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Located in five south Indian temples, the Bhuta Lingams are said to be places where Shiva
manifested himself as the five natural elements [Pancha Bhuthas].
The temples and their respective elements are:
Ether (Akasa): Chidambaram - Chidambareshwar also called Nataraja;
Wind (Vayu): Kalahasti - Sri Kalahastishwar;
Water (Jala): Tiruvanaikkaval near Srirangam, Trichy – Jambunath or Jambukeshwar;
Earth (Prithvi): Kanchipuram - Shivkanchi and
Fire (Agni): Tiruvanamalai - Arunachaleshwar
Chidambaram is also associated with the heart, Tiruvanaikka with the stomach, and
Tiruvanamalai with the chest

The Svayambhu Linga temples contain representations of Shiva that are believed to have
risen up by themselves in the primordial past. In the commentary by Nigamajnanadeva on
his Jirnoddharadasakam, sixty-eight Svayambhu Lingas are listed
Swayambhu Linga. The history of the Valley, according to the legends, begins with
Swayambhu, or the "the self-existent". In times uncharted by history, Bodhisattva
Manjusri came across a beautiful lake during his travel. He saw a lotus that emitted
brilliant light at the lake's center, so he cut a gorge in a southern hill and drained the
waters to worship the lotus. Men settled on the bed of the lake and called it the Katmandu
Valley. From then on, the hilltop of the Self-existent Lord has been a holy place.
Swayambhu's light was covered in time because few could bear its intensity. By the
thirteenth century, after many layers were added to the original structure that enveloped
the Lord's power, a dome-like shape had been acquired. The stupas central mast was
damaged and replaced at that time. Peripheral sources of power were discovered on the
hilltop as well and stupas, temples, and rest houses were built to honor them. Images of
important deities, both Buddhist and Hindu, were also installed. Today, age-old statues and
shrines dot the stupa complex. Behind the hilltop is a temple dedicated to Manjusri of
Saraswathi - the goddess of learning.
Swayambhu is, perhaps, the best place to observe the religious harmony in Nepal. The
stupa is among the most ancient in this part of the world, and its worshippers are diverse
from Newar nuns, Tibetan monks, and Brahmin priests to lay Buddhists and Hindus. The
largest image of the Sakyamuni Buddha in Nepal is in a monastery next to the stupa. Other
monasteries here have huge prayer wheels; fine Buddhist paintings, and special butter
lamps, which may be lit after presenting monetary offerings.
Swayambhu is a major landmark of the Valley and looks like a beacon below the Nagarjun
hill. It provides an excellent view of the Katmandu Valley. Devotees have climbed the steps
on the eastern side for centuries. Statues of the Buddha, mini stupas, monasteries and
monkeys make the climb to Swayambhu - which is fairly steep - worthwhile. But for
someone who is physically disabled or is pressed for time, the western road allows you to
get off your transport almost at the base of the stupa.
The Swayambhu Linga has been described in the Kamillagama as one, which rose up and
came into existence by itself from time immemorial. This stone was among 69 others, most
of which have been destroyed by idol breakers. It was originally found on a Tibetan
mountain and later brought to Sri Lanka reportedly by King Ravana."
A temple dedicated to lord Siva and His consorts Bhavani and Sivadurga at Keesaragutta,
about 33 km from the city of Hyderabad.
Legend has it that Sri Rama installed the Siva lingam here to atone for the sin of killing
Ravana, a Brahman. He selected this beautiful, resplendent valley surrounded by hills and
verdant greenery for the purpose and ordered Hanuman to bring a Sivalingam from
Varanasi. Hanuman was late in arriving with the Siva lingam and as the auspicious hour
was nearing, Lord Siva himself appeared before Sri Rama and presented a Sivalingam for
installation. Hence the lingam in the temple is called Swayambhu Linga. It is also called
Ramalingeswara as lord Sri Rama had installed the lingam.
Hanuman returned with 101 lingams for selection from Varanasi and felt aggrieved at not
having his lingam installed. Hence he threw them all over the area. Even to this day several
lingams are found scattered all over the place outside the temple.
To mollify Hanuman, Sri Rama ordained that precedence would be given to him for
worship at the temple. He also said that the hillock where the lingam was installed would
bear his name Kesarigiri i.e., Hanuman, the son of Kesari. Over a period of time, it has
become corrupted and is now known as Keessara and the hill as Keesaragutta. Ever since,
the rituals follow the command of Sri Rama.
It was believed that during the “Kali age” (Kalyug), the real and true form of God was
Lord Siva. Though different incarnations of Siva were worshipped, however of all these
forms, it was the Jyotirlinga that was the actual spiritual representation of Lord Siva. Thus
the Swayambhu Jyotirlinga is considered as the ultimate form of worship. Sri Raja
Rajeswara is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Siva. It is a belief that whosoever
worships this holy Swayambhu Siva Linga with true faith is blessed by the grace of Lord
Siva himself.
Jadeshwar is a temple having a ‘Swayambhu Linga’ built by Vadodara's Vithoba Diwan at
the beginning of Nineteenth century AD. This temple runs Anna kshetra and dharmashala
to stay over-night. One can enjoy breathtaking scenic beauty with serpentine curves & a
lake on the way.
There is an important Siva temple located at this site. It is on the right bank of the
Suvarnamukhi River, 27km northeast of Tirupathi, between the two hills, Sripuram and
Mummudicholapuram, which form part of the Sesha Sailam Hills.
This important temple, dedicated to Lord Siva, has one of the elemental lingas, the Vayu
(air) Linga. There is a lamp inside the inner sanctum that is constantly flickering, despite
the lack of air movement inside. The air-Linga can be observed to move even when the
pujaris close off the entrance to the main deity room, which has no windows. You can see
the flames on several ghee lamps flicker as if blown by moving air. The Linga is white and
is considered Swayambhu, or self-manifested.

The main Linga is in the shape of an elephant trunk, with tusks on each side and a figure of
a spider at the bottom. If you look at the Linga from the top, it resembles a snake with five
hoods. The spider is call “Sri,” the snake “Kala,” and the elephant “Hasti.” The three
names combine together to form the name “Sri Kalahasti.”
It is said that the spider wove a web above the Linga to protect it from the sun and rain.
The elephant would get water with its trunk and bath the Linga (perform abhishek) and
the snake would also worship the Lord. The snake was not aware that the elephant and
spider were also worshiping the Lord. One day the snake found bilva leaves and water near
the Lord. He thought that someone was trying to harm the Lord, so he surrounded the
Lord to protect him. When the elephant came the next day to worship the Lord, the snake
thought he was trying to harm the Lord, so he entered his trunk. Unable to handle the pain,
the elephant dashed his trunk against the linga, killing both the snake and the spider. Then
the elephant himself died. Lord Siva was satisfied with the devotion of all three and offered
them all liberation..
Shri Shankar Mandir: The Maha Linga of the lord Shiva is of Rudraksha shape and
believed to be 'self-bodied' (swayambhoo) It is called Trigunatmaka meaning Brahma-
Vishnu-Mahesh are on it for ever. On the head of the Maha Linga you see the marks of the
five holy rivers (Pancha Ganga) & their waters never loose their level. Mother Jeejabai
was weighed by gold by Raje Shivaji in this temple & then the gold was distributed in
charity. This Maha Linga is considered to be superior to the twelve Jyotirlingams.
Sent with Sai love,
Sai brothers – ‘saidevotees_worldnet’


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