0.710 1.463
Development of ARIMA Model
Table 3.Comparison of Best Results for Each Model

Training Testing
Validation and Evaluation of ANN and
ARIMA Models ANN 1.016 0.742 1.245 0.504 0.588 1.203
ARIMA 1.692 0.991 1.621 0.844 0.710 1.463

Based on Table 3, it can be clearly observed that

the ANN model produced lower values of MSE,
Conclusion and Report MAE, and MAPE for the WTI Daily Spot Price
dataset compared to the ARIMA model. The
significant results of ANN model proved that the
lower the value of MSE, MAE, and MAPE, the
Figure 1. Research framework higher the accuracy of the prediction. Thus, it can be
concluded that ANN as the nonlinear forecasting
IV. RESULT model has a higher predictive capability compared to
In this research, the accuracy of both model is ARIMA model which is a linear forecasting model.
compared using MSE, MAE, and MAPE. Low value
of performance measurement is indicated as a good V. CONCLUSION
forecasting result. Before conducting the experiments, In conclusion, this research has developed ANN
the data is divided into 70% of training data to train and ARIMA models for WTI crude oil price
the network for modelling purpose and 30% of testing forecasting in order to improve the readily available
data to evaluate the model. From the experiments of forecasting models. This research also conducted a
ANN, the model with twelve input nodes, five hidden comparative analysis between ANN and ARIMA
nodes, and one output is selected as the best model models. The model of ANN was developed using
based on its low values of MSE, MAE, and MAPE. MATLAB whereas the model of ARIMA was
As for ARIMA, the selected model is ARIMA(0,1,1) developed using R. The variations of tools being
which produced a good performance. Table 1 and 2 used is to study how the tools work using the same
show the best performance of ANN and ARIMA dataset as well as to gain various knowledge on
model based on the MSE, MAE, and MAPE of statistical tools. For the performance measurement,
training and testing data. MSE, MAE, and MAPE were selected to portray the
accuracy of both models. Referring to the analysed
Table 3 tabulated the best results for WTI crude
oil price forecasting based on the two models. Based results, it is proven that the ANN as a linear
forecasting model is a better technique in forecasting
on the Table 3, it is evident that ANN model yielded

ISBN No. :978-967-2171-30-0

as it managed to obtain a higher accuracy compared and Commodity Futures Prices,” Int. J. Comput. Sci.
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Crude Oil Price Using Artificial Neural Networks

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