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Jan Mari Yukio P.

Matsumoto August 1, 2023

1Intcome BA-102

What struck me the most was the ideas of “Global Village” and Gatekeeping. These
topics made me wonder and reimagine them within the contexts of Filipinos especially in
regards to fake news.
But first I would like to acknowledge and grateful for the global village because it
represents years of trial and error, a culmination of effort from all facets of communication.
Because of them information is right at my fingertips, this convenience is so ingrained in
my life that without feels disabling. The fact that I can learn any topic or skill I want through
content creators, that I can learn news from anywhere and whenever is because of
journalists around the world giving their blood sweat and tears. These efforts made it
possible for students like us to have easier time in accessing information; that a decade
ago, people would have to fight tooth and nail for this opportunity. That is why it saddens
me that such a beautiful gift could be corrupted and used by people with ill intent.
This epidemic of fake news thrives because troll farms are taking advantage of
semantic noise, especially the fact that most Filipinos do not have access to quality
education; worsened by the fact that according to Solas (2022) that despite having the
most expensive and worst quality internet in Southeast Asia, that in April 2020 Filipinos
increased their social media usage increased by 64% with Facebook as one of the main
platforms used. We experienced the height of fake news when it was 2022 elections,
wherein truths about our past are purposefully altered to serve selfish narratives.
These two sides of the same coin show how powerful mass communication,
especially now that it has greater impacts in our everyday lives since it is deeply ingrained
in our everyday routines.

Solas, C. (2022, May 9). Disinformation in the Philippines: Weaponization of cyberspace
and its impact to our country’s political health. Institute for Nationalist Studies.https://ins-

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