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A New Discovery on What's Causing Itchiness

Story at-a-glance

Research led by Harvard Medical School scientists discovered that Staphylococcus aureus associated
with itchy skin diseases activates sensory neurons that drive the perception of itch, which until now
was believed to be driven by inflammation in the skin
Eczema is not technically an autoimmune disease, but it is strongly associated with the development
of multiple autoimmune conditions, and is strongest for disorders that involve the skin, gastrointestinal
tract and connective tissue
Increasing intake of omega-3 fats has demonstrated the ability to reduce symptoms of inflammation
and the prevalence of atopic dermatitis, which is likely a result of an imbalanced omega-6 to omega-3
Most people may not have to resort to pharmaceutical interventions to lessen symptoms and improve
their quality of life. Utilizing strategies that include probiotics, aloe vera gel and virgin olive oil, coconut
oil, colloidal oatmeal cream, stress management and witch hazel may offer significant relief from the

A team of researchers led by scientists from Harvard Medical School published the results of an animal
study1 in the journal Cell, in which they demonstrated the process that triggers severe itching in people with
eczema. According to the National Eczema Association,2 there are 31.6 million people in the U.S. who have
some form of eczema.

The highest prevalence occurs in early childhood, and it's estimated that 1 out of every 10 individuals will
have eczema at some time during their lifetime. Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is not always simple
to diagnose. Roughly 60% of those with atopic dermatitis receive a definitive diagnosis within 12 months
after the symptoms first begin, while it can take two years or more for 16%.

The condition affects people of all races, skin colors and ethnicities. For those who have the condition,
itching is the most burdensome symptom, with 60.5% of adults reporting severe or unbearable itching in the
two weeks before the survey. Many of those with moderate to severe disease also report having inadequate
control. Even when treatment is available, over 50% have concerns about long-term use of the medication
and over 50% have found treatment is ineffective.

Eczema3 is a group of seven types of inflammatory skin conditions, which typically begin during childhood or
adolescence. The skin condition can range from mild to severe and many people experience flare-ups,
which are times when they have more acute symptoms. These flare-ups can last days or several weeks and
can lead to symptoms that require hospitalization for treatment.

Research Finds What May Take the Itch Out of Eczema

The researchers of the featured study began4 with the understanding that microbes play a role in generating
the sensation of itch and that your skin is constantly exposed to microbes and pathogens. The role that
microbes might play in the perception of itch has been unknown, but this team believes their data show
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is associated with itchy skin diseases and that it activates sensory
neurons that drive the perception of itch.

Until now, most believed that the perception of it was driven by inflammation in the skin, but this team found
the process is separate from the cause of the eczema condition.5 Instead, the researchers believe S.
aureus, an infectious virus that commonly lives on your skin, triggers specific enzymes that are responsible
for triggering itchiness.

Researchers swabbed the skin of 13 people who had eczema and 14 healthy participants. Using the swabs,
mice were exposed to S. aureus, causing them to develop an intense itch, which got worse and led to skin
damage. The team then modified different versions of the microbe and through the process of elimination
discovered the enzyme — V8 protease — was responsible for driving the perception of itch.

The researchers found that the enzyme has direct interaction with nerve cells in the skin.6 They also
compared the microbiomes from the skin samples in the participants and found that nearly everyone who
had atopic dermatitis also had S. aureus on their skin and that the balance of the normal skin microbiome in
those with eczema was off balance, which allowed the microbe to flourish.

The bacteria trigger a reaction by first releasing an enzyme that attaches to nerves, which then activates a
protein on the nerve that transmits the itching signal to the brain. The idea for treatment was to block the
receptor that originally induced itch, which would then block the perception of itchiness and reduce the skin
damage caused by severe scratching.

The team identified an FDA-approved drug for treating blood clots that blocks a receptor on platelets, which
is the same receptor on skin nerve cells. The next step for the research team is to use the active ingredient
in the medication, vorapaxar, in a topical cream.

Eczema: Significant Comorbidity With Autoimmune Diseases

According to the National Eczema Association,7 no one cause for eczema has been identified and there is at
least one cause for each of the different types. However, one of the most common causes is an overactive
immune system that can contribute to the development of the symptoms, including skin inflammation.

While atopic dermatitis is not technically an autoimmune disease, research has determined that diagnosis of
atopic dermatitis places you at higher risk of multiple different autoimmune diseases, including lupus
erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and vitiligo.8

A 2021 case-control study9 using the Swedish national health care registers evaluated data from the
population aged 15 years and older between 1968 and 2016. The researchers included all those with atopic
dermatitis who were an inpatient or had been seen by a specialist as an outpatient. These individuals were
matched by sex and age to healthy controls.

The researchers found that the association with multiple autoimmune diseases was greater than the
association with just one autoimmune disease and was strongest for autoimmune disorders that involved the
skin, GI tract and connective tissue.

While past studies had demonstrated that there was an association between atopic dermatitis and some
common autoimmune diseases, this study determined that the association was strongest when participants
had multiple immune diseases.

Organic pollutants like aluminum, pesticides and other environmental toxins have been associated with
autoimmunity conditions since these chemicals induce oxidative stress and alterations in the immune

Healing Eczema From the Inside Out

Research data have identified a link between your diet and atopic dermatitis. Changes in diet are among
some of the more popular natural alternatives to treating the condition. In a 2022 poster presentation11 at the
Revolutionizing A Topic Dermatitis Conference, the study authors reviewed the results of seven studies that
used docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

These are two omega-3 fatty acids that have known anti-inflammatory effects and have been widely studied
for their health benefits. The researchers found that using omega-3 supplementation did not appear to
prevent allergic symptoms, but did decrease skin inflammation and the prevalence of atopic dermatitis in the
study populations. The poster presentation was later published in the British Journal of Dermatology.12

Omega-3 fatty acids have metabolites that include resolvins, which research has demonstrated have a
strong anti-inflammatory effect, including during allergic and inflammatory diseases.13 A 2015 study14 looked
at the administration of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids in the prevention of atopic dermatitis.
They found long-chain omega-3 fatty acids were a promising approach in the prevention of atopic dermatitis.

The effect that the administration of omega-3 fatty acids has on atopic dermatitis may be a function of the
imbalance typically found in the Western diet. As I've written before, omega-3 fats are required for a wide
variety of bodily functions, including cell division, function of cell receptors, cognition and heart health.

In a 2016 editorial,15 James J DiNicolantonio, PharmD., discussed the importance of balancing your omega-
6 to omega-3 ratio and noted, "It is therefore essential to return to a balanced dietary omega-6 to omega-3
ratio based on data from evolutionary studies." The reason that omega-3 supplementation may help atopic
dermatitis is that you have an imbalance of omega-3 and omega 6 fats.

Tips and Tricks to Help Your Eczema at Home
There is no cure for eczema, but there are strategies that can help hydrate the skin and avoid your triggers,
which helps keep the condition from worsening and lowers the risk of infection. According to the American
Academy of Dermatology (AAD),16 dermatological treatments can include corticosteroid creams,
Pimecrolimus cream, tacrolimus ointment, Crisaborole ointment, or Ruxolitinib cream. Your dermatologist
may also suggest systemic biologic medications.

Yet, most people may not have to resort to pharmaceutical interventions to lessen symptoms and improve
their quality of life. In addition to using omega-3 fatty acids to treat your eczema from the inside out, several
options have far fewer side effects and many you can do at home that can significantly reduce your

Weather changes — Some people experience exacerbations of their eczema when the weather
turns colder. The National Eczema Society17 suggests keeping your home at a regular temperature
and wearing thin layers of clothing that you can layer or remove. Consider using a humidifier during
the cold weather months to raise the humidity in your home.

Pay special attention to areas of your body that are sensitive to the cold, such as your hands and
face, when you go outside. Choose soft, seam-free fabrics to curtail irritation from rough, scratchy
hats, scarves and gloves.
Probiotics — A review of six randomized controlled trials18 including 241 people with atopic
dermatitis found the use of probiotics significantly improved the SCORing Atopic Dermatitis
(SCORAD) measure in adults, but it did not show a significant improvement in skin itch or severity.
Aloe vera and virgin olive oil — Aloe vera gel has antibacterial properties and is commonly used to
help hydrate skin and promote wound healing. One 2020 study19 evaluated the use of a combination
product of aloe vera gel and virgin olive oil and compared the results against the control group using
a common systemic corticosteroid, betamethasone, for six weeks.

The data showed the combination product was superior to betamethasone in the treatment of
eczema in measures of disease severity, quality of life and eosinophil count.
Colloidal oatmeal cream — A 2020 study20 evaluated the effectiveness of colloidal oatmeal cream
on hand eczema and found "that colloidal oatmeal, a natural product with proven barrier protection,
moisturization, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, can have ameliorative effects on eczema
severity symptoms in patients with chronic irritant HE [hand eczema]."
Coconut oil — A 2019 study21 "demonstrated the anti-inflammatory activity of VCO (virgin coconut
oil) by suppressing inflammatory markers and protecting the skin by enhancing skin barrier function.
This is the first report on anti-inflammatory and skin protective benefits of VCO in vitro."
Stress management — There is an association between psychological stress and exacerbations of
atopic dermatitis.22 Seek out stress management strategies that work for you, such as yoga,
meditation, journaling, light exercise, or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
Witch hazel — Witch hazel has a broad range of medicinal applications, including being an anti-
inflammatory, astringent, moisturizer and having antimicrobial properties. These may contribute to
the known effect of relieving itching associated with eczema and helping with oozing eczema.23
Rose geranium essential oil — One study called it "a source of new and safe anti-inflammatory
drugs,"24 as it has potent anti-inflammatory activity that was comparable in effect to diclofenac using

histological analysis of inflammatory inhibition.
Lavender oil — In a review of the properties and effects of lavender oil, one paper25 reported
lavender oil had anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties that have made it effective in
treating dermatitis and eczema, which in animal studies had effects comparable to the corticosteroid


Studies show that short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are signaling factors in the gut-skin axis and can
alleviate skin inflammation. Recent studies have shown that SCFAs mitigate inflammation by
regulating cytokine production by immune cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells
(DCs), and T cells. Short-chain fatty acids can affect cellular metabolism by promoting -oxidation of
mitochondrial fatty acids (FAO). Skin barrier dysfunction is a common pathological feature of
inflammatory skin diseases. Recent studies have shown that SCFAs can improve the skin barrier and
alleviate skin inflammation by altering metabolism and mitochondrial function.

Butyrate is metabolized by epidermal keratinocytes, which in turn enhances the synthesis of

keratinocyte-derived long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs), a key
event in the subsequent generation of ceramides. which are essential for the skin. Spontaneous
chronic urticaria (CSU) is a type of chronic inflammatory dermatosis driven predominantly by mast

Alterations in intestinal metabolites may exacerbate the inflammatory response and immune
dysfunction during the pathogenesis of CSU. Furthermore, reduced SCFA accumulation due to an
imbalance in intestinal flora may play an important role in the pathogenesis of CSU. Given the close
correlation between SCFA expression and the occurrence of skin inflammation, SCFAs could be used
to detect therapeutic efficacy and predict the prognosis of inflammatory skin diseases. (2023)

Posted On 3/4/2024 4:41:15 AM 03/04/2024


Injecting highly toxic heavy metals such as mercury and aluminium into children might cause eczema

About skin scratching. Yeah, 40 years ago, I had eczema really bad, and had it quite intensely in 2
spots on my body. Then it went away for reasons I have no idea of. For the last year I am on a
specific Whole Foods diet to address, certain health issues. Then a few months ago I noticed I was
scratching on large swaths of my body. Bottom line, I found I was eating foods with a lot of oxalates in
it and that was the cause of me needing to scratch kind of all over. FYI For starters, Spinach, Beet
greens, & Swiss Chard are crazy full of oxalates.

Posted On 3/4/2024 4:45:58 AM 03/04/2024


I checked out foods high in nickel a long time ago, and when I saw the high oxalate foods, I noticed
an almost complete overlap between them.

Posted On 3/4/2024 5:33:34 AM 03/04/2024


I have learned to love arugula, lower in oxalates. Good cooked or raw. Also, a few drops of MCT oil in
the bath.

Posted On 3/4/2024 6:17:38 AM 03/04/2024


Interesting article. This is the 3rd year I have experienced horrible itching on my hands. It has always
been the end of January. This year I did not have a rash and it lasted only 14 days. We have gone
through the list of possible suspects with nothing. A few interesting things that I did not share with
dermatologist 1/ started few months after I had covid, no jab and starts after arriving in AZ. My
question can This be related? I wondered if the rash and itchiness is caused by my close proximity to
a large population of people who have been jabbed multiple times? At home I am not in constant
contact all day long. Here I'm in a 55+ community and all my social activities are in the community.
Might be grasping but only thing making sense right now

Posted On 3/4/2024 6:19:41 AM 03/04/2024


Hi depadoo. It may be related to close proximity as you stated. Have you checked your Vitamin D
levels? The good Dr. and others recommend to get that over 50 ng/ml. ( 60-80 might be best). There's
a topical aloe vera product called Skin Gel by Aloe Life. It is a whole leaf concentrate that is brownish
in color. It's a lot more potent than a lot of clear looking aloe products. Very good product. Good luck.

Posted On 3/4/2024 6:41:13 AM 03/04/2024


Jef9075, my vit d levels are good. One PA suggested that I am in the sun except for November and
December. She speculated that "maybe" by January my skin is revolting from lack of sun. Thanks for
the aloe rec. Would I use it every day? I do have quite a number of AIs one being Raynauds since
being diagnosed with fibro caused by levaquin. I mention that but no one seems concerned. But I've
had all these for 20+ years

Posted On 3/4/2024 6:52:13 AM 03/04/2024

@davevarga after getting Covid for a second time, I too had excessive itching. I developed histamine
intolerance and had to cut out all high histamine and high oxalate foods. Most people including many
doctors don’t know about this. So are suffering after a stressful event and don’t know why. I figured it
out, thankfully- but not because a medical professional helped me. It took me a year and a half of
miserable itching from head to toe to drive me to find groups of people on the internet with HI who
know about high HI and high ox food.

Posted On 3/4/2024 5:51:43 AM 03/04/2024


I have had severe eczema since I was a child of 5-6-7 years old. Back then it was on my feet - almost
lost. a toe from the skin peeling off. They didn't know what it was then. Now I have confirmed it.
Recently I had severe eczema on my hands. I found a miracle in the celery juice system from the
Medical Medium - that combination of celery juice along with certain food restrictions completely
cleared it up. I would recommend reading the Medical Medium's book, the Celery one, and following

Posted On 3/4/2024 8:21:46 AM 03/04/2024


This is great to have an explanation of where the itch actually comes from in cases of eczema and
some ways to stop the itch quite easily. Though the actual cause of eczema is multifarious, one that is
worth mentioning here because we already focus on it's devious destruction of our bodies in other
ways is PUFA, and especially omega-6 fat, also called linoleic acid, or LA. When consumed in
excess, LA exhausts the enzymes that are needed to convert it to other necessary oils like GLA,
DGLA, and AA that are critical for skin health as well as important to the entire immune system!

"Similarly, a-linolenic acid [omega-3] concentrations were elevated in the patients whereas the
concentrations of its metabolites [DHA, EPA] were reduced." So higher levels of the parent omega-6
and omega-3 oils can actually reduce the levels circulating of their very important derivatives like GLA
and DHA, and some of these are very important to creating a healthy skin surface: "Therefore, it was
suggested that in atopic eczema there might be a reduced rate of activity of the enzyme 6-desaturase
that converts linoleic acid to GLA and -linolenic acid to stearidonic acid...." Later, a study in Sweden
found: " In children with atopic eczema, linoleic acid concentrations were substantially elevated,
whereas concentrations of DGLA, AA, and docosahexaenoic acid were reduced highly significantly."
So we may often have a "high PUFA" problem as one cause of eczema.

There's a lot more here on this from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: (23)06988-5/fulltext But remember, this is just one cause of eczema.
It's a disease with symptoms arising from various sources. And itching is attending only some cases
of eczema.

Posted On 3/4/2024 7:43:47 AM 03/04/2024


Atopic eczema is part of the allergic triad—eczema, allergies, and asthma. I’ve had all three. I’ve
never heard of it being connected to autoimmune diseases.

Posted On 3/4/2024 7:04:25 AM 03/04/2024


I have seen eczema be CURED with homeopathy many times. Seek out a qualified homeopath. Skin
is a tough one but a good homeopath can root it out. They all treat on line now.

Posted On 3/4/2024 5:34:10 AM 03/04/2024


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