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The 2 main types of natural family planning involve:

tracking periods to see when you’re most fertile and avoiding sex or using condoms on those days
(fertility awareness method) 91-99% effective

breastfeeding your baby for up to 6 months to delay ovulation (lactational amenorrhoea method) 99%

Withdrawing the penis before ejaculation (sometimes called the withdrawal method) is not an effective
way to avoid pregnancy and is not recommended.


Natural family planning does not stop you getting or passing on sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
You need to use a condom to protect yourself and others against STIs, including HIV.

Comprehensive Guidelines for Family Planning Activity

Objective: The objective of this family planning activity is to provide participants with comprehensive
information, resources, and support regarding various family planning methods, empowering them to
make informed decisions about their reproductive health and family planning goals.


Identify the Target Audience: Determine the demographic profile of the participants to tailor the
content and approach of the activity accordingly.

Secure Venue and Resources: Arrange for a suitable venue equipped with necessary facilities such as
seating, audiovisual equipment, and informational materials.

Recruit Facilitators: Engage knowledgeable facilitators, including healthcare professionals, family

planning counselors, and community educators, to conduct the activity.

Develop Materials: Prepare informational materials, presentations, and interactive activities to engage
participants and facilitate learning.

Activity Structure:


Welcome and Introductions: Greet participants and introduce facilitators and objectives of the activity.

Icebreaker: Conduct an icebreaker activity to create a comfortable and engaging atmosphere.

Educational Sessions:

Overview of Family Planning: Provide an overview of family planning, including its importance, benefits,
and available methods.

Contraceptive Options: Present information on various contraceptive methods, including effectiveness,

advantages, disadvantages, and considerations for choosing the most suitable option.
Reproductive Health and Wellness: Discuss the importance of reproductive health, regular screenings,
and healthy lifestyle choices for maintaining overall well-being.

Fertility Awareness: Educate participants on fertility awareness methods, including cycle tracking, basal
body temperature monitoring, and cervical mucus analysis.

Contraceptive Counseling: Offer individual or group counseling sessions to address specific questions,
concerns, and preferences regarding contraceptive use.

Interactive Activities:

Role-Playing Scenarios: Conduct role-playing activities to simulate real-life situations related to family
planning decision-making, communication, and problem-solving.

Group Discussions: Facilitate group discussions on topics such as contraceptive myths and
misconceptions, partner communication, and overcoming barriers to family planning.

Case Studies: Present case studies or scenarios highlighting diverse family planning experiences and
encourage participants to analyze and discuss possible solutions.

Q&A Session:

Open Forum: Provide participants with an opportunity to ask questions, seek clarification, and share
personal experiences related to family planning.

Expert Panel: Invite a panel of experts, including healthcare providers and family planning advocates, to
address participant inquiries and provide expert insights.

Resources and Referrals:

Distribute Informational Materials: Provide participants with educational resources, brochures, and
contact information for local family planning clinics and resources.

Referral Services: Offer referrals to healthcare providers or family planning clinics for individuals seeking
further information, counseling, or contraceptive services.

Evaluation and Follow-Up:

Participant Feedback: Collect feedback from participants through surveys or verbal evaluations to assess
the effectiveness of the activity and identify areas for improvement.

Follow-Up Support: Offer ongoing support and resources, including follow-up counseling sessions,
informational materials, and referrals to community resources, to ensure participants have continued
access to family planning services and support.

By following these comprehensive guidelines, the family planning activity aims to empower participants
with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary to make informed decisions about their reproductive
health and family planning goals.

Top of Form
Title: "Understanding Natural Family Planning: A Practical Workshop for All"

Objective: The objective of this seminar is to educate participants about natural family planning
methods, empowering them to make informed choices regarding their reproductive health and family
planning options.

Activity: "Cycle Tracking Workshop"

Description: In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the fundamentals of natural
family planning through the practice of cycle tracking. The workshop will be divided into several
engaging activities:

Introduction to Natural Family Planning:

A brief overview of natural family planning methods, emphasizing their effectiveness, benefits, and
importance in reproductive health.

Understanding Menstrual Cycles:

An informative session on the menstrual cycle, including the phases, hormonal changes, and signs of
fertility and ovulation.

Charting and Tracking:

Participants will receive cycle tracking charts or apps and learn how to accurately record menstrual
cycles, basal body temperature, cervical mucus changes, and other fertility signs.

Interpretation and Analysis:

Facilitators will guide participants in interpreting their cycle tracking data, identifying fertile and infertile
phases, and understanding the concept of fertility awareness.

Discussion and Q&A:

An open discussion session where participants can ask questions, share experiences, and discuss
practical aspects of implementing natural family planning methods in their daily lives.


Empowers participants to take control of their reproductive health and family planning decisions.

Provides practical skills and knowledge for effectively tracking and interpreting menstrual cycles.

Promotes awareness and understanding of natural family planning methods as a viable option for
contraception and fertility management.

Fosters a supportive community where participants can share experiences and learn from one another.

Conclusion: The "Cycle Tracking Workshop" offers participants a hands-on experience in natural family
planning, equipping them with valuable skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their
reproductive health. By fostering understanding and awareness of natural family planning methods, this
seminar aims to promote holistic approaches to family planning that are both effective and empowering
for individuals and couples.

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