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George Polya identified four Which of the following

basic steps in problem solving statement is a proposition?

Devise a plan; understand the problem; carry Kindly turn on the laptop.
out the plan; and look back What can you say about the shutdown of ABS-
Understand the problem; devise a plan; carry CBN?
out the plan; and look back The only even number that is prime is 2.
None of the above God Bless you!
Devise a plan; carry out the plan; understand
the problem; and look back Clear selection

Clear selection Let p, q be proposition. The

compound p → q
An infinite complex pattern
that are self-similar and never contrapositive statement
implies statement
end across different scales inverse statement
spiral converse statement
shape pattern Clear selection
Mathematics is the alphabet
Clear selection with which God has written the
Universe according to
Divine Proportion/Golden Ratio
was discovered by Carl Friedrich Gauss
Carl Friedrich Gauss Archimedes
Fibonacci Galileo Galilei
Galileo of Galilei
Euclid of Alexandria Clear selection

Clear selection Let p, q be proposition. The

compound ¬q → ¬p
Determine if the given is a
STATEMENT or NOT and its contrapositive statement
inverse statement
truth value A = {x│x ϵ Z} converse statement
is not a Statement implies statement
is a Statement but False
is a Statement but either True or False Clear selection
is a Statement and True
Considered as the father of
Clear selection mathematics because of his
notable inventions in math and
Mathematics is the study of
science. He was in the service
number pattern
logic and geometric pattern of King Hiero II of Syracuse.
word pattern Galileo Galilei
all of the above Pythagoras
Clear selection Carl Friedrich Gauss
Leonardo Bigollo Pisano
Clear selection Leonardo Bonacci
All of the above
“Cogito ergo sum. (I think, Leonardo de Pisa
therefore I am.)” “If you would
Clear selection
be a real seeker after truth, it
is necessary that at least once Let p, q be proposition. The
in your life you doubt, as far as compound q → p
possible, all things according inverse statement
to a famous mathematician converse statement
implies statement
Isaac Newton contrapositive statement
Rene Descartes
Albert Einstein Clear selection
Carl Fredrich Gauss
Contradiction is a truth value
Clear selection table having
Determine if the given True and no False
statement is False and no True
True are more than False
False are more than True

Clear selection

Determine if the given

statement is
Neither True nor False
Either True or Falses

Clear selection True

Either True or Falses
On 16th century, _____ False
scientist/mathematician Neither True nor False
discover the plus and minus Clear selection
Mathematics rooted on an
Vander Hoecke ancient time somewhere in
Rene Descartes
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Clear selection Philippines
Fibonacci, an Italian Latin America
Mathematician who was known Clear selection
in Fibonacci sequence of
numbers is
Tautology is a truth value table Carl Fredrich Gauss
Isaac Newton
False are more than True Clear selection
False and no True
True are more than False Translate given mathematical
True and no False symbol into language
statement, p ꓦ ¬q
Clear selection
probability p of variable V is negative of q
Mathematics as the queen of p or not q
Sciences according to p of V is not q
p and not q
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Galileo Galilei Clear selection
Archimedes Let p, q be proposition. The
compound ¬p → ¬q
Clear selection
inverse statement
Translate given mathematical contrapositive statement
symbol into language converse statement
implies statement
statement p ꓥ ¬q
probability p of variable V is negative of q
p of V is not q
p and not q
p or not q

Clear selection

Which of the following is not

the definitions of Mathematics
a theorem and a proof of actions
a process of thinking and a set of problem
solving tools
a language and an art
study of pattern

Clear selection

Sometimes referred to as the

Princeps mathematicorum
(Latin for '"the foremost of
mathematicians"') Prince of
Mathematics and "the greatest
mathematician since antiquity"
Albert Einstein
Rene Descartes

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