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2nd Semester
ICT-Quiz 1
Grade 9 British
Student Name: ………………......................................................…… Section….…......….. Date……………...………

1. What is Stage 1 in Systems Life Cycle ?

A Documentation B Analysis

C Design D Development & Testing

E Implementation

2. What is Stage 2 in Systems Life Cycle ?

A Development & Testing B Analysis

C Documentation D Design

E Implementation

3. What do you do in the Analysis stage?

Determine and gather Think what to do


C Look for right and wrong D Design new system

4. Analysis stage has many steps, could you choose which one is NOT part
of it.

A Research current system B Describe the manual system

C Identify problems D Agree on objectives with clients

E Describe the current system

5. Analysis stage has many steps, could you choose which one is NOT part
of it.

A Describe the current system B Present the new design.

C Identify problems D Agree on objectives with clients

E Research current system

6. "I asked questions verbally to all the employees of the accounts

department at Greensteds School, to find out how their systems work."
What research method is described above?

A Questionnaires B Collecting Documents

C Observation D Interviews

7. "While at the supermarket, one of the workers gave me a handout

containing questions that I had to answer and return. " Which research
method is described above

A Handouts B Receipt

C Questionnaire D Evaluation

8. in Analysis Phase, the main purpose of the Preliminary Investigation
(feasibility study) is .....

to determine the exact nature of to develop all of the details of

A the problem or improvement B the new or modified information
and decide whether it is worth system

C to determine the users’ wants,

needs, and requirements;

9. What happens in the design phase?

The code is produced Planning the solution, look and

feel of the software interface

Making changes when the Ensuring the requirements are

software has been created understood

10. Acquire hardware and software is done in which phase?

A Analysis B Implementation

C Planning D Design


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