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the number of cycles to failure at stress level S. be n, cycles. and so on.

Ther by Miner's rule, (6-45)

constitutes failure. of course, an actual machine part is unlikely to correspond exactly to the fatigue test
specimen. Thus, we may apply the appropriate correction factors described in Chapter 3 to obtain the
corrected fatigue strength of the part, Furthermore, we may wish to use a factor of safety N. Then,
values a, , and so on, may be obtained from a plot of Swd/N versus n Using these values, inequality (6-
45) becomes the criterion for safe design

Example 6-. Suppose we scloct material corresponding to the S, versus a plor in Figure 6-17.
Furthenmore, suppose the actual part size and surface finish and the required reliability are determined
and that a safety factor is selected Using equation (3-3) and the salety (actor N. we may simply rescale
the ordinate as in Figure 6-17. For purposes of illustration, it is assumed that the hich are half the S,
values Let the load on the part produce reversed stresses of S5000 psi for 2000 cycles; $0000 psi for a
5000 cycles and 40000 psi for total effect of all these factors rsults in values of S..N 40000 cydles
Solution. The limiting number of cycles corresponding, respectively, to the above stress values are,
6000.16.200 and n, 130000 cycles. Using inequality (6 45)the resalt is and the pan is afe

PROBLEMS 1. (e) Using Problem Figure 26 of Chapter 5. find the principai stresses and the maximum
shear stress at point Bon the I" dia. bar. Show a Mohr circle representa- tion (b) Repeat for point C 2.
Repeat Problem I with dimension AB-8 in. and dimension BC - 4in. 3. Find the allowable load for the cast
iron machine element in the Example 6-1 ir ASTM class 20 cast iron is used. 4. (s) Find the maximum
shear stress at point A of the I section in Problem Figure 1 of Chapter S.(b)Find the overall factor of
safety based on a yield point of 45,000 psi 5. Repeat Problem 4 for the case where only the 1500-Ib load
s in. from the left support 6. (a) Find bending and transwerse shear stress at points A and B in Problem
Figure 6 (b) Find maximum normal stress and maximum shear stress at both points. (c) For a yicld point
of 50000 psi, find the factor of safety based on the maximum normal stress theory and the maximum
shear theory

7. Based on a factor of salety of 2. find minimum web thickness and minimum flange thickness for the
member in Problem Figure 6. 8. The I section in Example 62 was designed on the basis of approximations
of moment of inertia and shear stress, (a) Using these results, obtain more accurate values of moment
of inertia and shear stress. (b) Find the factor of safety based on failure at A. (c) Find the factor of salety
based on failure at 3. Use the maximum shear theory. Draw a Mohr circle representation of stress at B.
(d) Is there a difference in results if the maximum normal stress theory is used? 9. A machine part
utilizes a symmetric I section as shown in Problem Figure 9. Find maximum normal stress and maximum
shear stress at points B and C at section A in terms of load F. Predict failure location based on the
maximum normal stress theory and the maximum shear theory10. A 13-in, long rod is to be subjected to
a constant tensile load of 8000 lb and a constant torque of 700 Ib-in. The rod is to be made of steel with
a yield point of 100000 psi Design this rod, using the distortion energy theory and a safety factor 11.
Design a nylon rod for the same application as the steed rod in Problem 10. 12. A thin wall cylindrical
pressure vessel has an internal pressure p 500 psi and diameter 24 in. Find the required thickness for a
material yield point of 60000 psi factor of 3. () Base design on maximum normal stress (b) Base design
and a on maximum shear stress. 13. Repeat nart fal of Problem 12 if internal pressure varies from 0 to
500 psi and

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