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EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP constructionmanagermagazine.


Employee ownership

SHARING A PIECE Steel saws rarely used to last long

on construction firm Lindum Group’s

OF THE ACTION sites. They would disappear without

explanation, costing £1,000 a time
to replace.
MORE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES ARE MOVING TO AN In just one year, a total of 29 of the
EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP MODEL. NEIL GERRARD ASKS WHAT saws went missing from Lindum sites,
BENEFITS IT CAN BRING TO EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERS ALIKE leaving the firm with a hefty bill. Two
years later, however, that figure was
down to just one.
What changed? It wasn’t as a result
of new security measures or the
dismissal of a light-fingered employee.
Instead, the business decided to take
the route to employee ownership and
that led to a major shift in mindset
among workers, many of whom had
since become shareholders.
While Lindum was an early convert
to the model, making the switch back
in 1994, it is comparatively rare among
contractors. Architecture practices
and big consultants like Arup, Mott
MacDonald and Rider Levett Bucknall
have embraced the concept, but only
recently have more construction firms
adopted this ownership model.
Last month, utility contractor Falco
switched to an employee ownership
trust, demolition firm McGee made
the same move in May 2020, while
Glasgow-based Pacific Building – a
CIOB chartered building company –
set one up in January 2019.
For Pacific founder Brian Gallacher,
what prompted the decision to
make a change was the need to put
a succession plan in place. But it has
delivered other benefits too.

“We hoped that by

encouraging people to buy
into the company, employees
would be more likely to feel
involved further”
David Chambers, Lindum Group


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Lindum Group now

has 480 employee
shareholders –
around two-thirds of
the workforce 480
short-lived. “When I announced it to
the team here, a lot of them thought it The three main forms of
was a really good opportunity and the employee ownership
majority quickly got it,” he says.
Employee ownership can take
one of three forms:
Changing attitudes l Direct employee ownership – using
Once the trust was in place and one or more tax-advantaged share
employees felt they had a stake plans, employees become registered
individual shareholders of a majority
in Pacific, Gallacher spotted an
of the shares in their company;
immediate shift in how employees l Indirect employee ownership –
viewed their job. shares are held collectively on
“There was a step change in some behalf of employees, normally
people’s attitudes and that was what through an employee trust;
l Combined direct and indirect
I really wanted. People who came in ownership – a combination of
every day and treated it as just a job individual and collective share
suddenly realised it was a bit more ownership.
than a job. They wanted this business SOURCE: EMPLOYEE
to be successful and for clients
to love us. There has been a real
He explains: “The first thing I knew Above: Lindum improvement in productivity.” has been an important factor in our
of employee ownership was when a Group staff holding The sudden reduction in missing success ever since.”
their shares in 1994
subcontractor of ours who operates steel saws a quarter of a century ago The company, which started life as
Below: Lindum
in the retail sector said he was doing was due to a similar shift in attitude, a family-owned business 65 years ago,
Group apprentice
it. He explained how it worked and Katie Hughes says David Chambers, chairman of now has 480 employee shareholders
I looked into it because as I pass my Lindum Group, which operates out of – around two-thirds of the workforce –
60th year I do have to consider a offices in Lincoln, Peterborough and and is managed by a board of
succession plan. York. Lindum’s decision to set up an directors, who also own shares.
“The concern the directors, staff and employee ownership scheme followed The process to establish employee
I had was how do we make sure that completion of a complicated project. ownership took a few months and
the business retains the philosophy, “With hindsight, we felt some of Chambers says the main challenge
culture and values if there was a change the problems we encountered during was communicating the concept.
in management, particularly if the the contract may have been avoided “Employees needed to understand
company was acquired by a business had there been a deeper level of pride, why we were suggesting they should
that didn’t share those values? ownership and commitment among become a partner in the business. We
“Employee ownership seemed the employees,” he says. “We hoped that needed to be clear on the reasons, the
most seamless and simplest route to by encouraging people to buy into the potential benefits and, of course, the
maintaining some kind of legacy.” company, employees would be more potential pitfalls,” he explains.
In Pacific’s case, setting up employee likely to feel involved further and this “In the beginning, we invited senior
ownership took just over two years. staff to buy shares and then we gave
“I had a good look at the possible away free shares to every employee.
downsides and went to the Employee This helped to embed the system and
Ownership Conference in Birmingham encouraged people to continue their
and met people who were at various investment. As personnel changes,
stages of the process. The harder I being clear on the reasons for doing it
looked at it, the more appealing it remains a priority even today.
became to me,” Gallacher recalls. The difference is that now we have
He expected some employees to be real-life examples of how the shares
suspicious of his motives and while scheme works and how it can be
he did meet some cynicism, it was beneficial to them.”


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“I think there is also

a camaraderie and a
togetherness that perhaps
might not have existed
in its fullest extent
pre-employee ownership”
Brian Gallacher, Pacific Building


Company strategy
Under an employee ownership
trust model, Gallacher and his
management team still make all of the
decisions about company strategy at
Pacific. The shareholding is held by
a trust so none of the employees has
individual shares. Pacific Building celebrates its move to employee ownership in 2019
“The official status of the
employees is that they are Employee- these work with their teams to because we are obviously burning a
beneficiaries of the trust. The owned determine the direction of their bit of cash at the moment.
trust can make awards based on construction business within the group plan. “Had there been a management
profitability to each beneficiary or companies Divisions manage their own business buy-out or a trade sale it would
employee should the business have a Pacific Building development, with the support of probably have sucked all the cash
Main contractor
good year,” says Gallacher. central resources, and all employees out and we would likely be operating
Lindum Group
The firm’s trustee board is made Main contractor are encouraged to see potential on an overdraft. I think there is also
up of five people – two employee McGee Demolition business opportunities. a camaraderie and a togetherness
representatives and two management contractor “We also have an annual AGM to that perhaps might not have existed
representatives, as well as one Erith Demolition which all employees are invited. in its fullest extent pre-employee
independent. The management team This is an opportunity to discuss the ownership.”
Falco Utility
meets with the trust a couple of times contractor business and ask questions directly of Chambers agrees that employee
a year to tell the trust how it plans to Raised Floor its board of executive directors.” ownership helps Lindum to handle
run the business. The trustees can Solutions Flooring obstacles. “If we save more money, by
interrogate the management team’s contractor Negotiating the pandemic delivering good client service or being
decisions but can’t prohibit it from The unpredictable, volatile careful how we spend money and
making decisions. environment that has been created looking after our kit, then our shares
“But if all of the board of directors by the covid-19 pandemic has hit will perform better,” he says.
were to suddenly say they were going nearly every sector of the economy “In terms of the pandemic, our
to buy themselves Ferraris, I would hard, and construction has been sites were able to reopen quite
fully expect the trustee board to say no exception. But Gallacher thinks quickly provided they abided by
that they don’t think it is a good use the employee ownership model is a strict regulations. Our employees
of company money,” adds Gallacher. useful one to have when it comes to understood that it was in everyone’s
At Lindum, Chambers says the negotiating tough conditions. best interest to be back in action
approach to decision-making is “Employee ownership swiftly but without compromising on
“the best argument wins”. He says: wouldn’t make a bad business social distancing and hygiene.”
“Lindum Group is one company good, but it helps a good business Gallacher certainly has no
made up of several divisions. Each be better and stronger,” he says. regrets. He says: “It won’t work for
division has its own directors and “We had some good cash reserves everyone but I know that I have done
management structure. Each of which will continue to help us, the right thing.” ●


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