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Year Level:



Direction: Kindly choose your answer to the statement below with honesty, put a check ( / ) mark on
your decided answer and use the options below in deciding.

Financial Status

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Agree 4 – Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4
1. UNIFAST address the financial needs of
Criminology students
2. UNIFAST is providing equal opportunities for
Criminology students in terms of financial support
3. UNIFAST have contributed to your academic
success in Criminology
4. UNIFAST positively influenced your financial status
as a Criminology student

Academic Performance

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Agree 4 – Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4
1. After receiving UNIFAST you get good grade
2. UNIFAST inspire you to attend in class
3. UNIFAST make you focus more on your studies
4. UNIFAST reduce academic stress
Implementation and Regulations

1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Agree 4 – Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4
1. The implementation of
UniFAST has positively
impacted tertiary education
by increasing access for
deserving students through
streamlined financial
assistance processes

2. With UniFAST's effective

implementation, tertiary
education has become more
inclusive by offering financial
support to students who want to
pursue their academic goals
3. The amount of money that the
UNIFAST provided the students
enable them to support their
educational needs and relieve
students financial burden in school
4. Enrolling incoming freshmen
might become more challenging
due to the overwhelming number
of applicants seeking admission
for free and without any fees.

Recommendations may be proposed to enhance the knowledge about the difficulties encounter by
the students in finance and academics and how it can be address using new strategies
1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Agree 4 – Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4
1. Utilize alumni networks to get feedback on their
experiences and insights into the obstacles they
encountered during their academic path.
2. Institutions can use surveys and interviews to
learn more about the financial difficulties students
confront and how these affect their academic
3. Educational institutions have the ability to
examine their own data to find trends and patterns
about student financial hardships.
4. Universities and Colleges to have a seminar or
program how to budget properly to ensure the
money from scholarship will be use on what purpose
it should be
5. Conduct Financial Needs Assessments. Use
surveys or interviews to examine students' financial
status, such as income, expenses, debt levels, and
sources of financial assistance.
6. Provide access to competent financial counseling
services. These counselors can help students with
budgeting, debt management, and investigating
financial aid opportunities.
7. Financial literacy programs in schools can equip
students with essential skills for budgeting, saving,
and managing finances, fostering informed
decision-making and alleviating potential financial
8. Implementing mentorship programs and academic
support services can create a supportive network
connecting experienced students or alumni with
those in need, offering guidance on study
techniques, time management, and academic
resources for enhanced academic success
9. Organize workshops and seminars focused on
improving students' financial literacy skills.
10. Encourage collaboration between finance
departments. This interdisciplinary approach can
lead to innovative strategies for addressing student
difficulties and enhancing financial state.

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