Writings Kacper

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Which course is more important?

Education is one the most important thing in one’s life, so it is not suprising, that
people take interest in what their children learn at school. This essay will explain
which of the following courses is more important for children and teenagers to learn,
ancient Greek and Latin or computer course.

It is true that learning foreign languages is important, but is it necessary for our
offspring to learn languages which nobody speaks natively? It would be a lot better, if
young people learnt modern languages like French or Spanish, which would help
them communicate with people all around the world. Some people may argue that the
writngs of ancient authors like Cicero or Plato are invaluable for our culture, it is true,
but how many people read them anyway?

On the other hand, computers play increasingly more and more important roles in our
lives, everybody nowadays uses computers and smartphones, but we should teach
future generations, how to use these new technologies responsibly, without harming
themselves. It would be extremely beneficial for kids at school to learn how to avoid
things like scams, dangerous sites and misinformation in internet, it should be
mandatory for kids to learn how to defend themselves againts these dangers.

To summarise, in the age of information,in which we all live now, it will be necessary
to teach our kids how to use new technologies in a responsible way, which makes
teaching ancient languages unnecessary in comparison.

I have been recently asked to propose ways to improve overall wellness of our company’s
employeses. In this proposal I will outline the reasons why the health of our colleagues is in such
poor condition and in the last part I will put forward a few recommendations how to fix that.

Why the health of our our employees is in such poor condition:

Most of our employees suffer from oveweight, bad posture and insomnia, which are becoming more
and more common nowadays. The reasons for that are manifold, bad diet, lack of exercise, bad
posture during work and bad public transport in our city have all contributed to that. Many
companies have already introduced some measures to combat these problems, but our company has
unfortunately stayed behind.

Recommendations to improve the healh and overall wellness of our

company’s employeses:

- Some of our employees or even whole departments could be allowed to work remotely, our
employees would not have to wake up so early in order to catch a bus and would not suffer from
insomnia anymore

- Promoting healthy diet, by throwing out vendore machines with unhealthy food and replacing
them with healthy food

- The company could start sponsoring gym membership for our employees to encourage them to
more healthy lifestyle.

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