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1 . Explain the Suffragette movement.

Which group supported women's

suffragette movements?

2. Why were there revolutionary disturbances

in Russia in 1905? What were the demands
of revolutionaries?

3. Why did people in Central Asia respond to

the Russian Revolution in different ways?

4. What were the social, economic and

political conditions in Russia before 1905?

5. Explain the differences between liberals

and democrats.

6. In what ways was the working population in

Russia different from other countries in
Europe, before 1917?

7. Give any significant view of the radicals.

8. Write any features of Socialism. Mention

three points.

9. Why did the Tsarist autocracy collapse in

1 0. Who was Karl Marx? Give his views about
1 1 . Make two lists: one with the main events
and the effects of the February
Revolution and the other with the main
events and effects of the October
Revolution. Write a paragraph on who
was involved in each, who were the
leaders and what was the impact of each
on Soviet history.

12. What led to the setting up of industries in

Russia by the end of the 1 9th Century?
Give two reasons.

13. What were the main changes brought

about by the Bolsheviks immediately after
the October Revolution?

14. Write a few lines about the Kulaks.

1 5. What was the economic condition of the
workers at the beginning of the 20th

1 6. Write briefly about Stalin's

collectivisation programme.

17. Explain about the duma. Write a short


18. Explain the viewpoints of the

19. What was the relationship between
peasants and nobles in Russia during
the 1 9th Century? Discuss.

20. Explain about the incident known as the

'Bloody Sunday.'
21. Who was Giuseppe Mazzini?

22. Define socialists. Who are the international body formed to coordinate socialist efforts?

23. Write a brief note about the positive aspects of the Bolshevik government on Soviet Union

and its people. 05:25 V/

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