QP - 'C' Exam-2023

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Regtl No.________________ Centre: _____________


1. Read all the questions carefully before answering.

2. Use only ball pen to write the answer.
3. Criteria for pass 45% in each paper and 50% on total aggregate.

Time: 03 Hours Max Marks: 355




1. Fill in the blanks: - (5X1=5 M)

(a) National Salute is given to __________________

(i) President (ii) Vice President (iii) Prime Minister

(b) In Khuli line Chal, which line does not move _________________
(i) Front line (ii) Central line (iii) Last line

(c) While marching “Bayen Mur” word of command is given on ________

(i) Right Foot (ii) Left Foot (iii) None

(d) No of Steps in one Minute in Dhire Chal ___________

(i) 70 (ii) 120 (iii) 180

(e) For closing Drill, which word of command is given ________________

(i) Visarjan (ii) Line Tor (iii) None of the above

Ans:- (a) i (b) ii (c) ii (d) i (e) i

2. True or False: - (5X1=5 M)

(a) Strength of a Guard in Quarter guard is 8 ( )

(b) The Degree while turning Dahine Mur is 180o ( )
(c) The angle between the Toes in Savadhan Position is 30 o ( )
(d) In Word of Command “Tham”- left foot reaches the ground ( )
(e) Rashtriya Salute is given to Maj General and above. ( )

Ans: - (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) T (e) F



3. Fill in the blanks: - (5X1=5 M)

(a) Rifle ki Safai karne ki liye ____________, ____________ ki jarurat padti hain.
(b) Larai ke maidan mein nichi se niche aar ke hone par, ______________ se kargar
fire kar sakte hai.
(c) Lying position mein _________________ chhota banta hai.
(d) Principles of Firing ____________, ____________ & _____________.
(e) TOET means _________________________________________

Ans: - (a) Oil Bottle, Pull Through (b) Lying Position (c) Badan ka Khaka
(d) Holding, Aiming & Trigger Operation (e) Test Of Elementary Training

4. True or False:- (5X1=5 M)

(a) The purpose of Gas regulator is to increase or decrease the volume of gas. ( )
(ii) Wt of LMG is 10.2 Kgs ( )
(iii) MPI means Mean Point of Impact ( )
(iv) Magzine capacity of 7.62 Light Machine gun is 30 rounds ( )
(v) All rounds are fired at place on target is called as grouping ( )
Ans: - (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) T (e) T


5. Fill in the blanks. (10x1=10 M)

(a) _________________ is called the mother of all skills.
(b) _____________ is an ability to be sensitive to another person’s situation.
(c) Two or more people interacting to achieve a common objective are called a
(d) The duty of a good citizen is to take care of and protect __________ property.
(e) The ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress and hardship is called _________.
(f) _____________ is counseling or mentoring / coaching on issues related to
an individual’s career.
(g) _________ is a motive to increase welfare without conscious regard for one’s self
(h) ________________ hold a master’s degree and has expertise in career
development theory, counseling techniques, administration and interpretation of
assessments and career information resources.
(j) ____________ are a concept that describes the belief of an individual or culture.
(k) ___________ is defined as the collective qualities or characteristics that
distinguish a person including his reputation, morals and will power.
Ans: - (a) Self Awareness (b) Empathy (c) group.
(d) National (e) endurance (f) Career counseling (g) Altruism
(h) A career counselor (j) Values (k) Character

6Q. Explain the life skills used by the characters ie Pigeons, Hunter, leader and young
pigeons in the under-mentioned story of Hunter & Pigeon. (15 Marks)

Ans: - Story Hunter and Pigeons.

(a) A group of pigeons enjoyed the fresh grains in a filed every day. One day a
hunter spotted them and decided to catch them. He spread a net in the filed and
waited for them to come. The pigeons were caught in the et. They realized that the
hunter will take them away soon. The leader pigeon said, we have to get out. There
must be a way out. Let is think. But they could not find a way out. The net was strong.
Each pigeon tried to escape by pulling the net indifferent directions. But it increased the
fear and confusion among them more than helping them.

(b) A young pigeon said, “Why don‟t‟ we all try and fly together instead of
trying to escape individually? When we pull individually, we waste our energy?”. The
leader pigeon was not in agreement. He said, “Not it may be difficult”. But the young
pigeon insisted that they try it once. The leader finally agreed when he spotted the
hunter at a distance. When he said fly all of them lifted together and flew away with the
net. The hunter arrived at the scene to see the pigeons fly away together as one group
with his net.
Life Skill used by the Characters
(i) Self Awareness. The pigeons know that they were in trouble and had to
find away pigeons.
(ii) Creative thinking by the Hunter. Spreading grains under the net to catch the
(iii) Creative thinking by the pigeons. Identified creative solution of flying
(iv) Critical Thinking. The young pigeon identified that they were wasting
energy and time by trying to fly individually.
(v) Decision Making. They decided to fly as a group.
(vi) Effective Communication. The young pigeon assertively communicated his
suggestion of flying together.

7Q. There are many ways to manage negative stress. Give any 10 stress management
techniques which can reduce stress. (10 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Take deep breath
(b) Talk it Out
(c) Take a break
(d) Create a Quit place in your mind
(e) Pay attention to physical Comfort
(f) Move
(g) Take care of your body
(h) Laugh
(j) Manage your time
(k) Know your limits
(l) Do you have to be right always?
(m) Have a good cry
(n) Look for good things around you
(o) Talk Less, Listen more
8Q. What are the causes of communication gap ? (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Hierarchy
(b) Conflict of interest
(c) Level of motivation
(d) Perception
(e) Psychological factors and stress

9Q. What are the factors to be considered for evaluation of team spirit? (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Expressions of individual members showing enthusiasm in the activities they
(b) A good reputation among peers and other.
(c) A strong competitive spirit.
(d) Willing participation by the members in group activities.
(e) Readiness on the part of the members to help one another.
(f) The belief that their group is better than any other group.

10Q. What information should a CV include? (Only five points) (5 Marks)

Ans: -
(a) Personal details
(b) Education and qualification
(c) Work experience
(d) Interests and achievements
(e) Skills
(f) References

11Q. What do you mean by following :- (5 Marks)

Ans: -
(a) Bearing : Denotes desirable physical appearance, dress and deportment.

(b) Morale : Is the positive state of mind.

(c) Discipline : Means quick and willing obedience to instructions.

(d) Motivation : Is the commitment and urge within a member which makes him
accomplish his task under all situations without thinking about the cost.

(e) Competence : Is the technique tactics and physical ability of the individual
members as well as group to perform the task.

12Q. Write down the points to be considered while evaluating morale. (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Appearance
(b) Personal conduct
(c) Personal hygiene
(d) Excessive quarreling
(e) Interest in various activities
(f) Response to instructions
13Q. Write down some of the leadership qualities exhibited by Swami Vivekananda.(5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Knowledge
(b) Inquisitive
(c) Initiative
(d) Empathy
(e) Oratory

14Q. Write any eight important leadership traits that are of paramount importance to a leader.
(Any 8 points) (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Alertness
(b) Bearing
(c) Courage
(d) Decision Making
(e) Endurance
(f) Dependability
(g) Enthusiasm
(h) Initiative
(i) Integrity
(j) Judgment
(k) Justice
(l) Knowledge
(m) Loyalty
(n) Sense of humor

15Q. What are the factors to be considered for evaluation of discipline in a group? (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Proper attention to instructions
(b) Harmonious relations between group and its members
(c) Devotion to duty
(d) Good senior – junior relationship
(e) Standards of cleanliness, dress and courtesy
(f) Ability and willingness to perform effectively with little or no supervision


16 True or False:- (5X1=5 M)

(a) A leader should be loyal and patriotic ( )
(b) ANO should act as a Model for NCC cadets ( )
(c) Duty is a binding force of good behavior towards superiors ( )
& Subordinates
(d) A leader should be tactful ( )
(e) Discipline is not important in NCC ( )

Ans: - (a) T (b) T (c) T (d) T (e) F

17 Match the following:- (5X1=5 M)
1. Physical appearance (a) Initiative
2. Impartial (b) Alertness
3. Action without being told (c) Decisiveness
4. To be alive to the situation (d) Good citizen
5. Ability to make timely decision (e) Bearing
(f) Loyalty
(g) Justice
Ans: - (1) e (2) g (3) a (4) b (5) c


18Q. Name the types of disaster under 2 main categories? (10 Marks)

Ans: - Two types of Disaster are there:

a) Natural Disaster.
(i) Wind Related. Storms, Cyclone, Tornados, Tidal Waves and
Blizzards, etc.
(ii) Water Related. Floods/Flash Floods, Cloudburst, Excessive Rains,
Drought, etc.
(iii) Earth Related. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Avalanches, Landslides,
Volcanic Eruptions, etc.

b) Man Made Disaster.

(i) Accidents. Road, Rail, Air, Sea accidents or building collapse.
(ii) Industrial Mishaps. Gas leaks, explosion, sabotage and safety
(iii) Fire. In buildings, coal fields or oil or gas fields and oil or gas store
(iv) Ecological. Pollution or air, water, noise, soil degradation, loss of
biodiversity, global warming, sea level rise, toxic wastes and nuclear
(v) Contamination/Poisoning. Incidents of mass food poisoning, water
contamination, illicit-liquor poisoning and epidemics.

19. True or False:- (5X1=5 M)

(a) Traffic control plays important role in Disaster Management ( )
(b) Home Guards do not involve in emergency activities ( )
(c) NCC Cadets are not involved in Civil Defence measures ( )
(d) Warden Service is established in locality to render advice on Civil Defence
matters ( )
(e) NCC cadets do not assist local population during emergency ( )

Ans: - (a) T (b) F (c) F (d) T (e) F

20. Abbreviations: (5X1=5 M)

a) NDMA - _____________________________
b) NDRF - _____________________________
c) NEC - _____________________________
d) DDMA - _____________________________
e) SP - _____________________________
Ans: - a) National Disaster Management Authority
b) National Disaster Response Force
c) National Executive Committee
d) District Disaster Management Authority
e) Superintendent of Police


21. Fill in the blanks: (5X2= 10 M)
a) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 (NREGA) was launched on
(i) 02 Feb 2006 (ii) 15 Jun 2008 (iii) 07 Nov 2009

b) Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojna deals with development of ____________.

(i) Education (ii) Medical & Healthcare (iii) Rural Infrastructure

c) Seva Gram Yojana was introduced by _________________.

(i) Indira Gandhi (ii) Rahul Gandhi (iii) Mahatma Gandhi

d) AIDS affects the bodys _______________ system.

(i) Blood (ii) Immunity (iii) Nurve

e) RTI law was passed by the Parliament of India on ______________.

(i) 02 Oct 2002 (ii) 15 Aug 2001 (iii) 15 Jun 2005

Ans: - a) (i) b) iii c) iii d) ii e) iii

22. Short Answers: (5X3= 15 Marks)
a) Write any five types of Social Services?
Ans: i) Education
ii) Provision of Water
iii) Electricity.
iv) Sanitisation
v) Social Assistance.

b) What are the types of Terrorist Acts?

Ans. i) Bombings
ii) Kidnappings and Hostage - Taking
iii) Armed attack and Assassinations
c) What is Corruption and its various forms?
Ans. i) Petty Corruption
ii) Grand Corruption
iii) Systemic Corruption
iv) Different Sectors of Corruption

23. Match the following:- (5X1=5 M)

1. Blood donation (a) Pledge
2. Pulse Polio Programme (b) Fresh air
3. Tree Plantation (c) Polio drops for children
4. Eye donation (d) Indian Red Cross
5. Adult literacy (e) Visit by NCC cadets
(f) Village Elders

Ans: - 1) d 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) f

24. Write True / False. (5X1=5 M)

(a) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is a welfare scheme launched by Government with an aim
to provide housing to all by 2022. (True)

(b) MGNREGA guarantees at least 50 days of wage employment. (False)

(c) UIDAI stands for Unique Identification Act of India. (True)

(d) BHIM stands for Bharat Inter face for Money. (True)

(e) NPCI stands for National Pension Corporation of India. (False)

Ans: - (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) T (e) F


25. True or False:- (5X2=10 M)

(a) Good sanitation prevents the diseases spreading in camp ( )
(b) World AIDS Day is 01 December ( )
(c) Malaria caused by Mosquitoes ( )
(d) Human body consists of 108 bones ( )
(e) All the snakes are poisonous ( )

Ans: - (a) T (b) T (c) T (d) T (e) F

26. Fill in the blanks:- (5X3=15 M)

(a) Three preventive measures of Aids _____________, ____________&

(b) First Aid equipment consists of _________, __________ &____________
(c) Expand DTL _________________________________
(d) Sources of water ________________, _______________ & __________
(e) Three uses of bandages ____________, ____________ & _____________

Ans: - (a) Awareness of disease, use of condoms, Screening of blood before transfusion
(b) Iodine, Bandages, Cotton cloth
(c) Deep Trench Latrines
(d) Rivers, ponds, Well
(e) Reduce swelling, Control bleeding, afford support to an injured part.

27. List out some methods for water purification. (5 Marks)

Ans: -
(a) Sedimentation
(b) Filtration
(c) Sterilization
(d) Chlorination
(e) Boiling
28. What is the method for giving first aid for different types of wounds ? (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) Place the patient in a comfortable position.
(b) Stop the bleeding, if any.
(c) Remove any foreign, it it is easily visible and can be easily removed.
(d) Prevent the entry of germs by applying sterilized dressing like first field or
shell dressing.
(e) Give rest to the injured part by sling.
(f) Immobilize the part, if wound is large or complicated by fracture.
(g) Treat the patient for shock.
(h) Send the patient to nearest hospital.

29. True or False (4 Marks)

(a) Ozone depletion is a process by which volume of ozone in the earth atmosphere
increases. (FALSE)

(b) Ground catchment system channelizes water from a prepared catchment area
into a storage system. (TRUE)

(c) Asiatic resources are those that come from non-living, non-organic material.
(d) Subsurface dyke is a barrier impermeable to water placed underground to control
the groundwater flow in an aquifer and to increase the ground water level. (TRUE)

Ans: - (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) T (e) T

30. What is rain water harvesting ? Why there is a need to harvest rain water? (5 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) To arrest ground water decline and augment ground water table.
(b) To beneficiate water quality in aquifers.
(c) To reduce soil erosion.
(d) To conserve surface water runoff during monsoon.
(e) To inculcate a culture of water conservation.

31. What is the role of NCC in conservation of Natural Resources ? (11 Marks)
Ans: -
(a) By planting more trees and avoid cutting of trees.
(b) Not polluting water sources like river, ponds etc.
(c) Avoiding use of plastic.
(d) Avoiding noise pollution.
(e) Recycling natural resources to ensure their efficient sustainable use.
(f) Using renewable sources of energy like solar and wind power.
(g) Saving energy by taking small but important are like switching off fans,
lights and other electric gadgets when they are not in use.
(h) Preventing of wastage and overuse of all natural resources.
(j) Conservation of nature in all form.
(k) Ensuring environmentally rational behavior in oneself and other.
(l) Developing environmental consciousness amongst common people
through posters, hoardings and environmental awareness campaign.

32. Explain the major causes for increase in higher energy consumption of energy per
person ? (6 Marks)
Ans: - (a) Population Explosion
(b) Migration of Rural Population to Urban Area.
(c) Increased Manufacturing.
(d) Increased Number of Vehicles.
(e) Transmission Losses.
(f) Poor Usage Habits of individuals.
(g) Poor Building Designs.
33. Define the following: (4 Marks)

(a) Air Pollution.

Ans: - Air pollution is caused by harmful substances emitted into the
atmosphere by industries and automobiles.

(b) Ecology.
Ans: -Ecology is study of organisms in relation to their environment and to know
the values of environment conservation and protection.

34. Fill in the blanks:- (8 Marks)

(a) Name two types of Pollution __________________ &________________
(b) Two reasons to prevent Pollution _____________ &_________________

Ans: - (a) Air Pollution, Water Pollution

(b) Avoid Deforestation, Use bio degradable items, Use CNG gas for vehicles.

35. True or False:- (12 Marks)

(a) Green House effects cause Global warming ( )

(b) Biodegradability decreases Pollution ( )
(c) Plastics banned to reduce Pollution ( )
(d) Wild life protection is essential for Eco balance ( )

ANS: - (a) T (b) T (c) T (d) T



1. Match the following:- (4X1.25=5 M)

1. Gallantary award (a) Rajput
2. Southern Command (b) INS kalrani
3. Submarine (c) Pune
4. Regiment (d) Paramveer Chakra

Ans: - 1) d 2) c 3) b 4) a
2. Fill in the Banks:- (4X1.25=5 M)
(a) Who is the First Field Marshal of India ____________________
(b) NCC Act was passed in the year ___________________________
(c) Name one Regiment in Armed Forces ________________________
(d) Supreme Commander of Indian Defence Forces ___________________

Ans: - (a) Gen SHFJ Manekshaw (b) 1948

(c) Punjab (d) President


3. Match the following:- (5X1=5 M)

1. Hair line (a) Northings
2. Horizental lines (b) Survey tree
3. From West to East (c) Broken Ground
4. Uneven ground (d) Grid reference
5. 4/6 Figure (e) Compass

Ans: - 1) e 2) a 3) b 4) c 5) d

4. Fill in the blanks:- (5X3=15 M)

(a) Methods of finding North ___________, ____________ & ______________
(b) Eastings are ______________ lines running from ________________ to
(c) Conventional signs of Temple ______________ ,Mosque _____________
and Gurudwara _______________
(d) Types of North ________________, ________________ &___________
(e) Types of bearing ______________, _____________ & ______________

Ans: - (a) Sun, Grave yard, Compass, Pole Star (b) Vertical, South to North
(c) (d) True North, Grid North, Magnetic North
(e) True baring, Grid, Magnetic

5. True or False:- (4X1=4 M)

(a) A small isolated hill is called Knoll ( )

(b) “ + “ is conventional sign for Spring ( )
(c) Service protractor is used to measure distance and bearing ( )
(d) + is conventional sign for Mosque ( )

Ans: - a) T (b) T (c) T (d) F

6. Multiple Choice Questions:- (3X2=6 M)

(i) Symbols used on the map to represent features and objects on the ground are
known as ______________________

(a) Symbols (b) Conventional Signs (c) Figures

(ii) Angle formed by a line with North line is called _________
(a) Bearing (b) True North (c) Grid North
(iii) A line drawn on the Map joining all the points of equal heights is called _____
(a) Dead Ground (b) Contour (c) Grid ref

Ans: - i) b (ii) a (iii) b


7. True or False:- (5x1=5 M)

(a) When sun shine from behind the observer the distance is ( )
under estimation.

(b) Sudden attack on enemy from bushy area is called patrolling ( )

(c) Area in which Fire unit will engage the enemy is called
arc of Fire ( )
(d) Getting information about enemy is called Reece patrol. ( )
(e) Hiding one self from enemy’s view is called concealment ( )

Ans: - (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) T (e) T

8. Match the following:- (5X2=10 M)

1. No man land (a) Ambush

2. Covering party (b) File formation
3. Opportunity (c) Judging Distance
4. Diamond (d) Protective patrol
5. Key range (e) Fire control order

Ans: - 1) d 2) a 3) e 4) b 5) c
9. Fill in the blanks:- (5X3=15 M)

(a) Name three methods of Judging distance __________, _________ &_______

(b) Expand GRIT ___________________________________
(c) Name three types of section formation ___________, _________ & _________
(d) Name three types of control orders __________, __________ & ___________
(e) Three stages of patrolling ___________, ______________ & _____________

Ans: - (a) Key range, section average, unit of measure

(b) Group Range Indication Type of Fire
(c) File, Diamond, Extended line
(d) Opportunity, Brief, Delayed Fire order
(e) Briefing, Conduct, debriefing


10. True or False:- (6X1=6 M)

(a) Bayonet is CQB Weapon ( )
(b) 36 Grenade is anti tank weapon ( )
(c) ANPRC-25 is a Radio set ( )
(d) Vijyanth-T57 is not produced by India ( )
(e) 106mm RCL Gun is anti tank ( )
(f) Snap shooting is one of the types of Fire. ( )

Ans: -(a) T (b) F (c) T (d) F (e) T (f) T

11. Fill in the blanks:- (3X3=9 M)

(a) Name three CQB Weapons __________, __________ & ____________

(b) Name three anti tank Weapons held by Infantry Bn ________, _________ &
(c) Name types of radio sets used in Infantry ____________ & ___________

Ans: - (a) Bayonet, No36 Grenade, SMC, Pistol

(b) 84mm RL, 57mm RCL Guns, Vijyanth T 57
(c) ANPRC-25, VM 25A

12. Fill in the blanks:- (3X2=6 M)

(a) Indo Pak War took place in the year ____________ & ____________
(b) Who is the DG NCC ? Rank ________& Name _________________
(c) BARC is located in the state of ______________________

Ans: - (a) 1965, 1971

(b) (c) Maharashtra

13. Match the following:- (4X1=4 M)

1. First Warship (a) Bhutan
2. Neighbouring Country (b) Vir Chakra
3. Gallantry Award (c) Nilgiri
4. Nuclear explosion (d) Pokhran

Ans: - 1) c 2) a 3) b 4) d

14. True or False:- (5X2=10 M)

(a) First War of Independence took place in the year 1857 ( )
(b) Eastern command is located at Simla ( )
(c) India & Pak War took place in the year 1971 ( )
(d) Kargil War took place in the year 2003 ( )
(e) Nepal is the neighbouring country of India ( )

Ans: - (a) T (b) F (c) T (d) F (e) T


15. Write the following:- (2X2.5=5 M)

(a) Communication is important in Army due to _________________________.

(b) _________________________________ are methods of communications.

Ans: - (a) Convey the details of enemy troop movements and their activities.
(b) Voice Medium & Sign language

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