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Eagle in

Eng lish
For Secondary schools
Done by

♧Mr.Abdulatti Bedir ♧
Senior Teacher.No. {01025570505}
☆Unit {1}Read all about it. [1]☆Past Simple .‫الماضى البسيط‬

[1 ]☆Sub.+ .. Second Conjunction {S.C } 1- ‫يتكون من التصريف الثانى‬


#Regular verbes {d/ed/ied} ‫أفعال منتظمة‬ & # Irregular verbs ‫أفعال شاذة‬

{arrive > arrived - visit > visited - stay > stayed } { is > was - go > went -
send > sent }

{travel > travelled - carry > carried rain > rained } { ride > rode - read > read
- put > put }

●I met some friends an hour ago. ●They played football yesterday .

1☆} ‫> فعل منتظم { إثبات‬ d,ed,ied / ‫فعل شاذ او غير منتظم ويجب أن يحفظ‬ > go - went / see - saw

2☆ } ‫} نفى‬ {Sub. + didn't + inf. } > ●She bought a new villa. > She didn't buy a new villa.

3☆} ‫استفهام‬/ ‫{ } سؤال‬Wh. + did + pronouns + inf.}? > ●Where did he go yesterday?

4☆{Passive }{Obj.+ was,were + + sub.}/{Obj.+ wasn't, weren't +P.P}/{ Was,Were

+Obj.+ P.P? }

●-My sister prepared lunch yesterday. {Actice} >●Lunch was prepared by my sister

[5] use with the past simple tense expressions such as:‫يستخدم مع الماضى البسيط تعبيرات زمنية مثل‬

{ in the past / the other day / once / in the past / last / yesterday / ago /in 2019/ always /
sometimes / usually / often /How long ago did=When did}
5-‫يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث بدء وانتهى فى الماضى غالبا مع ذكر وقت حدوث الفعل‬:

[6]The past simple is used to express an event that started and ended in the past is often
with mentioning the time of the action.

●-Fadwy visited London in 2010 . ●-I was in Alexandria a month ago.

[7]The past simple is also used to express past habits as follows: 6-‫يستخدم للتعبير عن عادات الماضى‬

☆{ subj . + always / often / usually / sometimes + /{ ‫ { التصريف الثانى للفعل‬Sub. + used to + inf.}

●-Yasmine always got up early on school days when she was a student .
●-Mariam used to go to the club every day . Now , she only goes there every month.

●-Noha was used to living { life } in a busy street .

‫{ تستخدم ظروف التكرار قبل وبعد‬used to}

●-I always/usually used to help my mother.= I used always /usually to help my mother.

●I would always help my mother. ‫تأتى ظروف التكرار بعد ها‬ < { would}
8- : ‫يستخدم الماضى البسيط بعد التعبيرات االتية ويعبر عن شيئ غير متحقق في الواقع‬

[8] {I wish / It's time / I 'd rather + ‫ فاعل‬+ past simple, past perfect.}

●It's time my father arrived home . I don't know why he is late .

●I wish I lived in a big house.{ Past simple} ●I wish I had traveled abroad two years ago.
{Past perfect}

...........................[2]- past habits. /Repeated past actions {used to/be used to{: ‫عادات الماضى‬.................................
[1]{Sub. + used to + inf . ‫إثبات‬ /Sub. + didn't use to + inf. ‫ نفى‬/ Wh. + did + use to +
inf? ‫} استفهام‬

●-Menna used to drink milk every morning . ●-Sama didn't use to drink milk every
morning .

●-What did Sama use to drink/do every morning? ●-Milk used to be drunk every morning
(by Sama).
2- ‫تستخدم فى الجمل المثبتة فقط للتعبير عن األحداث والعادات المتكررة فى الماضى ولم تعد موجودة فى الحاضر‬

☆{would + inf = used to + inf.}

●-When I was on holiday, I would get up late. = ●-When I was on holiday, I used to get
up late.

{Used to + inf.‫ تستخدم في النفى االستفهام للتعبير عن األحداث المتكررة‬/would + inf. 3- ‫ال تستخدم في النفى و االستفهام‬

●When he was young,he didn't use to take a lot of medicines. ‫نفى‬ {✓}

●When he was young,he wouldn't take a lot of medicines. ‫نفى‬ {x}

●Did you use to do homework in the evening? {✓{●Would you do homework in the
evening?{ x } ‫استفهام‬
[4 ] Subj . + used to + inf . = Subj . + no longer + ‫ لم يعد‬inf . / { inf .+ s / es / ies } >
present simple.

=☆ Subj .+ don't / doesn't + inf . ... any more / any longer. ‫لم يعد خالص‬

●Omar used to work here . = ●Omar no longer works here . ●= Omar doesn't work here
anymore .

[5]-It was + his / her / our + habit to + inf. =Sub. + was,were in the habit of +V-ing.

●It was his habit to smoke. ●He was in the habit of smoking.

[6]-Sub. + past simple a habit. ●Salwa watched TV as a habit.

{Used to} ‫تستخدم في العادات العامه او المنتظمة وأيضا مع اال فعال التقريرية‬

●I used to have a car in KSA .

7-‫ متعود على‬: ‫للتعبير عن عادة فى الوقت الحاضر‬

[7]☆ Sub.+ am,is,are + used to +noun/V-ing. ●I am used to watching Al Abakera


[8] Sub.+got / became / grow ... + used to + noun / { inf . + ing } > ● I got used to living in
Aswan .

[9] Obj .+ be + used to be + P.P ....{ passive voice } ‫فى المبنى للمجهول‬

●Goods are used to be bought at shops in my village.

10☆{yesterday /this morning /last week.}‫ال يجوز استخدام التعبيرات الزمنية التى تحصر العادة فى وقت قصير‬

●I used to go to the cinema last week. { x } ●I went to the cinema last week.{✓{
11-‫ للتعبير عن اعتياد شيئ كل عادى او مألوف نستخدم‬:

[11]☆Sub.+ was,were,get,grow,become + used to / accustomed to + noun / V-ing.

●I was used to working at a camoing site. ●We got used to the new

[12]☆There used to be ...... ☆There didn't use to be...........

●There used to be a cinema in our street. ●There didn't use to be a metro 50 years ago.

13-: ‫للتعبير عن الغرض من استخدام شيئ ما نستخدم‬

[13]☆Something + be used to + inf. ●A knife is used to cut food.

☆Something + be used to + V-ing. ●A knife is used for cutting food.

....................................................................[3]☆-Past Continuous : ‫الماضى المستمر‬ ....................................................................

1-‫محدد فى الماضى‬/‫يستخدم الماضى المستمر للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا في وقت معين‬

[1]{Subj + was / were + inf.+ ing }●He was watching the match at ten yesterday / all
evening . {Active}

[2]{Obj. + was / were + being + P.P}>●The match was being watched{by him}at ten

[3] While / As / Just as / When + past cont. + past cont. ‫حدثان مستمر ان فى وقت معين فى الماضى‬

●While I was doing homework , Mum was cooking .=Mum was cooking while I was doing
} ‫حدثان في الماضى احدهما قطع لآلخر فيوضع الحدث الطويل{ ماضى مستمر} والحدث القصير يوضع {ماضى بسيط‬

[4]{While / As / Just as / When + past cont . > past simple }

●While / When I was watching the film , I fell asleep .=I fell asleep while / when I was
watching the film

[5]{When + past simple + past cont. } > ●When I fell asleep , I was watching the film .

[6]{While + ( inf . + ing ) > + past simple } ‫فى حالة عدم وجود فاعل}الفاعل واحد فى الجملتين‬

● While watching the film , I fell asleep.

[7] {During + noun + past simple} > ●During the film , I fell asleep .

[8]While + preposition. = While + subj + be ● While on holiday , I had a great time .

= While I was on holiday , I had a great time .

[9] When + sentence. ..= On + n / { inf . + ing }

●When he arrived home,he was talking on her mobile.= On arriving home,she was talking
on his mobile

●When I left home , I made sure the front door is locked .

●When leaving home , I made sure the front door is locked .

☆Key words :{while /as/just as/when/at five yesterday, last night/yesterday

afternoon,morning, evening/from seven to nine}

☆Important notes on continuous teens .‫مالحظات هامة على األزمنة المستمرة‬

‫ ومن هذه األفعال‬، ‫ المشاعر ) ويستخدم بدال من ذلك األزمنة البسيطة‬/ ‫ اإلدراك‬/ ‫ غالبا ال تستخدم األزمنة المستمرة مع األفعال التقريرية ( التملك‬: .

[1]Feeling ‫المشاعر‬ > like , dislike , love , hate , prefer , enjoy , want , wish ... etc

[2]Senses ‫ > الحواس‬seem , hear , see , smell , feel , sound , taste , appear, look

[3]Communication ‫ > التواصل‬disagree ,promise , satisfy , surprise , agree , deny

[4]Thinking ‫ > اإلدراك‬realize , understand , know , mean , think = believe , imagine ,

recognize , remember , forget .

[5]Other states ‫ > أفعال تقرير ية اخرى‬: be ,belong , concern , depend , involve , matter ,possess,
own , need , owe

● I was understanding the lesson well . { x } ●- I understood the lesson well .


☆Summary on past continuous . ‫ملخص زمن الماضى المستمر‬

[1]-{Subj + was / were + inf.+ ing } {Active} [ 2]- {Obj. + was / were + being + P.P}>

[3] While / As / Just as / When + past cont. + past cont. ‫حدثان مستمر ان فى وقت معين فى الماضى‬

} ‫حدثان في الماضى احدهما قطع لآلخر فيوضع الحدث الطويل{ ماضى مستمر} والحدث القصير يوضع {ماضى بسيط‬

[4]{While / As / Just as / When + past cont . > past simple } [5]{When + past simple +
past cont. }

[6]{While ‫ بدون فاعل‬+ (V.+ ing ) > + past simple } ‫فى حالة عدم وجود فاعل}الفاعل واحد فى الجملتين‬

[7] {During + noun + past simple} [8]While + preposition. = While + subj + be

[9] When + sentence. ..= On + n / { inf . + ing }

☆Key words :{while /as/just as/when/at five yesterday, last night/yesterday
afternoon,morning, evening/from seven to nine}

....................................................[4]☆-The Present perfect simple. ‫المضارع التام‬ .......................................................

[1]☆ I / You / We / They + have { ' ve } + P. P. ... . ☆He / She / It + has { ' s } + P. P.

●-We have bought some chocolate . ●-Radwa has washed the dishes .

●- I have felt this pain since I arrived home . { I still feel this pain }

[2]{Obj. + have / has + been + P.P }.... {passive } ‫فى حالة المبنى للمجهول‬

●- Some chocolate has been bought (by us). ●-The dishes have been washed ( by
Radwa ) .

. 3 ‫يستخدم المضارع التام البسيط للتعبير عن أحداث أو مواقف بدأت في الماضى و لم تنتهى بعد‬-

●- I have felt this pain since I arrived home . ( I still feel this pain )
4-‫يستخدم المصارع العام البسيط للتعبير عن مواقف مرت في الماضى دون ذكر وقت حدوثها‬

●-I have attended three meetings. ●She has learned English.

5- ‫يستخدم المضارع التام البسيط للتعبير عن أحداث أو مواقف منتهية في الماضي و لها أثر على الحاضر ( جملة السبب يكون مضارع تام وجملة األثر أو‬
) ‫النتيجة تكون مضارع بسيط‬ ●-I've eaten enough, so I don't
want any more food.●I can't play football because I 've broken my leg.

●-My wife looks very tired since /as/because she has cleaned all the rooms.

‫يستخدم المضارع التام البسيط للتعبير عن الخبرات والتجارب غالبًا مع‬ }ever / never{ .6-

- ‫ جملة تفضيل‬Subject + have,has + ever + P.P =Sub.+ has,have + never +P.P.+ such {a / an}+
adj. + noun

●Mariam is the most intelligent girl I have ever seen.= I have never seen such an
intelligent girl like M.

{ Sub. + have,has + never +P.P ......before / now=This is the first time +sub.+ have, has +
ever +P.P }

●Rody has never prepared lunch before ( now )●This is the first time Rody has ( ever )
prepared lunch.
{ lately/recently/just } 7-‫يستخدم المضارع العام البسيط للتعبير عن أحداث تمت من فترة وجيزة غالبًا مع‬

●- I have just returned home . ●- I have joined a language course lately /

recently .
8- : ‫يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن أحداث لم تحدث حتى اآلن ومن المنتظر حدوثها وتكون الجملة منفية أو استفهامية‬

●-Have you met the new manager yet ? ●-She hasn't written the reports yet.

9- ‫يستخدم المضارع التام البسيط للتعبير عما تم القيام به اآلن غالبا مع‬ {so far / up till now }

●-So far ,he has passed three exams. ●-I have interviewed six applicants up till

{already} ‫تستخدم للتأكيد على حدوث الفعل بمعنى بالفعل وتأتى أحيانا في االستفهام لتدل على الدهشة وعدم التصديق‬

10●-I have already done my homework. ●Have you come first already ? I can't believe it.

[11]Since + ‫ترتيب محدد‬ ●-I haven't seen my aunt since yesterday /last week /2021 /Sunday /

[13]Since + ‫تعبير زمني يدل على توقيت بداية حدوث الفعل‬/ ‫اى اسم غير معدود‬/ ‫اسم يدل على توقيت محدد او مرحلة محددة‬

☆Since + { six o'clock ,Monday, 26,th September ,March ,summer , 2013 , yesterday , last
month , since death , her birth , his departure ,arrival }

●-I've lived in this flat since 2015 . ●- He's been here since May .

●- Rodayna has lived in this town since her birth . ●- She has not slept since her
departure .

●She has lived in Aswan since her birth/childhood /marriage /graduation.

☆since + a period of time + ago. ●We have started this project since 10 years ago.

☆He is tired since ‫ ألن‬he has been working all day.‫للتعبير عن السبب‬

[13] Present perfect < since > past simple

●-Omar has worked in this company since he graduated .

●-We have played squash since we became members of this club .

[14]It's + ‫ مدة زمنية‬+ since + past simple. ●-It's two month since we met .

[15] for + ‫ اى اسم معدود‬/ ‫المدة التى استغرقت الفعل‬

☆for + a moment / a while / two seconds / three minutes / half an hour / five days / six
months / ten years / a decade / two centuries / a long time / a short time / the last / ages/ as
long as I can remember .

●-I have lived in Aswan for ( 17 years / two months / a week / a long time / ages ... etc. )

●- I have played football for as long as I can remember . ●- He's been here for 6 months .

[16] have / has been to / in + place ‫ ذهب الى مكان وعاد منة‬/ &have / has gone to + place ‫ذهب ولم يرجع بعد‬

●-You can't meet the manager because he has gone to Paris .

●-He has been to the supermarket . You can see the bags on the table .
17-‫ ومن الكلمات الدالة علية‬، ‫يستخدم المضارع التام فقط وليس المضارع التام المستمر عند ذكر العدد أو الكم‬

{two / three ..... / many / a few / few / several / a lot of / lots of / all /planty of+ ‫} مفعول جمع‬

●- He has been drinking three cups of tea this evening . ( X )

● - He has drunk three cups of tea this evening . ( ✓ )

●- He has been drinking at least a litre of tea this evening . ( X )

●- He has drunk at least a litre of tea this evening . ( ✓ )

●- I have been meeting many customers recently . ( X ) - I have met many customers
recently . ( ✓ )
18-... ‫يستخدم المضارع التام فقط و ليس المضارع التام المستمر مع األفعال اللحظية أو األفعال التقريرية ( أفعال االدراك والمشاعر و الحواس والتملك‬
) ‫ الخ‬:

●-A fast car has been crashing into a rock by the road . ( X )

●- A fast car has crashed into a rock by the road . (✓)-We have been owning this flat for
15 years.( X )

●-We have owned this flat for 15 years . ( ✓ ) -She has been knowing these friends for a
year . ( X )

●-She has known these friends for a year . ( ✓ )

Key words:{ already-just -ever -never-yet-since-for-so far-lately -recently-over the last
two years

This is the first /last time - up till now-this year.}

........................................[5 ]☆-The present perfect continuous : ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬ ........................................

1-‫او له أثر قوى في الحاضر مع األفعال التى تستغرق وقت طويل بطبيعتها‬/‫حدث بدء في الماضى واليزال مستمر فى الوقت الحاضر‬

●She is tired.She has been working all day. ●It has been raining for three days

[2] {Sub. + have / has + been + V+ ing.}

●She has been doing the housework, so she looks very tired.

●He has been studying English for 2 years.

[3] The key words :‫{ > الكلمات الدالة علية‬Since / for /all + ‫ ظروف زمنية‬for ... now .}
4-‫األفعال طويلة المدة نستخدم معها زمن المضارع التام المستمر مثل‬:

{ teach-learn - rain - play - sleep- cook - run - study - read - wait - stay - live - watch- write
5-‫ األفعال قصيرة المدة وأفعال الحواس نستخدم معها مضارع تام مثل‬:

{know -hear- understand- remember- see -be - like -want- love - get up - die - forget }

................................................................. [6]☆Past Perfect Simple ‫الماضى التام‬ ................................................................

[1]{Sub. + had + P.P } > ●She had finished the reports by 11 pm. {Active}

[2]{Obj.+had been + P.P} > ● The reports had been finished (by her) by 11 pm.{passive

●I had done my homework before bedtime. =●Before bedtime , I had done my

homework .
‫ }فى الماضى البسيط‬2‫ }فى الماضى التام و{ح‬1‫يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث تم {الحدث االول} قبل وقت معين فى الماضى فيوضع{ ح‬

‫الحدث القديم يأخذ ماضى تام والحدث الجديد يأخذ ماضى بسيط‬:‫يعنى هم حدثان‬

[3]After / As soon as/ the moment / When + past perfect 1‫ح‬ + past simple 2‫ح‬

●After/ As soon ashe had bought a mobile , he went home

●When /As soon as the mechanic had checked the engine , it worked well.

[4] After + { inf + ing }> past simple ●After buying a mobile , he went home . ‫اذا لم يوجد فاعل‬

[5] {Having + P.P } > past simple {Active } > ●Having bought a mobile , he went

[6] {Having been + PP } > passive > ●Having been checked the car engine,it worked well

[7] {Before / By the time / When + past simple 2‫ ح‬+ past perfect 1‫ ح‬.}

●Before / By the time /When he went home,he had bought a mobile.

[8]{Before + noun / { inf . + ing } + past perfect. > ●Before going home , he had bought a
mobile .

[9] ‫ماضى بسيط منفى غالبا‬ + until/till+ past perfect > ●He didn't go home until/till he had bought a

[10] Subj. + had + no sooner + P.P ...... + than + past simple ‫لم يكد حتى‬

= Subj . + had + hardly / scarcely / barely +P.P .......+ when / before + past simple ‫لم يكد عندما‬

●He had no sooner bought a mobile than he went home.

●He had hardly / scarcely/barely bought a mobile when/before he went home.

[11]No sooner + had + sub.+P.P....than + past simple ‫إذا جاءت الروابط فى اول الجملة‬

☆Hardly /Scarcely / Barely + had + sub.+P.P.... when / before + past simple

●No sooner had he bought a mobile than he went home.

●Hardly /Scarcely / Barely had he bought a mobile when/before he went home.

[12] after that =before + past simple + past perfect > ●I had tidied my room after that I
watched TV.

[13] before that =after + past perfect + past simple > ●I watched TV. before that,I tidied
my room.

[14 ] It was only when + past perfect + that + past simple

[15] It wasn't until + past perfect + that + past simple

☆Note the difference in meaning between {after / while / on + inf. + ing}

1●After I locked the door, I realised that I had left my mobile inside.

2● On feeling the pain of the injection , she gave a spontaneous cry .‫تعاقب سريع لالحداث او رد فعل لحظى‬

3●While walking by the Nile , I saw some fishing boats . ‫التركيز على استمرارية الحدث‬
‫جملة السبب تكون ماضى تام وجملة األثر او النتيجة تكون ماضى بسيط‬

●He was sad because his team had lost the match . = His team had lost the match , so he
was sad .

☆Summary on past perfect. ‫ملخص زمن الماضى التام‬

[1]☆After / As soon as/ the moment / When + past perfect 1‫ح‬ + past simple 2‫ح‬

[2] ☆After ‫ بدون فاعل‬+ noun / { inf + ing } > ]3[ ‫اذا لم يوجد فاعل بالجملة‬ {Having + P.P } > Active

[4] {Having been + PP }> passive [5] {Before/By the time / When + past simple 2‫ ح‬+ past
perfect 1‫ ح‬.}

[6]☆{Before + noun / { inf . + ing } + past perfect. [7] ‫ماضى بسيط منفى غالبا‬ + until/till + past

[8] ☆Subj. + had + no sooner + P.P ...... + than + past simple ‫لم يكد حتى‬

= Subj . + had + hardly / scarcely / barely +P.P .......+ when / before + past simple ‫لم يكد عندما‬

[9]☆No sooner + had + sub.+P.P....than + past simple ‫إذا جاءت الروابط فى اول الجملة‬

[10]☆Hardly /Scarcely / Barely + had + sub.+P.P.... when / before + past simple

[11]after that = before + past simple + past perfect .[12] before that = after + past perfect
+ past simple

[13]It was only when + past perfect + that + past simple .

[14] It wasn't until + past perfect + that + past simple

.................................................. [7]☆-Past Perfect Continuous ‫الماضى التام المستمر‬..................................................

[1] {Subj .+ had { ' d } + been + ( inf . + ing }

●- I had been waiting for half an hour before the train arrived at the station .
: ‫ ويستخدم عادة مع ظروف مثل‬، ‫ ليعبر عن حدث استمر لفترة في الماضى قبل وقوع حدث آخر‬:‫ يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر‬:

{since - for -already- recently }

●Nada had been studying physics for three hours when she started to get board.
2- ‫يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر ليعبر عن حدث استمر لفترة في الماضى وكان له أثر على حدث أو موقف وقع بعده‬:

●I was exhausted as I had been working non-stop for more than ten hours.
3- ‫ ومن أمثلة األفعال اللحظية‬، ‫غالبًا ال يستخدم الماضى التام المستمر مع األفعال اللحظية ( التي ال تستغرق مدة ) وتستخدم الماضى التام البسيط بدًال ن ذلك‬
‫ ما يلي‬:

{ break down ,stop,end,close,open,receive,arrive }

●I had received an important e-mail before I left the office.

4-‫التعبيرات التالية قبل المفعول تدل على تكرار حدوث الفعل‬-‫يستخدم الماضى التام وليس التام المستمر عند االشارة إلى تكرار حدوث الفعل‬

{two / three ... / many / a few / few / several / a lot of / lots of / all }

●When I left the office ,I had sent three e-mails.

●By the time my cousins left our house,they had eaten all the apples in the kitchen.
5- ) ‫يستخدم الماضى التام البسيط وليس الماضى التام المستمر مع األفعال التقريرية(أفعال الحواس والمشاعر والتملك واإلدراك‬

●I had known my wife for two years before we got married.

.......................................... ☆3,rd Sec. Unit {2} Her story. {The adjectives. } ‫الصفات‬

1-‫وتاتى مع االفعال األتية‬/ ‫ وبعد االفعال التقريرية‬/‫ الصفة هي كلمة تصف االسم وتوضع قبل الموصوف‬:

{ be , feel , seem , appear , become , look , gets, stay , taste , smell. } ‫☆ أفعال تقريرية‬

●young people / ●I bought a digital camera yesterday.

●He felt ill yesterday. = He was ill yesterday.

2-‫ولذلك فهى تشبة الحال مثل‬ ‫يوجد بعض الصفات المنتهية ب‬:

{ friendly , lovely, silly ,lonely, lively likely, fatherly, motherly. }

‫وللحصول على الحال من هذة الصفات نضعها في الصيغة التالية‬:☆

☆{in + a/an +way.} ●-My brother is friendly. He acts in a friendly way.
3-‫هناك كلمات هى نفسها ظرف وصفة فى نفس الوقت‬

{ fast -late -early -hard - high - daily - weekly-monthly - yearly -straight.}

●This subject is hard. Ex.Al-Ahram is a daily newspaper. ●Al -Ahram is

published daily.

4☆{ Adj ................. ed. } ‫تصف الشعور الذي يشعر بة اإلنسان اوالحيوان‬ > ‫تصف النتيجه‬

●Ali got excited when he saw the goal. ●The dog got excited when I threw it the plate.

☆{ Adj ................... ing. } < ‫تصف األشياء واالنسان‬ ‫تصف المسبب‬

●Mona is an interesting girl.She makes me laugh. ●I'm interested in English.

5-‫اى التستخدم قبل االسم مطلقا‬/ ‫بعض الصفات ال يأتي بعدها اسم توصفه‬:

{alive-alone-afraid -alret-alike-aware-ashamed -asleep-awake} Ex.●He is aware of his

6-:‫اى تستخدم الصفات بعد الضمائر غير المحددة التالية‬/ ‫الكلمات االتية تاتى الصفة بعدها وليس قلبها‬

{someone- something -somebedy-somewhere -anybody-anyone-anything-everyone -

everything - everywhere-every body -nothing -no body-no one-nowhere }

●-I met someone important last Thursday. ●-Let's drink something cold.
7-‫هناك صفات تصف الصحة والمشاعر‬

{ill-well -upset - glad -sorry - fine}

●I am sorry about my fatal mistake. ●She felt upset .

[8] { as ‫} مساواة‬/=the same + ‫ االسم من الصفة‬+as} ●Hend is as clever as Mariam. ‫عند‬

[9] {Short adj. + er + than } ●The plane is faster than the train. ‫عند مقارنة الصفة القصيرة‬

[10] {.....more/less.......long adj....+ than } ●Manar is more beautiful than Mai. ‫عند مقارنة الصفة‬

[11] {......the....short adj.+ est.} ●Ahmed is the fastest student in his class. ‫عند التفضيل والصفة قصيرة‬

[12] {...the most/least..+ long adj.}●The Mercedes is the most expensive car in this market.
‫الصفة طويلة‬

13- ‫هناك صفات شاذة ال تتبع القواعد وجب حفظها‬

☆good/well > better than the best bad/badly > worse than
the worst

☆a lot of/many/much > more than the most little > less than
the least

☆far > farther further than the farthest furthest

☆The most important notes on adjectives. 14- ‫اهم المالحظات على الصفات‬

1-‫لو عاوز تعمل مقارنة بين اثنتين فقط ليس لهم ثالث يمكنك استخدام الصيغة االتية‬:

☆the + Adj. + er + { than ‫} بدون‬ ●-Which is the faster: the car or the train?

●-Noura is the cleverer of the two sisters.

☆.....less +short +adj,+ than { er } 2-‫عندما نريد ان نقول اقل مع الصفات القصيرة دون إضافة المقطع‬

●-Malek is less tall than Mariam.

3-‫بعد صفة المقارنة عندما يكون الطرف الثانى للمقارنة مفهوم من سياق الكالم‬ ‫ليس من الضروري استخدام‬

●-Malek is tall but Manal is taller. ●This car is expensive.I want a less expensive one.
4- ‫يمكن استخدام الظروف التالية بمعني ( كثيرًا ) قبل صفات المقارنة لتقوية معني الصفة ؛‬

☆{even - much- a lot - far } ●- A plane is much faster than a car .

5-‫ بدرجة طفيفة ) قبل صفات المقارنة لتخفيف معني الصفة‬/ ‫ يمكن استخدام الظروف التالية بمعني ( قليال‬:

☆{a bit ‫ بدرجة طفيفة‬-‫قليال‬ slightly-a little} ●Chicken is slightly cheaper than the meat .
6-‫قبل صفة التفصيل العليا في الحاالت االتية‬ ‫ ال تستخدم‬:

}☆ 'S ‫األعداد الترتيبية‬- - ‫ضمائر الملكية‬- ‫الملكية‬ }

●Khalifo Tower is the world's tallest building . ●Zewail is Egypt 's most famous

●Noura is my best friend ●The snake is the second most


: 7-: ‫ ) للتعبير عن السبب والنتيجة‬.... ‫ كلما‬...... ‫الحظ استخدام صيغة ( كلما‬

☆{The +‫جملة السبب‬+ ‫صيغة مقارنة‬ , + The + ‫جملة النتيجه‬+ ‫صيغة مقارنة‬ }

●Working hard helps you achieve more success.> ●The harder you work,the more success
you achieve
8- ‫الحظ عطف نفس صفة المقارنة على أخري للتوكيد ولتقوية معنى الصفة‬

●You are getting more and more nervous nowadays. ●It's getting hotter and hotter
here in Aswan.

●Zewail is most famous for discovering the femtosecond. ‫}تستخدم‬ most ‫بمعنى‬ very {

9☆ }‫صفة تفضيل‬ + in +‫اسم مفرد‬ { ●I met the oldest woman in the city.

10☆} ‫صفة تفضيل‬ + of + ‫اسم جمع‬ { ●Ali is the laziest of his brothers'.

11-‫الصفات القوية وهى ذات معنى قوى‬ > {gigantic -ancient -furious-excellent}:

< 12- ‫{ تستخدم ظروف الدرجة التالية قبل الصفات القوية‬absolutely -utterly -completely -really}

●You are absolutely excellent at maths. ●He was utterly furious.

[13]-go ‫يمكن ان ياتى بعدة بعض الصفات ليصبح معناها يتحول إلى او يصاب ب‬

blind-deaf-wrong -made-missing-ratrher-white

●He went blind after the car accident.

[14] ‫استخدام صيغة التفضيل العليا مع المقارنة والتساوى‬

●Ibraheam is the tallest student.=No student is taller than Ahmed.=No student is as tall as

[15] never ‫ جملة بها‬+ such + ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ صيغة تفضيل عليا‬+ ‫= إشارة‬ ‫ صفة عادية‬+ have,has + ever + p.p

●I have never watched such an interesting film. =This is the most interesting film I 've
ever watched.

.....................☆{so / such ... that /enough / too ... to...........} ‫جدا لدرجةأن‬ ...................

[1] So +Adj./Adv. + that +sentence ‫جدا لدرجة أن‬ >●Sama is so young that she can't look after

●-Mohammed got so tired that he slept in his chair.●-He ran so quickly that he broke the
world record.

●Sarah plays tennis well. So do I. ‫تستخدم مع الجمل المثبتة ويأتى بعدها فعل مساعد او ناقص ثم فاعل‬

[2]..... + many / much / little / few + ( adj . ) + noun

●-I don't know why you have so many books in your bag .

●-My wife has eaten so little food and I've eaten so much !

[3].. so much + comp. ‫ صفة مقارنه‬-Salah is so much faster that he always manages to reach the
ball first

[4] So + adj./adv . + ‫ فعل مساعد او ناقص‬+ that........... ‫اذا بدات الجمله ب‬

●He spoke so angrily that everybody left the office .

=So angrily did he speak that everybody left the office .

●I was so late for school that I found the gate closed .

=So late was I for school that I found the gate closed .

[2] ☆ Such.........that.........

[1] Such a/an + adj .+ ‫اسم مفرد‬ + that + sentence.

● Menna is such a young girl that she can't go out on her own.

[2 ].......such + Adj. + ‫اسم غير معدود‬/ ‫ اسم جمع‬+ that ......+ sentence.

●They are such good friends that I can't imagine life without them .

●-Such good advice will solve all your problems .

[3 ] ...........such + noun. > ●Don't trust such a thief.

[4].....such + ‫اسم‬ + that + sentence.

●- Nasser was such a leader that nearly all people liked him .

[5] Such + Adj./Adv. + ‫ عمل مساعد او فعل ناقص‬+ that. ........ ‫اذا جاءت فى اول الجملة‬

●Such an intelligent person is he that we all admire him.

[3]☆‫جدا لدرجة ان ال‬

[1]............... too + adj. / Adv. + to + inf. ●The exam is too difficult to anwser.

[4]☆enough ...... to...........‫كاف لدرجة ان‬

Adj. + enough + to + inf > ●He is clever enough to answer the question.

....................................................☆Unit. {3} Beyond imagination ‫ابعد الخيال‬/ ‫ما وراء‬ ........................................................

☆1-Future time clauses. ‫العبارات الزمنية الدالة على المستقبل‬

#‫وتسمى العبارة الزمنية العبارة الثانوية ويمكن أن تأتى قبل او بعد العبارة الرئسية‬/‫وهى عبارة تبدء برابطة زمنية ثم فاعل او مفعول ثم فعل‬
☆Time conjunction & expression. ‫الروابط والتغييرات الزمنية‬

■When-While-before-after-until=till >present.simple/perfect/continuous >future

‫يأتي بعد الروابط الزمنية مضارع بسيط وتام او مستمر وبعدها ياتى مستقبل بسيط او مستمر او تام او جملة أمر او جملة نهى‬

1-When/As soon as/After/While/The moment I have arrived/arrive/am arriving,mum 'll

prepare lunch.

2-Before-When-Once-The day-By the time-Immediately she goes/ has gone out,she will
have lunch.
#‫ اى يمكن ان تبدء العبارة الزمنية بإحدى التعبيرات الظرفية مثل‬:

{Once-immediately- As soon as-by the time-The moment-The day}

3-I am going to visit the pyramids the day/once/by the time/immediately/the moment I
arrive in Egypt.
#‫اذا كانت العبارتين الرئيسيه والثانوية تبدء بنفس الفاعل او المفعول فيمكن استخدام االسم او الفعل مضافا إليه‬

4-After Mariam has done the shopping,she will go home.

{After/Before+V-ing} ‫= اذا كان الفاعل والمفعول واحد‬After doing the shopping, Mariam will go home.

■{Time conj.+Present simple/cont./perfect> 'll +inf./'ll have P.P/'ll be+V-ing./be going to

inf/ ‫أمر او نهى‬
5-As soon as-Once-When-Before you take /have taken the medicine, look for the expiry

6-Look for the expiry date before/when/by the time you take the medicine.

7-Shahd won't be able to write the report, until/till she has done /does the research.
#‫ال تستخدم صيغ المستقبل فى العبارات الظرفية بعد الروابط الزمنية‬

Not:When he will leave. Not:Once he will be online.

☆2-Present simple. ‫المضارع البسيط‬

#‫ويستخدم للتعبير عن جداول المواعيد الثابتة مثل مواعيد القطارات والطائرات والبرامج والحصص والمباريات اى ال يمكن تغييرها‬

7-The plane takes off at 5.30. 8-The film starts at 8.50. 9-Final exams end in

☆3-Present continous. ‫المضارع المستمر‬

#‫اى ان المناسبات وأعياد الميالد واالجتماعات‬/ ‫يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث معد ومرتب له للقيام به فى المستقبل‬


1-He booked a ticket.He is travelling to Alex. 2-She is having a meeting

#‫ الكلمات الدالة على زمن المضارع المستمر وهى تفيد التحذير واالنتباه مثل‬:

{Look out! /watch out!/Be quiet!/Be careful!/now/the moment/tomorrow /next/soon/at

present }

☆4-Talking about the future.‫التحدث عن المستقبل‬

.................................................. .....................................................

♧‫يمكن التحدث عن المستقبل باستخدام أربع صيغ كاالتى‬:

■[1]The future simple {Sub.+will,shall+ inf. ... ... } ■[2]{Sub.+"Be going to" +inf.}

■[3]The future continuous.{Sub.+will be + inf.+ing}. ■[4]The future perfect {Sub.

+will have +p.p.

☆1-The future simple . ‫المستقبل البسيط‬

■1-{sub.+ will/shall + inf.} Ex.●Mariam will prepare the family lunch. { I / We
> shall }
■2-{ obj. + will / shall + be + p.p.} Ex.● The family lunch will be prepared by Mariam.

3- Egypt will win the next Africa Cup of Nations. {Predictions} ‫التنبؤ بما قد يحدث مع عدم وجود دليل‬

4-Rodayn will come first next year.

5-Domy will be twenty years old next April. 6-Winter will come again. {Future fscts.} ‫حقائق‬

6-The phone is ringing. I'll answer it. {Quick decisions} ‫قرارات سريعة‬

7-Oh, I have left the window open. I 'll go and close it.
‫ والتهديدات‬/‫ وعمل الوعود‬/‫ وطلب خدمه‬-4/‫او الدعوة‬-3 /‫او تقديم خدمة‬-2/ ‫عرض عمل شيء‬-1: ‫نستخدم أيضا للتعبير عن‬

8-You look very tired. I'll complete the report for you. {Offering} ‫العرض‬

9-I 'll set the table. {Presenting service} 10 ‫تقديم خدمة‬-Will you have coffee? {Invitation}

11-Will you show me how to send an e-mail, please? {Requests} ‫الطلب‬

12-Will you, please bring the laptop in here?

13-When you pass the exams successfully, I'll take you on a two-week journey to Paris.
{Promises} ‫وعد‬

14-Don't tell lies or l'll put hot pepper in your mouth. {Threats } ‫التهديدات‬

15-Stop wasting your time or you won't get your pocket money.

☆Will ‫تستخدم مع عبارات تحتوى على أفعال مثل‬

●assume ●be afraid ●be /feel sure ●expect ●hope


●believe ●think ●wonder ●doubt ●daresay


1-I am sure Shahd will get high marks. 2-I believe/hope Enas will become first in the
final exams.

3-I suppose Hossam will sell his motorbike. 4-I doubt l'll go out tonight. I'm too tired.
#‫يمكن أن يصاحب المستقبل البسيط بعض الظروف مثل‬:

●certainly ●definitely ●perhaps ●possibly ●probably

1-Perhaps ,Nousa 'Il see him at the party. 2-Mary will probably phone me
#‫ يمكن استخدام المستقبل البسيط في الجملة الرئيسية مع الروابط الزمنية وال حالة الشرط به األولى‬:

1-If she drops this egg,it will break. 2-When/As soon as/After she arrives home,she 'll
have lunch.
#‫الحظ أن الصفات الشخصية ال تعد دليال ويستخدم معها المستقبل البسيط عادة‬:

1-Malak will pass her exams. She's a clever student.

2-Yasmeen and her husband both have green eyes, so their baby will have green eyes.

...........................................................................☆2-Sub.+be+going to" form.


[1]{subj. + am/is/are + going to + inf.} Active. ●Ex.Sarah is going to do the cooking.

[2]{Obj. + am / is / are + going to + be + P.P}.Passive >● Ex.The cooking is going to be

done (by Sarah)
#1-‫او أفعال على وشك الحدوث‬-3/‫التنبؤ القائم على دليل‬-2/ :‫يستخدم للتعبير عن الخطط والقرارات والنوايا‬

■ Plans-planned ‫الخطط‬ ■ intend-intentions ‫النوايا‬

■ decisions-decided -made up my mind-made a decision-have decided ‫القرارات‬

1-Have you planned anything for the weekend? > Yes. I'm going to plant some trees in
our garden.

2-I'm going to meet Ahmed at the station at nine.= l intend to meet Ahmed at the station
at nine.

■{be sure/be afraid/believe/think} > be going to+inf. ‫اذا كان هناك دليل نستخدم‬

3-Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.

4-My aunt is going to have a baby. She is pregnant.

5-This boy looks very pale.l think he is going to faint.‫أفعال على وشك الحدوث‬

6-Watch out! You are going to fall.

......................................................... ☆3-The future continuous Tense. ‫المستقبل المستمر‬ ............................................

■Sub.{will/ may + be + inf. + ing}

1-Reem will be doing the housework all morning tomorrow.
#‫ نستخدم المستقبل المستمر للتنبؤ بحدث سوف يكون مستمرا في وقت معين في المستقبل‬:

2-Omar will be watching a football match at nine tomorrow.

3-This time tomorrow.Sama will be travelling to Cairo with her family.

4-The manager will be interviewing some applicants from three to five tomorrow. ‫التنبؤ بحدث‬
‫سيستمر لفترة‬

5- In 10 years' time, more people will be living in new citics. ‫التنبؤ بشيء سيكون سائد ومن عارف علية في‬

6-When you return home, I may be preparing lunch.

#‫ تستخدم مع روابط السبب والنتيجة لتبرير شيء ما في المستقبل اى حجة‬:

7-I can't go to the club next Friday because I will be planting some trees in my garden.

■The key words > { this time next week-at seven tomorrow -in ten year's time-from 3 to 5
tomorrow }

................................................................... ☆4-The future perfect. ‫المستقبل التام‬ ..................................................................

■Active {Sub.+will/won't + have + P.P} ●Ex.She will have answered the test by 11

■Passive {Obj.+ will / won't + have + been +p.p} ●Ex.The test will have been answered by
11 o'clock.

#‫( يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون قد تم قبل او بحلول وقت معين في المستقبل وعادة ما يستخدم‬by / before)

1- My father will have arrived home before five o'clock.

2-By this time next week, I will have heard my test results.
3-When mum arrives home, we will have cleaned our rooms. ‫التنظيف تم قبل وصول االم‬

4-When mum arrives home, we will clean our rooms. ‫ سنقوم بالتنظيف‬،‫عند وصول األم‬

5-When mum arrives home, we will be cleaning our room. ‫سيكون التنظيف مستمرا لحظة وصولها‬

‫ملحوظة هامة‬

☆By + ‫ ماضى تام‬+ ‫فترة زمنية فى الماضى‬ > ●By yesterday, I had bought a new car.

☆By + ‫ مستقبل تام‬+ ‫فترة زمنية فى المستقبل‬ > ●By next week ,she will have bought a new car.

....................................................Unit{4} Taking care of ourselves.‫االعتناء بانفسنا‬ ..........................................................

☆[1]Making Suggestions with questions .‫تقديم اقتراحات باستخدام األسئلة‬

‫ الحظ الصيغ التالية التى تستخدم لتقديم إقتراحات للقيام بشئ في المستقبل‬:

[1]☆-{What about + noun / ( inf . + ing ... ?} - What about having fish for lunch ?

[2]☆-{How about + noun / ( inf . + ing ... ? }-How about having fish for lunch ?

[3]☆-{Have you considered + inf . + ing ... ?}- Have you considered having fish for lunch ?

4]☆-{Would you consider + ( inf . + ing ... ?}- Would you consider having fish for lunch ?

[5]☆-{Have you thought about + inf . + ing ... ?}- Have you thought about having fish for
lunch ?

[6]☆-{Why don't you / we + inf .... ?}- Why don't we have fish for lunch ?

[7]☆-{What if you/ we + inf .... ?} -What if we have fish for lunch ?

[8]☆-{Shall we + inf .... ?}- Shall we have fish for lunch ?

[9]☆-{May I suggest + ( inf . + ing. ?} - May I suggest having fish for lunch ?

[10]☆-{Wouldn't it be better to + inf . ... ?} - Wouldn't it be better to have fish for lunch?

☆[2]Making Suggestions with statements . ‫تقديم اقتراحات باستخدام الجمل الخبرية‬

[1]☆-{Let's + inf .} ●- Let's have fish for lunch .

[2]☆-{You / we can / could / should + inf .} ●-We could have fish for lunch

[3]☆-I{would}suggest+n/{inf.+ ing}
●I suggest having fish for lunch,-I would suggest having fish for lunch

[4]☆{I suggest you / we + inf . / ( should + inf . } ●I suggest that we have ( should have )
fish for lunch.

[5]☆-{I think you / we should + inf .} ●- I think we should have fish for lunch .

[6]☆-{I would recommend + ( inf . + ing } ●- I would recommend having fish for lunch .

[7]☆-{We should probably consider + ( inf . + ing } ●We should probably consider having
fish for lunch

[8]☆-{Perhaps / Maybe + you / we could / should + inf.} ●-Maybe we should have fish for
lunch .

[9]☆-{It is just an idea a suggestion , but you / we could + inf }.. / ‫ توصية أنه يمكنك‬/ ‫إنها مجرد فكرة‬

●-It is just a suggestion , but we could have fish for lunch.

[10]☆{My suggestion/recommendation would be to + inf}

●My suggestion would be to have fish for lunch.‫ يمكننا أن‬/ ‫ توصية أنه يمكنك‬/ ‫إنها مجرد فكرة‬.

☆Important Notes ‫مالحظات هامة‬

[1]-Let's =Let us + inf. Let us/Let's go out for a walk .

[2]☆Let's + inf 3 ، ‫☆هي الصيغة الشائعة لإلقتراح‬Let us + inf ) ‫ لإلقتراح في اللغة الرسمية فقط‬:

■Let's have fish for lunch . {common} ‫شائع‬ ■Let us have fish for lunch . {Formal} ‫رسمى‬

4☆Let's not + inf .-Don't let's + inf . ‫نستخدم في االقتراح المنفي‬

■Let's not go out in this bad weather. ■Don't let's go out in this bad weather .
‫ يأخذ في االعتبار‬/ ‫ يفكر‬: ‫يمكن أن نستخدم‬

5☆{consider+ inf . + ing }- ●Have you considered having a holiday to reduce burnout ?

6☆{consider + not + inf . + ing } ‫النفي‬ ●Would you consider not taking the driving test
tomorrow ?

7☆{consider +whether/how/Where/why + to + inf.}●Would you consider where to spend

the weekend?
☆Suggest / recommend ‫ يوصي‬/ ‫يقترح‬
8☆{suggest / recommend +inf . + ing} ■ I suggest spending the weekend in the
countryside .

■I would recommend spending the weekend in the countryside .

9☆{suggest / recommend + not + inf . + ing }●- I recommend not eatnig in this restaurant .

10☆{consider / recommend + (that) + subj . + inf ./should + inf .}

■I suggest that Mahmoud join the school team . ● I suggest that Mahmoud should join the
school team

☆How about Vs What about

11☆What about / How about + V-ing? ‫تستخدم لتقديم ا القتراح‬

12☆What about? ‫عند ابداء اإلعتراض أو التعبير عن مشكلة محتملة‬

A : I think Mohammed Mahmoud is the best midfielder in Egypt ?

B : You may be right , but what about his too many injuries ?

☆ Modal Verbs . ]1[ ‫األفعال الناقصة‬ Should ‫ يفترض أن‬/ ‫ ينبغى ان‬/ ‫يجب أن‬

☆[1]Should / shouldn't + inf . {Present,future}‫النصيحه في المضارع او المستقبل‬

☆{Sub.+ .should / ought to/ 'd better + inf. } ‫إلعطاء النصيحة المثبتة‬

1-You should take a break between work hours . = You ought to take a break between
work hours .

= I advise you to take a break between work hours .= It is advisable that you take a break
between work

☆{Sub.+shouldn't / oughtn't to /'d better not + inf } ‫ إلعطاء النصيحة المنفية‬: -

2-You should not eat much rice . ( OR : shouldn't eat ) = You ought not to eat much rice .

( OR : oughtn't to eat ) = I advise you not to eat much rice . = It is inadvisable that you eat
much rice .

☆{Sub.+should + inf.} ‫ تستخدم البداء الرأي الشخصي‬, ‫ لعمل اقترحات‬, ‫لطلب النصيحة‬

3-Should I take a taxi to the train station ? - What should I do to keep fit. ‫ لطلب النصيحة‬:

4-You should try going on holiday ; it will refresh you . ‫اقترحات‬

5-You should do a sport to keep fit . - You should do more revision . ‫إلبداء الرأي الشخصي‬

☆[2]Should / shouldn't + have + p.p. {past} ‫النصيحة في الماضى‬

‫ { عند التعبير عن الندم على شيء حدث في الماضى‬past regret ‫ (أو اللوم‬blame ) : 1. ‫تستخدم الصيغ المثبتة التالية‬

☆{Sub.+should / ought to / could + have + pp .}

‫ للتعبير عن اللوم أو الندم على عدم حدوث شيء كان من المفترض أن يحدث في الماضي لكنه لم يحدت‬.

6-I should have saved my money , = l ought to have saved my money . = I could have saved
my money .

7-I didn't save my money and now I regret it . =I regret not saving my money
‫) تستخدم الصيغ المنفية التاليه للتعبير عن اللوم او الندم على حدوث شيء كان من المفترض االيحدث فى الماضى لكنه حدث‬

☆{Sub.+shouldn't /ought not to +have+P.P} 8-I shouldn't /ought not to have wasted
my money.

☆[3]Sub.+may / might + inf. ‫الستخدام‬ ‫حاالت كثيرة‬

Possibility : present and future .‫االحتماالت في المضارع او المستقبل‬

‫للتعبير عن احتمالية إمكانية حدوث شيء في المضارع او المستقبل‬

☆{Sub.+may /might /can / could + inf.}‫في المضارع او المستقبل‬ ‫للتعبير عن االحتماالت‬

1-We might meet at Omar's wedding party . = We can could meet at Omar's wedding
party .

= We will possibly meet at Omar's wedding party.= It's possible that we will meet at
Omar's wedding party .

2-Sama may help mum with the housework . = Sma can / could help mum with the
housework .
= Sama will probably help mum with the housework . = It is probable that Sama will help
mum with the housework .

Remember : What is the difference between ' may ' and ' might ' ?

‫( مع حدث امكانية حدوثه ضعيفة‬might ) / ‫ ( بينما نستخدم‬may )‫تستخدم للتعبير عن حدث مرجح حدوثه‬

3-I may go shopping . = I probably will go shopping . = It is more likely that I will go
shopping .

- I might go shopping . = It unlikely that I will go shopping .

■Request ‫للطلب‬ > May I make a comment , Sir ? Might I go out for a minute , please ?

■Giving permission .‫للسماح لشخص القيام بشىء‬/‫إعطاء االذن‬ > You may leave early , Fady .

■Making Suggestions ( only might ) ‫> تقديم اإلقتراحات‬You might prefer to have a look at our
menu .

☆[4]may / might / could + have + p.p. {Possibility} : past. ‫الماضى‬

) ‫ إمكانية أن شيء ما ريما يكون قد حدثث في الماضى ( استنتاج يقوم علي دليل ضعيف‬/ ‫تستخدم الصيغة التالية في التعبير عن احتمالية‬

☆{Sub.+may / might / could +have+p.p}

1-I don't know where Leen was . She may / migh / could have gone shopping .

☆{Sub.+could have + p.p}. ‫الحظ أن تستخدم هنا في صيغة اإلثبات فقط‬

2-Hesham mightn't have remembered the time of the meeting . {That was possible }

3-Hesham couldn't have reinembered the time otf the meeting . {That was impossible }

4-Nada could have gone to bed . I am not sure

☆{Sub.+could have + p.p } ‫الحظ أن‬ ‫لها استخدامين آخرين مختلفين‬

: 1. ) ‫ التعبير عن استنتاج ضعيف في الماضي بمعني ( ربما يكون قد فعل‬:

5-Nada may have gone to bed . I am not sure . 5-Nada might have gone to bed . I am not
sure .
‫للتعبير عن عدم قيام الفاعل بشىء رغم أنه كان يستطيع‬

6- Mr Hossam could have travelled by train , but he preferred to take the bus.

☆[5]- can / could / be able to .

1-Ability : Present ☆{Sub. + can/am,is,are+ able to + inf.} > ●Ahmed can/is able to speak
English .

2-Ability : past .☆ {Sub,+ could /was,were+able to + Inf.}> ●Amir could/was able to fix
his bike.

3-{Sub.+wasn't/weren't not able to/couldn't /unable to + inf }- Amir couldn't / wasn't able
to fix his bike

4-Ability : future☆{Sub.+ will / shall be able to + inf} ●Yara will be able to pass the exam

. ‫التعبير عن القدرة في المستقبل‬

5-Giving Permission > ‫{ إعطاء األذن‬Sub.+can / could + inf .} >● You can / could leave early ,
Fady .

6-Making suggestions < ‫تقديم االقتراحات‬ ●You can / could ask your teacher for help .

7-Request ‫< ● الطلب‬ Can / Could you help me understand this lesson , mum?

☆[6]Sub.+ must + inf ‫ من الضروري ان‬/ ‫يجب ان‬

‫ او لتوجيه دعوة قويه لشخص مقرب‬/ ‫{وتستخدم للتعبير عن االلتزام الشخصي أو تذكير النفس بقوة عمل شئ‬must + inf}
‫ وال توجد صيغه ماضى لها ولكننا نستخدم‬/‫او للتعبير عن أنه من المهم القيام بشئ معين‬/ ‫او لتوجيه النصيحة القويه‬

‫االلتزام الشخصي أو تذكير النفس بقوة عمل شئ‬

1-I / We must buy a present for Ali's birthday .2- I must call my parents to say that I'm
going to be late .

3-You must visit me at the weekend ! ‫او لتوجيه دعوة قويه لشخص مقرب‬

4-You all must come and have lunch with us.

5-You must stop smoking ! You must brush your teeth before you go to bed. ‫لتوجيه‬
‫النصيحة القويه‬

6-I must study hard before my exam .‫او للتعبير عن أنه من المهم القيام بشئ معين‬

7-Tarek must be quick or he will be late .

8- I had to buy a present for my mother yesterday. ‫صيغه الماضى لها‬

‫ للتعبير عن االلتزام الشخصي بعدم القيام بشيء‬: - / ( mustn't ) + inf .1-‫نستخدم‬

1-I mustn't forget to post that letter .

-2 ‫للتعبير عن المنع أو التحريم أو عدم السماح بعمل شيء واال نتعرض للعقاب او الخطر‬

☆{It's not allowed/prohibited /banned/against the law to +inf. }

2-You mustn't park here . It is not allowed . 10--You mustn't touch the objects in the

3-You mustn't smoke! ‫إلعطاء النصيحة القوية الشخص‬


‫ للتعبير عن أنه من المهم عدم القيام بشيء معين‬: - I

4-I mustn't leave my keys inside the office again


☆[7]have to/has to+inf.{present} ‫االثبات‬/ ‫في المضارع والمستقبل‬

‫اى اإللزام الذى تفرضه القوانين او اللوائح العمل او المدرسة او الشركة‬،‫ليس للفاعل اختيار اخر‬/ ‫للتعبير عن اإللزام الخارجى‬

1-Employees have to be at their desks before nine .

2-Shahd has to wear the school uniform.

☆{Sub.+ have got to/has got to +inf.} ‫هذة الصيغة الشائعة في االنجليزى البريطانى‬

☆{Sub.+had to + inf.} > Mariam had to visit her aunt yesterday.‫صيغه الماضي‬

☆[8]Lack of necessity. ‫نقص الضرورة‬/‫عدم الضرورة او االلزام‬

☆{Sub.+ don't, doesn't +need to / have to / needn't +inf.}

1-Nousa has too much rice.She doesn't have to / doesn't need to / needn't buy some.

2-Today is a holiday. They don't have to / don't need to / needn't go to work.

☆{Sub.+needs / need to +inf.}> ●Manar needs to study hard at school to pass the final

☆{Sub.+ needn't + have + p.p} ‫للتعبير عن قيام الفاعل بعمل شيء في الماضي رغم أن ذلك لم يكن ضروريا‬

3-I needn't have bought a newspaper . My grandpa had already bought one .

4-My uncle needn't have bought me sweets . I have a box in the fridge .

{Sub.+didn't need / have to + inf.} ‫للتعبير عن أن الفاعل لم يقم بالفعل ألنه كان يعلم ان ذلك غير ضرورى‬

5-It was sunny and warm , so I didn't need ( have ) to wear my jacket

6-I didn't have to buy any fruit. ‫لم اشترى اى فاكهه ألن ذلك لم يكن ضروريا‬

7-I needn't have bought any fruit . ‫لم يكن ضروريا ان اشترى فاكهه ولكنى اشتريت‬

☆Note the following.

1-{Sub.+ have to / has to / must / need to /had to / will have to +inf }. ‫االثبات‬

2-{Sub.+don't, doesn't + have to/don't, doesn't + need to /needn't / didn't have to +inf }. ‫النفي‬

3-{Do / Does / Did / Will + sub. + have to + inf} ? ‫االستفهام‬

4-Sub. +must not +inf.= Sub.+ be not allowed to /forbidden/prohibited /against the

☆Unit {5} The future of work . Phrasal verb. ‫الفعل االصطالحى‬

‫ قبل أن نبدء تعرف مع المصطلحين التاليين‬:

[1]☆-Inransitive verb : ‫الفعل الالزم‬

☆The verb which doesn't have an object.‫هو الفعل الذى ليس لة مفعول‬

● I get up at six o'clock . ●He goes to school every day.

[2]☆-Transitive verb : ‫الفعل المتعدى‬

☆The verb which has an object or more.‫هو الفعل الذى لة مفعول او أكثر‬

●She bought a new dress . ●I gave Hany a present .

‫فى بقى بعض األفعال بتبقى أفعال ألزمة او متعدية على حسب معناها‬:‫ملحوظة‬
●-Ali broke the glass . ● The glass broke.

☆Phrasal verb - A group of words that consist of one verb and one or two give
prepositions to give a new meaning.
‫الفعل االصطالحى هى مجموعة من الكلمات تتكون من فعل واحد مضاف آلية حرف جر او اثنين إلعطاء معنى مختلف عن المعنى األصلى‬

☆‫تكوين الفعل االصطالحى‬

[1]☆Verb+ Preposition > I called on my sister in her new flat.

[2]☆Verb + preposition + preposition .> How did you find out about our plan .

[3]☆Verb + Adverb > . I picked up a flower and gave it my mother.

- I picked a flower up and gave it my mother.

[4]☆Verb+ adverb + preposition . > Young people look up to role models .

☆The kinds of phrasal verbs. ‫انواع االفعال اإلصطالحية‬

[1]-Transitive phrasal verb.‫وهو الذى ياخذ مفعول او أكثر‬/ ‫فعل اصطالحى متعدى‬

[2]-Intransitive phrasal verb.‫وهو الذى ال ياخذ مفعول‬/ ‫فعل اصطالحى الزم‬

[1]-Transitive phrasal verb.‫فعل اصطالحى متعدى‬

* Examples. The surgeon carried out the operation. =●The surgeon carried the operation
out .
‫أين يوضع مفعول الفعل االصطالحى‬

♧‫يوضع بعد الفعل االصطالحى بالكامل‬:‫اذا كان المفعول اسم‬

●I looked for my keys. {✓ } I looked my keys for.{ x }

●I turned up the sound . { ✓ } I turned the sound up.{ ✓ }

♧‫اذا كان المفعول ضمير يوضع بعد الفعل االصطالحى بالكامل‬

●I looked for them. {✓ } I looked them for.{ x }

●The jacket is tok warm. I will take it off . =I will take off it.{ ✓ }

[2]-Intransitive phrasal verb.‫فعل اصطالحى الزم‬ ●Watch out! A car is coming . ‫ليس لة مفعول‬

‫األفعال اإلصطالحية المتعدية التى سبق دراستها‪☆Transitive phrasal verbs.‬‬

‫‪1-back up‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪-blow‬يدعم ‪ -‬يحتفظ بنسخة احتياطية‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪-break‬يكبر الصورة‬ ‫يقتحم ‪into‬‬

‫‪2-breathe in‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪-breathe‬يستنشق‬ ‫‪out‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫‪-bring‬يزفر‬ ‫يربى ‪up‬‬

‫‪3-call up‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪-calm‬يتصل ب‬ ‫‪down‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬ ‫‪-clean‬يهدیء‬ ‫يرتب ‪up‬‬

‫‪4-fill in 9‬‬ ‫‪-fill‬يكمل‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬ ‫‪-give‬يمأل‬ ‫يعید ‪back‬‬

‫‪5-give off‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪-hand‬يخرج ‪ -‬تنبعث منه‬ ‫‪on‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪-hang‬يناول‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫يعلق مكالمة‬

‫‪1-hold back‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪-Look‬يعيق ‪ -‬يؤخر‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫‪-plug‬يبحث عن ( معلومة ) في مصدر‪7‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫يوصل ‪ ...‬بالكهرباء أو بجهاز‬

‫‪2-point out‬‬ ‫‪–5‬‬ ‫‪-pull‬يشير إلى يلفت االنتباه‬ ‫‪down‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪-put‬يهدم‬ ‫‪back‬‬ ‫يعيد‪ .‬إلى مكانه‬

‫‪3-put off‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪-rub‬يؤجل‬ ‫‪out 9‬‬ ‫‪-run‬يمسح‬ ‫‪out of‬‬ ‫يستنفذ ‪ -‬يستهلك كل‬

‫‪10-switch / turn down‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫‪-take‬يخفض الصوت‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪- 14‬‬ ‫‪-take‬يستنشق‬ ‫‪out‬‬ ‫يخرج – يعزم بالخارج‬

‫‪11-take over‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬ ‫‪-talk‬يتولى المسئولية عن‬ ‫‪over‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪-tear‬يناقش‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫يمزق‬


‫‪1-think over‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪-try‬يفكر فى‬ ‫‪on‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪-Knock‬يجرب مالبس‬ ‫‪out‬‬ ‫يفقد الوعى‬

‫‪2-lay off‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪-leave‬يفصل ‪ -‬يطرد ‪:‬‬ ‫يترك ( جهاز ) مفتوح ‪ /‬مغلق ‪... on / off‬‬

‫‪3-leave behind‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪-let‬يترك وراءه يغادر بدون‬ ‫‪down‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫‪-try‬يحبط او يخذل‬ ‫‪out‬‬ ‫يجرب استخدام‬

‫‪4-turn on‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪-turn‬يشغل‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫يرفع الصوت‬

‫‪5-use up‬‬ ‫‪,10‬‬ ‫‪-wear‬يستنفذ ‪ /‬يستهلك كل شيء‬ ‫يبتلى او يتاكل ‪out‬‬


‫األفعال اإلصطالحية ‪☆Intransitive phrasal verbs .‬‬

‫‪1-break in‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪-fall‬يقتحم – يسطو‬ ‫‪off‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬ ‫‪-get‬ينخفض‬ ‫يهرب ‪away‬‬

‫‪2-give in‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪-grow‬يرضخ ‪ /‬يستسلم‬ ‫‪up‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬ ‫‪-log‬يكبر ‪ /‬ينضج‬ ‫‪off‬‬ ‫يسجل خروج‬

‫‪3-log on‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪-look‬يسجل دخول‬ ‫‪forward to‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪-move‬يتطلع إلى‬ ‫‪in/ to‬‬ ‫يعزل إلى‬

‫‪4-move out‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪-run‬ينتقل او يغادر‬ ‫‪out 16‬‬ ‫‪-settle‬ينفذ او ينتهى‬ ‫‪down‬‬ ‫يستقر‬

‫‪5-settle in‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪-show‬يستوطن‬ ‫‪up 17‬‬ ‫‪-step‬يصل‬ ‫يستقيل اويتنحى ‪down‬‬
6-turn up 12 ‫يصل او يظهر‬-watch out18 ‫ينتبة او يحذر‬-wear off ‫يتالشى‬


☆-Verb + -ing / inf . verb + to + inf/ inf.+to +inf,ing

[1] ☆Subj.+ to + inf .

‫> بعد األفعال التالية‬

afford to /agree to/ arrange to /decide to /deserve to/ fail to /hope to /intend
tolearn to/ manage to / offer to ‫ـ‬pretend to seem to/threaten to /wish to .

●Omar decided to sell his old car . ●We expect to arrive at school on time .

● -Amir intends to go to the club with us .

[2] ☆Sub. + verb + obj. + to + inf.

{invite - order -permit -persuade - promise - remind - advise -allow -ask -choose -
command -encourage teach -tell -want -warn - expect -force- help -instruct + obj. + to

●- I asked Sama to study a hard . ●We expected Ahmed to come first .

●Sama was asked to study hard . ●- Ahmed is expected to come first

[3] ☆Verb + inf . + ing.

[admit- appreciate -avoid- consider -delay -deny -dislike -enjoy- fancy -finish - imagine-
include- keep -mind -miss - practise-risk -suggest + V-ing.]

-●She avoids playing with older girls . ●- I suggested spending the weekend in the
countryside .

[4] ☆love- hate -like - start -begin -prefer-continue + Verb + {to + inf . ) / ( inf . + ing }

[5]☆Would + love- hate -like -prefer + to +inf.

●Rokaya hates / likes / loves / prefers to meet cheerful people .

●Rokaya hates / likes / loves / prefers meeting cheerful people .

●She'd (would)prefer to live in a quiet street . ( NOT : She'd prefer living ) .

[6]☆Stop-remdmber-forget-regret-try +to +inf. / V-ing.‫وجود فرق كبير فى المعنى‬

☆Stop to +inf. ‫يتوقف عن شيئ لكى يفعل شيء اخر‬ ●Leila stopped to listen to the radio .

☆Stop +V-ing.‫يقلع عن عمل شيء‬/‫يمتنع عن‬/ ‫يتوقف عن‬ ●Leila stopped listening to the radio .

☆remember /forget + to + Inf. ‫للحدث الذى لم يتم‬ ●I remembered to phone my mother .

☆remember /forget + V- Ing.

Ing ‫● للحدث الذى تم وتذكر او نسى انة قام بة فعال‬I remembered phoning my mum.
●I'll never forget seeing my baby sister for the first time . ●- I forgot to bring my book .

☆regret + to + Inf. ‫ياسف النة مضطر يفعل او يقول شيء‬ ●He regrets to say that he can't go.

☆regret + V-ing. ‫يندم انة فعل شيء فعال‬ ●- I regret arriving late.

☆try +to +inf.‫يأمل فى النجاح‬- ‫يبذل قصارى جاهدة فى المحاولة‬-‫يحاول جاهدا‬

☆try + V-ing.‫فممكن لهذا المحاولة حل المشكلة‬-‫يحاول دون جهد‬

●Try taking a rest to relieve the headache . ●I tried to lift the heavy box , but I -

.☆[adapt to -be used to -become used to -get used to -be accustomed to -be supposed to-
lead to -look forward to-object to-take to + V-ing.]

●We are used to watching football matches in the stadium .

☆Expression + {inf . + ing }[ be busy -be worth -can't help- can't stand-feel like-It's no
good = It's no use- It's a waste of money -it's a waste of time + V-ing.]

☆[advise-allow -forbid-recommend -permit-encourage + obj. + to + inf.]

☆[advise-allow -forbid-recommend -permit-encourage + V- ing.]

●The police don't allow parking in this place. ●The police don't allow drivers to park in
this place.

3,rd sec. 1,st. Term .Unit { 6 } Grammar .Causative Part {1 } {“make -let / allow -stop " }

[1] Sub.+ make ‫ يجعل اى يجبر‬+ obj.+ inf. {Active} ●The teacher made Ahmed answer the

●The clown makes children laugh.

☆{Obj. + be + made + to +inf.{passive }

●The teacher made Ahmed to answer the question. ●Ahmed was made to answer the

●The clown makes children laugh . ●children are made to laugh.

[2] Sub. + force ‫ يجبر اويرغم‬+ obj. + to +inf. {Active} ●The police forced the criminal to

☆Obj. + be +forced + to +inf. ●The criminal was forced to surrender by the police.

[3] Sub. + let ‫ يسمح او يدع‬+ obj. + inf. {Active} ●Ahmed lets me borrow his car from time
to time.

Obj. + be + allowed + to +inf. ●I am allowed to borrow Ahmed's


[4] Sub. + let + ‫ ضمير منعكس‬+ be +P.P { passive } ‫مع الفعل المتعدى اللى لة مفعول‬

●He lets himself deceived by crooks. ●Noura let herself be laughed at by her

☆{Sub. + let + ‫ ضمير منعكس‬+ inf. ‫مع الفعل الالزم اللى ملوش مفعول‬

●Don't let yourself go to suspicious places. ●She let herself fall off her bike.

[5] Sub. + allow +V-ing./noun. ‫تستخدم فى حالة عدم وجود مفعول‬

●We don't allow smoking in hospitals. ●They only allow good citizens to this place.

[6] Sub. + stop + obj. +V-ing./ from +V-ing. {Active}

●The teacher stopped his students making/from making noise.

☆Obj. + be + stopped + from +V-ing. {Passive}

●The students were stopped from making noise by the teacher.

☆Summary of causative. ‫ملخص السببية‬

1☆Sub. + make,let + ‫ مفعول‬+ inf. / ☆Sub. + force,cause,permit,allow + + ‫مفعول‬to +inf. {Active}

☆Obj.+ be + allowed,cause,forced + to + inf. {passive}

‫} ‪ + be + P.P { passive‬ضمير منعكس ‪2☆Sub. + let +‬‬ ‫مع الفعل المتعدى اللى لة مفعول‬

‫مع الفعل الالزم اللى ملوش مفعول ‪ + inf.‬ضمير منعكس ‪3☆{Sub. + let +‬‬

‫تستخدم فى حالة عدم وجود مفعول ‪4☆ Sub. + allow + V-ing./noun.‬‬

‫}‪5☆Sub. + stop + obj. + V-ing./ from +V-ing. {Active‬‬

‫}‪6☆Obj. + be + stopped + from + V-ing. {Passive‬‬

‫}} مفعول ‪+‬المصدر ‪ +‬الفاعل ‪+‬فعل من أفعال السببية ‪ +‬المفعول اآلجلة‬

‫المفعول اآلجلة☆‪6-‬‬ ‫فى حال المبنى للمعلوم ‪+ have +‬‬ ‫‪ +‬المفعول }‬ ‫فاعل عاقل ‪ +‬المصدر‬ ‫☆‬

‫المفعول اآلجلة☆‪7 -‬‬ ‫‪+ get +‬‬ ‫‪ + to‬فاعل عاقل‬ ‫المصدر ‪ +‬المفعول } فى حال المبنى للمجهول‬ ‫☆‬

‫‪-‬المفعول الجلة ‪8‬‬ ‫} فى حالة المبنى للمجهول ‪ + P.P + by +‬مفعول شيئ ‪+ have/get +‬‬ ‫فاعل‬ ‫☆‬


‫“} ‪☆Unit { 6 } Grammar .Causative Part {2‬‬

‫‪ :‬تعتمد جمل السببية على استراتيجية محددة وهى إن فى حد بيخلى حد ثانى أقوم بعمل الفعل من اجلة‪،‬وتتكون الجملة من‬

‫}} مفعول ‪ +‬المصدر ‪ +‬الفاعل ‪ +‬فعل من أفعال السببية ‪ +‬المفعول اآلجلة‬

‫المفعول اآلجلة☆‪1‬‬ ‫فى حال المبنى للمعلوم ‪+ have +‬‬ ‫‪ +‬المفعول }‬ ‫فاعل عاقل ‪ +‬المصدر‬ ‫☆‬

‫المفعول اآلجلة☆ ‪2‬‬ ‫‪+ get +‬‬ ‫المصدر ‪ +‬المفعول } فى حال المبنى للمجهول ‪ + to‬فاعل عاقل‬ ‫☆‬

‫المفعول الجلة☆ ‪3‬‬ ‫} فى حالة المبنى للمجهول ‪ + P.P + by +‬مفعول شيئ ‪+ have/get +‬‬ ‫فاعل‬ ‫☆‬

‫‪●She gets the mechanic to fix her car.‬‬ ‫‪●She has the mechanic fix her car.‬‬

‫‪●She gets / has her car fixed by the mechanic.‬‬


‫االستنتاج ‪☆[1]Deduction‬‬
‫‪:‬لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل قوى فى المضارع تستخدم‪1-‬‬

‫> } ‪ {Obj .+must / can't + be + p.p‬معلوم ‪ + inf }> Active.‬ال يمكن ‪/can't‬البد ‪[1]☆{Subj.+ must‬‬

‫‪●Leen always comes first . She must study her lessons hard .‬‬ ‫}‪{Active‬‬

‫} ‪●Leen always comes first . Her lessons must be studied hard . {Passive‬‬
●He is very poor . He can't earn enough money .

●He is very poor . Enough money can't be carned by him .

2-‫ لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل ضعيف فى المضارع تستخدم‬: -

[2]☆Subj . + might / may / could ‫ ربما‬+ inf .> Active. {Obj . + might / may / could + be + p.p

●-I am not sure what he sells . He may / might / could sell vegetables .

= I am not sure what he sells . Vegetables may / might / could be sold by him .
3-‫لعمل إستنتاج عن حدث مستمر فى المضارع تستخدم‬:

[3 [☆{Subj . + must / can't / might / may / could + be + inf . + ing }

●-Sama isn't at the party . She must /may/might/could be looking after her baby sister.

☆Past deduction. ‫اإلستنتاج في الماضى‬

-4 - ‫لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل قوى في الماضى تستخدم ؛‬

[4]☆{Subj . + must / can't + have + P.P}Active.☆{Obj . + must / can't + have + been + P.P
} Passive

●-Rodayna looked happy after the driving test yesterday . She must have passed the test .

= Rodayna looked happy after the driving test yesterday . The test must have been passed
by her .

●-Rodayna looked happy after the driving test yesterday . She can't have failed the test .

= Rodayna looked happy after the driving test yesterday . The test can't have been failed
by her .
5-‫ لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل ضعيف فى الماضى تستخدم‬: -

[5]{Subj.+might/may/could + have + P.P.}Active☆{Obj .+might/may/could + have been +


●Ashraf may / might / could have done the final revision . I'm not sure . {Active }

= The final revision may / might / could have been done by Ashraf . I'm not sure .{ Passive
6- : ‫لعمل إستنتاج عن حدث مستمر في الماضى نستخدم‬

[6]☆{Subj . + must / can't / might / may / could have + been + inf . + ing }

●- I don't know for sure why he wasn't at home yesterday .

●-He might have been working on the farm with his father .

☆Important Notes. ‫مالحظات هامة‬

‫ ونستخدم معها‬، ‫تدل التعبيرات التالية على استنتاج قوى‬ / {must }‫فى االثبات‬ {can't} 1- ‫ مستحيل‬: ‫فى النفى‬

Impossible - ‫ مستحيل‬I feel sure / certain . ‫أشعر بالتأكد‬ Certainly / surely / definitely .‫من المؤكد‬

●-We feel sure Aya isn't out . She must be in her house . She can't be at school.

‫تدل التعبيرات التالية على عدم التأكد ونستخدم معها‬ {may - might - could }: 2-

I'm not sure / certain - ‫لست متأكد‬ /perhaps / Maybe ‫ ربما‬/ I don't know -‫لست أدرى‬

It is probable / likely / possible -‫ من المحتمل‬/ I don't think / believe ‫ ال أظن‬/

●I don't know why he doesn't want to join the trip . He may / might / could be busy .
3-‫ لكن يكون هناك ما يوحى منطقيا بقوة الدليل أو ضعفة‬، ‫ أحيانًا ال يوجد أي تعبير صريح مما سبق يدل على درجة التأكد‬:

●Ayman has a factory . He can't be poor . ‫) الدليل هنا منطقيا قوى‬

●I sometimes see him in this street . He might live here . ‫الدليل هنا منطقيا ضعيف‬

could have + P.P4-‫يمكن أن تعبر‬ : ‫عن استنتاج ضعيف أو عن شيئ كان من الممكن حدوثه ولكنه لم يحدث‬

●He hasn't visited us for a long time.He could have been busy.‫استنتاج ضعيف‬

●He was able to fix the computer but he didn't .He could have fixed it.‫كان يستطيع ولم يفعل‬

☆Summary on deduction. ‫ملخص االستنتاج‬

1-‫لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل قوى فى المضارع تستخدم‬:

{Subj.+ must ‫ البد‬/ can't ‫ ال يمكن‬+ inf } > Active. ‫{ معلوم‬Obj .+ must / can't + be + p.p } > Passive.

2-‫ لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل ضعيف فى المضارع تستخدم‬: -

Subj . + might / may / could ‫ ربما‬+ inf .> Active. {Obj . + might / may / could + be + p.p
3-‫لعمل إستنتاج عن حدث مستمر فى المضارع تستخدم‬:

{Subj . + must / can't / might / may / could + be + inf . + ing }

-4 - ‫لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل قوى في الماضى تستخدم ؛‬

☆{Subj . + must / can't + have + P.P}Active.☆{Obj . + must / can't + have + been + P.P }
5-‫ لعمل إستنتاج قائم على دليل ضعيف فى الماضى تستخدم‬: -

☆{Subj .+might/may/could + have + P.P.}Active☆{Obj .+ might/may/could + have been +

6- : ‫لعمل إستنتاج عن حدث مستمر في الماضى نستخدم‬

☆{Subj . + must / can't / might / may / could have + been + inf . + ing }

‫ ونستخدم معها‬، ‫تدل التعبيرات التالية على استنتاج قوى‬ / must ‫(فى االثباث‬ can't 7- ‫ مستحيل‬: ‫فى النفى‬

{Impossible / I feel sure / certain / Certainly / surely / definitely .}

‫تدل التعبيرات التالية على عدم التأكد ونستخدم معها‬ {may - might - could }: 8-

●I'm not sure,certain,perhaps,maybe,It is probable,likely,possible.I don't

think,believe,Idon't know

☆Grammer unit {7} ☆Adjectives & Adverbs. ‫الحال‬/‫الصفات والظروف‬

1 : ‫الصفة هى كلمه تصف االسم وغالبا تأتى قبله‬- > Ex. ●Hisham is a fast runner.
2 : ‫الصفة تاتى بعد أفعال معينة مثل‬-

{be ‫ يكون‬/feel ‫يشعر‬ /seem ‫يبدو‬ /look ‫يبدو‬ /sound ‫ يبدو‬/taste ‫يبدو‬ /smell

‫يبدو‬ /stay ‫ يبقي‬/kee ‫يبقى‬/ ‫يداوم‬ /appear ‫ يظهر‬/become ‫ يصبح‬/make ‫} يجعل‬

●She made me happy. ●I felt ill last week. ●It sounds a good idea. ●The food tastes
3-‫بعد األفعال االتيه اذا كان معناها يصبح او يتحول او يصير‬:

{grow-go-turn-run-come-get-fall} Ex.●He went mad. ●She grew tall. ●Her dreams
came true.
4-‫تستخدم الصفه بعد الكلمات االتيه‬:

{someone > some /everyone >every /no one >no /anyone >any} Ex.He told her something
5-‫ كلمات تستخدم كصفه وحال حسب موقعها في الجمله‬:

{early-late -fast-hard-daily-weekly-monthly-yearly}

Ex.Al-Ahram is a daily newspaper. ●Al -Ahram is published daily.

6-‫هناك صفات تنتهى ب‬

{friendly -lovely-deadly-cowardly-lonely -silly-likely-elderly-lively-neighbourly-fatherly -


Ex.●He feels lonely without his friends. ●She treated me motherly.

7-‫بعض الصفات ال يأتي بعدها اسم توصفه‬

{alive-alone-afraid -alret-alike-aware-ashamed -asleep-awake} Ex.●He is aware of his


8-{Adj......................ed. } ‫تصف النتيجه‬ > Ex.●Mohamed Salah made his fans amazed.

{ } ‫تصف المسبب‬ > Ex.●Mohamed Salah is an amazing player.

9-‫الصفات المركبه من اكثر من كلمة‬

{☆20 -year-old. ☆good- looking. ☆old-fashion. ☆kind-hearted. ☆well-educated.}

Ex.I have a 40-year-old friend.


☆The adverbs. ‫الحال‬/ ‫الظرف‬

1-‫ الظرف او الحال هو كلمه تصف الفعل او الصفه او الحال‬:

Ex.●Ramy runs quickly. ‫الفعل‬ ●He is quite tall. ‫الصفه‬ ●Ramy runs extremely quickly.

2-‫لو مافيش مفعول الجمله يبقى نحط الظرف بعد الفعل مباشرة‬

Ex.●He drives slowly. ●She answers correctly.
3-‫ لو فى مفعول في الجمله هنحط الظرف بعد المفعول او قبل الفعل‬:

Ex.●She drives the car slowly. ●She slowly drives the car.
3-‫ فى المبنى للمجهول ينفع نحط الظرف بعد التصريف الثالث للفعل او قبله‬:

EX.●Manar was punished fiercely. ●Manar was fiercely punished.

5-‫ بعض األظرف ينفع تتحط فى اول الجمله وبعدها كومة‬,

{Luckily -Unlikely -Suddenly -Actually -Fortunately -Unfortunately,}

Ex.●Unfortunately,the patient died before the surgery.

6-{ }> in + a,an + {Adj.} + ly + way.

Ex.●She talked in a friendly way. ●She behaved in a silly way. 7-good > well

8-{always -usually -often-sometimes -rarely-never} ‫ظروف التكرار‬

‫' ظروف التكرار توضع فى اول الجملة او آخر الجملة او قبل الفعل العادى او بعد فعل يكون‬

Ex.She is always late. ●She always comes late.

●Always she comes late. ●She is late always.

9-‫ الحظ أهمية استخدام الظروف القويه مع الصفه القويه والظرف العادى مع الصفه العاديه‬:

quite-rather-fairly-very > ‫تستخدم مع الصفات العاديه‬ > bad-cold-happy-tired

{extremely - totally - abosluty - completely > ‫تستخدم مع الصفات القوية‬ > exhusted-freeezing-


☆Unit {8}Work Experience { Active & passive voice.} ‫المبنى للمعلوم والمعنى للمجهول‬

☆Important notes on passive ‫مالحظات هامة على المبنى للمجهول‬

[1]☆Transitive verbs .‫الفعل المتعدى اى لة مفعول ويمكن تحويلة إلى مبنى للمجهول‬
-2: ‫لو الفعل المتعدى لة مفعولين بتحول بطريقتان كاالتى‬

+ 2[-‫ مفعول شيء‬+ ‫مبنى للمجهول‬for/to ‫مفعول عاقل‬- / 1 -‫ مفعول عاقل‬+ ‫ مبنى للمجهول‬+ ‫ مفعول شيء‬+

●He gave her a present. ●She was given a present by him. ●A present was given to him
by her.
[3-]‫ هناك أفعال متعدية تأخذ المفعول ولكنها ال تستخدم فى المبنى للمجهول مثل‬:

{become-suit ‫ يناسب‬-fit ‫ يالئم‬-resemble ‫ يشبة‬-look like-lack ‫ ينقصه‬-equal ‫يساوى‬ }

●He has become an engineer. {✓} ●An engineer has been become by him.

●The jacket doesn't fit Nanosa.{✓} ●Nanosa isn't fitted this jacket. { X }

[4] Intransitive verbs. ‫مثل األفعال االتية‬ ‫ الفعل االزم اى الذى ليس لة مفعول ال يمكن تحويلة إلى مبنى للمجهول‬:

{ happen / occure / go / live / rise / fall / sit / stand / stay / sleep / look / laugh / smille }

●A bad accident occurred in the main street. {✓}●A bad accident was occurred in the
main street.{ X }

[5] Sub. + let ‫ يسمح او يدع‬+ obj. + inf. {Active} ●Ahmed lets me borrow his car from time
to time.

Obj. + be + allowed + to +inf. ●I am allowed to borrow Ahmed's


[6] Sub. + let + ‫ ضمير منعكس‬+ be +P.P { passive } ‫مع الفعل المتعدى اللى لة مفعول‬

●He lets himself deceived by crooks. ●Noura let herself be laughed at by her

☆{Sub. + let + ‫ ضمير منعكس‬+ inf. ‫مع الفعل الالزم اللى ملوش مفعول‬

●Don't let yourself go to suspicious places. ●She let herself fall off her bike.

7-‫مع األدوات‬ ‫مع العاقل و‬ ‫الحظ استخدام حرف الجر‬

●Ali cuts vegetables. ●Vegetables are cut by Ali . ‫مع العاقل‬

●The knife cuts vegetables. ●Vegetables are cut with the knife. ‫مع االدوات‬
8-‫األفعال الذى ياتى بعدها مفعول ثم المصدر تحول حسب القاعدة االتية‬

‫فاعل‬ + see,notice, watch,hear,feel + ‫المصدر‬+ ‫مفعول‬/ V-ing > ‫مبنى للمجهول‬+ ‫ مفعول‬+ to +inf/V-ing.

I see him cross the street every day ‫ الحدث بالكامل‬I see him crossing the street every day. ‫جزء من‬

●He is seen to cross/crossing the street every day.

☆to + inf. {Active} = to be +P.P. {passive } 9-‫الحظ تحويل األفعال التى ياتى بعدها الفعل فى المصدر إلى مبنى للمجهول‬

●Rokaya wants Mr.Ashraf to explain the lesson again. Rokaya wants the lesson to be
explained by Mr..

●I expect Omar to tell me the truth. ●I expect to be told the truth by Omar.

☆V-ing {Active} = being+ P.P {Passive} { ing ‫الحظ تحويل األفعال إلى مبنى للمجهول والتى تنتهى ب‬ }10

●I avoid meeting evil people. ● I avoid being met by evil people.

☆have=own/possess/spent { have/possess } ‫{ ال يحول للمجهول ولكن نستخدم بدال منه‬have } 11- ‫الفعل‬

●We have lunch at three o'clock . ●Lunch is eaten at three o'clock.

●He has summer holiday in Aswan. ●His susummer holiday is spent in


[12]There + be+ Obj. + to + inf. >There is some food to eat. {Active} ‫الصيغتين التاليين يؤديان نفس المعنى‬

☆There + be+ Obj. + to be + inf. > There is some food to be eaten. {Psaaive}

[13]‫الحظ أن المفعول يمكن أن يكون عبارة وصل تبدء بإحدى الكلمات التالية‬ :

{what-when-how-why-how much-how many-how long}

●We don't know what has happened to the patient.

= What has happened to the patient isn't known.

[14]make ‫الحظ كيفية استخدام هذا الفعل بمعنى أجبر او يرغم فى المعلوم المجهول‬

☆Sub.+ make ‫ يجعل اى يجبر‬+ obj.+ inf. {Active} ●The teacher made Ahmed answer the

●The clown makes children laugh.

☆{Obj. + be + made + to +inf.{passive }

●The teacher made Ahmed answer the question. ●Ahmed was made to answer the

●The clown makes children laugh . ●children are made to laugh.

[15]... .need / needs / needed + to + inf + {Active}.‫فى المبنى للمعلوم‬

.............need / needs / needed + to be + p.p + {passive} ‫فى المبنى للمجهول‬

=.............+ need / needs / needed + inf . + ing . {Passive}

●- I need to wash the dishes . > - The dishes need to be washed . = The dishes need washing

16-‫الحظ الصيغة التالية فى المبنى للمجهول‬

☆{Sub.+ say / believe / think / expect / hope / complain / claim + that + ‫} جملة رئيسية‬

●People say that Nada earns a lot of money . ●- We have expected that Tarik will buy a
villa .

●- They believed that I had broken the window .

‫يتم بناء الصيغة السابقة للمجهول بثالث طرق‬:

[1]It + be + said / believed / thought / expect / hoped / complained / claimed +that + ‫جملة رئيسية‬

●- It is said that Nada earns a lot of money . ●- It has been expected that Tarik will buy
a villa .

● - It was believed that I had broken the window .

]2[ -‫ فاعل الجملة الرئسية‬+ be

+ said,believed,thought,expected,hoped,complained,claimed +to +inf.
‫مضارع او مستقبل‬ /to+be+ing.‫ زمن مستمر‬/ to + have + p.p ‫زمن تام‬

●Nada is said to earn a lot of money . ●-Tarik has been expected to buy a villa .

- I was believed to have broken the window . ●She is claimed to be doing a project.

]3[ -‫مفعول الجملة الرئسيى‬+

be + said / believed / thought / expected / hoped / complained / claimed
+to be + p.p ‫ مضارع او مستقبل‬/ to have been + p.p {‫} ماضى‬

●-A lot of money is said to be earned by Nada . ●- A villa has been expected to be bought
by Tarik . -

●The window was believed to have been broken by me . ●A project is claimed to be done
by her.

17☆Obj.+ am,is,are + P.P { present simple} ☆Obj.+ am,is,are +being + P.P { present

18☆Obj.+ was,wewe + P.P { past simple } ☆Obj.+ was,were + being + P.P { past
contentious }

19☆Obj.+ have,has + been + P.P { present perfect} ☆Obj.+ had + been + P.P { past
perfect }

20☆Model verbs + inf. {Actice} > Obj. + Model verbs + be + P.P {passive }

21☆Model verbs + have + P.P {Active} > Obj.+ Model verbs + have + been + P.P

Unit {9}. Starting again. ☆Expresions about quantities . ‫تعبيرات عن الكميات‬

☆{a lot of / lots of / plenty of - many - much - a few - few - a little - little-too many-too much}

[1]☆ A lot of / lots of /plenty > ‫تستخدم فى االثبات مع الكلمات التى تعد والكلمات إلى ال تعد‬

●Mariam has got a lot of /lots of/plenty of books. ● We ate a lot /lots/plenty of cheese.

[2]☆ A lot of / lots of > ‫تستخدم ايضا مع النفى و االستفهام‬

●Can you hurry up? I don't have a lot of time ●Are there a lot of good players at your
tennis club ? ●Have you eaten lots of chocolate ?

[3 ]☆many > ‫ تأتى قبل اسم يعد فى النفى و االستفهام‬/(so/as/too/a good/a great)‫وتأتى فى الجملة الخبرية المثبتة اذا سبقها‬

●I haven't got many friends. ●- Do you have many friends ? ●Are there many campsites
near you ?

■There are too many people in the bus . ■- He has a great many suits .

■Very many people have complained about the situation

[4]☆much > ‫وفى الجملة الخبرية اذا سبقها‬// ‫تأتى قبل اسم ال يعد فى النفى االستفهام‬ > /so,very,as,too

●Did you have much cheese? ●We don't eat much rice. ●Is there much unemployment in
that area?

[5]☆a few ‫قليل للعدد ولكن يكفى‬/ ‫فى االثبات مع اسم يعد وتشير إلى عدد قليل ولكن يكفى‬ <

☆few ‫قليل للعدد ولكن ال يكفى‬/‫فى االثبات مع اسم يعد وتشير إلى عدد قليل ولكن ال يكفى‬ <

●I have a few pounds,so I can buy a shirt. ●I have few pounds,so I can't
buy a shirt.

●Only/Quite a few hundered houses survived the hurricane without any damage.

●He has so few friends in his school. { As/so/too/very +few} ‫يمكن استخدام‬ >

[6]☆a little >‫قليل الكمية ولكن يكفى‬/‫فى االثبات مع اسم ال يعد وتشير إلى كمية قليلة ولكن يكفى‬

☆little ‫قليل للكمية ولكن ال يكفى‬/‫فى االثبات مع اسم اليعد وتشير إلى كمية قليلة ولكن ال يكفى‬ <

[7]☆some > ‫تأتى قبل اسم يعد وال يعد فى اإلثبات وفى سؤالى العرض والطلب‬

- {can , could , shall , should , will , would , may} & ‫سؤال الطلب‬ { would } ‫سؤال العرض‬
‫الجملة الطلبيه ما تدل على طلب شيء من شخص أو عرض شيء على شخص و ليس لالستفسار‬

●My mother knows some good stories. ●I drank some juice.

●Would you like some coffee/apples? ‫سؤ ال عرض‬ ●Can I have some bananas? ‫سؤال طلب‬

[8] ☆any > ‫تأتى قبل اسم يعد او ال يعد فى جملة االستفهام والنفى‬

Auxiliary verbs:{am, is, are, was,were, do, does, did, have,has , had} ‫تستخدم مع صيغة السؤال بالفعل‬

●I didn't drink any milk . ●- I don't want any stamps. ●- I didn't buy any books .

●- She doesn't have any money. ●Do you have any friends?

☆ {hardly - scarcely - never - without - refuse } ‫تأتى مع الكلمات الدالة على النفى‬

●He never had any luck . ● - We hardly had any money .

●-If anyone has any questions, I'll be pleased to answer them. ‫تدل على الشك‬

[9]☆Too many > ‫تأتى قبل اسم يعد فى جملة متبعة وتشير إلى عدد أكثر من الالزم‬
There are too many people in the boat.It's going to sink.

[10]☆Too much ‫تأتى قبل اسم اليعد فى جملة متبعة وتشير إلى كمية أكثر من الالزم‬ <

●There is too much noise .I can't sleep.


☆The Distributive pronouns. ‫الضمائر التوزيعية‬

[1]☆All + ‫ اسم مفرد ال يعد‬+ ‫فعل مفرد‬ ☆all {of } + the / that / this ‫ صفة ملكية‬+ ‫ اسم مفرد ال يعد‬+ ‫فعل مفرد‬

●All Mona's money is at home . ●All ( of ) the information you asked for is on our
web site .

[2]☆all ‫ اسم جمع‬+ ‫فعل جمع‬+ ☆ all ( of ) + the / these / tlhose ‫ صفة ملكية‬+ ‫ اسم جمع‬+ ‫فعل جمع‬

Ex : All ( of ) my friends have got the full mark in the English exam . ●All children need
care and love.

☆All ‫ اسم مفرد بعد وتشير الى المجموعة كوحدة واحدة‬+ ‫ فعل مفرد‬+ ●All the country is ready to face terrorism.

☆All of you = you all ☆All of us = We all ☆All of them = They all

Ex : All of us enjoyed the party = We all enjoyed the party .

2☆Each & Every .‫كل‬

[2] ☆each < )‫تستخدم عندما نتحدث عن اثنين اواكثر سواء اشخاص او اشياء بشكل منفصل ( كل على حدة‬

☆every ‫عندما نتحدث من ثالثة اواكثر رسواء اشخاص او اشياء كوحدة واحدة فى المجموعة‬

☆every ‫ اسم مفرد يعد‬+ ‫ فعل مفرد‬+ ☆each ‫ اسم مفرد يعد‬+ ‫ فعل مفرد‬+

●- Every student was given a book . ● Each student wears a uniform .

●Every cook needs good knives and a chopping board . ●Every store has a manager in
charge of it.

☆each of + the + ‫ صفة ملكية‬+ ‫ اسم جمع‬+ ‫فعل مفرد‬ ☆each ‫ ضمير مفعول جمع‬+ ‫ فعل مفرد‬+

●-Each of my brothers wants his own car . ●Huda and Aya play tennis .

●Each of them is good at it .‫يستخدم قبل ضمير مفعول جمع او بعد ضمير فاعل او مفعول للتوكيد‬

●He told each of us our jobs . I gave each of my three brothers a card .
☆each of us=we each or us each ☆each of them = they each or them each.

●Each of them has an important exams these days. ●They each have an important exams
these days.

●Every car in the city causes some pollution .

☆Every one / day / noun of + ( these / them / my / the .... etc . )

Ex. I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Alexandria.

●I go to the school library every week . ‫عندما نتحدث عن شيئ يحدث على فترات منتظمة‬

●Computers can perform millions of calculations every second .

●Nearly/Almost every car pollutes the atmosphere . ‫{ تستخدم بعد الظروف‬Almost / Nearly /
practically }

●Practically every house now has at least two televisions . He gets his head shaved every
three weeks ●You need to take a break every two hours .

[3]☆none of ‫ اسم ال يعد‬+ ‫ فعل مفرد‬+ / ☆ none of ‫ اسم جمع‬/ ‫ ضمير مفعول جمع‬+ ‫ فعل مفرد‬+

●None of my children has blue eyes . ●None of us cares what happens to him

●None of the water was kept in the jam . ●None of the children were awake.

[4]☆Half {of} ‫يليها اسم مفرد أو جمع و يمكن أن نستخدم معها حرف الجر‬

●He drank half of the bottle . OR- He drank half the bottle .

●Half the workers in this factory are highly skilled . -●Half of the workers ........

☆half of ‫ ال تستخدم فى حالة التعبيرات الدالة على الكمية و القياس‬:

{half a kilometre / half a minute / half a mile / half a pound / half an hour.

●Each talk should last about half an hour .

●My house is half a kilometer / a half kilometer from here .

☆Half of + ‫ضمير مفعول‬ ●Half of us left the party .

‫ تستخدم لالشارة إلى شيئين أو شخصين وياتى بعدها الفعل جمع‬- {Both} [5]

●Both my parents are teachers.

. ‫{ يمكن أن تأتى قبل الفعل مباشرة أو بعد الفعل المساعد‬both}☆

●My parents are both teachers . My brother and my sister both have a laptop.

.‫{ لربط فاعلين او مفعولين تستخدم‬both and }☆

●Both Mike and Jim have red hair . OR Mike and Jim both have red hair .

●He plays both football and tennis . This room serves as both a study and a dining room .

☆Both of + you/us/them.●I loved both of them .I loved them both . Are both of us
invited,or just you ?

☆Both of whom ‫لإلشارة للعاقل و‬ / both of which ‫ لإلشارة لغير العاقل‬: -

●They have two children , both of whom live abroad .

●She has written two novels , both of which have been made into television series .

‫تستخدم لإلشارة إلى اختيار من اثنين‬ {either} [6]

●We can either eat now or after the show . It's up to you .

‫ فإن الفعل عادة يتفق مع الفاعل الثانى‬، ‫ عند استخدامها لربط فاعلين‬- {either}

●Either Mona or her two sisters are going to clean the room .‫تستخدم لربط فاعلين‬

- You can either watch the match on TV or go to the stadium .‫تستخدم لربط فعلين‬

●Friends sat - on either side of me on the plane . = Friends sat on both sides of me on the
plane .

☆{either ‫ بمعنى‬both}

‫{ ـ تستخدم في نهاية الجملة المنفية بمعنى أيضًا‬either}

- The restaurant has good food , and it's not expensive either .

☆neither ‫تستخدم لن فى الجمل‬ ●Neither answer is correct.we have got two TVs,but neither works

☆neither.....nor.... ‫تستخدم لن فى فاعلين او فاعلين او مفصولين فى الجملة‬

●Omar isn't a doctor.Hany isn't a doctor,either. ●Neithef Omar nor Hany is a doctor. ‫الفعل‬
‫يتبع الفاعل الثانى‬

●Neither Ahmed nor his friends like tennis.

●He doesnt drink coffee.He doesn't smoke.> He neither drinks nor smokes.

●He didn't come to my party. He didn't phone me.

●He neither came to my party nor phoned me.

=Neither did he come to my party nor did he phone me.‫اذا جاءت فى اول الجملة‬

☆Neither of + my,her,his,your,,our,their,these,those ‫ياتى بعدهم اسم جمع والفعل مفرد‬

●Neither of my parents travelled abroad.Neither of these books is mine.

●He didn't watch the match.Neither did I.‫تستخدم فى النفى ويأتى بعدها فعل مساعد او ناقص‬

●They aren't interested in politics. Neither am I.

[7] ☆too,either/so,neither

☆Positive sentence. .....> too. She likes English, too.

☆Negative sentence. ....> either. He doesn't speak French,either.

☆...Positive sentence ..,so + ‫ ضمير او فاعل‬+ ‫فعل مساعد او ناقص‬ .●Sarah plays tennis well. So do I.

☆..negative sentence ...,either + ‫ ضمير او فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل مساعد او ناقص‬.

●He didn't watch the match.Neither did I.

☆Unit {11} ☆Finding your calture .{Relative clauses}. ‫عبارات الوصل‬

‫هى جملة او عبارة موصولة فى عبارة أخرى باستخدام ضمير وصل‬: ‫العبارة الموصولة‬:{ Relative clause}-1

●I met Menna who ‫ضمير وصل‬ got the first prize. ‫عبارة موصولة‬

2- ‫ هو ضميراو كلمة تستخدم لربط العبارة الموصولة بالعبارة اللى قبلها وضمائر الوصل هى‬:‫ضمير الوصل‬:

{ Who - whom - which - that - where - when - what }

‫‪:‬محددة وغير محددة وهى كاالتى‪3-‬‬ ‫‪ :‬عبارات الوصل نوعان‬

‫محددة وهى التى تأتى كجزء اساسى من الجملة وال يمكن االستغناء عنها او حذفها واال المعنى هيبوظ منك‪1-Defining.‬‬

‫‪●Dogs which like cats are unusual today.‬‬

‫هى التى تاتى قبلها وبعدها كومة كجملة اعتراضية مكملة لمعنى الجملة ويمكن حذفها دون اختالل المعنى بتاع الجملة‪2-Non-defining:‬‬

‫‪●My grandfather, who is 87,goes swimming every day.‬‬

‫‪4-‬‬ ‫ضمير الوصل نوعان‪:‬ضمير وصل يحل محل فاعل ‪/‬هتالقى جاى بعد ضمير الوصل فعل مباشرة يعنى ضمير وصل ثم فاعل كدا يبقى رابط محل فاعل‪،‬‬
‫فعل ‪ +‬ضمير وصل }‬ ‫{‬

‫‪●We saw the champion who won the competition.‬‬ ‫ضمير وصل يحل محل فاعل‬

‫ضمير وصل يحل محل مفعول هتالقى جاى بعد ضمير الوصل فاعل وبعدين الفعل ‪،‬كدا يبقى رابط محل مفعول { مفعول ‪ +‬ضمير وصل}‬

‫ضمير وصل يحل محل مفعول‪●We saw the champion who you told us about.‬‬

‫تقوم فكرة العبارات الموصولة على إن فى جملتين منفصلتين عن بعض ولكن بينهما إسم او ضمير مشترك ‪،‬فنقوم بربط الجملتين عن طريق حذف إسم او ‪5-‬‬
‫ضمير فى الجملة الثانية عائد على فاعل او مفعول فى الجملة األولى‬

‫‪●This is my car.You rode it last week. > This is my car which you rode last week.‬‬

‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى للعاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل فاعل ومفعول ‪/‬قبلة إسم يدل على عاقل ‪/‬ال يوضع قبلة حرف جر ‪[1] who.‬‬

‫‪●The boy who won the race is my son .‬‬ ‫رابط محل فاعل‬

‫‪●The boy who you met in the party is my son .‬‬ ‫رابط محل مفعول‬

‫‪●This is the boy who I told you about .‬‬ ‫حرف الجر مينفعش قبل } ‪{who‬‬

‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى للعاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل مفعول ‪/‬قبلة إسم يدل على عاقل ‪ /‬يوضع قبلة حرف جر عادى ‪/‬مينفعش يربط محل فاعل ‪[2] whom.‬‬
‫‪●The boy who / whom you met in the party is my son.‬‬

‫‪●This is the boy who / whom I told you about .‬‬ ‫‪●This is the boy about whom I told‬‬

‫‪[3] which‬‬ ‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى لغير العاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل فاعل ومفعول ‪/‬قبلها إسم يدل على غير عاقل ‪/‬حرف الجر بتيجى قبلها او فى آخر الجملة‬

‫‪●The car which hit the old man was very fast.‬‬ ‫‪●The present which you bought was‬‬
‫‪expensive .‬‬

‫‪●This is the room which I sleep in .‬‬ ‫‪●This is the room in which I sleep .‬‬

[4] that ‫ال يستخدم قبلها حرف جر‬/‫تحل محل العاقل وغير العاقل‬/ ‫ويربط محل فاعل ومفعول عادى‬/ ‫ الالتى للعاقل وغير العاقل‬،‫الذين‬، ‫التى‬, ‫الذى‬
‫ماينفعش تحل محل العاقل وغير العاقل فى الضمائر الغير محددة‬/‫خالص‬

●The boy who / that won the race is my son . ●The car which / that you bought was
expensive .

● I know the subject which / that you told me about .

●My grandfather , who is 70 , goes swimming every day .

☆that ‫استخدامات‬

1/-2-‫بعد صيغة التفضيل العليا من الصفات‬ -everything -anything -something ‫بعدها‬

3-‫اذا وصفت اى كلمة من الكلمات اآلتية االسم الذى يسبقها‬ > all,only,any,one,some,every,many,much,few,

●The Fox is the cleverest animal that I have ever seen.

●I lent her all the money that she needed .

[5] where ‫ياتى بعدها فاعل وتربط محل مفعول‬/‫الياتى قبلها او بعدها حرف جر‬/‫قبلها مكان‬/‫ضمير وصل بمعنى حيث للمكان‬

●This is the village where I live. ●She likes the school where she works .

[6] when ‫ياتى بعدها فاعل وتربط محل مفعول‬/ ‫الياتى قبلها او بعدها حرف جر‬/‫قبلها زمان‬/‫ضمير وصل بمعنى عندما للزمان‬

1-This is the house where we live . 2-This is the house which we live in .

3-This is the house in which we live . 4-This is the house which is clean .

5-Ramadan is a month when we fast . 6-Ramadan is a month which we fast in .

7-Ramadan is a month in which we fast 8-Ramadan is a month which lasts for 30


[7] whose ‫ملهاش دعوة بحروف‬/ ‫ياتى بعدها فاعل فقط وتربط محل مفعول‬/‫قبلها عاقل او غير عاقل وبعدها مملوك لما قبلها‬/‫اللى لة‬/‫اللى عندة‬/‫اللى ملكة‬

●-The horse whose legs were broken won't run again. ‫}مالك‬ + whose + {

●-The man whose car is red married my sister.

‫كيف احذف ضمير الوصل ومكانة موجود وزيادة‬/ ‫حاالت حذف ضمير الموصول‬

1-‫اذا ربط محل مفعول يمكن حذفة دون اى تغيير‬

‫‪●This is the woman who I helped .‬‬ ‫‪●This is the woman I helped .‬‬
‫اذا جاء ضمير الوصل بعدة فعل مبنى للمعلوم نحذف ضمير الوصل ونضع للفعل‪2-‬‬

‫‪●The boy who sits next to me is talkative . > ●The boy sitting next to me is talkative .‬‬
‫اذا جاء ضمير الوصل بعدة فعل مبنى للمجهول تحذف ضمير الوصل وفعل يكون ونسيب التصريف الثالث للفعل‪-3،‬‬

‫‪●The computer which was delivered is made in Japan . ●The computer delivered is made‬‬
‫‪in Japan .‬‬
‫‪:‬يمكن حذف االسم الموصول واستخدام صفة وموصوف كاالتى‪4-‬‬

‫‪●Drivers who are Careless drivers should pay a fine.‬‬ ‫‪●Careless drivers should pay pay‬‬
‫‪a fine .‬‬
‫ضمير الوصل بعد صيغة التفضيل العليا واإلعداد الترتيبية ووضع‪5-‬‬ ‫يمكن حذف‬

‫‪●Armestrong was the first man who walked on the moon.‬‬

‫‪=Armestrong was the first man to walk on the moon.‬‬

‫ضمير الوصل معناه ما‪/‬هو اصال مش ضمير وصل ولكن مستخدمة عند عدم ذكر االسم قبل ضمير الوصل ‪[8] what‬‬

‫‪●I didn't understand the words which he said .‬‬ ‫‪= I didn't understand what he said.‬‬

‫‪●Listen to the advice which Listen to what say‬‬ ‫‪●Listen to what your parents say .‬‬

‫ملخص ضمائر الوصل ‪☆Summary on relative clauses‬‬

‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى للعاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل فاعل ومفعول ‪/‬قبلة إسم يدل على عاقل ‪/‬ال يوضع قبلة حرف جر ‪[1] who.‬‬

‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى للعاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل مفعول ‪/‬قبلة إسم يدل على عاقل ‪ /‬يوضع قبلة حرف جر عادى ‪/‬مينفعش يربط محل فاعل ‪[2] whom.‬‬

‫‪[3] which‬‬ ‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى لغير العاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل فاعل ومفعول ‪/‬قبلها إسم يدل على غير عاقل ‪/‬حرف الجر بتيجى قبلها او فى آخر الجملة‬

‫‪[4] that‬‬ ‫الذى ‪,‬التى ‪،‬الذين‪ ،‬الالتى للعاقل وغير العاقل ‪/‬ويربط محل فاعل ومفعول عادى ‪/‬تحل محل العاقل وغير العاقل‪/‬ال يستخدم قبلها حرف جر‬
‫خالص‪/‬ماينفعش تحل محل العاقل وغير العاقل فى الضمائر الغير محددة‬

‫‪[5] where‬‬ ‫ضمير وصل بمعنى حيث للمكان‪/‬قبلها مكان‪/‬الياتى قبلها او بعدها حرف جر‪/‬ياتى بعدها فاعل وتربط محل مفعول‬

‫ضمير وصل بمعنى عندما للزمان‪/‬قبلها زمان‪/‬الياتى قبلها او بعدها حرف جر ‪/‬ياتى بعدها فاعل وتربط محل مفعول ‪[6] when‬‬

‫‪[7] whose‬‬ ‫اللى ملكة‪/‬اللى عندة‪/‬اللى لة‪/‬قبلها عاقل او غير عاقل وبعدها مملوك لما قبلها‪/‬ياتى بعدها فاعل فقط وتربط محل مفعول ‪/‬ملهاش دعوة بحروف‬

‫ضمير الوصل معناه ما‪/‬هو اصال مش ضمير وصل ولكن مستخدمة عند عدم ذكر االسم قبل ضمير الوصل ‪[8] what‬‬

‫‪☆Unit {12}Myths and Fables.‬‬ ‫الكالم المنقول فى الجملة الخبرية ‪{Reported statements speech}.‬‬
‫الجملة الخبرىة‪ :‬هى الجملة التى لها فاعل وفعل على االقل‪/‬تخبر بمعلومة‪/‬ليست أمر والنهى وال سؤال‪./‬وتبدأ الجملة الخبرية فى الكالم الغير مباشر بالمتحدث☆‬
‫‪ .‬او المبلغ والتستخدم عالمات التنصيص‬

‫فعل اإلبالغ‬ ‫‪+‬‬ ‫المتحدث او المبلغ }‬ ‫‪+‬‬ ‫‪that +‬‬ ‫نص الكالم المباشر‬ ‫}‬

‫‪●Mr.Ashraf said that he was going to buy a new car.‬‬

‫‪●Manar went to Aswan last year.‬‬ ‫‪●Hany bought a new car yesterday.‬‬

‫‪Direct speech: 2-‬‬ ‫"‬ ‫الكالم المباشر هو الذى قالة المتكلم للملتقى دون واسطة ودون نقل ويوضع بين عالمات تنصيص "‬

‫‪-‬خطوات ‪3-Reported speech‬‬ ‫الكالم المنقول هو الكالم الذى ينقلة شخص عن متكلمةاو عن طريق شخص آخر‬
‫تحويل الجملة الخبرىة من مباشر إلى غير مباشر وتنقسم إلى‬

‫‪ :‬ا‪ -‬افعال ابالغ البد ان ياتى بعدها المخاطب ‪/‬المفعول مثل‬

‫مفعول ‪/‬مخاطب ‪{told,assured,reminded,persuaded,convinced,warned,promised,informed +‬‬

‫‪ :‬ب‪-‬افعال ابالغ اليمكن ان ياتى بعدها المخاطب ‪/‬المفعول مثل‬

‫‪{remarked ,said ,admitted, shouted , reported ,answered, threatened , replied ,explained,‬‬

‫} ‪whispered , complained, cried ... etc .‬‬

‫) ‪●- Ali admitted that he had taken my mobile by mistake . ( Note : admitted me‬‬

‫‪ that‬ويمكن االستغناء عنها‬ ‫نستخدم الرابط ونحذف عالمات التنصيص ‪2-‬‬

‫تتحول الضمائر حسب المتكلم او المخاطب على النحو اآلتى ‪3- :‬‬

‫‪Direct‬‬ ‫‪reported‬‬ ‫‪Direct‬‬ ‫‪reported‬‬


I > he / she / you / I mine > his / hers / yours /

We > they / we ours > theirs / ours

me > him / her / you / me you > I /he / she / they / we /


us > them / us you > me / him / her / them

/ us

my > his / her / your / my your > my / his / her / their /


our > their /our yours > mine / his / her/

theirs/ours / yours

4- :‫الماضى البسيط والماضى المستمر والماضى التام‬/ ‫نحول أزمنة المضارع البسيط والمضارع المستمر والمضارع التام الى أزمنة‬

{will > would can > could shall > should may > might have to,has to,must >
had to}

5- :‫نحول ظروف الزمان والمكان من مباشر إلى غير مباشر على النحو اآلتى‬


Direct Reported Direct Reported


now then / at that moment tonight that night

this that today that day

these those yet by then

here there ago before

last week the week before next week the week after

the previous week the following

the last week the next week

yesterday the day before tomorrow the day after

the previous day the following


the last day the next day


☆Important notes on reported speech.‫مالحظات هامة على الكالم المنقول‬

1- " ) ‫ ( مباشر‬: ‫ال تتغير األزمنة إذا كان فعل القول في المضارع أو المستقبل‬

●Rodayna says , “ We don't sleep directly after meals."

●Rodayna says they don't sleep directly after meals.

2-) ‫ال يتغير الزمن عند التحويل من مباشر لغير مباشر إذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن حقيقة مطلقة ( حقيقة ثابتة‬

●Mr Gamal said , " Water boils at 100 ° C " . > = Mr Gamal said water boils at 100 ° C .
3-‫ من األفضل أال يتغير الزمن إذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن حقيقة نسبية‬:

●Mr Gamal said , “ Cairo is the capital of Egypt " , > Mr Gamal said Cairo is the capital
of Egypt.
) 4-‫ ال تتغير األزمنة إذا كانت الجملة قيلت منذ فترة وجيزة ويدل على ذلك تعبيرات مثل‬: I

{said a moment ago,a minute ago,a short time ago,recently,said now,said just now}

●A moment ago ,Hesham said,"I will buy some clothes tomorrow. "

●A moment ago ,Hesham said he will buy some clothes tomorrow.

5-‫يبقى الماضى البسيط كما هو بعد التعبيرات الزمنية التالية‬

{would rather - I wish -It is time .}

● " I wish I lived in Paris " , said Yara . > -●Yara said that she wished she lived in Paris .

●" I used to live in a small village when I was young . "said Mr Hossam.

●Mr Hossam said that he used to live in a village when he was young . ( NOT : had used )
☆ 6-‫التعبيرات الزمنية التالية في جمل الكالم غير المباشر تدل على أن االختيار الصحيح ماضى تام‬.

{ the ( day / week / ... ) before /the previous ( day / week / ... ) the last ( day / week /...)- by

●Omar said that he ..........................a tablet the week before .

a-has bought b-didn't buy c-had bough d-was

7-‫ ال تتغير األفعال والتعبيرات الناقصة التالية عند التحويل من مباشر لغير مباشر‬:

{should, would,could, ought,would rather,had better}

-Ali said , " I could swim at the age of six . " = Ali said he could swim at the age of six .
8-‫ ال يتغير زمنى الماضى التام والماضى التام المستمر عند التحويل من مباشر لغير مباشر‬:

●" I had done the shopping before returning home " , she said .

●She said she had done the shopping before returning home .

9-{then} > ‫ماضى مستمر‬: ‫وتدل فى جمل الكالم الغير مباشر على ان االختيار الصحيح‬

●- Nada said that she..................then. a-is sleeping b-will sleep c-was sleeping d-
had slept

}V-ing ‫يمكن استخدام أفعال اإلبالغ التالية عند تحويل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها إما {اسم او‬

{admit / admit to - apologize for - blame ....for-congratulate....on -insisted on - objected to -

deny -

suggest + noun / inf . + ing - }

●Sama said , " What about going for a walk ? " > - Sama suggested going for a walk .

●-Ahmed said , " I don't agree with your opinion . " = Ahmed objected to my opinion .

‫يمكن تحويل الجملة لغير المباشر بالطريقة العادية‬ {deny that / admit that ) ‫الحظ أنه بعد أفعال اإلبالغ‬

-Ahmed said , " I don't agree with your opinion . " = Ahmed admitted that he didn't agree
to my opinion .
‫يمكن استخدام أفعال اإلبالغ التالية عند تحويل الجملة إلى صيغة الكالم غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها‬
{agreed - decide-encourage - invite - offer - promise - refuse - remind - request- threaten +
to + inf . }

●Esraa said , " I will help you with the housework , mum .

●" A Esraa promised mum to help her with the housework .

‫يمكن تحويل الجملة لغير المباشر بالطريقة العادية‬promise/decide/remind / threaten + that ‫الحظ أنه بعد أفعال ا‬

●- Esraa said , " I will help you with the housework , mum . "

●= Esraa promised mum that she would help her with the housework .

☆Unit {12}Myths and Fables. {Reported question speech}. ‫الكالم المنقول فى الجملة االستفامية‬

1-‫سؤال يبداء بأفعال مساعدة‬: ‫األسئلة نوعان‬ {Be /Do /Have / Model verbs } ‫او سؤال يبدء باادة استفهام‬ / {Wh.}

‫ فعل اإلبالغ‬+ ]1-}‫المبلغ او المتحدث‬ > if/whether + ‫نص الكالم غير المباشر } < اذا كان السؤال يبدء بافعال مساعدة‬

●- “Have you finished the report, Samar?” asked the manager.

= The manager asked Samar if / whether she had finished the report .

wh + ‫اذا كان السؤال يبدء بأداة استفهام‬

‫ فعل اإلبالغ‬+ 2[-} ‫المبلغ او المتحدث‬ > } ‫نص الكالم غير المباشر‬ <●
-“When will you go for a walk, Tarek?” asked Bassem.

= Bassem asked Tarek when he would go for a walk.

2-‫ خطوات تحويل الجملة االستفامية من مباشر إلى غير مباشر كاالتى‬:

1- {asked} ‫لو فى مخاطب او مافيش‬ /{asked,wondered,inquired,wanted to know} ‫مفعول‬/ ‫لو مافيش مخاطب‬
‫تتحول األزمنة والضمائر وظروف الزمان والمكان مثل الجملة الخبرية‬

Nadia asked , " When are you taking these tools away from here , Omar ? "

Nadia asked Omar when he was taking those tools away from there . -

‫ال تستخدم كأفعال مساعدة في الكالم غير المباشر لكن يتحول الفعل األصلى إلى زمن الماضي البسيط‬ {do,does}

“Do you help mum, Rokaya?” asked Leen. > ●-Leen asked Rokaya if she helped mum .

‫ال تستخدم كأفعال مساعدة في الكالم غير المباشر لكن يتحول الفعل األصلى إلى زمن الماضي التام‬ {did}

“How did you go to school yesterday, Yasser?” asked Essam.

- Essam asked Yasser how he had gone to school the day before .

“Shall we go fishing?”, Ahmed said.-Ahmed wondered if / whether we should go shopping.

{Shall ‫تحول إلى‬ > should } ‫فى حالة االقتراح‬

‫ لكن يأتي الفاعل وليس الفعل المساعد بعد‬، ‫( الصيغة التالية ليست كالم غير مباشر‬

if / whether ) ‫ او اداة االستفهام‬: ...

Can / Could / Do ... + you / he / ........ + ‫أداة استفهام‬ + Sub.?

●-Could you tell me why you are late for work ? ( NOT : why are you )
‫يمكن أحيانًا استخدام أفعال اإلبالغ الخاصة بالجملة الخبرية‬

●-Sama told us how she had solved the problem .

●- He didn't tell me if / whether he would attend the meeting or not .


☆{Reported imperatives , suggestions and advice} ‫جمل األمر واإلقتراح والنصيحة فى الكالم غير المباشر‬

1-‫ النهي في الكالم غير المباشر من‬/ ‫تتكون جملة األمر‬:

‫المخاطب‬+ ‫ فعل اإلبالغ‬+ }‫المتحدث‬/‫المبلغ‬ + to ‫ االثبات‬/ not to ‫غير المباشر‬ ‫نص الكالم‬ + ‫} النفى‬

●" Help your sister , Ahmed " , said Mr Mohammed . ●- Mr Mohammed told Ahmed to
help his sister .

●- " Don't go out alone in the evening " , said my mother .

●- My mother warned me not to go out alone in the evening .

☆2-‫يستخدم فعل إبالغ مناسب بعد المبلغ مثل‬:

{warned ‫ ذكر‬- ‫ حذر‬reminded - ‫ أمر‬commanded - ‫ أمر‬ordered - ‫ طلب‬asked - ‫ قال‬/ ‫ أخبر‬told - ‫ساعد‬

helped - ‫ آراد‬wanted - ‫ دعی‬invited - ‫ أمر‬instructed - ‫ شجع‬encouraged - ‫ هدد‬threatened - ‫توقع‬
expected - ‫ علم‬taught + Obj.}

‫والمخاطب يكون اسم أو ضمير مفعول‬ > {me - him – her - it - you = us - them }

●The officer ordered the soldiers to arrest the thief . My uncle advised me not to waste my
time .
3-‫تتحول الضمائر وظروف الزمان والمكان كما سبق فى الجملة الخبرىة‬
●Aya said, "Return this book to me tomorrow, Ahmed."

●-Aya asked Ahmed to return that book to her the following day.

●"You should eat healthy food, Roaa," said Mrs Wafaa. 4- ‫الحظ تحويل جملة النصيحة‬

●- Mrs Wafaa advised / told Roaa to eat healthy food.

☆{Sub.+ suggest / recommend + inf. + ing} 5-‫مع األفعال التقريرية‬

● " How about playing tennis ? " Zeinab said . ●- Zeinab suggested playing tennis.

☆{inf. / should + inf} 6-‫فى حالة وجود جملة بعد األفعال والتعبيرات التالية يكون فعلها‬

{suggest - recommend -ask - insist -advise .- It is / was ( vital - essential-crucial... ‫ضروري‬

important }

●- My wife suggested / advised that Rodayna see ( should see ) a doctor .

●- Ahmed suggested / advised that Rodayna take / should take a rest

●- It is vital that Sama follow a diet. ●It is vital that Sama should follow a diet.

☆Clause& phrase.‫الشبة جملة والعبارة‬

☆Clause. ‫{ ويتكون من أداة ربط ويأتى بعدها فاعل ثم فعل والتعطى معنى تام‬ ‫ فعل‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ } ‫> أداة ربط‬ ‫شبة جملة‬

●because I was ill. ●After he he done his homework. ●While she was cooking. ●Although I
was clever.

☆phrase. ‫العبارة > حرف جر‬ + being + Adj./noun./ ‫اسم‬+ ‫ضمير ملكية‬ / V-ing.

●because of being sick. ●Despite playing well. ●Due to heavy traffic. ●In spite of her

[1]☆Clause of cause. ‫الجمل الظرفية الدالة على السبب‬

‫وتستخدم لربط جملتين بسيطتين بهما عالقة سبب‬

☆Clause. > {because, as,since,for ‫ ألن‬+ Sub. +Verb.}

●The boy was punished because, as,since,for he was careless.

●Sarah got high marks because, as,since,for she was clever.

●He scored many goals because, as,since,for he trained well.

☆phrase. > {due to,owing to,on account of,because of,as a result of ,thanks to + being +
Adj./noun./ ‫اسم‬+ ‫ ضمير ملكية‬/ V-ing.}

●The boy was punished due to,owing to,on account of,because of,as a result of , his

●Sarah got high marks due to,owing to,on account of,because of,as a result of ,thanks to
being clever.

●He scored many goals due to,owing to,on account of,because of,as a result of ,thanks to
playing well.

[2]☆Clause of result. ‫الجمل الظرفية الدالة على النتيجة‬

‫وتستخدم لربط جملتين بسيطتين بهما عالقة نتيجة‬

☆[so,therefore, that's why,consequently] ‫ النتيجه‬+ ‫لهذا السبب‬/ ‫ولذلك‬

●He was late,so ,therefore, that's why,consequently he took a taxi.

●She is clever so,therefore, that's why,consequently she becomes fisrt.

[3]☆Clause of purpose. ‫الجمل الظرفية الدالة على الغرض‬

‫وهى روابط تربط جملتين بينهما عالقة غرض او هدف وتكون جملة معقدة‬

☆Present.........{so that,in order that,in the hope that,that,for fear that ‫ لكى‬+ will,can,may +

☆Past.............{so that,in order that,in the hope that,that,for fear that ‫ لكى‬+
would,could,might + inf.}

●He runs fast so that /in order that/in the hope that he can,will,may catch the bus.
{Present }

●He ran fast so that /in order that/in the hope that he could,would,might catch the bus.
{Past }

☆{,in order to,so as to ‫ لكى‬+ inf.}

●He runs,ran fast to/in order to/so as to ‫ لكى‬he can,will,may catch the bus.

[4]☆Clause of contrast. ‫الجمل الظرفية الدالة على التناقض‬

‫وهى روابط تربط جملتين بها عالقة تناقض اى ان الحملة األولى مناقضة للجملة الثانية وتكون جملة معقدة‬

☆Although,though, ‫ بالرغم من‬even though, even if ‫الجملة الفرعية‬ > ‫الرئيسية‬/ ‫حتى لو > الجملة األساسية‬

‫☆ الجملة األساسية او الرئسية‬ + < but ‫ ولكن‬, however ‫ ومع ذلك‬, in spite of this > ‫الجملة الفرعية‬

●Although uncle Ramy is an old man , he still works 10 hours every day .

●She is clever,but/however she gets low marks. ●Though he was ill,he went to

☆despite,in spite of,notwithstanding + being + Adj./noun./ ‫اسم‬+ ‫ضمير ملكية‬ / V-ing.}

●Despite being ill/his illness,he went to school. ●Despite the heavy rain , he went out.

●In spite of being clever/her cleverness, she gets low marks.

☆However + Adj. /Adv. + Sub. +verb,............ ‫اذا جاءت في اول الجملة‬

●However strong he was,he couldn't fight two men.

☆adj./adv. + as + Sub. +verb,... ●Clever as he was,he failed.

☆Whatever ‫مهما‬ + noun +sub.+ verb...... ●Whatever lies he told, he was believed.

☆Conditional Sentences .‫الجمل الشرطية‬ ☆Zero conditional

[1 ] ☆If / When > ‫جواب الشرط‬/ ‫مضارع بسيط‬ + ‫فعل الشرط‬/‫مضارع بسيط‬

‫ هذا النوع من الجمل الشرطية يعبر عن حقائق علمية ومواقف ثابتة‬. ‫الحالة الصفرية عندما تكون النتيجة معروفة ومتأكيدين من حدوثها‬

●If / when you heat ice , it melts . ●If I get ill , I rest in bed .

●If you water plants , they grow . If water cools to OC , it freezes .‫فيزياء‬,‫فلك‬/‫وصف حقائق او قوانين علمية‬

●If / When I feel tired,I go to bed.●You read quickly if you find a book interesting. ‫أحداث‬
‫حقيقية ومواقف ثابتة‬

●If you press the button , the computer switches on . ‫إعطاء توجيهات وإرشادات‬

●If the camera is on , a red light appears .

☆First Conditional.‫النوع األول‬

‫ويستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل للتعبير عن احتماالت مستقبلية‬

[2]☆If > Present simple + will /may / can + inf.

●If she works hard , she will pass the test . ( That is possible ) .

●If we leave now , we'll see the whole match .

‫يستخدم لوصف أحداث او مواقف نعتقد أنها ممكنة او محتمل حدوثها فى المستقبل‬

●If it rains , we'll get wet . ●If I pass the test , I'll be very happy •
‫فى الحالة االولى يجوز أن نستخدم جواب شرط فى صيغة األمر او النهى او الرجاء‬

●If their is a problem, ask your teacher. If you see your grandfather, don't wake him up.

☆Second Conditional. ‫النوع الثانى‬

‫ امر تخیلی و عكس ما هو في الواقع‬: ‫تستعمل للتعبير من عمل أو أمر غير محتمل وقوعه فى الحاضر أو المستقبل‬

[3]☆[ If > ) Past simple ‫فعل الشرط‬/ + would ,could,might ‫ جواب الشرط‬+ inf . ]

●If it were summer , I would go to the beach . If I were tall , I would play basketball. ‫اشياء‬
‫غير حقيقية‬

)‫مواقف غير حقيقية مفترضة في المضارع ( عكس الواقع ( افتراض‬

●If I were rich , I would travel round the world . - I am not rich , so I can't travel round
the world .

●If I had money , I'd buy that shirt . - I don't have money , so I won't buy that shirt .

●If I were a surgeon , I'd perform operations for free .

☆Third Conditional . ‫النوع الثالث‬

‫ندم على شيئ حدث او لم يحدث فى الماضى‬/‫أمنيات وافتراضات فى الماضى‬/‫يعبر عن أحداث ومواقفىفى الماضى تخيلية‬

[4]If > ‫ فعل الشرط‬/Past Perfect .> would, could / might have + P.P

●If I had not gone to that school , I would not have met you .

●If he had passed his exams , he would have gone on holiday .

●If I had had enough money,I would have bought that housel

●If you hadn't phoned , I wouldn't have known you were back from your holiday .

●If she had studied hard,she would have suspcceeded.

☆Summary conditional if ‫ملخص الجمل الشرطية‬

‫الحالة الصفرية تعبر عن حقائق علمية وعادات‬

[1]☆If/When + Present Simple > ,Present Simple . ●If /When we don't water
plants,they die.

[2]☆If + Present Simple ,> will + infinitive . ‫ الحالة االولى تعبر عن أشياء محتملة الحدوث في المستقبل‬.

●If he trains hard for tomorrow's match , he will win it .

[3]☆If + Past Simple , > would ,could,might + infinitive . ‫تعبر عن افتراض في الحاضر عكس الواقع‬

●If it weren't for the internet , people would spend months to find information .

● If I were ten years younger , I'd go mountaineering .

[4] If + Past Perfect , > would,could,might + have + P.P. ‫الحالة الثالثة تعبر عن ندم على الماضى‬

●If he had studled hard , he would have succeeded .


☆In case of + being + Adj./noun./ ‫اسم‬+ ‫ضمير ملكية‬ / V-ing.}‫فى االتبات‬ ‫وتحل محل‬

●If he plays well,he will win the match.●In case of playing well,he will win the match.

☆Without/But for + being + Adj./noun./ ‫اسم‬+ ‫ضمير ملكية‬ / V-ing.}‫فى النفى‬ ‫وتحل محل‬

☆If it weren't for=Without=But for > would, could,might + infinitive .‫تستخدم فى النوع الثانى‬

●If it were not for hope , the heart would break.

☆If it hadn't been for=Without=But for > would, could,might + have+ P.P ‫تستخدم فى النوع الثالث‬

●If it hadn't been for your advice , I wouldn't have been able to solve my problems.

☆Ommission if.‫حاالت حذف‬

{ Should,‫ تستخدم فى النوع األول والثانى‬/Were, ‫ تستخدم فى النوع الثانى‬/Had, ‫} تستخدم فى النوع الثانى والثالث‬

[1]☆Should + Sub. +inf, >will,can ,may + inf. ☆Should + Sub. +inf, > would, could,might
+ inf.

If she studies hard,she 'll get full mark.> Should she study hard , she 'll get full mark.

If she studied hard,she would get full mark. > Should she study hard,she would get full

[2]☆Were + Sub. + ‫اسم او صفة‬+ would, could,might + inf. ‫اذا كانت فعل اساسى‬ {were}

If I were clever, I would pass the exam. > Were I clever,I would pass the exam.

☆Were + Sub. + to + inf > would, could,might + inf. ‫اذا كانت فعل غير اساسى‬ {were}

If he played well, he Would win the match. > Were he to play well , he Would win the

[3]☆Had +Sub, + ‫اسم‬ > would, could,might + inf. ‫اذا كانت فعل اساسى‬ { Had }

●If I had enough time , I would attend the meeting. > had I enough time , I would attend
the meeting.

☆Had + Sub. + P.P > would,could,might + have + P.P. . ‫اذا كانت فعل غير اساسى‬ { Had }

●If he had been clever,he Would have passed the exam.> Had he been clever,he Would
have passed the exam.

I wish / If only ‫أوال التمني في المضارع‬

[1]☆I wish / If only + Sub. + past simple ‫للتعبير عن التمني أو الندم فى المضارع‬

●I wish I were a millionaire . ●I wish I were taller to play basketball .

●I wish I didn't have to travel in such bad weather conditions . ●I wish he had a flat
‫ التمني أو الندم في الماضى‬: ‫ثانيا‬

[2]☆I wish / If only + Sub. + past perfect { had + p.p } ‫للتعبير عن التمني أو الندم فـي الماضى‬

●I wish I had read the question more carefully in yesterday's exam .

●I wish /If only I wish you hadn't wasted so much time .

●I wish I hadn't sold my car . ●I wish I had listened to my teacher's advice .

‫ التمني في المستقبل‬: ‫ثالثا‬

[3]☆I wish / If only + could {I/We} / would + inf. ‫للتعبير عن أمنية في الحاضر‬
●I wish I could be an engineer when I grow up . ●I wish I could use the computer
well .

●I wish I could be a doctor .

‫للتعبير عن الضيق أو الشكوى من شيء ما أو تغير تغير موقف او سلوك شخص بطريقة مؤدبة‬ {would }

●I wish my brothers would stop arguing . ●I wish you would stop talking . ●I wish you
would be quiet .

Question Tag ‫السؤال المذيل‬
‫يتكون السوال المذيع من فعل مساعد او ناقص ثم ضمير او فاعل وسمى بهذا االسم ألنه ياتى فى ذيل الجملة اى فى نهايتها‬

Positive sentence,negative sentence? > Yes......

Negative sentence, positive sentence? > No,...

1-You weren't ill yesterday , were you ? 2-You brought your books today ,
didn't you ?

3-It's very hot today , isn't it ? 4-You didn't forget your pen , did
you ?

5-You're very clever , aren't you ? 6-You didn't go to Luxor last week ,
did you ?

7-You were happy yesterday , weren't you ? 8-You wrote your answers , didn't
you ?

1-He has his lunch at two , doesn't he ? 2. I am his friend , aren't I ?

3. This is an interesting film , isn't it ? 4. That is an interesting film , isn't

it ?

5. These are some exciting books , aren't they ? 6. Those are some exciting books ,
aren't they ?

7. There is no harm in trying it , is there ? 8. He has never been to America , has

he ?
9. There are hardly plants in the desert , are there ? 10. Let's go swimming , shall we ?

11. Let me lend you the money , will / won't you ? 12. Open the box , will / can / could
you ?

13. Everyone liked the idea , didn't they ? 14. Somebody must write the letter ,
mustn't they ?

15. Don't forget to lock the door , will you ? 16. Nothing is wrong , is it ?

17. No one would like to visit him , would they ? 18. We believe that he will come
tomorrow , won't he ?

17. No one would like to visit him , would they ? 18. We believe that he will come
tomorrow , won't he ?

19. I don't think you can swim , can you ? 20. I didn't imagine that he didn't succeed ,
didn't he ?


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