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Write your name and your class on all the work you hand in.

Write in dark blue or black pen.

Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.

You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.

The total number of marks for this paper is 50.


This document consists of 9 printed pages including the cover.

PART 1: Multiple Choices Questions

1. Which process involves the release of energy from food substances in all living cells?
A. nutrition
B. respiration
C. digestion
D. breathing

2. The cell wall is made from _________

A. Protein
B. Cellulose
C. Starch
D. Glucose

3. Most chemical reactions happen here:

A. Cell membrane
B. Mitochondria
C. Cytoplasm
D. Choloroplast

4. Which one is NOT the funtion of nucleus?

A. Cordinate cell’s activity such as protein synthesis
B. Generate energy of the cell
C. Store cell’s DNA
D. Control all the activities of the cell

5. The scientific name for an organism is made from the:

A. class and family name
B. genus and species name
C. domain and kingdom name
D. kingdom and phylum name

6. Squid, octopus, clam, mussel is…

A. Annelid
B. Arthropod
C. Mollusk
D. Chordate
7. Which of the following animals have a backbone?
A. Bee
B. Lobster
C. Spider
D. Trout

8. What is the correct term for the removal from organisms of toxic waste materials of
A. defeacation
B. egestion
C. excretion
D. urination

9. Ferns do not have seeds, they reproduce with,

A. root
B. spores
C. flowers
D. cones

10. The atomic number of an element is 11 and its mass number is 23. Pick the correct
combination of protons, neutrons and electrons.
A. p=12, n=12, e=11
B. p=11, n=11, e=12
C. p=12, n=11, e=11
D. p=11, n=12, e=11

11. What are the products for the reaction of metal with hot water?
A. Hydrogen gas only
B. Metal hydroxide + Oxygen gas
C. Metal oxide + Hydrogen gas
D. Metal hydroxide + hydrogen gas

12. What salt will be produced if potassium react with sulphuric acid?
A. Potassium sulphur
B. Sulphate asid
C. Potassium hydroxide
D. Potassium sulphate
13. Complete the statement below.

The metal atoms _____i_______ electrons to form _____ii_______ ions.

The non-metal atoms _____iii______ electrons to form ______iv______ ions.

i ii iii iv
A. lost anion gain cation
B. gain anion lost cation
C. lost cation gain anion
D. gain cation lost anion

14. Which statament is true?

Physical changes Chemical reaction
A. Burning a piece of wood Boil an egg
B. Melting chocolate Heating glass and bending it
C. Boil an egg Melting chocolate
D. Heating glass and bending it Burning a piece of wood

15. What property can explain the changes in reactivity as you go down a group of elements?
A. Number of protons
B. Number of electrons in the outer shell
C. Number of electron shells
D. Number of neutrons

16. Convert 5720 cm to km

A. 0.0572 km
B. 0.572 km
C. 5.72 km
D. 57.2 km

17. Convert 78,000 mm to m

A. 7.8
B. 78
C. 0.78
D. 780
18. A vernier caliper is precise to __________ ?
A. 0.001 mm
B. 0.01 mm
C. 1 mm
D. 0.1 mm

19. What is the reading as shown in the figure below?

A. 9.48 cm
B. 9.48 mm
C. 9.98 cm
D. 9.98 mm

20. A micrometer screw gauge is precise to ________ ?

A. 0.05 mm
B. 0.01 mm
C. 0.005 mm
D. 0.1 mm

21. Calculate the volume of the rock

A. 10.0 cm3
B. 16.0 cm3
C. 30.0 cm3
D. 40.0 cm3
22. The diagram below shows part of a micrometer screw gauge.

What is the correct reading of the micrometer screw gauge?

A. 15.48 mm
B. 17.23 mm
C. 17.73 mm
D. 18.23 mm

23. Why can a gas be compressed?

A. Because its particles are in a random arrangement
B. Because its particles are far apart and have space to move into
C. Because its particles move randomly in all directions
D. Because the particles move vigorously

24. Which of the following is a property of a non-metal?

A. Conducts electricity and heats well
B. Is brittle and breaks easily
C. Has a shiny, metallic luster
D. Can be hammered into thin sheets

25. When water beads on the outside of a cold glass of water.

A. Vaporisation
B. Melting
C. Condensation
D. Freezing
PART 2: Structured Question

1. The basic unit of an organism is a cell.

The diagram below shows one type of incomplete cell.

a) Complete the diagram and label all the parts of the cell. [7m]

b) Name the cell above. [1m]


c) Name the part of the cell that was missing. [1m]


d) State the differences between this type of cell and the other type of cell (in terms of
shape). [1m]

2. Name the process (s) of each transition below.

Solid Liquid Gas

[5 m]

4.State the correct SI units and symbols for each physical quantity below. [5m]

Physical quantity SI unit Symbol





Electric current



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