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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


NAME: ________________________________________________ DATE: ___________
Direction: Read and analyze the questions. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided for.
_____1. A musical score is made up of only two parts and arranged in AB sequence.
What is the musical form?
A. binary B. unitary C. ternary D. rondo
_____2. Tinikling has three melodic sections in ABA sequence. What is its musical form?
A. binary B. strophic C. ternary D. unitary
_____3. Lupang Hinirang has three melodic sections, ABC. What is its musical form?
A. rondo B. ternary C. binary D. unitary
_____4. Music has different structures or designs. What element of music refers to the
structure in a musical piece?
A. form B. melody C. dynamics D. timbre
_____5. The following songs are in binary form except one. Which does not belong to the group.
A. Kay Liit ng Mundo C. Bayan Ko
B. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star D. Ako ay Pilipino
_____6. A song with ABC pattern is composed of three sections. What is its musical form?
A. ternary B. strophic C. binary D. unitary
_____7. Which of the following statements is true about ternary form?
A. It is a three-part form featuring a return of the initial music after a contrasting section.
B. It is a two-part music with two contrasting melodies.
C. It has a repeated section with two or more contrasting sections.
D. It is a musical form that has the same tune with two or more sections.
_____8. The song Ako ay Pilipino has two contrasting musical sections. What is its form?
A. ternary B. rondo C. unitary D. binary
_____9. What symbol is used to label musical sections in a piece?
A. numbers B. shapes C. letters D. colors
____10. The music has an ABA musical structure. What is its form?
A. unitary B. ternary C. binary D. rondo
_____11. What element may be a continuous mark made on a surface with a
pointed tool or implied by the edges of shapes and forms?
A. Art C. Harmonies
B. Color D. Lines
_____12. What comes from light, that when passed through a prism creates hues?
A. Color C. Lines
B. Harmonies D. Shapes
_____13. What is created when a line crosses itself or intersects with other lines to enclose a space?
A. Color C. Shapes
B. Lines D. Spaces
_____14. What refers to the space inside, around and above a sculpture or object?
A. Color C. Space
B. Lines D. Texture
_____15. What is the surface quality of an object?
A. Color C. Space
B. Lines D. Texture
_____16. What element may be two or three dimensional?
A. Art C. Harmonies
B. Color D. Lines
_____17. What element of art that is two-dimensional, flat or limited to height or width?
A. Color C. Lines
B. Form D. Shapes
_____18. What element encloses volume, height, width and depth?
A. Form C. Spaces
B. Lines D. Value
_____19. What element has a halfway that is an extreme called gray?
A. Color C. Texture
B. Lines D. Value
_____20. What element of art has intensity as its quality of brightness and purity?
A. Color C. Space
B. Lines D. Texture





_____26. What indigenous dance is similar to the movements of a duck?
A. Pandanggo sa Ilaw C. Maglalatik
B. Tinikling D. Itik-itik
_____27. What kind of dance is Itik-itik?
A. Ballet C. jazz
B. Modern D. folk dance
_____28. Where do we usually witnessed the Itik-itik dance being performed?
A. Buwan ng Wika C. All Saints Day
B. Independence Day D. Christmas Day
_____29. It is the ability to bend and move joints through a full range of motion.
A. Body composition C. agility
B. Flexibility D. speed
_____30. Itik-itik is considered as our National Folk Dance?
A. yes C. maybe
B. no D. none of the above
_____31. Which of the following statement does not describes dancing?
A. It is a way of moving that uses the body as an instrument of expression and communication
B. It increases the understanding of diversity and values of all people
C. It is the act of moving the body in rhythm, usually in time to music.
D. It is an activity of performing songs or tunes by making musical sounds with the voice.
_____32. What statement describes the step of the indigenous dance Itik-itik?
A. It imitates the movement of the tikling bird as it walks around through tall grass and between tree
B. It is performed while balancing three oil lamps - one on the head, and one in each hand.
C. It mimics the battle between the Christian and the Muslim Moro tribesmen.
D. It mimics the movements of a duck, specifically how a duck splashes in the water to attract its partner.
_____33. Which is not a benefit of dancing?
A. It develops different kinds of diseases.
B. It improves social skills, self-esteem and confidence.
C. It develops your attitude towards self and towards others.
D. It teaches children to recognize the contribution of all cultures in our society
_____34. What should you do during any dance activity?
A. Give the best of your effort to make the activity successful.
B. Respect the other members of the group.
C. Enjoy doing the dance activity
D. All of the above.
_____35. A group of pupils was asked to performed “Itik-Itik” dance on the celebration of “Buwan ng
Wika”. What kind of attitude should they possess in order for them to execute the dance successfully?
A. Respect for the other members of the group.
B. Do not cooperate with the group.
C. Get involved into a fight.
D. None of the above
_____36. Kiko burns the garbage in their backyard. What will be the impact of this activity?
A. It will help the air clean.
B. It will pollute the river
C. It will make the nearby plants healthy.
D. It will pollute the air.
_____37. What is the impact to health if we will inhale smoke pollutants from cars, industries, construction
sites and factories?
A. The lungs will be healthier.
B. Health will be improved.
C. There will be difficulty in breathing.
D. you will get Covid-19
_____38. Untreated waste water coming from factories is disposed to rivers, seas or oceans. What will
happen to the marine life?
A. The marine life will die because of water pollution.
B. The marine life will get fat because of the wastes.
C. The marine life will multiply because of the nutrients from wastes.
D. The marine life will become bigger
_____39. The drinking water is contaminated because of leaking pipeline. Should we drink the water?
A. Yes, our body can handle the contaminated water.
B. No, the water might give us superpowers
C. Yes, the waste cannot harm our health.
D. No, the contaminated water is unsafe to drink. It will cause diseases.
_____40. The non-segregated garbage in San Salvador Street was uncollected for several days. What will be
the impact of this problem to the community?
A. The bad odor will allow pests and germs to multiply and cause illnesses.
B. The waste can be used as fertilizer to plants.
C. The kids will be happier playing near the garbage pile.
D. The place will become more pleasing
_____41. Poor environmental sanitation results to the following except one.
A. water pollution
B. air Pollution
C. economic Growth and Development
D. diseases and disorders
_____42. Every Saturday, all members of the BSP were required to attend the riverside clean up drive.
Unfortunately, your cousins invited you play computer games that day. What is the best thing to do?
A. you will write an excuse letter to you troop leader telling that you are sick so that they will allow
you not to attend the said activity
B. you will refuse the offer of your cousin and attend the clean-up drive instead
C. you will attend but on the middle of the activity you will excuse and pretend that you are not
feeling well
D. none of the above
_____43. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. reforestation
B. burning of fossil fuels
C. gas emission from industrial facilities
D. illegal logging
_____44. Which among the following disease is caused by food contamination or unclean drinking water?
A. Sore Throat C. Diarrhea
B. Sore Eyes D. Muscle Pain
_____45. What is the best way to conserve energy?
A. switch off the light when not in use.
B. turn on all the appliances at the same time.
C. let the water flows from the faucet while brushing your teeth.
D. leave your phone charging when going out.
_____46. Which of the following situations may cause pest or rodents in the community?
A. Feces or dead animals lying around
B. Clean and dry toilet.
C. Sealed bins and trash cans
D. Stored food on a container
_____47. Why do we have to keep our surroundings clean?
A. To attract pest and rodents
B. It helps the pest and rodents multiply faster.
C. It keeps us away from disease and illnesses brought by pest and rodents.
D. None of the above
_____48. The following are ways to prevent left over food from contamination except one.
A. Putting the left-over food in the refrigerator.
B. Covering the left-over food with plastic foil.
C. Storing the left-over food on a clean container.
D. Exposing the food overnight uncovered.
_____49. The best way to keep the toilet away from pest and rodents is _______________________.
A. Leaving the toilet unflushed.
B. Keeping the floor wet and uncleaned.
C. Keeping the toilet clean and dry.
D. Letting the trash bins uncovered.
_____50. Mosquitoes multiply easily when _________________.
A. there are rodents around
B. food is left uncovered
C. surroundings are clean and dry
D. there are stagnant water everywhere

Competencies No. of Item Placing of Item

MUSIC 10 1-10
A. identify simple musical forms of songs from the community as to
binary, ternary, or rondo
B. analyze the musical forms of folk songs;
C. perform songs in different musical forms
ARTS 15 11-25
1. recognize the origin of Art;
2. name the different persons who developed styles of printing Arts;
3. identify the different elements and principles of Arts; and
4. examine the harmonies created in Arts;
1. Realizes that art processes, elements and principles still apply even
with the use of technologies.
2. Understands concepts and principles of photography.
3. Identifies the parts and functions of the camera (point and shoot or
phone camera).
4. Applies composition skills to produce a printed photograph for a
simple photo essay.


A. displays joy and effort while participating in the dance activity
B. demonstrate respect and fairness while participating in the dance
C. perform the different steps involved in the dance Itik-itik.
HEALTH 15 36-50
-explain how poor environmental sanitation can negatively affect the
health of an individual. (MELC H6EH-IIIb-2)


Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher Teacher In-Charge

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