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Version No. ROLL NUMBER afaf2ia ®©GO8 OOM OM ORONO) 0806 ©0000 COMPUTER SCIENCE 2000 ©202000 HSSc-I 290 (OM OMOMOMOMO) SECTION — A (Marks 15) s a Timo allowed: 20 Minutes, ®®00 ©2000 Section” A is compulsory. Al part ofthis section se to be answared on is page ard ® 6 @ > © © Tanda rr tn Cee Sapratancom oo os ©0008 ‘eletngoveriing snot alowed @ eo @ atorerriing ent ©0060 ©©20000 see eens ®2OO0@0 ®2®2O2OOO “RO gas ®0o0 ©2008 ®eo0 ®2G000 Answer Sheet No. US hinaeateEiiLere-LJvr2 Invigilator Sign. Fillthe relevant bubble against each question according to curriculum: Candidate Sign. ‘Question [aT se fT c¢ | » [ajleyelo ich of the following is NOT a hand-held | | i Wiser tanc-held aa, [Tabet cen Prone jRouer =| OO 0 O 2 Ryssckone since ine stole, lowe rom ioe 1O OO O | 7 Which ofthe folowing is coreetly ranked| MB, TB, KB, G8, KB, Mi, {KB, ME, GB, |KB, MB, TB rom smatost fo argos? Ie i ig es |o 000 Which ofthe ftowng i the example of wo | | 4 adress inaructon format? sop wr er wv | OO What unt (or prefix In memory is used to 5 represent 2 bytes? KB re je Me. 0000 Which type of expansion slot provides the | © highest video performance now.a days? {PC! SCSI PCI Express |AGP i090 000 Dyranie —|Daalinine — [Data nine [Dunne 7. DIMM stands for inine memorymemory memory” | memory oo0°0 Imodule™|medule__modua’__[Modul 8 FeessMe mowed Oster sts X25 eaton lPrsenaton Inewore leon) |Q O O O - | = How many bits are used to present number| | 8 ofnetworksinadiass CIP adcress? ("8 |Site aA bts 26 ts 0000 1 1 ‘Which network device is used to connect two | I 10. Giterent toes otrotwerkes [Hub [Ontwar|Reveater nord 1O O O O Which of the foowing wireless technologies ie” | 11. jp limited to snort range? ‘Bluetooth [Satelite | Geituler [ers iO O00 0 i i S = ~ 12. In RDBMS, a table's also known as: [he [siete fot fee COO Oo ‘e i | ‘A person's name, birthday and social oa [ke Se ll et Erion Atrbutes_[Reatontipe [kee o0o°0°0 na T ~ aa, Hane orf ependercyisemovedin2™Iruntona jranative assocatve frais =| QO O O Which datatype is defaut cata typo in MS Te | as. recente aster umes fone fret ;O 0 CO Arete — vage sof oO az Note: as ime allowed: 2:40 Hours NOTE: NS = COMPUTER SCIENCE HSSC-I Total Marks Sections B and C: 60 ‘The Questions of sections B and C are to be answered on the separately provided answer book. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION — B (Marks 36) ‘Answer any TWELVE parts. All parts carry equal marks. (12x3=38) C0} Differentiate between IDE and SATA interface with reference to cost, speed and structure, (il) Write down the functions of following components of Hard Disk. ‘Component Name Function ReadWrite Head Spindle - Platters (ii) Why is SRAM more efficient? Which type of memory is developed using SRAM Technology? (iv) Write the functions of Handheld, Flatbed and Barcode scanners, (¥) Complete the table using ditferent examples of software given below. Interpreter, Unix, Graphics Software, File compressor, Disk cleaner, Google Chrome, Utility programs | Operating system | Language processor | Productivity software | | = _ | (vi) Give two examples each for following instruction types’ Instruction type Instruction Name | Instruction objective | Program control instructions Data transfer Instructions _ (vil) Why is any computer — system bus regarded as either ‘bidirectional or ‘uni-directional’? Also give one example of each. (vil) Which guided media is more efficient and secure? Give two reasons to support your answer. (x) Differentiate between Append query and Update query (%) State any three applications of using Infrared technology from daily life (xi) State some important tasks performed by Data Control Language. (xi) What is DRAM? Why does DRAM use more power? (xii) Differentiate between Text field data type and ‘Memo field data type’. (xiv) State the uses of Wireless Markup Language and Wireless Application Protocol («v) __ilustrate partial Dependency with the help of an example. (xvi) _ Complete the following table considering IP addressing and Subnet Mask. TP Address in Binary ‘Subnet Mask [Class [IP Address | + te A 77000000 10101000,01111010. 10000101 |? 2 2 —_| 7 255,256 255.0 [C 192,168. 122.0 SECTION ~ C (Marks 24; Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x42=24) (2) What are ports? Explain different types of ports given on the motherboard (b) Explain Network Topology. Discuss different types of Topologies with features and limitations. (a) Discuss ditferent types of internet applications. (Any three types) {b) What is an Instruction? Describe the types of CPU instructions (@) Draw an ER Diagram for the folowing situations, Staff (Staff 1D, Name, Designation) ‘BOOK (ISBN, Title, Category, Price, Publisher, Serial No, Author) READ (Reader ID, Roll No, Name, Class) Any staff member can issue many books and any member can issue a book multiple time. A book can be issued to only one reader at a time. Identity Entities, Cardinalities and Relationship of the situation (b) Explain any three Keys available in Data base. Give example(s) as well tise 34 Version No. ROLL NUMBER . 7[a]2/4 I 7 ©2000 OOMOMOMOMO) Lt - ©e00 2000 a 2@ 0 . COMPUTER SCIENCE ®0e0 ©2O2OOO HSSC- . ®@oO6 ®©2O806 : SECTION — A (Marks 15) oo O00 1. Time allowed: 20 Minutes ©eo0@ ©0000 Section As compulsory. Al parts of tis section are tobe answered on this pope ond > © 2 © © © a ‘Sostorsrames 9068 ©©G 000 7 Betetnalovereiinale oslo ©GO® ®©®©GCOOO ee BOO CGO eg dae 7 ®©®©0® [OOM MOMOMG) 7 ©0000 (OOM OMOMOMO) . Answer Sheet No. . = alghinernte£ ESL. .2-E de, Invigilator Sign. Fill the relevant bubble against each question according to curriculum: Candidate Sign. a a : ‘Question La | 8 ¢ |» alsle|]. + t Whats maximum length of text type fel in| Mm encase ” 950 185 255 ia oo°0°0 [Wich of the folloning Key Ws pointed by! T 2. foreign key in a relation to establish a one-|Secondary [Primary _|atemate (Candidste | COQ OO OO BE _formany relatonship I I | ‘Which be ed te ct ‘wo 1 - ch one can be used to connect two] | eee [Prdge [Router [switch ethemet cars] QQ QO ‘Which type of software r inspection, | i} BE Which ype of sotware fee for inspection, atrare [Feovae [orensauce ornare | QO O O = a Which of the folowing is an impact printer? Laser “nkjet Prter — ootmarix | OO O O — | | ‘of the following is ial media | | Be renee lew ie NOT asocal media winzip | instagram frwiter — fraceboor QO O O | - @. ice- wo2sKe [102478 toe Bytes |toaMB OOO OO | 7 t | : 8. USB flash drive isa type of memory Optical __Elecrerie [Primary Macnee OQ OO . : - v inter | |, Be ances anne Bove ee gem Joi08 Paral Pot io 000 Which ofthe folowing is an example of one-[Person-_[Mother- __[Student.Reg |PevSor Wo icone relationship? [rutomevio [Daughter [number PME | OO OO jowing is ranser| | | Mtn otto otouirg is NOT a data arse poe fa Mow 0000 : : ; ~ Which layer of the OSI model decides|. | | x piraiesl pal to roach the decbetiar? [Transport | Network |Application [Pata Link Ooo0o°0 ms. Re ef wieess communicaton wir; Iputoom fired icatuer «1 QQ O O WH, WR ote lowing a We salon | — 1 = M. collar vices nwt ial poesia Soette | EME, ors [pave station | CO O O - for mobile communiaton (Ps a prune sans [poe ‘Foo 10E io O00 es ain 2a12 HA Page 1 of 1 Wi Time allowed: y © COMPUTER SCIENCE HSSC-1 40 Hours: Total Marks Sections B and C: 60 NOTE: ‘The Questions of sections B and C are to be answered on the separately provided answer book. Write your answers neatly and legibly. SECTION B (Marks 36) ‘Answer any TWELVE parts. All parts carry equal marks. (12x3=36) a Write down any two functions each for program counter register and instruction register. (i) Compare Intel P4 with AMD-Athlon processors with reference to clock speed and cache. (ii) Write down any THREE features of BLUE-RAY disks, (iv) Write down any THREE differences between volatile memory and Non-volatile memory () Write down any THREE professional applications each of Mainframe and Super computers. (vi) Write down the key features of display soreen which enhances the quality of display. (vi) Differentiate between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology, by comparing any THREE features. (vii) Compete the following table: Category [Distance | PurposelFunction Geostationary Earth orbit Medium Earth orbit Low Earth Orbit (ix) Compare synchronous with Asynchronous communications with reference to efficiency, cost and transmission structure. (%) Complete the following table: «i «i «i «i Layer Name | Protocols | Device Used | Term used for DATA Network, Physical i) Compare DDR with SDRAM with reference to speed, structure and cost. ji) What is BIOS? Give any TWO important functions of BIOS. i) Which topology is more popular? Support your answer with four reasons. iv) Draw ER diagrams for each of the following: a. Student and course (Student registers for courses) b. Country and Capital city (Each Country has Capital) ©. Department and Manger (Department managed by manager) (v) Complete the following table: Data Type Use| Size TEXT ‘MEMO ‘AUTOMUMBER (xvi) Differentiate Select query with ‘Group by’ and ‘Order by’ clauses with one example. Page 1 of 2 (Computer Science) SECTION — C (Marks 24) Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2x12 = 24) 3 (a) Whatare ‘Cardinality’ and ‘Modality’? Explain the following diagram, with cardinality and modality. Cardinality=? Cardinality=? Enrolls gS Students | Modality=? School {b) Explain different categories of Printers. Also write down in detail about any THREE types of Printers. Q.4 (a) _ Read the values given within the box and answer the questions given below: (01 OFFION. 02.230 Bytes [03.13 cache | 04. Uiraviolet light 05, Blu-ray Disk | 06. Spindle 07. Bit (08. D-RAM 09. Register 10, Optical Disk_|14. Tracks | 412. Main circuit board 43. EPROM 14, S-RAM 45. Hard Disk_| 16. GB i Mention any two box numbers associated with Box number 1 (Hard disk.) i Mention the box number that is a feature of Optical Disk given in box number 10. li, Which box number is directly associated with box number 37 iv. Which box numbers contain types of RAM? v. Which box numbers have the Non-volatile memory devices? vi. List the box numbers having secondary storage devices. vii Mention the box number which holds the fastest memory device name, vii, Mention any box number that holds the value of a measuring unit. (b) Explain the functions of USB, FIREWIRE, HDMI and SERIAL port ©.5 (a) Whatare the advantages of database management system over flé management system? Write down any EIGHT advantages. {b) Complete the following table: Bytes a | Bytes i Maximum | classes |usedtor | vS** | Ip Address format Maximum number of | Number of Host Network | frog per Network lost Onnnnnnn. Ahan, ; 4677214 cussA | 4 3 hnnhhhhnh, hihi — | 128 (2°7-2) (2'24-2) Class B | Class C 1H 2312 HA Page 2 of 2 (Computer Science)

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