Golong, Juliann-Wps Office

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Physical Development is changes in Physical Appearance or Physical body.It is also the

combination of genetic factors and environmental Factors.Genetics has a big factor for Human
Physical Development.It may include the Color of skins,height,and also the Physical
Appearance.If your mother and your father have a white skin of course you are definitely have
this too.In infancy and childhood, there is a period of rapid physical growth and development.
Babies experience changes in their body size and weight, along with significant transformations.
They acquire muscle strength and coordination, enabling them to achieve milestones like rolling
over, crawling, walking, and eventually running. Additionally, their fine motor skills, such as the
ability to grasp objects and use utensils, also show improvement during this stage.In
adolescence, there is a noticeable growth spurt, where individuals experience a rapid increase in
height and weight. This is accompanied by the development of secondary sexual characteristics,
such as breast development in girls and facial hair growth in boys.

Cognitive Development It is refers to changes that occur in Individual's mind and thinking.It's
begin at birth and continuously grow as long as you are alive.Cognitive are being developed
when the stage of your development are grow.It is always the basis of your age.It is also involve
problem solving,create new ideas,make friendships,have a crush or being I love with someone.

Socio-emotional Development refers to a growth and changes in social interactions and

emotions.This development are usually connected with individual's socal interactions and
emotions.Example in you Infancy stage where in Babies are usually always crying when they
hungry,in pain,or maybe want to have something.In adolescence,we also cannot express our
emotions freely because of the word"ego".We are ashamed of being seen by anyone crying.In
socially,babies are usually create a bond and they want to feel comfort nor secure.In
Adolescence,we usually prefer the strong friendship,we build a relationship and sometimes
leads to a strong relationship and being attracted to anyone.

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