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Radio Aids to Navigation

VHF/UHF reception range = 1.23 Height above station

Time to pass station (seconds)

Time to a navigation facility in minutes (NDB or VOR) =
Degrees of bearing change

Groundspeed knots ×Time to station (minutes)

Distance from a navigation facility in nautical miles (NDB or VOR) =

2 2 2
Distance from DME station = Slant range - Height above station

High Speed Flight

Local Speed of Sound (knots) = 39 OAT (Kelvin)

Temperature in Kelvin = Temperature in Celsius +273

True airspeed knots

Mach number =
Local speed of sound knots

Point of Equal Time (PET) or Critical Point (CP)

Total Distance of Flight nm ×Ground speed return (knots)

Distance to Point of Equal Time =
Groundspeed return (knots) + Groundspeed continue (knots)

Distance to point of equal time (nm)

Time to Point of Equal Time =
Groundspeed in cruise

Point of No Return (PNR)

Fuel endurance hours × Ground speed return knots × Groundspeed outbound (knots)
Distance to Point of No Return =
Ground speed return knots + Groundspeed outbound (knots)

Distance to Point of No Return (nm)

Time to Point of No Return =
Ground speed outbound (knots)

Specific Range
True airspeed(knots)
Specific air range =
Fuel flow (pounds or gallons per hour)

Ground speed(knots)
Specific ground range =
Fuel flow (pounds or gallons per hour)

16 December 2012

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