Management Science

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Ortega, Carl Joseph

Baracao, Rosela Mae
Barnachea, Jennifer
Solis, Jenilyn


Prof. Jerry Viray


Let x = number of hectares planted with rice Units of Units of Average

y = number of hectares planted with corn Hectares Insecticide Fertilizer Profit
x 4x 2x 15,000x
Formulating the objective function and constraints: y 3y 6y 10,000y

Maximize Profit: 15,000x + 10,000y (objective)

Subject to:
Hectares - x + y ≤ 40
Insecticide - 4x + 3y ≥ 90 Hectares Insecticide Fertilizer
Fertilizer - 2x + 6y ≥ 120 constraints x + y = 40 4x + 3y = 90 2x + 6y = 120
x≥0 y≥0 x y x y x y
0 40 0 30 0 20
Graph of the Constraints 40 0 22.5 0 60 0

(0, 40)
35 x + y = 40 (Hectares)

B 4x + 3y = 90 (Insecticide)
(0, 30)
2x + 6y = 120 (Fertilizer)
(0, 20)
Intersection of Insecticide &
15 C
(10, 16.67) Fertilizer

10 Intersection of Fertilizer &

D Hectares
(30, 10)

0 (22.5, 0) (40, 0) (60, 0) x

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Intersection of Insecticide & Fertilizer Intersection of Fertilizer & Hectares

4x + 3y = 90 2x + 6y = 120 x + y = 40
2x + 6y = 120
4𝑥 −3𝑦 + 90 2𝑥 −6𝑦 + 120 (−3𝑦 + 60) + y = 40
= =
4 4 2( ) + 6y = 120 2 2
−3𝑦 + y = 40 - 60
X= X = −3𝑦 + 60
2( + 6y) = (120) 2 −2𝑦 −20
−2 −2
−3𝑦 + 90 + 12y = 240 2x + 6y = 120
4x + 3y = 90
Y = 10
9y = 240 – 90 2x + 6 (10) = 120
4x + 3 (16 ) = 90
9𝑦 150 2x + 60 = 120
4x + 3 ( ) = 90 9 9
2x = 120 – 60
4x + 50 = 90 50
3 2𝑥 60
4x = 90 – 50 2 2
𝒚 = 𝟏𝟔 𝒐𝒓 𝟏𝟔. 𝟔𝟕
𝟑 x = 30

x = 10

Finding the Optimum Solution

Virtices Objective: 15,000x + 10,000y

A (0, 40) 15,000 (0) + 10,000 (40) = 0 + 400,000 = 400,000
B (0, 30) 15,000 (0) + 10,000 (30) = 0 + 300,000 = 300,000
C (10, 16.67) 15,000 (10) + 10,000 (16.67) = 150,000 + 166,700 = 316,700
D (30, 10) 15,000 (30) + 10,000 (10) = 450,000 + 100,000 = 550,000

Therefore, the farmer should plant 30 hectares of rice and 10 hectares of corn to maximize his profit,
which is 550,000 pesos.
Checking whether the solution is correct:

First constraint:

x + y ≤ 40

30 + 10 ≤ 40

40 ≤ 40

This means that the farm has 40 hectares, and the en re 40 hectares must be used.

Second constraint:

4x + 3y ≥ 90

4 (30) + 3 (10) ≥ 90

120 + 30 ≥ 90

150 ≥ 90

This means that the farmer has at least 90 units of insec cide available, he needs to use 150 units of it.

Third constraint:

2x + 6y ≥ 120

2 (30) + 6 (10) ≥ 120

60 + 60 ≥ 120

120 ≥ 120

This means that the farmer has at least 120 units of fer lizer available, he needs to use all these 120 units.

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