13 3pm Paracetamol

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Route / Precaution Nursing

Date / Drug Adverse

Brand Name Action Indication Dosage / Contraindication Responsibilitie
Time Interaction Effect
Interval s s

08/13/18 Tempra Reduces  Relieve of 250, 6ml PO Anticoagula CNS: Headache  Contraindicate  Check
@ 3:00 PM fever by fever, q 4o for fever nts d with allergy temperature
acting Headache, CV: Chest pain, to before and a
directly on muscular dyspnea acetaminophen after taking
the aches and  Use cautiously drugs
hypothala pain, GI: Hepatic with impaired  Consult doctor
mic heat- toothache, HalfLife toxicity and hepatic if side effects
Generic regulating colds, 1 – 4 hours failure, jaundice function, takes place and
Name center to earache, chronic create
Paracetemol cause fever due to GU: Acute alcoholism, problems
vasodilati tonsillectomy kidney failure, pregnancy,  Evaluate
on and , inoculations renal tubular lactation therapeutic
sweating, and necrosis response.
which vaccinations.  Alcohol
helps GI tracts Excretion: Hematologic: increases the
dissipate Urine Methemoglobin risk of liver
Classification heat. emia, hemolytic damage that
Analgesic and anemia— can occur if an
Antipyretics hematuria, overdose of
anuria; paracetamol is
neutropenia,leuc taken.
openia,pancytop  Hypersensitivit
enia,thrombocyt y. Renal or
openia,hypoglyc hepatic
emia disease, CV or
Hypersensitivit disorders.
y: Rash, fever

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