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School of Management Studies

in association with
FlairX networks LLP
Five-day Certification Program on

Introduction to Business Analytics with Python

Date: 21st to 26th March, 2024
Total No. of Sessions: 32 Hrs

Charitable Trust
About REVA University
REVA University is a State Private University established in Karnataka State under
the Government of Karnataka Act No. 13 in the year 2012 in Bengaluru, the IT capital
of India. The University is recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC)
and is approved by the AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education).

REVA University prides itself in contributing to every student’s holistic

development. The University currently offers 38 full-time Under Graduate
Programmes, 33 full-time Post Graduate programmes, 20 PhD programmes, and
certification and diploma programmes. The University offers programmes in
Engineering, Architecture, Science and Technology, Commerce, Management
Studies, Law, Arts & Humanities, and Performing Arts. Courses are offered in
Certificate/Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma too. REVA University facilitates
research leading to a Doctoral Degree in all disciplines. The programmes offered by
REVA University are well-planned and designed based on methodical analysis and
research with emphasis on knowledge assimilation, practical applications,
hands-on training, global and industrial relevance, and their social significance.

About The School of Management Studies

The BBA programs of School of Management studies is ranked 4th in the
country-wide ranking as per GHRDC BBA Ranking Survey – 2021.School of
Management Studies has also been ranked in the 7th position among the Top BBA
Universities in India B-School Survey by TIMES OF INDIA. The School of
Management Studies offers various programmes like BBA- Industry Integrated,
Honors, BBA Entrepreneurship, BBA (Single Specialisation) and BBA (Dual
Specialisation). The BBA programmes are designed to provide adequate scope for
students to enter into wide range of business spheres, entrepreneurship, and reduce
the widening gap between Industries and Academia. The BBA degree offered by this
school enriches the students’ knowledge horizon and enables them to work in
different national and multinational organizations and face the global challenges.
The programs are well planned and designed after detailed study with emphasis on
knowledge assimilation, applications, global job market and their social relevance.
Highly qualified, experienced faculty members and scholars from reputed
universities, institutions, experts from industries and business sectors have
contributed in preparing schemes of instruction and curriculum for these programs.
It prepares student’s right from the inception to get equipped with required skills,
groom them with the right exposure to lead in the global market milieu.

Course Description
• This course focuses on the best practices and approaches for measurement and
analysis of the crucial factors that impact the decision in the corporate world
using analytics and python.
• This course focuses on the understanding of principles and techniques of
Python language for business applications.
Course Objectives
1. To develop understanding on using analytics to solve business problems
2. To identify different mathematical and statistical models available
3. To develop and use advanced predictive analytics methods
4. To identify and select the most appropriate predictive analytics methods and
tools to answer the respective questions and presenting data-driven solutions.

Course Outcome: This Five-day certification program will enable the students to
Understand and implement data analytics and visualization using python and its
libraries and enabling the students to make data-driven decisions and to enhance
their skills in today’s competitive job environment.

Target audience: This Programme welcomes Faculties, Students & Research


How to Enroll: Applicant willing to participate in the programme shall enrol

themselves by filling the online application form mentioned below. The applications
are not complete until receipt of programme fee. Incomplete applications will not be


Registration Details & Process

Registration By Paying The Amount Of Rs. 3000
Payment to Be Done By Clicking on the Below Link
Payment link:

Register through the link by sending payment receipt to this form
Last date of registration: 17th March, 2024

Day Course Content

Day 1 • Overview of Python history and its community

• Comparison with other programming languages
• Understanding Python's philosophy and design principles
• Exploring Python's ecosystem: libraries, frameworks, and tools
• Introduction to Python installation on different platforms
• Setting up development environments: IDEs, text editors, & online
• Choosing the appropriate version of Python for project
• Installing Python using different methods: package managers,
Anaconda, and virtual environments
• Exploring Python's official documentation: navigating the
documentation, understanding its structure, and finding relevant
• Understanding the Python Package Index (PyPI) and using pip for
package management
• Configuring and customizing Python environments: environment
variables, paths, and configurations
• Troubleshooting common installation issues and debugging techniques
• Hands-on practice: installing Python, setting up a development
environment, and running basic Python scripts

Day 2 • Getting Started with Python: Introduction to Python syntax and code
• Understanding Python variables and data types: integers, floats, strings,
booleans, and None
• Exploring dynamic typing in Python: understanding variable types and
type conversion
• Working with basic input/output operations: print() function and input()
• Introduction to Python's built-in functions and standard libraries
• Introduction to Python's string manipulation capabilities: string
concatenation, slicing, and formatting
• Understanding operator precedence and associativity in Python
• Exploring advanced string manipulation techniques: string methods and
• Introduction to Python data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets
• Working with lists in Python: creating lists, accessing elements, and list
manipulation operations
• Exploring tuple immutability and its use cases in Python
• Understanding dictionaries and sets: creating dictionaries, accessing
elements, and set operations
• Hands-on practice: working with variables, strings, arithmetic
operations, and data structures in Python
Day 3 • Understanding the concept of flow control in programming
• Introduction to conditional statements: if, elif, and else statements
• Using comparison operators and logical operators in conditional
• Implementing nested if statements and complex conditionals
• Introduction to iterative statements: while loops
• Using while loops for indefinite iteration and conditional loops
• Understanding loop control statements: break, continue, and pass
• Exploring practical examples and use cases of conditional statements
and while loops
• Introduction to definite iteration: for loops
• Understanding the range() function and its role in for loops
• Working with sequences in for loops: lists, tuples, strings, and
• Using for loops for iteration and traversal of data structures
• Understanding function arguments and return values
• Exploring different types of function parameters: positional parameters,
keyword parameters, and default parameters
• Hands-on practice: implementing control flow structures, loops, and
functions in Python

Day 4 • Understanding file modes: read mode, write mode, append mode, and
binary mode
• Opening and closing files in Python: using the open() function
• Reading data from text files: using read(), readline(), and readlines()
• Writing data to text files: using write() method and file modes
• Handling file errors and exceptions: using try-except blocks
• Working with file objects: file properties, methods, and attributes
• Exploring advanced file handling techniques: file manipulation, copying,
and moving files
• Introduction to advanced data structures: comprehensions and
• Understanding list comprehensions: creating lists using concise syntax
• Exploring dictionary comprehensions and set comprehensions
• Introduction to generator expressions: creating memory-efficient
• Exploring generator functions: defining and using generator functions
• Hands-on practice: working with files, implementing file handling
operations, and using advanced data structures

Day 5 • Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts

• Understanding classes and objects in Python: class definition and
• Exploring class attributes and instance attributes
• Defining methods in Python classes: instance methods, class methods,
and static methods
• Understanding inheritance and polymorphism in Python
• Exploring advanced OOP concepts: encapsulation, abstraction, and
• Introduction to Python modules and packages: organizing and
structuring code
• Exploring built-in modules and third-party libraries for Python
• Introduction to error handling and exception management in Python
• Understanding Python exceptions: types of exceptions and exception
• Handling exceptions using try-except blocks: catching and handling
specific exceptions
• Working with multiple except clauses and finally block
• Introduction to Python standard libraries: math, random, datetime, and os
• Exploring popular Python libraries for web development, data analysis,
and machine learning

Python Packages
Numpy - Introduction to Numpy, Operations & Indexing, Pandas –
Introduction to Pandas, Operations on series and data frames, handling
missing data, Group by, Merging and joining data frames

Matplotlib - Introduction to Data Visualization with matplotlib, Pandas

Visualization, Time Series Visualization.

• Conclusion and recap of key concepts covered during the training

• Q&A session, feedback collection, and next steps for further learning.
Resource Person

Raghu Prasad Konandur

CEO: Kaushalya Technical Training and Consultancy Services

Kaushalya is founded by Raghu Prasad Konandur an IT Professional,academician and

corporate trainer. He has 20 + years of experience in IT.
He started of his career as a Lecturer in an Engineering college and then switched to IT.
He has worked with multiple top notch companies. He has started Kaushalya with the
intension of bridging the gap between the expectation of the industry and the skills of
the students/professionals.
Kaushalya is founded by Raghu Prasad Konandur an IT Professional,academician and
corporate trainer. He facilitate to Skill,Up-skill and Re-Skill.
His diverse skill set encompasses Java technologies, web development, IoT, testing,
database management, architecture and design, Python technologies, Blockchain,
Microsoft technologies, and cloud computing. Recent training engagements include
courses on C#, .Net, MVC, Core, WebAPI, Angular, React, Blockchain, Deep Learning, and
various other technologies, catering to audiences ranging from fresh engineering
graduates to seasoned IT professionals. This seasoned professional continues to
contribute significantly to the IT industry through his multifaceted expertise and
commitment to continuous learning and development.


Prof. Dara Vijayalakshmi Prof. Manasa N.

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
School of Management Studies School of Management Studies
Email: Phone: 9632165632


Jisha Bhumika Poojari Latha

Ph: +91 7019101134 Ph: +91 8971951961 Ph: +91 7795147817
Rukmini Knowledge Park, Kattigenahalli
Yelahanka, Bengaluru - 560 064
Karnataka, India.

Ph: +91- 90211 90211, +91 80 4696 6966


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