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The GOAT = Greatest Of All Time

Well, I’d like to talk about a Chinese athlete/sportsperson/runner named 苏炳添, who’s a 3-time Olympic

I came to know him from the Tokyo Olympic Games a few years ago.
You know, you don’t see many Asians in the race, so I was kinda(kind of) surprised.
Naturally I googled him, and that’s how I became a fan.

He’s not a gold-medalist, but he’s the pride of China, because he set a new record in the 100-meter race.
More importantly, he is the first Chinese to get into a race final, and also the first Asian in many years.
When I knew that, it was a big shocker, cuz it’s basically mission impossible.

Gold medal, pride

New record race, 1st Chinese + Asian final,
Shocker, mission impossible

*A historic/star sprinter in China’s history.

*A household name. 家喻户晓的名字
*A national sensation 一个让国家轰动的人物

In daily life, he’s an approachable guy. I think now he’s a university professor, and he’s popular among
students. Actually, many students are also his fans.
Besides, he’s on social media, where he often posts about his family.
For instance, if you follow him on TikTok, you can see so many things.
Like, when he travels to foreign countries, he will make travel vlogs to record the exotic views,
On traditional holidays, he will have family gatherings, and post about them.

So anyway, I must say he’s a life winner, and what he has done is historic.
And of course, he’s an inspiration to every sportsperson in China.

1. A legend 一个传奇
2. An icon 一个标志
Well, business isn’t really my area/thing, but I think I can talk about someone I’ve heard of. He’s a success-
ful entrepreneur(business person), and the founder of the largest supermarket in my hometown.

[模糊时间]I don’t remember when exactly I came to know him, but I guess it was years ago.
[在那时的具体事件]Back when I was a kid, my mom took me shopping in his supermarket, and I was im-

[小结尾]so naturally, I googled the supermarket and found out more about him.

As far as I know, he tries to be customer-oriented/-centered.

In his supermarket, you can find wheelchairs, baby care rooms, and a bunch of stuff, which are provided for
customers of various needs.
Besides, if you are not delighted/happy with your shopping experience, the staff will apologize and refund
your money.
*and the company will also give some compensation to the staff.

This is a big shocker/surprise, cuz most businesses are not so attentive.

Customer-oriented/centered, 因为
- ,🚼 and other stuff —> 满足顾客需求(meet one’s needs)
- IF 体验, 员工 apologize + refund money
- Compensation ➡️staff, 你懂的,他们不想让 staff feel depressed.
- A big surprise: attentive, notice unusual needs, satisfy everyone
- (Golden reputation, speak highly of sth/sb, )

Also, he’s a charitable/good soul(he has a big heart.). During the pandemic/covid time, his company made
generous donations, masks, food, and everything. And once the city was flooded during rain season, and
once again, he shouldered/assumed his social responsibility, and offered a hand to people in need.

Big heart/charitable soul

- covid time, donated 很多, 比如口罩,食物等等
- Flood, assumed 社会责任感, offered a hand,
- Role model, spark of humanity.

而且/Besides,在中国,there are 很多 food delivery workers, third-party workers, free lunch

- 你懂的,这些 workers are on the go, shuttle across the city, nobody really cares about them
- 但是在这里,他们可以 take a break, and 享用 a warm meal
- 所以我认为 Enterprise, socially responsible —> a winning quality 在社会 today.

Financially independent — financial independence

Economically independent
Psychologically/mentally unhealthy

So anyway, he’s clearly a person of goodwill, who’s respected by everyone in the city.
And I just hope there could be more like him, you know, the world can be a better place with such people.

Well, sports are really not my thing, you know, I’m quiet, but I do think it’s exciting,
and for this topic, I’d like to talk about an amazing female sports player, who’s
named 张伟丽. She’s currently a MMA fighter, which is a professional league in the

I came to know her by chance. One day I was scrolling on TikTok and saw her fight-
ing highlight clips/videos. Normally I would scroll away, but I was impressed cuz
you don’t see many female fighters, so naturally, I googled her and became a fan.

She’s a self-made champion, I mean, she was once a sportswoman, but didn’t do
well. Then she changed her career, went all the way from China to America.
For years, she was nobody, but she carried on, and strived for the championship.
I think her fighting spirit really inspires everyone.

Self-made adj. 白手起家的, champion

- Sportswoman, 变 career, 去美国 for MMA
- (起初)Nobody, 不放弃, strived for 冠军
- *对手, stronger, more experienced, everyone was betting on her; in such adversity, she won the gold belt.
- (我不得不说)Fighter spirit, inspire

Besides, in my country, sports like boxing and fighting are hardly female, cuz it’s
too physically competitive and according to our traditional beliefs, women should be
ladylike, so basically she’s breaking the stereotypes(n. 刻板印象), and I admire her enter-
prise and persistence. (bravery and courage)

So anyway, I can say she’s a real fighter of life.

By the way, I’m going to study abroad for my master’s degree, so maybe I can go to
her live games in the future.

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