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The Power of focus

The power of focus.

For the past few years, I came to realize that I never really accomplished anything in
my life.

With hindsight, I observed that there was a huge lack of focus.

Recently, I’ve been obsessed with one single thing: how to stay focused.

This book, the power of focus was really helpful.

As the authors highlighted, the principles developed in the power of focus will help
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hit your professional, personal and financial goals.

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Too many people spend thousands of dollars in books, personal coaching and
seminars but they simply don’t apply what they learned.
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The power of focus will help you to take actions.

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FOCUSING STRATEGY 1: Your habits will determine your future

The first chapter of the power of focus tells the story of a struggling Mom. Despite
all odds against her, she achieved spectacular success.

The authors used her story to pinpoint that change in your life is possible. As long
as you’re ready to take a leap of faith, get out of your comfort zone and use the
Your of focus,
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Remember that life has better things in store and rewards are waiting when you
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develop the “habit of enthusiastic focused action”.

Life is for you, not against you. It just doesn’t

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interpret what happens to you.

Make bad choices now and you will regret 
it. Your future is shaped by your everyday
choices and actions. 3/25
3/13/24, 12:36 PM The power of focus - Full book summary - Sitraka Ratsimba

Be aware of your habits because they determine your future. You will notice that
“consistent choices lay the foundation for your habits”

The power of focus: Habits will determine your future

A habit is something you do automatically because you repeated it long enough.

It’s a behavior that you do consistently. Repetition creates a new behavior and it
gets easy over time.

Do you remember when you first started driving a car? You had to make conscious
efforts on the wheel, on the brake and on the gas. But it eventually became easier
because you developed the habit and less brain activities are now required.

It’s possible to reprogram yourself. You have the choice, every single time.

Think about it, success doesn’t come with simple luck. You need focused action,
self-discipline and a lot of energy to get things done. Your behavior and your habits
will determine your future from this day forward.

You can choose: abundance or scarcity, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy. It’s all
about choices!

The results of your bad habits usually don’t show up until much later in life

Oftentimes, we buy into the false idea that we can get rich quickly. Immediate
gratification prevails over rational thinking. We want the fat burgers now and think
little about the negative consequences.

But chronic bad habits will lead you to failure. Life gives you the consequences of
your choices.
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In the book “T he Formula: T he Universal Laws of Success by Albert-László
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success and negative habits will create more negative results.
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if tomorrow right.matter. This live-for-the-moment attitude is the
primary cause for obesity and diseases. We dismiss healthy habits and don’t think of
the long term consequences. Accept All

Jack Canfield, one of the authors of the power of focus shares 3 healthy habits you
can implement: Settings  4/25
3/13/24, 12:36 PM The power of focus - Full book summary - Sitraka Ratsimba

Sleeping more as deep sleep heals the body

Networking more
Getting better at storytelling: he considers it to be an important skill in business.

Developing successful habits takes time

It’s often said that a habit forms within three to four weeks. It can take up to 66
days or more.

Read my article: Atomic habits by James Clear

The longer you have a habit, the harder it will be to get rid of it. Also remember that
you still risk slipping back into your old negative habits.

It’s important to develop more habits, preferably four habits every year. Ten years
from now, you’ll amass forty new habits. Within five years, you will have a fulfilled
relationship, healthy lifestyle and mostly financial abundance. Start with one habit
at a time, over time. It’s possible.

Our daily lives are filled with routines we’re not even aware of. You do hundreds of
the same things every day. “Up to 47 percent of your everyday behavior is habitual”,
are they good or bad? Would they lead you to success or to failure? These firmly
entrenched habits control your life in every area.

You can change your life by changing what you are doing, that’s some good news!

Simply replace your old habits with new positive ones.

OneCookie Settings
step at a time, day by day, every day, one positive behavior will dramatically
improve your overall lifestyle.
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How to identify bad habits
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List everything you do from the moment you wake up. Assess which habits are
unproductive, even toxic.
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Awareness is the starting point of change, the more you know what’s holding you
back the more likely you will replace them with productive habits 5/25
3/13/24, 12:36 PM The power of focus - Full book summary - Sitraka Ratsimba
back, the more likely you will replace them with productive habits.
Get a mentor or ask a trusted friend. They will give you feedback. If 10 people tell
you the same thing, you’ll know there is a problem.

Your habits and belief systems are a product of your environment

Your environment shapes what you think is possible. Who you hang around with
influences what you do.

If you lived with abusive parents, chances are high that you lack self-esteem and
you don’t know your worth. You constantly feel fear and your negative system of
belief negatively impact your adult life.

Yet, if you choose a new environment, a positive one, you’ll embrace abundance,
experience positivity and enjoy life at its best.

How you can change bad habits

You can start by modeling what other successful people are doing. Success leaves
clues so you might as well observe and implement the top performers’ good habits.

It’s possible to interview or network with them. People are more approachable than
you think.

If you want to develop positive habits, you can also read autobiographies and
biographies. They are easily accessible.

Watch documentaries about these successful people.

Finally, turn your car into a mobile library: listen to non-fiction audiobooks. Learn
whenever you are, wherever you are: listen to audiobooks for example when you
commute, exercise or when you do the chores.

Jim Rohn said, “If you read one book every month about your industry, in ten years
you’ll have read 120 books.

Your powerSettings
of focus: How to permanently change your habits

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1 – Monitor and identify your bad habits
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If these bad habits compounded over time, what would your future look like? Think
long term because the real impact will happen in 10, 20 or even 30 years. Be honest
and stop bullshitting yourself, your lifeAccept
is at All

2 – Get a new successful habit

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Get clear on the things you want. Reverse-engineer your dream life and identify
which habits will lead you there. Clarity helps because what you vividly imagine and
sincerely believe will become your reality.

3 – Create a three-part action plan.

“Which specific actions are you going to implement? You must take action. Start
with one habit that you really want to change.”

FOCUSING STRATEGY 2: It’s Not Hocus-Pocus, It’s All about Focus

The entrepreneur’s dilemma

In the power of focus, the authors start with a common problem in entrepreneurship.
An entrepreneur is likely to wear many hats at the beginning of his venture. He
multitasks and never focuses: he’s creating value, doing the marketing, handling
people and dealing with taxes, that’s a lot.

Most entrepreneurs are controllers. They rarely or never delegate. “They find it
difficult to let go, to allow other people to carry the load. Delegation is not their
strength, and of course they are emotionally attached to their business”

The question you need to ask yourself is: “What are your strengths? What do you do

Once you identify your strengths and what you do best, do that and ignore all the
rest. You need to invest most of your time every day, every week and every month
focusing on what you do best. Then, delegate, let other people do what they do

Focus on Your Natural TALENTS

The Beatles were successful because they focused on what they did best: recording
and performing on stage.
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What are your strongest points?
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Where you direct your energy and focus will manifest in your life. The rewards will
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come sooner than what you might’ve expected.
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Superachievers and highly performersAccept

have All
one single thing in common. They know
their strengths and they are aware of their weaknesses. They reap the rewards of
success because they focus on their strengths. Successful people dedicate their time
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on practicing their natural talents. They ignore or spend little time on unproductive
activities. 7/25
3/13/24, 12:36 PM The power of focus - Full book summary - Sitraka Ratsimba

Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo or LeBron James, they all practiced their sports
since childhood. They love what they do and in return, they get better which makes
them love more what they do. It’s a simple virtuous circle.

Superstars work on their natural talents and hone their skills with daily discipline.

Most of us however focus on fixing our weaknesses. Why?

It started with school: maybe you were ordered to get good grades at math although
it wasn’t your most preferred subject.

Dan Sullivan, an American business coach says: ““If you spend too much time
working on your weaknesses, all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses!”

Consult my article: “Mastery by George Leonard”

Discover your natural gifts

We came to this planet with specific talents. Those are the things that make you
exceptional. No one else has it or no one else does it better than you do. Your
mission is to discover your brilliance, hone and utilize your natural gifts. In return,
you can serve the world and you’ll experience joy and fulfillment.

Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned to fit in and enter into a mold. As children,
we knew precisely what we wanted. Nonetheless as we grew up, our priorities
shifted. We spend most of our time doing a job unfit for our strengths.

The authors reveal that they first look for passion when they hire a new

When you align your strengths and passion, you will naturally be focused.

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Learn to let go
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At the beginning of this chapter, we said that most people are controlling. They
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think that no one else can do better so they do everything. But you can free your
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time and focus on what you do best.

It’s better to hire a personal assistant. TheyAllwill do what they do best to free you
from boring and mundane tasks. A personal assistant can help you focus even more
on your strengths.
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Life is more enjoyable when we do what we do best. Get a personal assistant and
hire them accordingly.

4 choices that will help you focus

Goethe once said: “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things
which matter least.”

If urgent tasks occur, you can choose to focus and work on your most important

You will be given 4 choices:

1. Dump It
2. Delegate It
3. Defer It
4. Do It

The power of no

We cannot please everyone and staying focused is crucial. A simple daily dose of
discipline can lead you to great success. You can ask questions that will restore your

For example, ask yourself: “What should I be thinking about right now?” “Is what I’m
about to do helpful to achieve my long term goals?”

Learn to stay focused by examining three areas:

1. Yourself: you have to deal with self-doubts. That little negative voice wants you to
stay safe and dissuade you from growing. Don’t listen to it, be your own cheerleader.
2. Other people: beware of some people who want you to work on their priorities. They
will invite you to ignore your priorities; they will destroy your focus.
3. Mail and telephone: Is it productive to check one’s mailbox every two minutes? Cut
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your internet connection or say no if your phone rings.
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It’s also time to create positive habits that will help you get to where you want to
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Consult my articles about habit building:

Atomic Habits by James Clear

T he Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

FOCUSING STRATEGY 3: Do You See The Big Picture?

Peter Daniels’ story

The third chapter of the power of focus starts with Peter Daniels‘ story, a successful
Australian businessman. As a kid, his teacher, Miss Phillips would make him stand in
front of the class and shout: “Peter Daniels, you’ll never amount to anything”.
Despite failures and setbacks, he managed to create a portfolio worth several
millions of dollars in real estate.

Peter shared one of his secrets which is to schedule time to think. One day a week,
he will just do that.

Develop clarity

He also uses exciting pictures of the future that will help him develop clarity. Just
like Peter Daniels, we’re going to learn how to develop unusual clarity.

The purpose of goals

By definition, “a goal is the ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until

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Make goal setting a habit. It can drastically change your life. You can consciously
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create new goals and work on them, write down plans and set deadlines.
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authors then shareto Top-10
the right.
goals checklist:

1. Your most important goals must be yours: Are you working on your dreams or
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working to make someone else’s dream become a reality? Most people let others
dictate their life; their goals are designed not by themselves but by someone else.
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2. Your goals must be meaningful: In the future, would you live a life without regrets?
Identify what’s meaningful to you 10/25

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