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Section - A

1) Which of the following branches of Psychology is concerned with internal processes such as attention,
perception, thinking, reasoning, language and memory ? (1)
a) Developmental b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Behavioural
2) If you and your friend measure the size of the same area of lawn using a standard tape, it is likely that both
of you would attain the identical conclusion about its length. This is an example of _____________ (1)

a) objectivity b) variability c) acceptability d) standardness

3) Ravish was advised by the clinical Psychologist to take a psychological test for in-depth assessment of his
personality characteristics. Which of the given statements are true about a psychological test? (1)
i) Psychological test is a subjective instrument to assess an individual’s standing in relation to others on
some mental/ behavioural characteristics.
ii) Based on manner of administration, psychological tests are divided into individual or group tests.
iii) Test –Retest & Split Half are methods to calculate validity of a psychological test .
iv) In a power test, the items are generally arranged in a decreasing order of difficulty.
v) Validity indicates whether a psychological test actually measures what it claims to measure.
a) (i) & (iii) b) (iii) & (iv) c) (ii) & (v) d) (i) & (iv)

4) Anshul is a 3 months old infant. Whenever he hears a loud noise, he throws his arm outward while arching
his back and then brings the arm together as if grasping something. Identify the appropriate reflex action
described in this example. (1)
a) Babinski b) Rooting c) Grasp d) Moro
5) In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark
the correct choice. (1)

Assertion (A) : Nowadays , a large number of hospitals employ psychologists for providing
psychological counselling and positive support to patients who are terminally ill /suffering from critical
illness /are in post surgery care /physically challenged, etc.
Reason (R) : Health professionals have realised that the saying ‘a healthy body requires a healthy mind’
is actually true.
a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation for Assertion
c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

6) If we think that only a hammer can be used to hit nails and nothing else, this obstacle to solving the
problem is known as ___________. (1)
a) analogy b) mental Set
c) functional fixedness d) emotional disability

7) Which of the following factor(s) is/are not related to sustained attention? (1)
(i) Sensory modality ii) Clarity of stimuli
(iii) Temporal uncertainty iv) Special uncertainty
a) Only (iv) b) (i) and (ii)
b) (i), (ii) and (iii) d) All of the above

8) The humanistic approach to psychology was developed mainly by ____. (1)

a) Abraham Maslow b) Carl Wright
b) JB Watson d) Max Mueller

9) In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark
the correct choice. (1)
Assertion (A) : Data from qualitative studies are largely subjective.
Reason (R) : Data from qualitative studies involve interpretation on the part of the researcher as well as
the person providing data.
a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation for Assertion
c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

10) Jean Piaget termed this stage as the concrete operational stage. (1)
a) 0 - 2 years b) 2-7 years c) 11-15 years d) 7-11 years

11) Which of the following factor(s) influence(s) the development of a human being? (1)
a) Environment b) Both (a) and (c)
c) Genes c) None of these

12) How long can short term memory hold information for? (1)
a) Less than 2 seconds b) For 20 seconds or less
c) For more than a minute d) For 30 seconds or less

13) Rituraj is hopping, jumping and running in the lobby of his apartment. These skills are included under
________. (1)
a) Fine motor skills b) Gross motor skills
c) Major motor skills d) Developmental motor skills

14) Making some orienting reflexes, i.e., getting accustomed to the event, is involved in the following
phenomenon . (1)
a) Habituation b) Extinction
c) Transfer effect d) Reinforcement

15) _________ is an evolutionary process that favours individuals or a species that are best adapted to survive
and reproduce. (1)
a) Growth b) Development

c) Natural selection d) Maturation

Section - B
16) Distinguish between divided and selective attention. (2)
17) Define hypothesis with an example. (2)
18) Mention the difference between proactive and retroactive interference. (2)
19) Describe any two types of behaviour using examples. (2)
20) Describe any two factors that influence perception. (2)
21) List out the two types of reinforcement as seen in reinforcement scheduling. (2)
Section -C
22) Explain the linkage of Economics, Political science and Sociology with Psychology. (3)
23) Some important cues in depth perception are provided by both the eyes. What are they? (3)
24) ‘Adolescents also develop a special kind of egocentrism’. Define ‘egocentrism’ and explain the
components of egocentrism observed during adolescence. (3)
Section - D
25) What do you know about the process of creative thinking? Explain the different stages involved in it.
26) What were the major views of Behaviourism? Identify another approach which emerged as a reaction to
structuralism. (4)
27) How does Bronfenbrenner understand development? (4)
28) List out and explain in brief about the key processes which occur when learning takes place. (4)
Section - E

29) Elaborate on the nature and causes of forgetting. (6)

30) How does scientific observation differ from day-to-day observation? Discuss in brief about the various
types of observation. (6)

Section - F

31) A young child hears the bell of an ice cream truck approaching in the summertime. This truck
has come to her neighbourhood every day for weeks but usually comes earlier in the afternoon.
This makes her salivate and get excited. She then runs into the house and asks her dad for some
money but her father refuses to give her any money since it is close to dinner. She then starts to
cry and has a tantrum. After a few seconds, her father gives her the money in order to stop her
from crying. This seems to happen on a daily basis.
From your understanding of the case above, answer the following questions:
a) Identify the classical conditioning which is present in the above situation. (1)
b) Label the (2)
(i) unconditioned stimulus (ii) conditioned stimulus
(iii) unconditioned response (iv) conditioned response

32) Read the given case carefully and answer the questions that follow :
Dr. Pal is going to observe and record children’s play behaviour at a nursery school. He will not try to
influence or control their behaviour. He would sit in a corner and observe the children’s behaviour without

them being aware of it. He would note the behaviour of children while playing, how they interact with
each other and their reactions towards winning and losing. He would be collecting all the data in a file and
then match the conclusion with the hypothesis.
a) Identify the method of collecting data Dr. Pal is going to use. (1)
b) Discuss two demerits of this method of research. (2)

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