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Structure of Atom chemistry Mind map

Inorganic Chemistry II (University of Kerala)

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Atomic Models
Quantum Numbers
The smallest particletaking
part in a chemical
reaction.Primitivemodels Quantum mechanical model Aset four number
giving complete
about electron.
Assumesonly the probabiltyof find-
Constituents of atom ing an electron upto a distance.

Thomson model: It assumed atom

Principle Quantum number (n): It shows the size
Electron,e as a
pudding of positive charge and energy of orbital.
10° C
Charge =+1.6 x 10° C with electron embedding in it..
Charge =-1.6 x
Azimuthal Quantum number (): It shows the
Mass 9.l x 10" kg.
Mass = 1.67 x 10" kg Rutherford'smodel: It assumed that
Neutron, n° proton and neutron are present in shape of orbital. If l =
1, 2, or 3, the orbital is
Charge 0 nucleus and electrons revolve around t. S,p or d.
Mass = 1.67 x
10 kg Bohr model: Assumes electrons Angular momentum, H=l+1527
Wave nature ********"*********************

revolve only in stationary orbits of

Magnetic Quantum number (m): I shows orienta-
fixed energy
Wavelength(),frequency(u), Particde nature tion of orbital and varies from -i to +l including zero.
velocity(c) and number
Spin Quantum number (s): It shows spiningof elec

(O). These are related as Plancks Theory de-Broglie Equation

E = nhu, h = 6.6 x 10*Js trons and have value % or -.
C vÀ and k=
Photoelectric effect
hu =
hu, +% m,V Heisenberg's Uncertainty Rules of filling of electrons
Black body radiation principle
EMR Spectra: It shows incre- Aufbau principle: Electrons are filled in
Radiation emitted by a bla-
asing order of waveleng-ths ArxA P2 ArmAv increasing order of energy
k body. 47

e Line spectra of H: Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity:

only when each
Pairing of electrons
Node: Area of zero electron density.

Orbital: The region of maximum electron density.

****************** orbital is singliy occupied.
Where n, = 1,2,3... and n, = n,
Pauli Exclusion principle: An orbital can
Electronic configuration: Process of distribution
+ 1.n,= 1,2,3,4 and 5 for Lym- accommodate a maximum of two electrons
of e in various orbitals.
an, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett with opposite spins.
and Pfund series.
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