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Staying one job for a long time


- There is a lack of motivation and innovation  career growth dare to take risks
- Career network is limited

1. It is argued that parents should take crucial roles in teaching their children.
2. it is better for children to grow up in the countryside that offers numerous advantages.
3. Some people advocate that money has a major role to play in the happiness of a
4. It is believed that no children family trend has been very beneficial.
5. Global attention turns towards numerous ways to end poverty and promote
sustainable development.
6. There are numerous reasons behind the housing shortage in urban areas in modern
7. It is believed that time spent on TV, videos and computer games can be beneficial.
8. There are numerous reasons behind the increase of number of overweight or obese
people in modern world.
9. There are some drawbacks of working for the same organization.
10.There are some advantages of improved health care that leads to longer life
11.There are some disadvantages of improved health care that leads to longer life
12.There are numerous reasons behind imposition of high tax on fast food.
13.It is argued that life in the future is much better.
14.It is argued that life in the future is much more challenging.
15.It is much better for people to get married before they are 30.
16.Having children later in life brings us numerous long-term benefits.
17.Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about news.
18. modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social
19.A Limited number of students are choosing to study science subjects will have positive
effects on society.
20.Early solutions should be offered to reduce the amount of food thrown away.

1. It is argued that parents should take crucial roles in teaching their children.
- To nurture a child's moral values, parents should lead by example and instill
important life lessons.
- Parental involvement in education can enhance a child's academic performance and
foster a lifelong love for learning.
2. It is better for children to grow up in the countryside that offers numerous
- Growing up in the countryside provides children with cleaner air and a closer
connection to nature, promoting physical and mental well-being.
- Rural environments often foster a strong sense of community, leading to safer and
more supportive upbringings for children.
3. Some people advocate that money has a major role to play in the happiness of a
- Financial security can lead to reduced stress and anxiety, contributing to overall
- The ability to access resources, education, and experiences that money provides can
enhance one's quality of life and satisfaction.
4. It is believed that the no-children family trend has been very beneficial.
- The trend of no-children families has led to greater individual freedom and career
opportunities, which many find advantageous.
- Smaller families contribute to reducing the strain on global resources and may have
environmental benefits.
5. Global attention turns towards numerous ways to end poverty and promote
sustainable development.
- The fight against poverty is not only a moral imperative but also essential for global
stability and peace.
- Sustainable development addresses poverty while safeguarding the environment for
future generations.
6. There are numerous reasons behind the housing shortage in urban areas in the
modern world.
- Rapid urbanization, limited land availability, and increased demand for housing are
key factors contributing to this shortage.
- Insufficient urban planning and zoning regulations can exacerbate the housing crisis
in many cities.
7. It is believed that time spent on TV, videos, and computer games can be beneficial.
- Educational content in these mediums can be valuable for learning and skill
- Relaxation and entertainment through digital media can provide necessary mental
breaks and stress relief.
8. There are numerous reasons behind the increase in the number of overweight or
obese people in the modern world.
- Sedentary lifestyles, excessive consumption of processed foods, and reduced
physical activity are primary contributors.
- Economic and environmental factors can also influence dietary choices and exercise
9. There are some drawbacks to working for the same organization.
- Stagnation and limited career growth can be concerns when staying with a single
employer for too long.
- Employees may become overly dependent on one company, potentially risking job
10. There are some advantages of improved healthcare that leads to longer life
- Longer life expectancy offers more time for personal and professional achievements
and experiences.
- It can lead to a more experienced and knowledgeable workforce, contributing to
societal progress.
11. There are some disadvantages of improved healthcare that leads to longer life
- An aging population may strain healthcare and pension systems, posing economic
- The societal impact of an increasing elderly population, such as healthcare costs and
caregiving demands, can be significant.
12. There are numerous reasons behind the imposition of high tax on fast food. - High
taxes aim to discourage unhealthy eating habits and reduce the prevalence of diet-
related diseases.
- Tax revenue generated from fast food can be allocated to healthcare and public
health programs.
13. It is argued that life in the future is much better.
- Technological advancements and scientific progress can lead to improved standards
of living and opportunities.
- Lessons learned from the past and proactive measures can pave the way for a
brighter future.
14. It is argued that life in the future is much more challenging.
- Environmental issues, geopolitical tensions, and economic uncertainties may pose
significant challenges in the future.
- Rapid technological changes can disrupt traditional systems, requiring adaptability
and resilience.
15. It is much better for people to get married before they are 30.
- Marrying before 30 can provide a stable environment for raising children and
building a family.
- Early marriage may lead to a longer shared life, fostering emotional bonds and
mutual support.
16. Having children later in life brings numerous long-term benefits.
- Older parents may have more financial stability and emotional maturity to provide a
nurturing environment.
- Delayed parenthood can lead to parents being more established in their careers and
better equipped to support their children.
17. Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about news.
- Newspapers often provide in-depth, well-researched articles that offer a
comprehensive understanding of current events.
- Print newspapers can be reliable sources of information, fostering critical thinking
and media literacy.
18. Modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social
- Excessive use of digital communication can lead to reduced face-to-face interactions,
potentially weakening social bonds.
- Social media can sometimes promote superficial connections and increase the risk of
cyberbullying or misinformation.
19. A limited number of students choosing to study science subjects will have positive
effects on society.
- A limited number of science graduates can lead to a focus on other critical fields,
promoting diversity in career choices.
- Specialization in science may lead to a more dedicated and motivated pool of
20. Early solutions should be offered to reduce the amount of food thrown away.
- Reducing food waste can have positive environmental impacts, conserving resources
and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Addressing food waste can also alleviate hunger and food insecurity by redirecting
surplus food to those in need

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