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Chapter 4: Transport of substances Diffusion

through cell membranes

Random molecular movement of
substances m. by m. thru intermolecular
spaces in mem/ carrier protein.
Energy causing diffusion = normal Kinetic
motion of matter (constant motion = ‘heat’)
Greater motion, higher temperature.
Motion stops at absolute zero temperature.
A approaches stationary B: electrostatic,
other nuclear forces of A repel B,
transferring some KE of A → B: random
continual movement of m. among one
another in liquids/ gases = diffusion
Suspended colloid particles diffuse in
similarly to ions/ whole m. but slower due
to large size.

Cell membrane = lipid bilayer + transport Diffusion thru cell mem:

proteins (penetrate bilayer) • Simple: Kinetic movement of m./ ions
occurs thru mem opening/
Lipid bilayer = immiscible with extra/
intermolecular spaces without
intracellular fluid: acts as a barrier against
interaction with carrier p. in mem
movement of water/ water-soluble m.
• Rate of diffusion depends on:
Lipid soluble m. diffuse directly thru lipid • Amount of substrate available
substance. • Velocity of kinetic motion
Mem proteins: alternate pathway thru • No. & sizes of openings thru
mem: penetrating proteins: mainly which m./ ions can move
transport proteins:
• Facilitated: requires interaction of
• Channel proteins: watery spaces thru carrier protein: aids passage of m./
m., allow free movement of water, ions thru mem by binding chemically &
selected ions/m. shuttling them thru mem
• Carrier proteins: bind with
molecules/ ions to be transported →
Diffusion of lipid soluble substances: rate:
conformational change → move
substance to other side of mem. • Lipid solubility: high: Oxygen, Nitrogen,
Carbon Dioxide, Alcohols
• Usually both types are selective
Diffusion of lipid insoluble substances: Selectivity: due to diameter, shape, nature
water: highly insoluble in mem lipids, but of electrical charges & chemical bonds
passes thru channels (eg: aquaporins) along inside surfaces
Eg: aquaporins: narrow pore, only permits
Aquaporins: selectively permit passage of
water, too small for hydrated ions.
water thru mem. highly specialized, at least
13 diff types Density of some aquaporins (eg: aquaporin-
2) in cell mem: not static – altered in diff
Water can diffuse rapidly: eg: in RBC per sec physiological conditions
x100 volume of RBC Gated channels: regulated by
• Electrical signals: voltage gated
Small lipid insoluble m. (water soluble) can • Chemicals that bind to channel
pass thru protein pore channels: diameter proteins: ligand-gated
increases, penetration decreases rapidly.
Flexible, dynamic structures, subtle conf.
Eg: diameter of urea m.: 20% greater than changes influence gating & selectivity
water, penetration: x1000 less than water
(but due to high water penetration this
amount still allows rapid transport of urea Selectivity of K+ channels
thru mem)
K+ channels: permit K+ x1000 more readily
than Na+
K+ ions: slightly larger than Na+
X-ray crystallography: K+ channels have
tetrameric structure: 4 identical protein
subunits surrounding central pore.
At top of channel pore: pore loops: form
narrow selectivity filter: lining it: carbonyl
When hydrated K+ enter selectivity filter,
Selective permeability & Gating of interact with carbonyl oxygens & shed most
channels: of their bound water m. → dehydrated K+
can pass thru channel
Protein pores & Channels: tubular pathways
that span mem Carbonyl oxygens too far to interact with
smaller Na+ ions: effectively excluded by
Pores: made of integral mem proteins: form
selectivity filter.
open tubes thru mem, always open.
Gating: means of controlling ion
Some gates: thought to be gatelike
extensions of transport protein: can close/
open by conf. change in shape of protein m.
Voltage gating: molecular conf of gate/
chemical bonds responds to electrical
potential across cell mem.
Eg: strong negative charge on inside of cell
mem may cause outside Na+ gates to
remain closed, inside: positive: gates open:
basic mech. for eliciting action potentials in
nerves - responsible for nerve signals.
K+ gates: on intracellular ends, open when
inside of mem is positively charged:
opening of these: to terminate action

Chemical (ligand) gating: binding of

chemical substance → conf./ chemical
Cation/anion selectivity/ for specific ions: bonding change in protein m. → opens/
eg: Na+ channel (d = 0.3-0.5 nm): selectivity closes gate
is crucial for proper cell function. Eg: neurotransmitter acetylcholine opens
Narrowest part of open pore of Na+ channel gate of acetylcholine receptor: negatively
= selectivity filter: lined with strong charged pore: d= 0.65 nm: allows
negatively charged a.a. residues: pull small uncharged m./ small positive ions to pass
dehydrated Na+ away from hydrating water thru: important for transmission of nerve
m. – these ions don’t need to be fully signals: from nerve cell to nerve cell/
dehydrated to pass thru channels. muscle to cause contraction.
Patch Clamp method for recording ion
current flow thru single channels
Micropipette (d = 1-2 μm) placed against
outside of cell mem.
Shows 2 recordings of electrical current
Suction applied inside pipette to pull mem
thru single Na+ channel (~25 mV potential
against top of pipette: creates a seal where
gradient across mem).
edges of pipette touch cell mem: minute
Channel conducts current in an all-or-none mem ‘patch’ at tip of pipette thru which
fashion (either open all/almost all of the electrical current flow can be recorded.
time/ closed at diff voltages): at in-btwn
Small mem patch can be torn away from
voltages: gates snap open & closed at
cell: pipette with sealed patch is inserted
irregular intervals → avg current flow btwn
into a free solution: allows conc. of ions
min & max.
inside pipette & outside in solution to be
Each open state lasts for a fraction of a ms altered as desired.
& up to several ms: rapid changes can occur
Voltage btwn 2 sides of mem can be set/ As binding force of receptor is weak,
‘clamped’ to a given voltage thermal motion of attached molecule
causes it to break away & be released on
Patches can be made small enough so that
opp side of mem
only single channel protein is found
Rate can never be greater than the rate at
By varying conc of diff ions & voltage of
which the carrier protein molecule can
mem: can determine transport
change back & forth btwn its 2 states.
characteristic of the single channel & gating
properties. Note: this mechanism allows molecules to
diffuse in either direction thru mem.

Facilitated/ carrier-mediated diffusion:

Carrier facilitates diffusion of substance

• Simple: rate increases proportionately

with rate of diffusing substance Eg: glucose: 14 mem of mem protein family:
• Facilitated: rate approaches a GLUT: transport glucose in various tissues.
maximum: Vmax: as conc increases Some transport monosaccharides with
similar structures to glucose (galactose,
fructose, etc.)
GLUT 4: activated by insulin, can increase
Molecule to be transported binds to binding rate of facilitated diffusion of glucose by
receptor inside protein carrier (pore) x10-20 in insulin sensitive tissues – principle
In a fraction of a sec, conformational/ mechanism by which insulin controls
chemical change occurs in carrier p., pore glucose use in body
now opens into opp side of mem
Factors that affect net rate of diffusion: Osmosis
• Proportional to conc. gradient: rate Volume of cell remains constant as 0 net
of net diffusion into cell: movement of water.
Under certain conditions: conc. diff for
water can develop across mem: net
• Membrane electrical potential & movement occurs → cell swells/ shrinks
diffusion of ions – Nernst Potential: Osmosis: net movement of water caused by
opp. charge attracts, same repels. a concentration diff of water.
When conc diff rises high enough 2
effects balance each other: the
electrical diff that balances given
conc. diff of univalent ions at normal
body temp: Nernst Potential

• Proportional to pressure diff.:

pressure = sum of all forces of diff Mem is said to be selectively permeable to
molecules striking a unit surface area water, less to Na+ & Cl- ions
at a given instant. (usually higher no.
of molecules = higher pressure):
increased amounts of energy to Osmotic pressure: amount of pressure
cause net movement of m. down needed to stop osmosis
pressure gradient

Osmosis from B→ A will cause levels of fluid

columns to become further apart until
pressure diff develops btwn 2 sides of mem
that is great enough to oppose osmotic
effect = osmotic pressure of solution that
contains non diffusible solute
Osmotic pressure exerted by particles Osmolarity: osmolar conc. expressed as
(m./ions) in a solution: determined by no. of osmoles per liter of solution rather than
particles per unit volume of fluid (molar osmoles per kg of water.
concentration if it is a non-dissociated m,):
Quantitative diff btwn osmolarity &
each particle exerts on avg same amount of
osmolality < 1% for dilute solutions (in
pressure against mem (larger mass, smaller
body) – more practical to measure
velocity: same avg KE)

Active transport
Osmole: to express conc of a solution in Movement of ions/ other substances across
terms of no.s of particles. mem using carrier protein against an energy
1g molecular weight of osmotically active gradient: requires additional source of
solute. (eg: 180g of glucose) energy (besides KE)

If a solution dissociates into 2 ions, 1g Eg: Na+, K+, Ca2+, iron, H+, Cl-, I-, urate ions,
molecular weight = 2 osmoles (no. of diff sugars, most a.a.
osmotically active particles = x2) Important to maintain conc. gr. of ions: eg:
Solution that has 1 osmole of solute energy source must cause excess
dissolved in each kg of water: osmolality of movement of K+ inside cells, Na+ to outside
1 osmole/kg
Normal osmolality of extracellular & Primary AT & secondary AT
intracellular fluids: 300 milliosmoles/ kg of
water Acc to source of energy used to facilitate
Primary AT: energy derived directly from
Osmolality & osmotic pressure breakdown of ATP/ other high-energy
At normal body temp, conc of 1 osmole/L phosphate compound
will cause 19,300 mmHg osmotic pressure Secondary AT: derived secondarily from
in solution (1 milliosmole/L: 19.3 mmHg) energy stored in form of ionic conc diff of
19.3 x 300 (milliosmolar conc. of body secondary molecular/ ionic substances,
fluids) = total calculated osmotic pressure created originally by Primary AT.
of body fluids = 5790mmHg (measured Carrier proteins in AT functions differently
value = 5500 as many ions in solution are from carriers in facilitated diffusion (can
highly attracted to one another: can’t move move substance against electrochemical gr
unrestrained/ create full osmotic pressure using energy)
potential): actual = 0.93x calculated value
Sodium potassium pumps: primary AT: down conc. gr, pump will synthesize ATP
(phosphorylated form of pump donates
To maintain Na+/ K+ conc gr across cell
phosphate to ADP → ATP)
mem, establishing negative electrical
voltage inside cells, basis of nerve function Relative conc. of ATP, ADP, phosphate,
electrochemical gradients of Na+ & K+
determine direction of enzyme reaction
For electrically active nerve cells: 60-70%
cell’s energy requirement: for pumping Na+
out, K+ in

Functions: Control cell volume (otherwise

cells will swell & burst): inside cell proteins,
organic molecules that can’t escape: usually
negatively charged, so attract K+, Na+,
other positive ions: cause osmosis of water
Complex of 2 globular proteins: larger α in – Na+-K+ pump: 3 ions out for 2 in (net
subunit (m. weight = 100,000), smaller β loss out → osmosis out) & as Na
subunit (m. weight = 55,000) permeability is lower than K+ so strong
tendency to remain outside cell
Smaller subunit function unknown: may
anchor protein complex in lipid mem
Larger subunit: 3 specific features: Calcium pump: primary AT:
• 3 binding sites for Na+ on inside
Ca2+ normally maintained at v. low conc in
portion of protein
intracellular cytosol (x10,000 less than ECF)
• 2 binding sites for K+ on outside
• Inside portion (near Na+ binding 2 primary AT Ca2+ pumps:
sites) has ATP activity • In mem: pumps Ca2+ outside cell
• Pumps Ca2+ into one/more
Activation of ATPase when 2 K+ & 3Na+
intracellular vesicles (eg: SR in m.,
bind → cleavage of one ATP m. → liberates
mitochondria in all cells)
high-energy phosphate bond: liberated
energy causes conformational & chemical Carrier protein penetrates mem, functions
change in protein carrier: 3Na+ out, 2K+ in as enzyme ATPase, specific binding site for
If electrochemical gradients are
experimentally increased to the point that
energy stored in gradients > chemical
energy of ATP hydrolysis, ions will move
Primary AT of H+ Secondary AT: Co-transport & Counter-
Important at:
Sodium gradient = storehouse of energy
• Gastric glands in stomach (deep lying
(excess Na always tries to diffuse in): can
parietal cells): for secreting HCl: at
pull other substances with Na thru cell mem
secretory ends [H+] increased to a
= co-transport
million-fold → then released into
stomach with Cl- to form HCl Coupling mechanism required: achieved by
• Late distal tubules & cortical collecting another carrier protein: attachment point
ducts of kidneys: special intercalated (has 2 external binding sites) for both Na+
cells: large amounts of H+ secreted from and transported substance
blood into renal tubular fluid (against Eg:
conc. gr. of x900) to eliminate excess H+
from body fluids • Sodium-glucose transporters: across
renal & intestinal epithelial cells
• Sodium co-transport of aa: 5 aa.
Energetics of primary AT transport proteins identified: each
transports one subset of a.a with
Amount of energy to transport substance
specific molecular characteristics
actively thru mem determined by substance
• Co-transport of K+, Cl-, bicarbonate,
phosphate, iodine, iron, urate
Energy required: proportional to log of the
degree of conc.
Counter-transport: Na+ binds to carrier
where it projects to exterior surface of mem
& transported substance binds to interior
Eg: to concentrate 1 osmole of a substance projection → conf change → energy
10-fold is about 1400 calories, 100-fold: released by action of Na+ moving in used to
1400 x2 = 2800 calories move substance out

Some cells (eg: cells lining renal tubules & Eg:

many glandular cells): expend ~90% energy • Sodium-calcium counter-transport:
for moving substances against conc. gr. thru almost all mem
• Sodium-hydrogen counter-transport:
in proximal tubules of kidneys: can
transport extremely large numbers of
H+: key to H+ control in body fluids
Note: for both co- & counter- transport Eg: Na+ thru epithelial sheet of intestines/
conf. change occurs after BOTH m. have gall bladder/ renal tubules:

Epithelial cells connected together tightly at

luminal pole by means of junctions.
Brush border on luminal surfaces:
permeable to Na+ & water both: diffuse
from lumen to interior of cell
At basal & lateral mem: Na+ actively
transported into extracellular fluid of
surrounding CT & blood vessels:
Active transport thru cellular sheets
Creates high Na+ ion conc. gr. across mem
• Intestinal epithelium → causes osmosis of water
• Epithelium of renal tubules
• Epithelium of all exocrine glands
• Epithelium of gall bladder Thru these mechanisms: almost all
• Mem of choroid plexus of brain nutrients, ions, other substances absorbed
Basic mechanism: AT thru cell mem on one into blood from intestine, reabsorbed from
side of transporting cells in sheet, then glomerular filtrate by renal tubules
simple/ facilitated diffusion thru mem on
opp. side of cell

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