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3/13/24, 12:34 PM 8 Lessons from the Power of Focus: Book Review | Consulting Success

8 Lessons from the Power

of Focus: Book Review Search Blog



just finished reading The Power of

Focus ( . The
book was published in 2000 and has
sold millions of copies.
The authors are all well known. Jack Canfield ( , Mark Victor
Hansen ( , and Les Hewitt ( .
There are many lessons in this book if you’re looking to become more focused,
motivated and successful in both business and life.
There are several themes in the book that will help you to improve your goal
setting ( and
follow-through. Being persistent. Creating wealth and successful consulting

habits ( that will pay you
dividends in the long-term.
Let me share with you 8 points from
the book that LinerI Copilot
think you’ll
appreciate: 12:34 PM

Each week
This is take one
the key day completely
sentence of this
pageCurious about "the power of
off. No business
focus"? phone, noone
Solve it with emails.
tap! No
work. Just make it your day to think and
plan. But don’t actually do any business
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Spend time with your family. At least one
( Hide ()
day each week should be a full family day.
If ’t d th t b t d 1/5
3/13/24, 12:34 PM 8 Lessons from the Power of Focus: Book Review | Consulting Success
If you can’t do that, be sure to spend as
much time as you possibly can each day
in the mornings or evenings with the
people you love and care about.
Before going to sleep, create an outline of
what you want to accomplish the
following day. Not in your head, write it
down. Do that from Monday to Friday.
Find one thing that makes your day better. Each of us has things that we
enjoy doing. Make sure you do something you enjoy each day. Whatever it is.
Treat yourself.
Take a nap. The authors suggest taking 25 minutes to sleep mid day during
the week. This will re-charge you and get you more focused. Especially if
you’re waking up between 5:30-6:30am each morning.
Ask more. Don’t be scared of rejection. You need to ask people in all
situations for what you want. It’s what kids do. It’s what works. Ask and you’ll
often get.
Be consistent and persistent. Don’t give up on something after only a couple
of tries. It can often take years of toiling away to make you an ‘overnight
Keep your promises. Most people don’t follow through and do what they say.
If you do, make sure you promote that fact. In emails or calls to clients, let

them know that you got ____ done “as promised.” That will reinforce your
Liner Copilot
commitment. 12:34 PM

This is the key sentence of this

If you’ve read the book or want to share a thought about Focus
( please do in the comments below.
pageCurious about "the power of
focus"? Solve it with one tap!

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