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Jessica Franco

Conclusions. Hendricks.
In this file, we briefly review
the information available on
some of the new dietary
supplements that are
proposed as likely weight
loss agents due to their
molecular mechanisms of
action, which could make
them useful in obesity
therapy (as opposed to
creatine). , L-arginine,
carnitine, whey protein, etc.,
which are actually used as
ergogenic aids). However,
these compounds need
further investigation as no
clear evidence has been
demonstrated in clinical References
practice and, in addition,
some are estimated to have Dietary
potential side effects. Ríos-Hyo, A., Gutierrez-
Salmean, G. (2016). New supplements
Dietary supplements for
obesity: What we currently for obesity
The current overweight and obesity
pandemic and its associ- ated issues
regarding adherence to treatment (i.e.,
lifestyle modification including a
change in dietary patterns and exer-
cise) have led to different
interventional approaches, including
pharmacologic therapy, surgery, and
the use of dietary supple- ments.
Dietary supplements represent an HOODIA GORDONII
attractive adjuvant alternative to
traditional therapy because most have has been studied as a weight loss adjuvant
a low- toxicity profile and are be- cause of its appetite suppression
accessible to the general population. activity, only one clinical trial evaluated the
effects of H. gordonii on weight loss: Blom et
Dietary supplements are legally al. They found that administration of an H.
gordonii extract had no effect on body
defined as products intended to
weight, body fat, or energy intake.
supplement the diet (i.e., add further
nutritional value), as they contain one
or more Bdietary ingredients^ (e.g., GREEN COFFEE IRVINGIA GABONENSIS
vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, Its seed contains high amounts of lipids,
metabolite, extract). Moreover, dietary Within its bioactive substances, it contains mostly saturated fatty acids. Randomized
supplements generally are taken orally; chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol from the double-blind clinical trials evaluated the
thus, they may be found as capsules, subfamily of phenolic acids. The weight loss effects of the administration of
tablets, gelatin capsules, liquids, or mechanisms proposed for the effects of an I. gabonensis extract, gabonensis extract
green coffee extract on weight loss include given for 4 and 10 weeks resulted in both
a lipolytic effect on adipocytes as well as a statistically and clinically significant
BITTER ORANGE decrease in pancreatic lipase activity. reductions in body weight and waist
circumference compared with placebo. The
Its extracts have been used as supplements to treat
most common adverse events included
obesity and to enhance exercise performance. It
headache, sleep difficulties, and flatulence;
contains multiple phytochemicals, including
however, these events were not significantly
octopamine, as well as alkaloids, particularly
synephrine. These alka- loids may exert different between the study groups.
sympathomimetic effects [6, 7] that con- tribute to
an oxidative metabolism

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