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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Negros Oriental
Ajong, Sibulan, Negros Oriental

“The Life of a Toper: Shared

and Exposed”

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research I

Submitted to
Melanie Mae O. Austero

Submitted By
Leader: Junmark B. Deguito
Members: Hazel T. Mansing
Lowinda S. Rio
Alichel Z. Pegarum
Alma Luna Samillano
Criselda Oracoy
Sonny A. Catan
Jefan Sy

March, 2017

Although there have been a lot of studies that were

conducted on the life of a toper there is still a lot to discover about

them. This study attempts to get to know the life of the toper more

than we know now. After all drinking has been part of the life of

every individual even if they comes from different walks of life.

This study is phenomenological in nature and with the help

of the questions that the Student Investigators (SI’s) formulated,

they were able to gather information that is needed for the study the

type of the method employed to gather data was a Focused Group

Discussion (FGD).

The result of the study was that the topers finds joy in

drinking as they believed that it is one of the happiness of a person.

But before they indulge in their drinking, they first make sure that

their family is safe especially since their family is not part of their

habit and lastly, the topers believed that the future of a toper is

death although no one can predict when will death come but they

believe that with drinking death is inevitable that death may be just

around the corner.

Drinking gives happiness to the topers and since according

to some scientist it releases feel-good hormones the reason why

topers are happy. And for this the SI’s then recommends that the

topers must join the activities that the barangay offers, join different

sports to divert their attention away from drinking. After all, it is not

fun to cause some dangers to the family at all. With these case the

SI’s then recommend that they spend some quality time with their

family for them to cherish. And with death, heavy drinking has

played a good part on this case even with the past years and that

this is still playing a good part on the society today so it is still

unstoppable. Yet even if it is unstoppable, there are other ways to

extend one’s life, like living a healthy lifestyle, doing some exercise

to bring out the toxins from their body.


We, the SI’s wish to express their heartfelt gratitude, thanks

and appreciation to the people who have extended and shared their

time and effort for the success of this study

To our beloved Practical Research I teacher, Mrs. Melanie

Mae O. Austero, for her dedication and competence in imparting

her knowledge, making suggestions and broadening her patience in

the preparation and organization of this research.

To our beloved school head, Mr. Joel A. Jamaro, for his

support in the process of making this research a success by letting

us use the school as our work place and for letting us use the

equipment and the Internet connection in the school that are useful

on the success of this study.

To those who are resident of Ajong, Sibulan that were

chosen to be the subject of this research for their ample time,

patience and valuable cooperation in answering the questions

regarding this study.

To the parents for their undying support on the process of

conducting this research. Either financially or emotionally also in

making this book a success.

To all those who have helped the SI’s, in one way or

another, making this a success

And above all, to our Almighty God, whom they entrust for

giving them the presence of mind, good health, patience,

attentiveness and the guidance to the right path in life and all their


Thank You so Much!

The Student Investigators

Table of Contents

Page No.
Title Page
Approval Sheet ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgment v
Table of contents vii

CHAPTER I: The Problem and Its Scope

Introduction 1
Review on Related Literature and Studies 3
Review on Related Literature 3
Review on Related Studies 6
Significance of the Study 11
Operational Definition of Terms 12

Chapter II: Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

Research Methodology 13
Research Questions 13
Research Design 13
Data Gathering Procedure 14

Research Respondents 14
Research Environment 15

Scope and Delimitation 16

Analysis and Interpretation of Results 17

CHAPTER III: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation 22

Bibliography 26
Appendices 28
Personal Data of Researchers 28


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