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Gandhi's name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi but he was called Mahatma by Indian people,
and the word Mahatma meant "great soul"
He was born on the 2nd of October 1869 and he died on the 30th of January 1948 because
he was assassinated.
His killer thought that Gandhi was responsible for the division of India.
He married Kasturba Makhanji at the age of 13 when she was 14.
Their marriage was arranged, but they were happy and had 4 sons.
Gandhi was a vegetarian and when he was at school he was a shy, skinny and short kid.
He didn't enjoy sports, but he loved reading classic stories.
In 1881 he started High school in Rajkot, India.
In 1888 he studied law at the University College London and got a law degree. His ideas about
the unity of all people and religions were developed in this period by him.
In 1893 Gandhi accepted a job in South Africa as a Lawyer.
In this period South Africa was a racial segregation regime under the all-white government of
South Africa which dictated that non-white South Africans were required to live in separate
areas from whites and use separate public facilities. Contact between the two groups would be
limited. The different racial groups, white, Bantu and coloured were physically separated
according to their location, public facilities and social life.
So Gandhi was thrown of a first-class train in South Africa because of his skin colour, in fact,
he was considered a coloured.
Instead of being angry, he developed his ideas of non-violent protest
In 1915 Gandhi returned to India and when he saw the impression of the Indian people he
started his campaign for Indian independence from the British Empire.
In 1930 Ghandi led thousands of Indians on a 250-mile "March to the Sea" to protest against
Britain's salt tax.
In 1931 he went to Britain to discuss the future of India.
In 1947 Independence of India was accepted by the British but they divide the country into 2
states, Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. Partition causes violence between Muslims and
Hindus. Gandhi fasted to try to stop the violence.
And when he fasted people all over the world were curious and interested in how it would turn
In fact, people felt sympathy for that man who had been ignored by Churchill, but who had
managed to lead India to independence.
When I despair, I remember that
all through history the way of
truth and love has always won.
There have been tyrants and
murderers, and for a time they
can seem invincible. But in the
end they always fall.

Quando sono scoraggiato penso al fatto che in tutta la storia

dell'uomo la verità e l'amore hanno sempre vinto!
Ci sono stati tiranni e criminali e, per un certo periodo, sono
sembrati invicibili. Alla fine però sono sempre caduti.


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