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Three-fold thrust of Xavier University Student Formation

Xavier University aims to provide a holistic development of her students through its three-
fold thrust:

1. Academic Excellence
Xavier engages in the authentic search for the truth through teaching, formation,
research and social outreach — dedicated to the renewal, discovery, safeguarding and
communication of knowledge and human values.

2. Growth in Spiritual Life

It stresses growth in Spiritual Life and for Christians it represents Jesus Christ as a
personal friend who gained forgiveness and the true freedom for us through His death
and resurrection. It aims to animate the spiritual growth of everyone and offers a
progressive initiation to prayer and worship. Xavier University facilitates retreats,
recollections and prayer sessions. There are also religious organizations that students
can be members of.

3. Commitment to a Life of Service

It assists in the formation of men and women who will put their beliefs and attitudes
into practice through lives. It encourages Faith and expresses itself in works of justice
and peace in building a more humane world and a community of love. It helps
students to realize that their God-given talents are also for the benefit of the larger
society. There are community outreach, advocacies on issues and concerns and
service learning projects.
Given the actual situation of today’s world and in imitation of Jesus Christ, it shows a
particular concern for the poor and marginalized.

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