Adobe Scan 07 Dec 2023

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Er. Mahesh M. Karmble

BE Cil), ME Sructures
Engineer and Structural Corsutart

Fla No. 205. Sarlashakar Heritage App. Opp. Circuit Hose Tarztz Park Roltapur
M. 095525 147]1 email: vastustructkolhapur agmail om


To Whom So Ever it Wav Concem

This is to Certify That Er. Ganesh Chandrakat Rasanka wS WOrKng n s

as an Engineer from 1 Juty 2019 to 31= Ocober 2023. 33
He is Hardworking and Sincere in his Work He Possesses s Good
WMora Chae s2s
drawn monthly Salary was Rs. 250DD
He is relieved from his duties with efect from 1s
November 2023
Iwish him All the Best in His Future Career.

Yours Faithfully,
Er. Mahesh M. Kamble Mabesh MKn be
BECil) MEStre
Reg No. K-o/E

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