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In the annals of science, a towering figure stands tall,

His name forever etched, his legacy won't fall.

Newton, the sage of physics, mathematics his domain,
His brilliance illuminated paths where knowledge would reign.

Born in 1642, in England's wool-rich lands,

His intellect would shape the world with visionary hands.
From an apple's gentle descent, he glimpsed gravity's rule,

A force that binds the cosmos, a principle so cool.

With laws of motion three, he unveiled nature's dance,

Objects in motion tend to stay, a truth of great expanse.
His calculus, a tool profound, unlocked the secrets deep,

Integrals and derivatives, where mysteries would seep.

In optics, he explored the rainbow's vibrant hue,

Prisms bending light, revealing spectrums anew.
The corpuscular theory he wielded with finesse,

Light's particles in motion, a concept to impress.

A polymath unmatched, his intellect did soar,

From alchemy to theology, he delved into each door.
Master of the Royal Mint, he served his nation well,

His legacy, a testament, in science he did excel.

Though centuries have passed, his influence endures,

In every equation solved, in every theory ensures.
Newton, the luminary, a beacon ever bright,

In the cosmos of knowledge, his star shines through the night.

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