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NAME & SECTION: _________________________________ DATE: ______________

DIRECTION: Circle the correct answer for each question.

1. What did Karl Marx's call the two classes?

a) The haves and the have-nots
b) The proletariat and the bourgeoisie
c) Labor and management
d) The agrarians and industrialists
2. A man named _____ is considered the father of social conflict theory.
a) Karl Marx
b) Emile Durkheim
c) George Simmel
d) Herbert Spencer
3. To a social conflict theorist, a worker in a factory would be considered a:
a) Capitalist
b) Democrat
c) Socialist
d) Proletariat
4. “Conflict theory sees society as a result of competition over scare ______________”
a) Resources
b) Controversy
c) Quarrel
d) Parties
5. An important assumption of conflict theory is that human relationships and social structures all experience
inequalities of power.
a) War
b) Competition
c) Structural Inequality
d) Revolution
6. -10Give the 4 Conflict Theory Assumptions. (in any order)



NAME & SECTION: _________________________________ DATE: ______________

DIRECTION: Circle the correct answer for each question.

1. -5 Give the 4 Conflict Theory Assumptions. (in any order)

6. When Karl Marx defined the proletariat and the bourgeoisie classes as:
a) Workers and the owners in a capitalist society
b) Socialists and feudalists in different time periods
c) Robots and factory workers in the Industrial Revolution
d) Rural and urban landholders
7. To a social conflict theorist, a worker in a factory would be considered a:
a) Capitalist
b) Democrat
c) Socialist
d) Proletariat
8. “Conflict theory sees society as a result of competition over scare ______________”
a) Resources
b) Controversy
c) Quarrel
d) Parties
9. Michelle owns a regional manufacturing company. She has a warehouse, nine trucks, and employs 50
people. What are the warehouses and trucks examples of?
a) Means of production
b) Social control
c) Surplus value
d) Bourgeoisie status
10. Given conflict theorists' assumption that conflict occurs between social classes, one outcome of this conflict
is a revolutionary event.
a) Competition
b) Revolution
c) War
d) Structural Inequality

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