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New horizon scholars school

CBSE Affiliation No.1130470

Kavesar, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W)-400615
Grade : X : Preliminary Examination III : English(184)
Name: ___________________________________________________ Date ://2022
Roll No: ______ Div : _______ Total Marks : 40

General Instructions
 The Question Paper contains THREE sections- READING, WRITING &
 Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section A- Reading

1. Read the following passage carefully. (10 Marks)

1. Discipline for democracy, development and decency in public life needs no
reiteration nor does it require any expert to espouse its cause for personal posse and
social solidarity Discipline should be the order in public life. It is the crying need of
the hour. Discipline stands for training, especially of the mind and character, to
develop obedience and self-control, in the face of temptation or provocation.

2. Discipline in public life ensures peace and harmony, which in turn offers the
required impetus to the forces of progress and prosperity. No country, big or small,
can afford to play duck and drakes with the deity called discipline. All talk of equity or
social justices becomes a cry in the wilderness or a pompous promise, if the 'powers
that be' fail to comprehend and carry out the dictates of discipline in all situations.
With discipline, all plans, policies and programs are bound to bear fruit. Whenever
people in public life or in private enterprise dilute the demands of discipline, most
aspirations and achievements go astray, leading to failure and frustration at various
levels. Discipline for countries like India which are standing at the threshold of
economic breakthrough and a stupendous store of opportunities, it's the most
immediate and urgent pre-requisite. Discipline for the rulers and the ruled is an
essential ingredient, if we mean business in fields and factories.

3. The recent outbreak of 'plague' and the wrong signals that this limited epidemic
sent across the world, was not an act of God, as some would like us to believe, but
the regretful result of unpardonable negligence on the part of civic authorities. The
woeful way the routine calls of duty and discipline by paid public servants were given

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a go-bye, is a matter of shame for one and all. The heaps of garbage in towns, cities
and metros that were allowed to rot and their removal left to rag-pickers, speak
volumes of the callous attitude towards discipline and devotion to duty. It is high time
that we sit up and do serious heart-searching.

4. The case with which opposition sponsored 'Bandhs' are organised in our country
is another area of concern. With discipline in public life under a cloud, the entire
socio-economic momentum is brought to a grinding halt. When such is the sadistic
approach towards discipline, there is nothing that can come to our rescue, if some
bigger calamity overtakes us in future. The remedy of so many ills that afflict us
today lies not in tall talks but in the restoration of discipline in public life. Discipline is
the only route that can take us to our rightful place among the comity of nations.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE
questions from the six given below:
(i) What is the advantage of discipline in public life?
(ii) What happens when discipline is diluted in public or private life?
(iii) Why is discipline important for India?
(iv)Why is the entire socio-economic momentum brought to a grinding halt?
(v) Why is it high time that we should sit up and do some serious thinking?
(vi)Find the word from the passage that means the same as the following:
Friendly social atmosphere (para-4)
2. Read the following passage carefully:
(1) Even as the number of recorded COVID deaths crossed a million on Monday,
medical professionals called for balance in the treatment of COVID and non-COVID
cases pointing to the fact that every year cardiovascular diseases kill more than17
million, cancers over 9.5 million and chronic respiratory diseases almost four million.
According to the medical journal Lancet's report Global Burden of Diseases, there
are at least 15 different diseases that kill more than a million people every year.

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(2) While the swine flu pandemic in 2009 is estimated to have killed about half a
million in one year, the 1918 Spanish flu is estimated to have killed about 50 million.
(3) However, COVID-19 stretched the capacity of health systems as no other
pandemic in recent history, as an extraordinary number of patients required
hospitalised care and came in at unexpected pace. A good section of these needed
prolonged critical care. With the virus being highly infectious, large numbers are
affected in a short time. Just 5-6% of total case becoming critically ill has meant a
huge burden on the health system.
(4) As health systems geared up for COVID, most other health services were
suspended. Referring to a survey across several countries, that showed regular
health services were hit in most countries due to COVID, WHO Director General said
that many who needed treatment for diseases like cancer, heart ailments and
diabetes were not getting the required attention.
(5) A professor at AIMS, Delhi said, "We have about three to four patients of stroke
or heart attack who are brought dead to the hospital every day. The only difference is
that COVID deaths are being counted and these are not."
(6) A modelling study published in the Lancet Global Health suggested that,
worldwide, one in five people were at an increased risk of severe COVID-19 should
they become infected, mostly as a result of underlying non-communicable diseases.

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(7) Unfortunately, hospital systems are designed for average patient loads, not
epidemics, stated a paper on hospital capacity and operations during COVID-19,
published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It added that most
hospitals prided themselves on minimising empty beds, but this could result in their
being ill-equipped for an increase in cases. The pandemic brought into focus the
slackness in a system - under-utilized capacities and capabilities both physical and
human, which could be put to use in a crisis.
(8) With health systems operating at more than maximum capacity, a Lancet editorial
warned that "healthcare workers, unlike ventilators or wards cannot be urgently
manufactured or run at 100% occupancy for long periods."
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE
questions from the six given below. (1x5)

(i) What concern was shown by medical professionals?

(ii) How did COVID-19 affect the health systems?
(iii) Which disease is the world's biggest killer after cardiovascular diseases?
(iv) How many people were killed due to diabetes mellitus in 2017?
(v) What was brought into focus by the pandemic?
(vi) The phrase 'geared up' in para 4 means _____________

Section B- Writing and Grammar

(10 marks)

3. Attempt any one from (i) and (ii) (5)

(i) You have lost your original marksheet and certificate of class X. You want to get
their duplicates issued but you do not know the procedure. Write a letter to the
Chairman, CBSE, Preet Vihar, enquiring about the fee to be deposited, mode of
payment, time taken by the board for issuing duplicate marksheet and certificate and
any other formalities. You are Tarun/Taruna, 7/9, Kunj Apartments, Shimla(100- 120
(ii) Study the concept chart from the Daily Business magazine. Write a paragraph in
not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the situation one faces
while working in team.

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4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number.
Error Correction
People of diverse cultures lives (a) __________ ___________
together in India. There is many (b) ___________ __________
People who exhibit unity on diversity. (c) ___________ ___________

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5. Read the comic strip and complete the passage given below. (2)

Two friends Sumit and Rahul were going home after school. Taking a bite at his bar
of chocolate, Sumit said (a) _________ to go to Harvard. Rahul was duly impressed
to hear this and said (b) ________. In his typical style Sumit replied that his father
would have to work hard.

Section C - Literature
(20 marks)
6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. (2x6 =12)
(i) Suggest two ways by which you feel scientific temperament can be developed in a
child. Support your answer based on your reading of the story The Making of a
(ii) Why was Sinclair Lewis beaten up?
(iii) How has the Coorgi tradition of courage and bravery recognised in modern
(iv) Bholi was fascinated by the walls of the classroom. Why?
(v)What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?
(vi) Why does Lomov wish to propose Natalya?
(vii) Describe the life of Gautama Buddha before enlightenment.
7. Answer ANY TWO questions in about 120 words each. (4x2=8)
(i) “You seem to have done your homework before coming.” Answer the given
question in the light of this statement.
Rajvir seemed to have a lot of information about tea. What all did he tell? What
character trait of his is revealed? Is it essential for children?
(ii) Matilda goes home after meeting Madam Forestier after ten years and shares the
fact with M Loisel that the necklace was a false one. Write the dialogue between
Matilda and M Loisel.

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Matilda: I don't know how to tell you this but I met Madam Forestier today and she
told me that her necklace was a mere imitation.

M Loisel: What! I can't believe my ears. That huge debt was for nothing!
Matilda: _____________________________________________________
M Loisel: ____________________________________________________
(iii) Custard though mocked for his cowardice, displayed courage and was the one
who saved the day in the end.
Pick a character from any of the units (lessons/poems) in First Flight, who displayed
similar characteristics, like Custard and overcame a troubling issue?
What similarities and differences do you find between the character and Custard?

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