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Assesment Of Learning 1

BY: Lasit,Arnold C.
TO: Ma'am Cornelia Soyosa
March 25, 2023

We tackled lesson six (6) establishing the

test validity and reliability when we say test
reliability is a quality of the instrument that
provides true and independent results. And,
we have an unusual way to establish test
reliability first we have test-retest is
applicable for tests that measure stable
variables, such variables such as aptitude
and psychomotor measure. We have also
parallel forms it applies to there are two
versions of the test last is split-half
applicable also when the test has a large
several items. The computation of using
person R was so confusing to me because,
of the deliberation of the formula, and the
table they gave I do not know where they
come from. More so I have learned this day a
lot and I enjoy it also.

This day is the continuation of the report

by group 1 which is lesson 6, we are done
with the test reliability and we are now on
test validity as they say test validity
measures what is supposed to measure. If
a quarterly exam is valid, then the contents
should directly measure the objectives of
the curriculum. And discuss also the
different types of validity to make the
conducted test valid and had no errors.
Also, when we are conducting a test we
have to determine how difficult and easy
the test items are because we have to
adjust the cognitive level of the students if
they can answer the test.
April 15, 2023
I've learned a lot this day, we tackled lesson 7 entitled
Organization of data using Tables and Graphs. what is
statistics according to the reporter is the branch of science
that deals with the collection, presentation, analysis, and
interpretation of quantitative data. There are two branches
of statistics first descriptive statistics deals with collecting,
describing, and analyzing assets of data without drawing
conclusions (or inferences) about a large group of data.
Inferential statistics is concerned with the analysis of a
subset of data leading to predictions or inferences about the
entire set of data, without dealing with each individual in the
population. It means that inferences can be derived from the
population, using only a sample or a part of the population.
we also the different types of variables such as the discrete
and continuous variables. And also the different types of
graphs such as the histogram, frequency polygon,
cumulative frequency, bar graph, and pie graph. which of one
is the best and easiest to use No one can give a definite
answer to this question. We cannot say what is the best. The
histogram is the easiest in many cases of quantitative data,
but it may not be appealing if you want to make a
comparison of the performance of two or more groups. Bar
graphs work well with qualitative data if you want to
compare the performance of subgroups of the examinee.
Frequency and percentage polygon is useful for treating
quantitative data. A cumulative polygon becomes more
useful for the comparison of groups with unequal numbers
because frequencies have been converted into
April 22, 2023
This was the continuation of the
lesson Alexandra reported on this
topic which measures of variation it
indicates variability, spread and
scatter. measure of variation gives us
the estimate to determine how the
scores are compressed which
contributes to the flatness or
peakedness of the distribution.
standard deviation is also known as
the square root of the variance and
the variance shows the variation of
the mean. Alexandra also deliberated
the different types of variance and
its formula.
April 29, 2023
Maam soyosa conducted a quiz before
the discussion. After the quiz, we tackled
about what is the standard score to get
more information about the performance
of one student and collect the raw score,
the mean, and the standard deviation to
determine how far below or above the
mean in standard deviation units the
obtained raw score. Raw scores can be
converted into a standard score. What do
z-scores mean the z-score value
indicates the distance between the given
raw score and the mean value in units of
the standard deviation. The z-score is
positive when the raw score is above the
mean, while the z-score is negative when
the raw score is below the mean. Jopani
explain a lot and gave an example .she
deliberating smoothly. That's why I've
learned a lot.
May 6, 2023
The topic that are going to discuss by Kaye is the Measurements
of coverability or relationship it is the relationship between two
variables that can be described using statistical techniques such
as correlation, regression, and scatter plots. But we will focus
more on correlation. Correlation measures the strength and
direction of the linear relationship between two variables. When
two variables are related, a change in one variable is associated
with a corresponding change in the other variable. It ranges from
-1 to 1, with -1 indicating a perfect negative correlation, 0
indicating no correlation, and 1 indicating a perfect positive
correlation. A correlation coefficient close to zero suggests that
there is no relationship between the variables, while a
coefficient close to -1 or 1 indicates a strong relationship.
Regression analysis allows you to model the relationship
between two or more variables, and predict the value of one
variable based on the values of other variables. Regression
analysis can also help you to identify the strength and direction
of the relationship between variables, and to test the
significance of the relationship. A scatter plot is a graphical
representation of the relationship between two variables. It
shows the values of one variable on the x-axis and the values of
the other variable on the yaxis. The points on the plot represent
the values of the two variables for each observation. The scatter
plot can help to identify patterns and trends in the data and to
determine the strength and direction of the relationship between
the variables. To make it easier to understand the dependent
and independent variables . independent variables is diractly
prportional to the x and y axis and independent variables is
inversly proportion i have a lot of inputs and take aways on this
day, Thank you.
Before this semester's end, I would like to
say thank you to our beloved and beautiful
professor maam cornelia soyosa for the
wonderful and enjoyable discussion. As
like what you've said ( okay lang mag enjoy
as well as may natutunan, kesa panay tawa
na walang natutunan ) The set up of
learning gave us a opportunity to express,
discuss in front and also how to stand
confidently, in short you build us our self
confidence. Thank you a lot, and i' learned
a lot even though im sleeping on your
class, hope next semester we'll meet
again. ;.>)

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