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RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

Assessment 3/0/2023

Resource Development in the Foundation




Year module

Department of Early Childhood Education

This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.


Open Rubric
Dear Student

RDF2601 is a fully online year module with online assessment only.

This document will provide you with important information, as well as information on the formal


The assessments

All the assessments, as well as information about them, will be available online on the website
for this module on myUnisa, your virtual campus.

Assessment 3

Assessments are regarded as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the
assessments, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the assessment criteria and the
mark allocation rubrics given for each assessment will help you to gain a clear understanding
of what is required of you.

We prefer typed assessments in PDF format to be submitted online. “Read-only” PDF files
cannot be marked and will be cancelled. Handwritten assessments should be legible and
written in black ink and can be scanned for online submission. Contact your regional office for
assistance. Assessments submitted in pencil will not be marked. It is important that the correct
question number appears next to each answer. Ensure that the correct module code, unique
assessment number, as well as the general assessment number appear on the front cover.

It is best practice to include a table of contents, as well as to do a spell check and proofread
your assessments before submitting them. Students lose many marks by submitting incomplete
answers. We expect the assessments to be completed in a professional, academic writing

Do show respect when contacting your lecturers; the use of social-media language is not
acceptable in an academic environment.

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

Feedback on the assessments will be provided in different ways. The markers will comment
constructively on all the paragraph type of assessments. In addition to this, feedback on all
three compulsory assessments will be included in a follow-up tutorial letter to all students
registered for this module, and not only to those students who submitted the assessments.

Please check your answers as soon as you receive the feedback. The assessments and the
feedback on them constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be better
prepared for the next assessment. Pay special attention to all your assessments, as there is no
examination for this module. Your year-end performance will be judged on your competency in
all three assessments (one of which is a portfolio, which is equivalent to an exam).

When you make inquiries about an assessment, please provide the module code (RDF2601),
the number of the assessment and your student number.

No extension can be granted for the assessments and/or the portfolio.

It will take you quite a while to complete your assessments, so start immediately after
registration. Check the due dates of the assessments and work smart as the assessments will
take many hours of your time. You will undoubtedly benefit from spending enough time on
them and giving your best when completing your assessments.

The role of assessments

As explained above, assessments are regarded as part of the learning material for this module.
While doing the assessments, studying and reading the texts, consulting other resources,
discussing the work with your fellow students and/or tutors, or doing research, you are actively
engaged in learning. Looking at the assessment criteria given for each assessment will help
you to understand more clearly what is required of you.

The aim of these questions is to help you to work through the study guide systematically.
Please do not merely scan the study guide to find the answers – make sure that you read and
understand the contents of each chapter thoroughly. In this way, you will not only prepare
yourself for compiling the portfolio, but you will also gain the knowledge required to achieve the
outcomes of this module and be successful in your career.


The purpose of the assessment is to help you work through the learning material/guide
(theory) and apply it practically.

Sources to consult:
• RDF2601 Study Guide
• E-reserves

Instructions on how to complete the assessment:

Read each question carefully.

Answer ALL the questions.
Write down the number of each question when answering.
Use the mark allocation as a guide for how much you must write for each answer.
Explain yourself clearly and properly.
Set your assessment out logically, with a cover page and contents page, and use
headings and paragraphs where appropriate.
Cite your sources, where applicable, and provide a reference list at the end of the

General layout:

When compiling an assessment, one needs to include the following:

A cover page with your name, your student number, the module code and the unique
assessment number.
A contents page, which must include all the main headings in your assessment, with the
relevant page numbers on which they can be found.
Page numbers.
In-text referencing/citations – refer to your study guide to see how this is done correctly
and consistently.
Reference list/bibliography – refer to your study guide to see how this is done correctly
and consistently.

This is a formal, academic assessment and should be treated as such – your writing style,
neatness and the overall presentation of the assessment count towards the general layout
mark, and are also a reflection on you.

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

QUESTION 1: (40)

Read the following scenario:

A new school has been built in the area where you live. You are appointed as a Grade 3
teacher in the new school. Very few learning and teaching resources have been provided
for you to work with. The school has also depleted its budget for buying resources and
you are just a young teacher with a small income. You realise that you have to do
something about the situation and you remember that you were taught during your
studies that you can make use of recyclable/waste materials to develop resources.

1.1 By using recyclable/waste material, design and make the following

resources for your classroom.

A drum

Steps in making the resource.

Paste photos illustrating the beginning, middle and end steps in the making process.

Step 1 (3) Step 2 (3) Step 3 (3)

In which subject will a drum best be used? (1)

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

3 Masks - 1 face of a father, 1 face of a mother and 1 face of a boy/girl

Steps in making the resource.

Paste photos illustrating the beginning, middle and end step in the making process.

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

Step 1 (3) Step 2 (3) Step 3 (3)

In which subject will the masks best be used? (1)

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

Weather and date chart

Steps in making the resource.

Paste photos illustrating the beginning, middle and end steps in the making process.
Step 1 (3) Step 2 (3) Step 3 (3)

When will the weather and date chart be used? (1)

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

Snakes and ladders game

Steps in making the resource.

Paste photos illustrating the beginning, middle and end steps in the making process.
Step 1 (3) Step 2 (3) Step 3 (3)

In which subject will an analogue wall clock best be used? (1)

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

…………… ....................................................................................................................

QUESTION 2: (40)

Learning and teaching support material (LTSM) are resources that enhance a learning
concept in an educational context. A variety of resources can be used in and out of the

2.1 Define the following concepts (1 mark) and provide a photo (2 marks) (not
one taken from the student guide) of the mentioned resource: (15)

Definition Photo
(no photo, no mark)

Natural resources






Open-ended materials










RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

Technological resources





Print materials





2.2 Describe how human resources can be used as teaching and learning resources.


…………… .........................................................................................................

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2.3 Phone a dentist or the nearest clinic and enquire as to whether you can
speak to someone who can assist you if you want to arrange for a dentist to
visit your school as part of a Life Skills lesson in the Foundation Phase.
* Write down (in full sentences) the telephonic conversation that you have
with the dentist at your local dentistry/local clinic to invite her/him, as a
human resource, to share her/his skills and knowledge with your
learners on the theme “Hygiene”.
(Remember to ask him/her permission to transcribe your conversation).

2.3.1 What are the name and telephone number of the dentistry/clinic you phoned
and what is the name of the dentist who will be coming to your school? (3)

…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

2.3.2 Introduction to your conversation: (1)

Good day, I am …………………………………………………………………..,

from (school) ………………………………………………………………….………

• How will you inform the dentist why you need his/her assistance? (2)

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…………… .........................................................................................................

• Ask the dentist what resources she/he can bring along to your classroom
that will meet the outcomes of the theme. (4)

…………… .........................................................................................................

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…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

• Enquire as to what date and time will be convenient for the dentist to visit,
as well as what arrangements need to be made regarding transport. (3)

……………………… ...........................................................................................



(Important: Inform the dentist that the conversation is for assessment purposes only.)

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

2.4 Complete the following:

2.4.1 Describe why outdoor resources are important. (3)

…………… .........................................................................................................

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…………… .........................................................................................................

2.4.2 Give THREE (3) examples of outdoor resources. (3)

…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

2.4.3 Describe how you will ensure the safety of learners when using outdoor
resources. (3)

…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

…………… .........................................................................................................

QUESTION 3: (20)

Teaching and learning resources are used to support teaching and learning.

3.1 Explain and provide an example of how resources can support the following
learning activities:

Culturally diverse activities

Explanation: (2) Photo of a culturally diverse resource (3)







Listening and speaking as language activities

Explanation: (2) Photo of a listening and speaking resource (3)







Reading and phonics activities

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023

Explanation: (2) Photo of a reading and phonics resource (3)







Patterns, functions and algebra

Explanation: (2) Photo of a pattern, function or algebra

resource (3)






TOTAL: [100]

RDF2601/ASSESSMENT 3/0/2023


This declaration form is COMPULSORY, and MUST be signed by each student registered for
the module, Resource Development in the Foundation Phase (RDF2601). Complete the
student declaration form on academic honesty (against plagiarism) for ALL your written
assessments and ATTACH THE FORM to the FRONT of each assessment when

The purpose of this declaration form is to ensure the authenticity (truth and legitimacy) of each
written assessment and that actual learning took place. You must complete and sign this
declaration form. Should this form not be signed, and/or should plagiarism be detected, this
could result in a mark of zero being awarded for the assessment


I, ………………………………………………..…………………………………….…………..….
(full name of student),

do hereby declare that:

1) all the work presented in this assessment is my own, and

2) I understand the consequences of plagiarism.

3) I have read and understood the following UNISA policies:

3.1 Policy for Copyright and Plagiarism

3.2 Policy on Academic Integrity
3.3 Student Disciplinary Code

Student signature ……………………..……….. Date ………………….…………………....

Student number ………………………….. Contact number ……………………..……


Signature ………………………….. Date ……………..………………….…....

Contact number …………………………………………………………………………..………


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