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To introduce the concepts of Lean Thinking, waste reduction, and continuous
improvement through a home-based activity.
Criteria for awarding points in the Lean Thinking Activity at Home
Criteria Points (100)
1.1. Selecting a suitable task for the challenge 5
1.2. Clearly defining the chosen task and its current process 5
2.1. Accurate documentation of the current process 5
2.2. Precise timing and recording of the time taken 5
2.3. Thorough observation of inefficiencies in the process 10
2.4. Clear explanation of observations 5
3.1. Detailed description of the improved process 5
3.2. Accurate timing and recording of the time taken in Lean approach 5
3.3. Effective application of Lean Thinking principles 10
3.4. Clear explanation of changes made and their impact 5
4.1. Thoughtful comparison of Round 1 and Round 2 5
4.2. Reflecting on the application of Lean principles and their impact 10
4.3. Identifying areas for further improvement 5
5.1. Submitting the completed task on time 20
Criteria for awarding points in the Lean Thinking Activity at Home

Your work in the Lean Thinking Activity will be

assessed using the given criteria. The student who
achieves the highest score will be recognized with a
special award at the graduation ceremony.
1. Your task is to choose a simple task or process at home that involves moving or
organizing a small number of objects. The task should be something you can
complete in a reasonable amount of time, such as setting the dinner table,
folding clothes, or organizing a desk.

2. You will be applying Lean Thinking principles to improve the efficiency of this
Round 1- Traditional Approach
1. Document the chosen task and its current process. This can include writing
down steps or creating a simple flowchart.

2. Perform the task in your usual way while timing yourself using a stopwatch.

3. Take notes on any inefficiencies you notice during the process. These
inefficiencies could include extra movements, waiting times, or over-processing
(doing more than necessary).

4. After completing the task, record the time it took to finish.

Round 2- Lean Approach
1. Introduce yourself to Lean Thinking concepts, such as minimizing waste,
reducing motion, and batch processing. You can find resources or links to
information for review.

2. Rethink and optimize the task using Lean principles. Make changes that reduce
waste and improve efficiency.

3. Time the improved process using a stopwatch and record the time. Document
the changes you made to the process.
1. Compare Round 1 and Round 2, noting any differences in time and efficiency.

2. Reflect on the changes you made and the impact on the process. Did it become
more efficient? Were there any challenges in applying Lean principles?

3. Jot down your observations and any ideas for further improvement.
Sample Output Presentation


Torres, Alexander F.
LPU- Laguna/ E&BM
Task Selection
I've decided to focus on 'Folding Laundry'
as my 'Lean Thinking Activity' because it's
a daily chore that can be quite
time-consuming. I frequently find myself
spending more time than I'd like on this
task, and I believe there's room for
improvement. By applying Lean Thinking
principles, I aim to discover more efficient
and effective ways to fold my laundry,
ultimately saving valuable time and making
this routine chore more streamlined and
Round 1- Traditional Approach
Current Process:

I usually fold laundry by taking one piece of

clothing at a time and folding it neatly before
placing it in the drawer.

Please refer to the next slide for the current

Note: Please include an actual photo of yourself while performing the task.
process map.
This will serve as your current condition documentation.
Round 1- Traditional Approach
Current Process: Folding Laundry

(Picture of (Picture of (Picture of (Picture of (Picture of END
Step 1) Step 2) Step 3) Step 4) Step 5)

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Place folded Step 5: Repeat for all
Gather laundry Pick up one item Fold item items in the drawer items
Task Time: 1 min Task Time: 1 min Task Time: 2 min Task Time: 1 min Task Time: 15 min

Note: To get the total time of your current process, make sure to time yourself during each step.

Time Taken:

It took me 20 minutes to fold a load of laundry, which included t-shirts, jeans, and socks.
Round 1- Traditional Approach
Current Process: Folding Laundry

(Picture of (Picture of (Picture of (Picture of (Picture of END
Step 1) Step 2) Step 3) Step 4) Step 5)

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Place folded Step 5: Repeat for all
Gather laundry Pick up one item Fold item items in the drawer items
Task Time: 1 min Task Time: 1 min Task Time: 2 min Task Time: 1 min Task Time: 15 min

Note: To get the total time of your current process, make sure to time yourself during each step.


I noticed that I was spending a lot of time picking up and folding each item individually. There was a
lot of unnecessary movement between the laundry basket and the drawer, and I had to keep
adjusting the clothes to make them neat.
Round 2- Lean Approach
Improved Process:

I decided to batch-process the folding by

grouping similar items together. I also laid a
clean towel on my bed to create a larger
folding surface. I started with all the t-shirts,
then folded the jeans, and finally organized
the socks.
Note: Please include an actual photo of yourself while performing the task.
This will serve as your improved condition documentation.

Please refer to the next slide for the improved

process map.
Round 2- Lean Approach
Improved Process: Folding Laundry

Create a larger Start with one group

Gather laundry Group similar items Pick up one item
START folding surface e.g. T-Shirt
(1 min) (0.5 min) (0.5 min)
(0.5 min) (1 min)

Repeat for all items Place folded items

Fold item
END in the group into the drawer
(1 min)
(5 min) (0.5 min)

Note: To get the total time of your improved process, make sure to time yourself during each step.

Time Taken:

With the new approach, it only took me 10 minutes to fold the same load of laundry.
Round 2- Lean Approach
Improved Process: Folding Laundry

Create a larger Start with one group

Gather laundry Group similar items Pick up one item
START folding surface e.g. T-Shirt
(1 min) (0.5 min) (0.5 min)
(0.5 min) (1 min)

Repeat for all items Place folded items

Fold item
END in the group into the drawer
(1 min)
(5 min) (0.5 min)

Note: To get the total time of your improved process, make sure to time yourself during each step.


The batch-processing method made a significant difference. It reduced the time I spent moving
between the laundry basket and the drawer. The larger folding surface also helped me fold the clothes
more efficiently.
1. Comparing Round 1 and Round 2, I saved 10 minutes by applying Lean Thinking
principles to the task. The improved process was more efficient, and I felt less
tired at the end of the task.

2. Applying Lean Thinking principles helped me reduce waste, specifically

unnecessary movement and handling, and increased efficiency in my
laundry-folding process.

3. I realized that these principles can be applied to everyday tasks to make them
more efficient and less time-consuming.

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